0 Liner (Mashle Magic and Muscles Supplement)
0 Liner (Mashle Magic and Muscles Supplement)[edit]
0 Liner[edit]
Born into a world of magic without any magic? Just pump some iron.
- (Design Note This is intentionally OP so ask your DM if you may play this)
Creating a 0 Liner[edit]
- Quick Build
You can make a 0 Liner quickly by following these suggestions. Strength should be your highest ability score, followed by either Dexterity or Constitution.
Class Features
As a 0 Liner you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d12 per 0 Liner level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + Constitution modifier per 0 Liner level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: None
Weapons: None
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution
Skills: Choose two between Athletics, Acrobatics, Stealth
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- 10 Cream Puffs
- (a) Dungeoneer's Pack or (b) Explorer's pack
- Iron wand
Pastry Chef (Optional feature)[edit]
Starting at 1st level, no matter the ingredients you're given, be it vegetables, meat, or anything else, whenever you cook with them, it'll come out as a cream puff.
Physique of a God but mind of a rock[edit]
Starting at 1st level, you have the Physique of a God. You gain a +2 to your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, gaining an additional +1 at levels 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, and 20. Your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution stat limit increases to 150, and your carrying capacity increases by two more sizes. Your push capacity is considered two sizes larger, and you may even grapple a creature two sizes larger. You must always wear extremely heavy weights on your wrists and ankles to keep your muscles in check. You can jump as high as 10 feet × your Strength modifier. However, your mind is that of a rock, as your Intelligence limit is 5. Because of this, you become immune to Charmed and Frightened conditions, only becoming frightened if one of your cream puffs will hit the floor. If one of your cream puffs is falling, you must drop anything to attempt to catch it.
Unarmored Defense[edit]
Also at 1st level When not wearing armor or a Shield: Your AC is 10 + your Strength modifier + your Constitution modifier, to a limit of 24. However, at level 12, that limit is removed. You also receive unarmored movement, which increases your movement speed by 30 feet when you're not wearing armor. This bonus increases by 60 feet at level 5, 90 feet at level 10, 120 feet at level 15, and 150 feet at level 20. At level 9, you can run across water and vertical surfaces without falling, and you may hover in the air by violently and quickly kicking your legs.
Unarmed fighting[edit]
Also at 1st level, you now gain proficiency in your unarmed strikes, and the damage die changes to 1d10 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier in place of the normal damage. If you used the Attack action and made an unarmed strike, you may make another as a bonus action. The damage die changes at level 3 to 1d12, again at level 6 to 2d8, again at level 8 to 2d10, again at level 13 to 4d10, again at level 16 to 4d12, and again at level 19 to 8d8.
At 2nd level, you may grapple as a bonus action now, and when you have a creature grappled, you may do a move called Hell Fall where you roll to attack with advantage and pile drive them into the ground, causing them to be prone. On a natural 20, you knock them unconscious, or you can suplex them, causing them to be prone as well.
Guillotine Kick[edit]
Also at 2nd level, you may dig into the ground and grab your enemy by the ankles, rolling a grapple check against them. On a success, they notice your hands and back away, avoiding your grasp. On a failure, you drag them underground up to their neck, and you quickly dig out back to where you were before. You then go to kick them in the head at advantage, and on a hit, it counts as a critical hit. You may do this once per long rest. At 11th level, you may do this once per short rest.
Also at level 2, your Endurance has grown after all your intense training, now able to endure more hits. When you get hit by an attack and it knocks you down to 0 hit points, you may instead drop to 1 hit point. You may do this once per long rest. You now add a +5 to your hit points after every level.
Hamstring Magic[edit]
At 3rd level, you may not have magic, but you have the magic of your muscles. As such, you can now dash as a bonus action, and your movement speed is now doubled.
Slowed fall[edit]
At 3rd level, you may reduce an amount of fall damage equal to your Strength modifier × 5.
Ability Score Improvement[edit]
When you reach 4th level, and again at 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 16th, and 19th levels, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1.
Big Bang Dash[edit]
At 5th level, your movement speed increases by 100 feet, and it doubles.
Hurricane Rush[edit]
Also at 5th level, you may make a total of four attacks all in the same action, and you may do this once per long rest.
Extra attack[edit]
Also at 5th level, you can attack twice now when you take the attack action and this increases to three times at level 8 and again at level 12 to four times and again at level 17 to five, and again to six at level 19
Quicker Punches[edit]
At 7th level, you now gain an additional action that you can only use for the Attack action.
Magic deflection[edit]
At level 7, in reaction to any physical spell or ranged attack against you, such as a fireball or an arrow, you can reduce the damage by your unarmed strike's damage die + your Strength modifier + your 0 Liner level. If you reduce the damage to 0, you may throw it back at them. Any exceptions to this are things that deal psychic damage.
Improved Physic[edit]
Also, at 7th level, you realize some things cannot be affected by your muscles, and some things can interfere with your training, but you punch harder and train harder. Your punches bypass immunities or resistance to your unarmed strikes, and you gain a +5 to your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution stats. As you also receive proficiency in Dexterity saving throws, you also gain immunity against poisons and diseases.
