Insect Human (5e Class)
Insect Human[edit]
Crawling from the depths of evolution’s untamed path, the Insect-Human is a fusion of flesh and carapace, straddling the line between civilization and the hive. Whether born from ancient curses, alchemical experiments, or the eerie embrace of an insect deity, these beings are more than mere mortals—they are living swarms, bound to the instincts and power of the insect world.
Some Insect-Humans bear only subtle traits—compound eyes, vestigial wings, or hardened chitin beneath their skin. Others are more monstrous, their bodies a shifting blend of mandibles, extra limbs, and pheromonal control. Feared as abominations by some and revered as apex survivors by others, they wield abilities that mimic the most relentless creatures in nature.
With a body designed for adaptation, an Insect-Human can manifest powerful natural armor, command swarms to do their bidding, or undergo terrifying metamorphosis mid-battle. Whether they seek dominion over the weak, symbiosis with the natural world, or revenge against those who scorn them, the path of the Insect-Human is one of constant evolution.
Do you embrace the swarm within?
Creating a Insect Human[edit]
Insect humans are about letting the swarm inside becoming a reality with their powers from mantis to beetles.
- Quick Build
You can make a insect human quickly by following these suggestions. First, Constitution should be your highest ability score, followed by Dexterity. Second, choose the Hermit background due to trying to keep your complex a secret. Third,choose one simple melee weapon of your choice, and an explorer’s pack.
Class Features
As a Insect Human you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d10 per Insect Human level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Insect Human level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: Light and Medium
Weapons: All simple weapons
Tools: One artisan tool of your choice
Saving Throws: Constitution and Dexterity
Skills: Choose 3 from Survival, Acrobatics, Deception, Medicine, Nature, Athletics, and Stealth.
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- (a) One simple melee weapon or (b) One simple ranged weapon
- (a) Leather Armor or (b) Hide Armor
- Explorer's Pack
- If you are using starting wealth, you have 15d4 in funds.
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Features |
1st | +2 | Habitat, Natural Weapons |
2nd | +2 | — |
3rd | +2 | Terrifying Form, Insect Species |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement |
5th | +3 | Exoskeleton, Insect Species Feature |
6th | +3 | — |
7th | +3 | Predator/Prey, Insect Species Feature |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement |
9th | +4 | Natural Order, Insect Species Feature |
10th | +4 | — |
11th | +4 | Insect Species Feature |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement |
13th | +5 | — |
14th | +5 | Camouflage, Insect Species Feature |
15th | +5 | — |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement |
17th | +6 | — |
18th | +6 | — |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement |
20th | +6 | Apex |
At 1st level, your insectoid nature also starts to harm you. You’re vulnerable to cold damage yet resistance to fire damage. You also have a halved swimming speed.
Natural Weapons[edit]
At 1st level, you start to get proportionally as strong as an insect. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 + your Strength modifier.
Insect Species[edit]
At 3rd level, you begin to manifest insectoid abilities on the surface level also. You chose a species. Choose between Antlion, Ant, Spider, Scorpion, Mantis, Dragonfly, Firefly infected with Cordyceps Militaris, Tobacco Hornworm, Cockroach Wasp, Mosquito, Silkworm, Cockroach, Bombardier Beetle, and Orthoptera, all detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level, and again at 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, and 14th levels.
Terrifying Form[edit]
At 3rd level, your visual changes start to make humanoids despise you greatly. When purchasing something from a humanoid, the cost is doubled for you and your companions if they are seen with you by the vendor. Friendly creatures are now indifferent to you, while indifferent creatures are now on edge, becoming hostile if you make a sudden movement, activate your abilities, or be a nuisance.
Ability Score Improvement[edit]
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
At 5th level, your skin becomes tough and hard to get through. Your armor class gains a +1 bonus.
At 7th level, you get more strong and a thirst for blood or you get more speed and the ability to spot a predator. If you are an antlion, you are able to switch back and forth between the two, being a predator in larva form and a prey in adult form. If you are an antlion larva, ant, spider, scorpion, mantis, dragonfly, cockroach wasp, mosquito, or bombardier beetle, you gain +2 to unarmed attacks to hit and damage and are considered a predator. If you are an antlion adult, firefly, tobacco hornworm, mole cricket, silkworm, cockroach, or katydid, you gain 10 movement speed and are considered prey.
