Old Hunter, 3rd varient (3.5e Class)
Old Hunter[edit]
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Old Hunters are all around the world sworn to rid the world of the beast's scourge. Typically lone worriers but never shun from jolly co-operation. They are swift and lethal fighters that specialize in the eldritch horrors that lay beyond the veil. They seek insight to understand the inhuman knowledge of the Great Ones. We are born by the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood. Fear the old blood. This class combines all the other Old Hunter classes presented in D&DWiki and expands them further.
Making an Old Hunter[edit]
They are capable warriors, with the potential to put down any foe. Though without the proper stats it may be hard to play. They can either be played as a vanguard at the front of the party or as swift, skirmishing killers securing kills.
Abilities: Your highest stat should be Strength or Dexterity. Next should be Wisdom or Constitution. After that is up to your own discretion.
Races: Any race can be an Old hunter, but they are typically human.
Alignment: Any.
Starting Gold: 4d6 x 10.
Starting Age: Any
Level | Base Attack Bonus |
Saving Throws | Special | Unarmored Speed Bonus | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fort | Ref | Will | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1st | +1 | +1 | +1 | +1 | Unarmored Defense, Blood Ministration, Trick Weapon | +0 ft. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2nd | +2 | +1 | +1 | +1 | Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse, Skirmish | +0 ft. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3rd | +3 | +2 | +2 | +2 | Caryll Rune, Fast Movement | +10 ft. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4th | +4 | +2 | +2 | +2 | Evasion, Uncanny Dodge | +10 ft. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5th | +5 | +3 | +3 | +3 | Extra Attack | +10 ft. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6th | +6/+1 | +3 | +3 | +3 | Create Opening | +20 ft. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7th | +7/+2 | +4 | +4 | +4 | Caryll Rune Ability | +20 ft. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8th | +8/+3 | +4 | +4 | +4 | Improved Uncanny Dodge | +20 ft. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9th | +9/+4 | +5 | +5 | +5 | Rubbing Paper (one use) | +30 ft. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10th | +10/+5 | +5 | +5 | +5 | Caryll Rune Ability | +30 ft. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11th | +11/+6/+1 | +6 | +6 | +6 | Hunter's Workshop, Advanced Blood Ministration | +30 ft. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12th | +12/+7/+2 | +6 | +6 | +6 | Bonus Feat | +40 ft. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
13th | +13/+8/+3 | +7 | +7 | +7 | Blood Healing, Rubbing Paper (two uses) | +40 ft. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
14th | +14/+9/+4 | +7 | +7 | +7 | Visceral Attack | +40 ft. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
15th | +15/+10/+5 | +8 | +8 | +8 | Caryll Rune Ability | +50 ft. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
16th | +16/+11/+6/+1 | +8 | +8 | +8 | Bonus Feat | +50 ft. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
17th | +17/+12/+7/+2 | +9 | +9 | +9 | Blood Rapture, Rubbing Paper (three uses) | +50 ft. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
18th | +18/+13/+8/+3 | +9 | +9 | +9 | Caryll Rune Ability | +60 ft. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
19th | +19/+14/+9/+4 | +10 | +10 | +10 | Bonus Feat | +60 ft. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20th | +20/+15/+10/+5 | +10 | +10 | +10 | Hunter's Dream | +60 ft. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8 + Int modifier skill points per level. Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Escape Artist (Dex), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Knowedge (History) (Int), Knowledge (Local) (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str) |
Class Features[edit]
All of the following are class features of the Old Hunter.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: All Martial, and Simple weapons Light armor, Medium armor, and Shields (excluding tower shields).
Unarmored Defense: While you are not wearing armor, Your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Wisdom Modifier. You can gain this ability while using a shield.
Blood Ministration: You can extract blood from your body and refine it to be used as a healing mixture comparable to some potions. Once per 24 hours you can extract blood vials equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1). Only you can administer these vials and after 24 hours, the blood vials lose their potency, thus worthless. You inject a humanoid creature with the blood, healing 1d6 hit points for every 2 Old hunter levels you have(rounded up)
Trick Weapon: At 1st level, you've reflected on your tools and realize none is more important than a hunter's signature trick weapon. You may gain Caft (Trick Weapon) as a skill. You may combine two weapons into one, with 2 hours of downtime. You may not fuse more than one weapon and if you fuse a magical weapon, the magical properties are only applied to that form and not the alternate. If you fuse two of the same weapon, say two long-swords, the trick weapon's two forms would be a great sword and the two initial long-swords. Once a Trick Weapon is made, it takes your movement action to change from one form to another. Also, your trick weapons become stronger as you level up: At 1st level, if any of the weapons used in the trick weapons is a masterwork the trick weapon itself becomes masterwork. At 5th level, the critical range and critical multipliers of the trick weapon become the same in all its forms as you use the best one from all the original weapons, if any of the two is unchanged they increase by one step anyway. At 9th level, you can use 3 base weapons to create a trick weapon. At 12th level, it becomes a quick action to change from one form to another.
