Scintilla (5e Race)

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Scintilla originate from the future generations of half or quarter vampires, leaving them with trace amounts of vampiric blood that through training are able to awaken some supernatural abilities of their origins, typically being minor regeneration and a single super enhanced sense, such as sight, taste, hearing, touch, or smell. at level 5 they gain Minor regeneration. At level 6 the player is capable of choosing 1 supernatural sense, each with their own unique effect

Physical Description[edit]

They appear mostly human but have pointy ears.


Much like the common human they are constantly evolving, and so their more intricate histories are muddled and difficult to follow. Human history that occurs while they still possess a humanoid form is typically common knowledge, but the more ancient history is fuzzed with debate and discourse. History before the humanoid form is even more difficult to follow and if any information is known of it, it is not open knowledge.


As they aren't usually different from humans: scintilla take to social places like any other human race, rarely being picked out from the crowd

Scintilla Names[edit]

Male: Joe, Terry, Dante, Tyler, Michael

Female: Victoria, Cynthia, Pepper, Michelle

Scintilla Traits[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your Dex score increases by 1 and your Con score increases by 1.
Age. Scintilla age 5 times slower than normal humans but mature around the same age, they begin to wrinkle aggressively around the age 450-500
Alignment. Scintilla typically align with human alignments
Size. Scintilla's height can range from 4 to 8 feet
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. Due to your strange blood relation you have superior eyesight. You gain 60 feet of Darkvision.
Regeneration. Starting at 5th level you gain 1 hit point back every 5 turns. this increases by +1 at level 8,16,20
Unnatural sight. Starting at level 6 you gain 1 Sense point, and again at level 9,12,17. a Sense point allows you to gain +2 advantage with ranged weapons you are proficient with. (you get Sense points back after a long rest)
Unique taste. Starting at level 6 you gain 1 Sense point, and again at level 9,12,17. a Sense point allows you to taste the blood of a creature and tell how long its been alive, if its sick, and how much health it currently has (best results from source of blood) (you get Sense points back after a long rest)
Sharp nose. Starting at level 6 you gain 1 Sense point, and again at level 9,12,17. a Sense point allows you to smell a distance of 60 feet even if under cover and tell the location of something you have come into contact with before. (such as blood, metal, poison etc) (you get Sense points back after a long rest)
Informational grasp. Starting at level 6 you gain 1 Sense point, and again at level 9,12,17. a Sense point allows you through touch you can tell if an object has any special effect such as if its charmed or cursed with a positive or negative effect. (you get Sense points back after a long rest)
Echolocation. Starting at level 6 you gain 1 Sense point, and again at level 9,12,17. a Sense point allows you to listen within 80 feet and tell the precise location of a sound source (you get Sense points back after a long rest)
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one Exotic language of your choice.

Due to your strange blood relation you have superior eyesight. You gain 60 feet of Darkvision.

<Subrace Name>[edit]

Random Height and Weight[edit]

′ '' + lb. × () lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

When creating a scintilla character, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.

d8 Personality Trait
d6 Ideal
d6 Bond
d6 Flaw
(0 votes)

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