Natural Order[edit]
At 9th level you unlock your natural enemy, which can be beneficial and maleficial at the same time. You take double damage from your natural enemy and they have advantage on rolls against you, while you have disadvantage on saving throws against them and vice versa.
At 9th level, you unlock your second method of variation. Your training in the place you grew up. Most insect humans grow up in the NEST or the PET SHOP, each with individual philosophies on insect humans, how they’re trained, and remaining neutral to the world. If you are a member of NEST, you’re usually a good aligned character. If you’re in NEST, PET SHOP members are automatically hostile to you and vice versa. As a NEST member, you gain access to the many NEST campuses, as there’s one in every large city. Each campus is hidden by a certain means to make sure normal humanoids don’t find it. These campuses can be in dense jungles, underground, under water, in the sky, nestles in swamps, pretty much anywhere. In addition, you also gain one magic item decided by your DM to help your complex. If you’re in PET SHOP, you’ve undergone rigorous training and hardship to not die, and you’ve surpassed the rest. In order to survive, you’ve started the practice of cannibalism. Your new food source is humanoids and bug humans, and you need a pound of humanoid flesh every day to feed yourself. If you don’t eat and you sense blood in any way, you become berserk and stop being berserk once you kill any humanoid. You regen 1d4 hit points for eating a small steak of humanoid or bug human flesh, while you regen 2d4 hit points for eating a medium steak and 2d6 for a large steak. For an entire medium sized humanoid, you completely regenerate health.
11th - Primal instincts (Knockoff barb rage)
At 14th level, you begin to blend in. You can spend an hour of long rest or down time and 15 gold pieces to apply makeup, prosthetic limbs, hats, ect. To be indistinguishable from a member of any humanoid race. Your complex is even hidden, nullifying ostracization.
At 20th level, you become the apex predator of insect humans. You are now the natural predator of all insects of a lower level than you.
- Combinded Flight
At 3rd level, you become infused with antlion DNA, sprouting two pairs of insectoid wings. You gain a flying speed of 45.
- Psammokinesis
At 5th level, you gain basic psammokinesis. If sand is nearby, you can shoot it at one creature within 30 feet. This knocks them prone and does 1d6 damage on a hit.
- Bulk Up, Slow Down
At 7th level, you gain the ability to manifest your larvae form. When activated, your wings retract into your back and large mandibles erupt out of the top of your shoulders. You lose your flying speed and gain an unarmed strike of 1d6 slashing damage. You also gain +2 strength.
- Digging Claws
At 9th level, you gain a burrowing speed of 15 feet when in larva mode.
- Multi-Mode
At 11th level, you can have both modes active at once.
- Ultimate Psammokinesis
At 14th level, you can now cast any spell involving sand as an action. For spells 5th level and above, you must take an action to start casting the spell.
- Strong Together
At 3rd level, you become extremely strong and your head sprouts two antennae. Your strength score increases to 18, unless it’s above 15, in which case it goes to 22. Your lifting, pushing, carrying, and dragging capacity triples.
- Species Selection
At 5th level, your DNA starts to become more varied and you become a specific type of ant. If you choose to be a carpenter ant, your strength becomes 24, unless it’s already above 24 in which it becomes a 26. If you choose to be a fire ant, you can shoot corrosive acid into a creature within 10 feet’s eyes. They take a dc 12 con saving throw. If they fail, they’re blinded for 5 turns and take 1d10 acid damage. If they succeed, they’re only blinded for one turn. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your constitution modifier, minimum being one. If you choose an exploding ant, then you can detonate as an action. All creatures within 20 feet take as much burning damage as you choose to lose. If you’re a carpenter ant, your head morphs into that of an ant, if you choose to be a fire ant, your fingertips get chitinous and gain one hole on each finger. If you’re an exploding ant, your right hand becomes enlarged and chitinous.
- Hiveminded Power
At 5th level, your ant genes develop far more, allowing you to work with groups way better. If you’re within 5 feet of an allied creature, all of you and your allies stats have a +2 and you can communicate back and forth telepathically.