Two-Weapon Fighting: You gain Two-Weapon Fighting as a bonus feat at 2nd level. If you already have it you may choose another bonus feat.
Weapon Finesse: You gain Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat at 2nd level. If you already have it you may choose another bonus feat.
Skirmish (Ex): At 2nd level, A Old Hunter relies on mobility to deal extra damage and improve her defense, for staying still for an Old Hunter means utter death. She deals an extra 1d6 points of damage on all attacks she makes during any round in which she moves at least 10 feet away from where she was at the start of her turn. The extra damage applies only to attacks made after the Old Hunter has moved at least 10 feet. The skirmish ability cannot be used while mounted. The extra damage applies only to attacks taken during the Old Hunter's turn. This extra damage increases by 1d6 for every four levels gained above 2nd (2d6 at 6th, 3d6 at 10th, 4d6 at 14th, and 5d6 at 18th level). The extra damage only applies against living creatures that have a discernible anatomy. Undead, constructs, oozes, plants, incorporeal creatures, and creatures immune to extra damage from critical hits are not vulnerable to this additional damage. The Old Hunter must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. Old Hunter can apply this extra damage to ranged attacks made while skirmishing, but only if the target is within 30 feet. At 4th level, an Old Hunter gains a +1 competence bonus to Armor Class during any round in which she moves at least 10 feet. The bonus applies as soon as the Old Hunter has moved 10 feet, and lasts until the start of her next turn. This bonus improves by 1 for every four levels gained above the (+2 at 8th, +3 at 12th, +4 at 16th, and +5 at 20th level). An Old Hunter loses this ability when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load. If she gains the skirmish ability from another class, the bonuses stack.
Fast Movement (Ex): At the 3rd level, an Old Hunter gains an enhancement bonus to her speed, as shown on Table: The Old Hunter. An Old Hunter in armor or carrying a medium or heavy load loses this extra speed.
Caryll Rune: At 3rd level, you may choose a Caryll Rune to be branded into your mind and gain its benefits. Choose either Corruption, Beast's Embrace, Hunter of Hunters, Impurity, or Radiance. All are detailed after the class feature list. The Caryll Rune grants you abilities at 3rd, 7th, 10th, 15th, and 18th levels.
Evasion: At 4th level, you gain Evasion as a bonus feat. If you already have it, you may choose another bonus feat.
Uncanny Dodge: At 4th level, You gain Uncanny Dodge as a bonus feat. If you already have it, you may choose another bonus feat.
Extra Attack: At 5th level, you can attack one more time with each of your weapons during all types of attacks, you use your maximum BAB for these attacks.
Create Opening: At 6th level, when a creature makes an attack roll against you, you can cause it to roll two dice and take the lower. If it misses, on your next attack against the creature, you will roll two dice and take the higher. You can only use this once per combat, and twice at 9th level, 3 times at 12th, 4 times at 15th, and 5 times at 18th.
Improved Uncanny Dodge: At 8th level, you gain Improved Uncanny Dodge as a bonus feat. If you already have it, you may choose another bonus feat.
Rubbing Paper: At 9th level, you can enhance your weapon, natural or otherwise, with elemental papers. Choose from either Fire, Lightning, Cold, or Acid. Your weapon does an extra 1d8 of chosen element for your Wisdom modifier minute(s). You may only use this once per day. You can use this twice at 13th level and three times at 17th level.
Hunter's Workshop: At 11th level, you can now infuse your weapon. natural or otherwise with bloodstone gems. Your attacks count as magical damage, only to overcome resistances or immunity to non-magical damage and attacks. Furthermore, you can enchant any of your trick weapons with magical enchantments with a total bonus of up to your Wisdom modifier, these stacks can not be the same enchantment that your trick weapon normally has.
Advanced Blood Ministration: At 11th level, the old hunter perfected his blood-refinement technique by improving the healing of the blood vials to 2d12 + Wisdom Modifier. Blood vials now last for 1 week before becoming unless
Blood Healing: At 13th level, you may roll two dice and take the higher on Fortitude saves against poison and disease. Additionally, your blood vials now purge 1 poison or disease from the creature's body, as well as the restoring of hit points.
