Religious Fraud (5e Background)

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Religious Fraud[edit]

He kept his showers ice cold, used eco-friendly lightbulbs

Rode his bicycle to work when the gasoline price rose

He'd judge with no pretense, fish on the weekends

Each morning, get up, do the Pledge of Allegiance

Never swim in the ocean, for fear of shark attacks

Bi-monthly get his wife a rose with a card attached

Avoiding all the little things that were hard to ask

Had a car crash, cardiac arrest, died of a heart attack.

Lesser famed bard, Godforbid, in his poem: Charlie's Inferno.

Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Religion

Languages: Any One

Tool Proficiencies: Painter’s supplies

Equipment: Your religion's holy book, an ounce of Ink and a quill, common clothes

Feature: Ignorant[edit]

You don't know you're headed for Hell, you've done nothing wrong as far as you know! You should be God!.. Or at least belong in Heaven

Alternate Feature: Denile[edit]

You know you're wrong, but why admit it? You can't get called out if you don't admit it.

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

Nobody's perfect, lucky guy...

d6 Personality Trait
1 I love my significat other.
2 I'm loyal to my country.
3 I fish every weekend.
4 I never swim in large bodies of water, who knows what's in there?
5 I avoid tedious, useless questions.
6 If i don't make it to Heaven, I don't know what I'll do.
d4 Ideal
1 Me. Who needs higher powers? I should be God! (Evil)
2 Perfection. Since I haven't really hurt anyone, all I've done is right. (Neutral)
3 Obediance. I'm trying to be a good follower. (Lawful)
4 Relative. I can do anything as long as i think it's good (Chaotic)
d4 Bond
1 Trauma from my childhood is the reason I'm a bit... Messed up in the head.
2 My significant other is unfaithful, but it's against my religion to seperate.
3 I hate large bodies of water, but I love fishing.
4 I know, you know, we all know... I'm going to Hell
d4 Flaw
1 I judge without pretense.
2 I'm perfect.
3 I don't accossiate with sinners.
4 Alcohol takes my mind off things, I'll do anything for a drop.
(2 votes)

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