- Species Evolution
At 7th level, your specialization increases. If you’re a carpenter ant, your damage to structures doubles. If you’re a fire ant, you can sting someone as a bonus action whenever you attack, adding an extra d6 fire damage to the attack. If you’re an exploding ant, you take half fire damage whenever you take it, including your explosions.
- Burrowing Tunnels
At 9th level, you gain a burrowing speed of 20. The tunnels do not collapse behind you.
- Near Perfection
At 11th level, your individual DNA becomes near perfect. As a carpenter ant, your unarmed attack equals half your strength score. On a critical, it equals your strength score. As a fire ant, blindness lasts twice as long and the damage is dealt whether or not they succeed the saving throw. As an exploding ant, your complex is no longer just an exploding ant, rather an entire colony of them. you no longer take fire damage. As a bonus action when you hit a creature, you can mark it with a “trooper”. As an action, you can make any amount of troopers explode, causing all creatures within a 30 foot radius to make a dex saving throw, the dc being 10+ your constitution modifier, on a fail the creature(s) take 4d6 fire damage (including the trooper), and half as much damage on a success.
- Combinded Power
At 14th level, your strength reaches its peak. Your current strength value turns into 30.
- Weavers Tale
At 3rd level, you start to show the DNA of a spider. You can start to spin webs now from your hands. You can cast web as an action and also make a rope ladder out of web to any point within 50 feet.
- Species Selection
At 5th level, you start to show specialised DNA, becoming a specific spider. If you choose a Tarantula, your mandibles get venomous. As an action, you can bite someone you’re grappling, giving them the poisoned effect and dealing 1d6 piercing damage with 1d6 poison damage. If you choose to be a Bolas Spider, you can generate a morningstar (After one minute of activation, roll a dc 10 con saving throw, gaining a level of exhaustion and the morningstar on a failed save and gaining the morningstar with no debuffs on a success) that you can swing at anyone within 20 feet of you. You choose to either grapple them and deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage or deal 1d8 bludgeoning damage. If you choose to be a Diving Bell Spider, you can breathe underwater. You can also cast Control Water as an action. If you make your webs into any 3d shape, this shape is filled with water, even if the sides aren’t completely covered. If you’re a tarantula, you gain tiny mandibles on the corner of your mouth. If you choose to be a diving bell spider, you gain 4 “legs” on the back of your head, wrapping around your head in an x shape but not connecting. This forms a bubble when you go underwater. If you’re a bolas spider you gain spikes in your hair, similar to that of Jobin Higashikata from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure.
- Spider Climb
At 7th level, you gain sticky pads on your hands and feet, gaining a climbing speed of 30 feet.
- Species Evolution
At 9th level, your specialisation increases. If you’re a tarantula, you can shoot hairs from your arms. This counts as a ranged attack with a range of 40 feet, doing 1d8 damage and blinding for 2 turns. If you’re a bolas spider, you only take 30 seconds to weave your morningstar. If you’re a diving bell spider, you gain the ability to cast any water-related cantrip as a bonus action, while any water-related spell ranging from levels 1-4 being cast as an action. You can cast these water spells a total of times each day equal to your constitution modifier times two.
- Evolved Hairs
At 11th level, trichobothria replace your arm and leg hairs. Similar to the cockroach, you can now take the dodge action as a bonus action an amount of times equal to your constitution modifier each day.
- Weacer Warrior
At 14th level, you get the most spider-like you can get. Everything within 120 feet of you is covered in webs, halving all creatures (except for spiders) movement speed. Every time they move in your web, they must make a dc 8 plus your constitution modifier dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, they are restrained for 30 seconds, they may retry the save each turn, breaking free on a successful save.
- Stinger tail
At 3rd level, you start to manifest your arachnid nature. You gain a tail with a stinger on the end of it, and can use it to inflict the poison effect on anyone within 10 feet as an action for 3 turns. This ability can be used a number of times each day equal to your constitution modifier.
- Chitin Growth
At 5th level, you start to manifest your ultimate defense mechanism, “The Gauntlet”. It allows you to turn your body into chitin to different percentages. In 5th level, you unlock 30% Gauntlet, which allows you to turn your hands hard and Chitinous for one turn. As a bonus action when you throw a basic unarmed attack, you can activate 30% of the gauntlet. This doubles damage dealt and negates damage dealt to you as a result of spikes on the armor or something similar.