Due to your having no magic, you learned how to avoid spells easily, though some still barely hit you. Also, at 8th level, you can resist certain area effects, such as a blue dragon’s lightning breath or a fireball spell. Choose one of the following ability scores:
- Brawn - Strength
- Evasion - Dexterity
- Endurance - Constitution
- Discernment - Intelligence
- Intuition - Wisdom
When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a saving throw of the chosen ability to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail. At 10th level, you can choose one additional saving throw, as well as at 14th and 20th levels.
Faster than the eye perceives[edit]
At 8th level, your movement doubles again, and any attack of opportunity against you is made at disadvantage.
Your body[edit]
At 9th level, you can no longer be controlled by anyone except yourself. Spells such as polymorph don't affect you anymore, and any spell to change your body, even petrification, won't affect you.
Even More Endurance[edit]
At 9th level, now when you get knocked to 0 hit points, you may instead drop to 1 hit point twice per short rest. You also add your Constitution modifier again when calculating your hit points.
Strengthened muscle fibers[edit]
At level 11, you now have resistance to non-magical piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning damage. Your carrying capacity and pushing capacity are increased again, as is the size of creatures you may grapple.
Pure instinct[edit]
At 11th level, when a creature within 5 feet of you casts a spell, even while you are unconscious, you may use your reaction to make an attack roll against them. If you hit, they do not cast their spell. You also gain 90 feet of tremorsense, increasing to 150 feet at 15th level.
Improved Lungs[edit]
Also, at level 11, you may hold your breath for twice as long as before now, and you may bring objects to you by inhaling now, such as an apple, key, or cream puff.
Lightning-fast Punches[edit]
At level 13, you now gain another action that can only be used for attacking.
Big Three Dragon DeadLift[edit]
At 13th level, you can now dig your hands into the ground and throw a huge chunk of the earth with your opponents on it or at your opponents. As an action, you may lift a cone of the ground up to 30 feet times your Strength modifier twice, and you may roll to attack with it. On a hit, it deals Xd12 force damage for every 15 feet the area you threw is, it deals 1d12 force damage.
Divine Physic[edit]
At 13th level, you become immune to nonmagical piercing, slashing, or bludgeoning damage, and critical hits against you are now treated as normal attacks. You also gain advantage on saving throws against magic, and you now roll with advantage to grapple a creature, and the creature has disadvantage.
Magic reversal[edit]
At 15th level, as a reaction to a spell such as fireball, you may grab it and throw it back at your opponent as if it were a baseball.
Dragon Pile Driver[edit]
At 15th level, your Pile Driver has now gotten better as you learn how to do a more effective pile driver. It only takes a 19 or 20 now to knock them unconscious.
Vanishing speed[edit]
At level 17, you've become so fast that you vanish before people can even blink. Now, your movement speed triples, and you don't provoke any opportunity attacks against you when moving away from a creature.
Weakness Mode[edit]
Also, at level 17, you enter what you call Weakness Mode, as your entire body becomes limp, looking flimsy as paper for the perfect offense and defense. Whenever a creature makes a melee attack against you, they do so at disadvantage, and on a miss, you may attack them and deal the damage they would have dealt to you to them now.
Devastating Pile Driver and Suplex[edit]
At level 18, your pile drive or suplex has reached its peak. Now, you can perform a perfect pile drive or suplex. Even a Tarrasque isn't safe from your monstrous strength. If you pile drive something into the ground and roll a 15 or higher, you bury them waist-up. It also takes a 17 or higher to knock them unconscious now.
Nothing can knock you down[edit]
At level 18, now whenever you get knocked down to 0 hit points, you may instead get knocked to 1 hit point as many times as your proficiency bonus, and your hit points now increase as your maximum hit points double.
Unlimited Physical mode[edit]
At level 20, you've reached the pinnacle of pure strength, but in exchange for that, your muscles get extremely sore. Your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution stats increase by +6, and you now need twice as many points to suffer from exhaustion. You may remove the weights on your wrists and ankles, and when you do, you receive these bonuses.
- Your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores increase by +10, and any saving throw or check using those scores is done with advantage.
- Your movement speed is increased by 4 times, and you now have resistance to magical damage. Any saving throw requiring Intelligence or Wisdom, you automatically pass.
- Your unarmed strikes are now 8d12.
- You double any amount of damage you deal on a critical hit, which only requires an 18 or higher. On a critical hit, you quadruple the damage and double the damage dice.
After exiting this mode, you gain 10 points of exhaustion that can only be removed by a long rest. This lasts a maximum of 5 minutes.
Gaia burst[edit]
Also at level 20, you've grown so strong that even a single flick of your finger is dangerous. As an action, you may cause a cone attack of 50 feet times your Strength modifier three times, rolling to attack. On a hit, it deals 40d12 + your Strength modifier × 2, clearing out anything in the area, including magical effects. You may do this six times per short rest.
Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the 0 Liner class, you must meet these prerequisites: 16 Strength, 16 Constitution, and less than 10 Intelligence.
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the 0 Liner class, you gain the following proficiencies:Athletics, Acrobatics
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