Spider's Plague (5e Disease)

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Spider's Plague[edit]

Contracting Spider's Plauge[edit]

A few spiders carry this illness, it is also a poison made by drow.


Stage 1. The target starts gaining effects 1d12 hours after contraction. Once time is up, the target will start growing small black hair on their skin. After 1d8 hours, the target moves to stage 2.

Stage 2. By this time, the target is completely covered in the black hairs. 1d6 hours after getting to stage 2, the target will start feeling stabbing pain from their lower back. After 1d4 minutes, the target will have grown 4 black spider legs from their sides. Soon after, the target's arm and leg bones will painfully shift to match the new legs, you gain the spider climb trait. After 1d4 hours, move to stage 3.

Stage 3. At this point, your arms and legs are now that of a spider, you can no longer hold anything of wear armor or clothing not meant for spider legs. You gain the web sense trait. Your body structure shifts, forcing you to walk on all 8 of your legs. After 1d6 hours, move to stage 4.

Stage 4. When you reach this stage, you become blinded for 1d4 minutes, after this time, your eyesight heals, but your eyes split into 8 glowing red eyes. You gain darkvision out to 120 feet. Your mouth also shifts and hardens, turning into a set of spider mandibles. You gain a bite attack doing 1d8 piercing damage. You gain resistance from poison damage. After 1d4 hours, move to stage 5.

Stage 5. You grow a large spider-like abdomen, you can cast the web spell, without components, once per day. Your vocal cords shift to match that of a spider. You can no longer speak any languages at all. After 1d4 minutes, move to stage 6.

Stage 6. You are now a dire spider, your physical abilities are replaced by a dire spider's. You retain your mental abilities.


Spider's plague can be cured with the remove curse spell at stage 1, lesser restoration spell at stages 2-3, greater restoration at stages 4-5, and wish spell at stage 6.

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