- Stronger Body
At 7th level, your scorpionoid heritage starts to show far more. Your strength ability score increases by 2.
- Chitin Growth
At 9th level, the gauntlet gets more powerful and can manifest more. Now, you unlock 50% of the gauntlet. As a bonus action, chitin spreads along your arms and your tail gets larger. When in this mode, your unarmed strikes deal 2d4 damage and if using the advanced critical strike rule, a crit to the arms is considered a critical failure. Taking the dodge action makes a damage threshold equal to your constitution modifier for that turn if you specify the dodging is blocking. This lasts for one minute or until you’re knocked unconscious. You can use this feature an amount equal to a quarter of your constitution modifier, rounded up, regaining all uses at the end of a long rest.
- Final Sting
At 11th level, your tail gets more dexterous, now able to attack every turn. You lose your 3rd level ability and it’s replaced by the following. As a bonus action when you make an unarmed attack, you gain 10 feet of range and deal the poisoned effect for one turn with each swing.
- Chitin Evolved
At 14th level, The gauntlet has now turned into your truest weapon now dealing 2d8 piercing damage and an extra 1d4 if the target has the poison effect.
- Sickel Growth
At 3rd level, you gain a reach of 10 feet and your unarmed strikes deal 1d6 slashing damage as your arms morph into formidable scythes.
- Evolution Branch Off
At 5th level, you choose between being a praying mantis and an orchid mantis. If you’re a praying mantis, your scythes are a deep green hue and become serrated, making your unarmed strikes deal 1d12 slashing damage. If you choose orchid mantis, your scythes gain a brilliant pink hue and are flat, like a kitchen knife. They deal 1d8 piercing damage and you can use a reaction to boost your AC by 2 if you aren’t using any medium or heavy armour.
- Specices Evolution
At 7th level, you gain another feature based on your strain of mantis. If you’re a praying mantis, your movement speed doubles. If you’re an orchid mantis, you gain the ability to mesmerize someone with your brilliant pink color, making them have the exact opposite effects of the fear spell.
- Limb Extention
At 9th level, your reach extends to 15 feet or you can take the attack action as a bonus action.
- Final Evolutionary Stage
At 11th level, you gain one more feature based on your strain of mantis. If you’re a praying mantis, your critical range increases by 1, from 20 to 19-20 or 19-20 to 18-20. If you’re an orchid mantis, you can make someone do a dc 10+your charisma modifier saving throw, being charmed for 1d6 turns on a failed saving throw and on a successful saving throw, they merely have to reroll the saving throw every time they attack you, on a fail they stop the attack and on a success they break the effect and attack you.
- Slashers Rage
At 14th level, you gain the ultimate defense mechanism of the mantis, you start slashing rapidly in a line. All creatures in a 10 foot wide 60 foot long line are slashed apart and must take a dc 10 plus your dexterity modifier, taking 8d10 slashing damage if they fail the saving throw, or half as much damage on a successful save. After everything is resolved, you move to the end of this line.
- Minor Dragon Flight
At 3rd level, you gain a flying speed of 60, as insectoid wings grow out of your back.
- Increased Sight and Movement
At 5th level, you develop slight compound vision. You can no longer be surprised and while flying you gain +3 to your AC.
- Strengthened Air Strike
At 7th level, your unarmed attack damage turns into 1d10 when you fly 60 feet on the same turn you attack.
- Full Winged Flight
At 9th level, your flying speed is increased to 90 and anybody that you fly by takes 1d4 slashing damage from the wind.
- Primal Evolution
At 11th level, your primal instincts grow even stronger than before, it now doubles all of the effects and the advantage is now on constitution and strength saving throws. Attacks against you have disadvantage now while flying. You’re also no longer berserk.