Visceral Attack: At 14th Level, after you successfully use the ‘create an opening’ ability and hit the creature, you can choose to automatically score a critical. If you naturally score a critical at any time, you roll an extra 2d10 of damage. You can only use this ability once per combat, twice at 16th level, 3 times at 18th, and 4 times at 20th.
Blood Rapture: At 17th level, you bathe in the raw warmth of the blood that sprays from the savage wounds you leave on your pray. After a successful 'visceral attack', you gain temporary hit points equal to half the damage done by the attack(rounded down).
Hunter's Dream: At 20th level, after you wake from a long rest, you find yourself in the Hunter's Dream. Many Old Hunters have found themselves here and graves line up in honor of their service. While residing in this haven for Old Hunters you cease aging, and if you don't truly die, the next day you reawaken at the last area you took a long rest. Only the Wish spell or slaying the Moon Presence(GM's choice on how strong and what exactly the Moon Presence is) may unshackle you from the Hunter's Dream.
'Caryll Runes' A runesmith known only as Caryll once branded the mind with the eldritch truth of the Great Ones. Many were lost to history but 5 remain for the Old Hunters to brand their minds.
Corruption: Choosing the Corruption rune, indicates you pledge yourself to the undying blood of the Queen of Cainhurst, Annalise, becoming a vileblood in the process. Vilebloods are heretics and looked upon with hatred and detest, for they feed on the blood dregs of their prey. "All hail the undying queen of blood!"
Sanguine Elegance: You may choose one of the following to be a class skill: Diplomacy, Bluff, Sense Motive.
Harvest Dregs: at 3rd level You feast on the blood dregs of the fallen in honor of the queen. When you reduce an enemy's hit points to 0, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier + your Old Hunter level (minimum of 1).
Queen's Vigor: At 7th level, you gain 1 hit point when you stabilize from dying, and, whenever you take damage, on your next turn every attack you do with a melee weapon heals you for the damage dealt up to a maximum (per turn) of 1/4 the damage you took in the time between your last turn and the current one (any damage you take during your turn can be healed the next turn)
Bloodtenge: By 10th level, you have gained the favor of the Vileblood Queen, granting you the Legacy of the Vilebloods. Whenever you hit a creature you may enhance it with your corrupted blood, you can sacrifice 10 HP to increase your attack by using your corrupted blood, causing 2d8 of necrotic damage, this damage cannot be reduced. Doing so does the same damage to the bloodline of the user.
Heartless: At 15th level, you are immune to fear and charm effects.
Cainhurst Feint: At 18th level, whenever you use your bonus action to switch a form of your trick weapon, you may roll two dice and pick the higher on the next attack roll you make before your next turn.
Beast's Embrace: Choosing this rune means you start to succumb to the bloodlust of the hunt growing closer and closer to the beast hood, granting the beast's powers in the process. "You'll be one of them...sooner or later."
Maw and Claw: You borrow the power of the Darkbeast and transform into a ghastly beast form taking a full-round action. This form gives you +1 to your AC and 2 natural weapons: claws and a bite. The claws do 2d6 and the bite does 1d8.
Feral Awakenings: At 3rd level, you gain access to the abilities listed under awakenings. They expend one feral dice to use.
Feral Dice: You have 4 feral dice which are d8s. A feral dice is expended when using an awakening. You regain them after a short rest or 24 hours. You get another feral dice at 7th and 15th levels.
Saving Throws: Some of the awakenings will require the target to make a saving throw. The save DC is as follows: Save DC = 10 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice)
Beastly Hunter: At 7th level, if you have the belonging or even the blood of another creature, you may roll 2 dice and take the higher on Wisdom(Survival) checks to track it. You also learn what type of creature it is if you didn't already know.
Improved Feral Awakenings: At 10th level your feral dice become d10s, at 18th level they become d12s.
Cornered Beast: Starting at 15th level, whenever you roll initiative and have no remaining feral dice, you gain 1 feral dice.
Awakenings: The awakenings are listed here in alphabetical order.
Beast Roar: As an action and by expending one feral dice, you force all creatures within 5 feet to make a Reflex save. On a failed save they take 1d8+the numbered you rolled on your feral dice and if the creature is Large or smaller, it gets thrown 10 feet back. On a successful save, they take half damage and don't get thrown back. The damage increases by 1d8 at the 7th, 10th, and 15th levels.
