Religions & Mythology (Cantalthis Supplement)

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In the world of Cantalthis, religion works differently. All religions believe in the same creation myth and believe that all deities are true. However, different religions focus on different things and believe that they are divine. Each religion springs from one of the "Arotoni" deities, the ten that have sprung from the creation of everything. It is not uncommon for a believer of one religion to pray to a deity in another for a favor. For example, a believer in Essheki may pray to Austere for a specific purpose. Many people have no organized belief and simply believe in a loose pantheon of deities.

The Light Collider
This is the myth of The Light Collider, the creation of Cantalthis. When reading about the religions of Cantalthis, start here.
Chromaticism, the religion of divine color. These followers see divinity in color and worship Austere, the goddess of color, as their main deity.
Essheki, the religion of the people of Ak'herre. These desert dwellers worship a unique pantheon of deities and have a deep connection to the land they live on. (based on egyptian & aztec mythology)
Druidism, the religion of nature. These followers see divinity in nature, worshipping and forming a deep bond with the plants and animals around them. (based on Celtic mythology)
Deldrism, the religion of Deldrach. These followers see divinity in many things, represented by seventeen gods. They worship the Deldric Lordship and Emperor Deldrach as massively divine. (based on roman pantheon and roman catholicism)
Zhen'qi, the religion of war and honor. These followers see divinity in honor, battle, and discipline. Their deities are defined by the aspects of combat they represent. (based on Mongolian folk religion & asian folk religions)
"Red Sun, Falling Ash" Faith
"Red Sun, Falling Ash" Faith, the religion of Cett. These followers worship their emperor and his divine servants, but in secret they worship a man they call "The Midnight Swordsman".
Vongri, the religion of the void. These followers seek to worship what lies in the third lower plane, the Cthonic immaterial plane where all chaos is projected. (based on h.p. lovecraft)
Shardism, the religion of Adonalsium. These followers seek to unite the shards of Adonalsium to ascend to one of his divine children.
Puritanism, the religion of Technomancy. These followers worship the Protheans and seek to "purify" themselves by replacing their flesh with technology.