- Sniper Shot
At 14th level, you gain the ultimate defense technique of the dragonfly, the sniper shot. You have to be within five feet of a surface to activate this ability. Once a day, as an action you can kick off of a surface and fly as fast as possible to one creature in a line perpendicular to the surface. This creature must succeed on a dc 10+your constitution and dexterity modifier or be kicked right in the chest as you seemingly teleport to them, taking 10d8 bludgeoning damage with the magical property for the purpose of overcoming resistances and immunities. They are also pushed back 10d10 feet, and if they hit a wall within the first half of the distance they fly back, they fly through it, taking an additional 1d10 damage or an additional 1d6 damage if they don’t fly through the wall.
Firefly infected with Cordyceps Militaris[edit]
- Inner Illumination
At 3rd level, you can produce a dim light from an angler fish's fin ray that protrudes from its forehead. You produce dim light with a radius of 50 feet.
- Healing Light
At 5th level, your complex had a fungal infection as you obtained it. This allows you to manifest this light blue fungus from your hand, casting the cure wounds spell, healing 1d8+your con modifier as an action. You can do this a number of times up to your con mod.
- Brighter Core
At 7th level, your lantern gets buffed, producing bright light for 30 feet and dim light for another 60.
- Major Healing Light
At 9th level, your fungus starts to increase its healing ability, turning the healing die to a d10 and doubling the amount of times you can use it.
- Flashing Lights
At 11th level, your lantern can quickly increase its light in a burst, making every creature in a 15-foot cone go blind for 1d4 turns on a failure of a con saving throw, with the dc being 8 + your con mod + Proficiency bonus.
- Light At The End Of The Tunnel
At 14th level, you can cast spare the dying as a free action once per day.
Tobacco Hornworm[edit]
- Toxic Fumes
At 3rd level, you first branch into this complex. Tiny, yet noticeable apertures appear on your arms, and whenever you smoke any form of tobacco, these small holes emit a fog of green gas, putting the poisoned effect on all creatures within 60 feet of you for as long as you smoke.
- Damaging Air
At 5th level, your gases become slightly poisonous to inhale. All creatures within the radius that aren’t holding their breath take 1d4 damage at the start of each of their turns.
- Fellow Smokers
At 7th level, your allies are no longer affected by your gasses. They can exist inside it with no debuffs whatsoever.
- Healing Smoke
At 9th level, your allies are buffed by the gas. They gain one hit point every turn while inside of the gas.
- Tiring Death
At 11th level, your gas is now potent enough to cause sleepiness in those who breathe it. All hostile creatures who aren’t holding their breath must roll a dc 8 + your constitution modifier + proficiency bonus constitution saving throw or gain one level of exhaustion at the beginning of their turn. When they would die at 6th level of exhaustion, they instead go to sleep for one minute.
- Nocturnal Hell
At 14th level, you unlock your ultimate defense mechanism, completely undergoing metamorphosis when you smoke a highly concentrated dose of nicotine. For two minutes, you become the Tobacco Hawk Moth, the black devil. You grow horns and your skin forms a flowing black cloak behind you. Your nicotine apertures become enlarged, passively producing smoke and you grow claws, doubling your unarmed attack strength. Also, your movement speed is now 65 feet. After this mode ends, you gain a new superpower. The cells in your body now rapidly divide and never die. Fun! You gain one cancer of your DM’s choice.
Cockroach Wasp[edit]
- Stinging Strike
At 3rd level, you gain a wasp abdomen with a stinger on your lower back. You gain the ability to sting someone as an action. One creature within 5 feet must make a dc 8 + your constitution modifier + proficiency bonus constitution saving throw . On a success, nothing happens. On a failure, they are inflicted with the poisoned effect for 30 seconds. You can use this ability an amount of times equal to your constitution modifier.
- Poisonous Tip
At 5th level, you get more similar to your sharer of DNA, you now deal 1d8 poison damage when you sting someone.
- Toxic Poison
At 7th level, your venom is more damaging, making the poison deal 1d4 per turn.
- Potent Poison
At 9th level, your venom is potent, making the poison effect from the sting last a minute.
- Multiple Stings
At 11th level, your sting ability can be used an unlimited amount of times in a day.
- Cockroach Infest
At 14th level, your sting truly becomes your own. You can cast geas when you sting someone once per day, only affecting one target at a time. You also establish a telepathic link with this creature, allowing you to command them whenever you wish. (Cockroaches don’t count towards the limit.)