Beast Rage: As a bonus action and expending one feral dice you bolster your health. You gain an extra 10 ft to your movement speed until your next turn, and you gain temporary hit points equal to the number you rolled on your feral dice.
Pounce: If you move 15 ft straight at an enemy and hit it with a claw attack, you can expend one feral dice to pounce. Add the feral dice to the damage roll and if the creature is large or smaller it must make a Strength saving throw. If it fails, you knock it prone and may take a bite attack against it. If it succeeds, the creature withstands the pounce and knocks you prone.
Reckless Fury: As a bonus action and expending one feral dice, you may go into a reckless fury until your next turn. You gain an additional attack action, but all creatures may roll 2 dice and take the higher on attack rolls against you until your next turn. Add the results of your feral dice to one damage roll.
Hunter of Hunters: These watchmen admonish those who have become addled with blood. Be they men or beasts, anyone who has threatened the pledgers of the "Hunter" oath surely has an issue with blood. "All hunters must die!"
Relentless Hunt: The player gains Track as a bonus feat, and may roll two dice and take the highest of the two when using any skill while tracking.
"And he's my mark": At 3rd level, players may 'mark' one target face-to-face, through a picture, or image. The player knows the general direction of the target at all times, but not the exact location, and can not scry nor teleport to the target. The target must be physically hunted. Only by disposing of the target themselves or others, may the player switch marks.
Numbing Strike: At 7th level, when in combat with the marked target, the player may make a single melee attack at the target dealing non-lethal damage. If the attack is successful, the target can not gain health back from potions or blood vials, only by spells or magic items can the target heal, but only for half of the healing capability. This ability lasts for a number of rounds equal to the player's Old Hunter levels.
No Pride in Blood: At 10th level, the more a mark evades the player and causes harm to others, the more the player becomes enraged. After becoming marked, the mark harms/kills 20 or fewer creatures, the player gets +1 to all attacks and skills towards the mark, and gains +1 AC when the mark attacks the player. If the mark harms/kills 21-50 creatures, all bonuses become +3. If the mark harms/kills 21-50 creatures, all bonuses become +5.
Blade of Mercy: At 15th level, the player may choose to end a marks career but not kill them. Upon dropping a target to health, they may do this ability and stabilize the target but they also remove the marks hands.
Sky Burial: At 18th level, when a mark has been dealt with, a player may commence a ceremony to dispose of the body. Upon doing so, any creatures or individuals that were in association with the now disposed mark have a visceral hatred towards the player and will now hunt them down. The player may also mark 2 targets.
Impurity: Confederates of The League cooperate with hunters from other worlds, and hunt to discover vermin. Vermin writhe within filth and are the root of man's impurity. Crush all vermin without hesitation. "And so, until we are rid of all vermin, you must continue to hunt and kill. This bloody fate is ours alone. Do not expect the world to grasp our work... But remember, the confederates will always have my blessing... And each other. Always."
Vermin Filth: Upon killing one creature with another player, both players gain a temporary +1 STR and DEX and a temporary 10HP for 2 turns.
Jolly Cooperation: At 3rd level, any allies may reroll any skills as long as they can hear the player.
Along for the Hunt: At 7th level, all players within 10ft to the player gain +2 bonus AC, and all players flanking a creature, that involves the player with the Impurity rune, get a +4 bonus rather than +2.
Sentence Fiends to Death: At 10th level, the player may choose a favored enemy (from the same list as Rangers). Against the chosen favored enemy, the player gains +3 on all attacks, saves, and skills against the favored enemy.
My Blessing: At 15th level, if an ally is with 10ft and they have been attacked, the player may roll a Reflex. If there Reflex roll is higher than the attacked allies' AC, the player may 'switch places' and take the damage.
The League: At 18th level, the player can summon allies to help in a fight. The player casts Summon Monster IX, this ability can only be used 1 per week.
Radiance: The executioners despise the impure Vilebloods, and no matter what the circumstances, would never cooperate with the bloodthirsty hunters who serve the undead queen, Annalise. "Beast hunting is a sacred practice. May the good blood guide your way."
Byrgenwerth Studies: Any healing done to the player by a spell, potion, or ability, may add 1d10 to the rolls for gaining health.
Blind Devotion: At 3rd level, the player gets +4 to initiative rolls but -4 to being flat-footed.
Blessed by Fire: At 7rd level, any fire damage the player does to a creature is instead doubled.