- Blood Sipper
At 3rd level, you start to show a bloodlust and your tongue grows abnormal lengths. Unlike other predator insects, you cannot keep your need for blood to yourself and need a gallon of blood at least once every month. This supplements your need for food, even if you are a member of PET SHOP. You no longer need water. Consuming blood also heals you. Drinking one pint restores 2d6 hit points and doesn’t have any risk of disease including STDs. Lol, just kidding, you can still get HIV from trying not to die of starvation.
- Longer Reach
At 5th level, your bloodsucking tendencies evolve, and so does your means of getting blood. Your tongue can grow up to 15 feet to drink blood from someone.
- Horrifying Looks
At 7th level, you become menacing to civilians and weak monsters. You can cast the fear spell once per day.
- Grappling Mouth
At 9th level, your mosquito nature evolves. You can drain health with your tongue along with blood. You can now grapple someone with your tongue, and while they’re grappled by you you deal 1d8 damage per turn to them, as you slowly drain their blood.
- Sapping Strength
At 11th level, you heal from sucking blood from a creature. For each time you deal damage by grappling a creature, you heal as much health.
- Paralysing Lifeform
At 14th level, you become the ultimate parasite. You make anyone you suck blood from roll a dc 8 + your constitution modifier + proficiency bonus constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for one minute. You can do this an amount of times equal to your constitution modifier per day, regaining the uses at the end of a long rest. They can reroll the saving throw once per turn.
- <!-Class Feature->
At 3rd level, you can produce a silky-smooth cloth from your mouth. Your hair becomes silky smooth. As a bonus action, you can roll a dc 13 constitution saving throw. On a failed save, you throw up and gain a level of exhaustion. On a successful save, you produce a bolt’s worth of silk, worth 15 gold points each.
- <!-Class Feature->
At 5th level, your silk gets sticky, the grapple action gains a range of 20 feet.
- <!-Class Feature->
At 7th level, your silk creation becomes more refined, allowing you to sell your created silk for 25 whole gold points per bolt.
- <!-Class Feature->
At 9th level, you can now make long-ranged blindfolds out of your silk. A creature within 60 feet has to make a dc 10+your constitution modifier dexterity saving throw or be blinded until they manage to succeed the check, which they can reroll as an action.
- <!-Class Feature->
At 11th level, your silk gets very valuable. It’s now priced at approximately 50 gold points of gold, going down in regions with a lot of silk and up in regions with little silk.
- <!-Class Feature->
At 14th level, you become a living factory for money. You have advantage on the saving throw to create silk and you can make a cocoon around any creature within 20 feet. Choose a creature within 20 feet of you. They must make a dc 12+your constitution modifier dexterity saving throw or be paralyzed
- <!-Class Feature->
At 3rd level, you become the most annoying and resilient creature known to man. A cockroach. Two long, skinny antennae sprout from your head and droop down. Your unarmed strikes deal 2d4 bludgeoning damage.
- <!-Class Feature->
At 5th level, your resilient nature begins to show. Your ac is increased by two and you may reroll a death saving throw once per day.
- <!-Class Feature->
At 7th level, you become extremely tough to kill and annoying to those who want to do so. You regain one hitpoint every turn.
- <!-Class Feature->
At 9th level, you can roll a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a successful save, you heal 1d12 hit points. On a failed save, you gain a level of exhaustion.
- <!-Class Feature->
At 11th level, you’ve almost unlocked your full potential as a cockroach. You can feel vibrations in the air with your antennae, allowing you to take the dodge action as a bonus action. You also gain tremorsense of 30 feet.
- <!-Class Feature->
At 14th level, you gain the regeneration of a thousand cockroaches. Any limb (including your head) that’s chopped off immediately reattaches itself. When you finish death saving throws successfully you just get right back up. No 1d4 of unconsciousness.
Bombardier Beetle[edit]
- <!-Class Feature->
At 3rd level, you form tattoos on your arms that look similar to the limbs of insects. Your melee attacks deal 1d6 fire damage, as they explode on impact.
- <!-Class Feature->
At 5th level, you gain a move. You can now cause a large scale explosion. Every creature within a 15 foot radius circle must roll a dc 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d8 fire damage on a failed save, while half as much damage on a success.
- <!-Class Feature->
At 7th level, you can perform a medium ranged explosive move. Every creature within a 30 foot cone must roll a dc 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d8 fire damage on a failed save, while half as much damage on a successful save.
- <!-Class Feature->
At 9th level, you learn a jack-of-all-trades move, the frag shot. This ability requires a rock of any size to do, the larger the rock the better, but also the more exhausting. If the rock is a pebble, then it explodes in your hand, dealing 1d4 piercing damage to every creature in a 10 foot long line. If the rock is a nice, normal rock then it deals 1d8 to everyone in a 20 foot long line. If the rock is a large rock (big as a human’s head), it deals 1d12 to everyone in a 25 foot long line. If the rock is bigger than that, but smaller than your body it deals 2d8 to everyone in a 30 foot long line and you gain a point of exhaustion.
- <!-Class Feature->
At 11th level, your frag shot gets even better. If the rock you use in the ability is a boulder, you gain 3 points of exhaustion and deal 2d20 damage to every creature in a 60 foot long, 15 foot wide line. If the rock you use is larger than that, you gain 6 points of exhaustion (but do death saving throws normally if you had no points of exhaustion beforehand) and deal 1d100 points of damage to every creature in a 25 foot wide 100 foot long line.
- <!-Class Feature->
At 14th level, you unlock your ultimate defense mechanism, the “Bunker Buster” shot. This causes a massive explosion that deals double damage to structures. Every creature within a 50 foot radius of you can only dodge if they have uncanny dodge, or some feature similar to that. Every creature within a 50 foot radius of you must take 5d10 damage
- <!-Class Feature->
At 3rd level, you have quite a bit of variation to do. You choose between becoming a Giant Long-legged Katydid and an armored bush cricket. As a Giant Long-legged Katydid, your movement speed doubles and your legs become chitinous. As an armored bush cricket, you gain 2 to your ac and you gain shoulder pads made of chitin. As a Mole Cricket, you gain a digging speed of 25 feet, as your hands become chitinous and rigid like shovels.
- <!-Class Feature->
At 5th level, the wild variation of the Orthopterans continues. As a Giant Long-legged Katydid, your unarmed attacks deal twice as much damage as long as you specify that it’s a kick. If you’re an Armored Bush Cricket, you deal your ac-14 damage to anyone attacking you, with the minimum being 0 as the shoulder pads gain spikes. As a mole cricket, you can choose whether or not you want the holes you dig to close behind you.
- <!-Class Feature->
At 7th level, the species begin to meet in the middle. All giant long-legged katydids gain the ability to become a bit more chitinous, adding +2 to their ac. All armored bush crickets get more nimble, adding +10 to their movement speed. All mole crickets on the other hand now have a burrowing speed of 35.
- <!-Class Feature->
At 9th level, if you’re a giant long-legged katydid you triple your long and high jump distance. If you’re an armored bush cricket, you develop acidic blood. Now, whenever a creature attacks you they must succeed on a constitution saving throw with a dc equal to your armor class. On a fail, they take 2d6 acid damage, or half as much on a successful save. If you’re a mole cricket, you gain the ability to make basic facilities out of the dirt you dig through, such as doors, windows, pressure plates, and wheels. These are all treated to be as sturdy as wood.
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At 11th level, you gain all of the features of one other type of Orthoptera complex, not including the 14th level feature.
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At 14th level, you unlock the ultimate defense mechanism of your complex. If you’re a giant long-legged katydid, you gain the ability to grow scythes on your heels, allowing you to deal 10d6 slashing damage if you attack a creature while falling on them once a day as the scythe grows great lengths to slice through them. If you’re an armored bush cricket, your acidic blood blinds. If someone attacks you and is sprayed by your acid, they must roll a dc 10+your constitution modifier constitution saving throw. On a fail, they become blinded for a minute, and they can reroll the saving throw as an action. If you’re a mole cricket, you can now tunnel through any metal or stone (but your speed is reduced to 15), and your built machines are as sturdy as stone.
In order to multiclass into this class, you must spray an insect/arachnid with Jungle Juice™ Bug Spray. You also need to be a human, elf, dwarf, half elf, or any variants thereof.
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