Holy Medium of Blood: At 10th level, blood vials provide damage reduction 15/- for 1 round for every two Old Hunter levels and double the number held at one time. Blood Vials may also be used as spell components
Undead Hatred: At 15th level, players get a +5 bonus to attack, saves, and skills and may reroll any damage dice dealt against undead or abomination creatures (must take the results of the reroll, even if lower.
Executioner: At 18th level, if you roll a critical against an enemy and the crit is confirmed, the target's health is dropped to 1 instead of rolling damage. This ability does not work for any creature type that is not subject to critical hits.
Level | Special | Unarmored Speed Bonus! | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
21st | +70 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22nd | Improved Skirmish, Madman's Knowledge | +70 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
23rd | +70 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
24th | Old Hunter Bone | +80 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
25th | +80 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
26th | Augur of Ebrietas | +80 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
27th | +90 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
28th | Great On'e Wisdom | +90 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
29th | +90 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
30th | A Call Beyond | +100 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8 + Int modifier skill points per level. |
All of the following are class features of an Epic Old Hunter.
Improved Skirmish (Ex): At 22nd level, extra damage from skirmish continues to increase by 1d6 for every four levels (6d6 at 22nd, 7d6 at 26th, and 8d6 at 30th, etc.). This extra damage can now apply against living creatures that have no discernible anatomy (Undead, constructs, oozes, plants, incorporeal creatures, and creatures immune to extra damage from critical hits), for half damage. The Old Hunter can apply this extra damage to ranged attacks at 45 feet instead of 30 feet. At 24th level, the +1 competence bonus to Armor Class continues to grow every four levels gained (+6 at 24th and +7 at 28th). An Old Hunter loses this ability when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load. If she gains the skirmish ability from another class, the bonuses stack.
Madman's Knowledge: Through discovery, battles, and several hunts against supernatural beings, the Old Hunter can now set their sites upon Great Ones, beings of another world and/or dimensional presence. Old Hunter now can see beings or creatures that have the invisibility spell or spell-like ability or any ability like that. In addition, Old Hunter rolls a d4. Whatever the result, the Old Hunter adds that number to their Wisdom ability score.
Old Hunter's Bone: Through travels, remains of hunters from the first hunt have been discovered and from their remains come old abilities. Upon getting hit, before damage is rolled, if the Old Hunter moved 10 or more feet this turn, they may roll a Reflex Save to see if the attack misses instead. DC for this ability is the enemies BAB+ Strength Mod for melee attacks or BAB+ Dexterity Mod for ranged attacks. If successful, the Old Hunter must move to an unoccupied adjacent square to the previous one they were in. This movement doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity. If the Old Hunter is unable to move to an adjacent square, they instead take the attack. Old Hunter may use this ability a number of times a day equal to their Wisdom Modifier.
Augur of Ebrietas: Creatures of the Great Ones have interested you and have bestowed phantasms of themselves to aid in your travels. This attack is a 15ft ranged touch attack that targets one creature. The Creature must roll a Reflex (DC 1/2 Old Hunter level + highest BAB), or take 2d10 + Wisdom modifier damage and be knocked prone and back one square. On a successful reflex, the creature is only knocked back one square.
Great One's Wisdom: The Old Hunter has traveled long and seen much hardship to that their discoveries of the Great Ones have given them much insight. Any attack an Old Hunter does they may add Wisdom Modifier to the attack roll, along with Strength Modifier for melee attacks or Dexterity Modifier for ranged attacks. In addition, Old Hunter rolls a d4. Whatever the result, the Old Hunter adds that number to their Wisdom ability score.
A Call Beyond (SP): Summon a small nova that fires multiple homing projectiles. This spell-like ability takes to cast Standard action, has a range of Area, Small (15ft radius) and Target, Medium (15ft ft. + 10 ft./level radius), and targets 1 creature/ level + Wisdom Modifier. Caster claps their hand together to create a small collapsing star. Enemies within the Small range of the caster must make a Reflex Saving Throw or take 20d10 damage and be knocked prone and back 1d6 squares, half on successful Reflex save and they do not get knocked prone. From the collapsing star, small fragment missiles shoot out towards the enemies of the caster's choosing. Enemies within the Medium range of the caster Must make a Reflex save (those that failed a Reflex Save within the Small Range do not get to Reflex again) or take 10d10 damage per missile, half on a successful Reflex save. Collapsing a star has its price though. The caster can not cast spells of any type for 5 rounds and take 5d10 damage. This damage can not be reduced or avoided. This ability can not be used for 3 days and 1 visit to the Hunters Dream after being used.
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