Hate Plague (5e Disease)

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Hate Plague[edit]

Contracting Hate Plague[edit]

The Hate Plague is contracted from a variety of ways being

  • The slightest touch with the infected.
  • Somebody activates a bio-weapon containing a sample of the disease.
  • A flower bred to release spores that contain the disease.


Stage 1 (seconds after infection): The victim begins to experience strong headaches. If they roll a successful DC 12 Intelligence (Arcana) or Wisdom (Insight) check, they (and any other creatures nearby) will become aware to the fact they are infected. If the check fails then they are unaware of the infection festering inside them.

Stage 2 (2-5 minutes after infection): The victims become increasingly snappish and disagreeable to each other as their temper begins to heat up exponentially. Do note that some cases also contained a thirst for bloodshed to rise with their growing temper.

Stage 3 (15-30 minutes after infection): The victim literally turns red and gains a red glow as well as a desire to spread the disease to all creatures they come across. The infected can work together to spread the virus even further making them DANGEROUS.


A Wish spell or a Greater Restoration spell cast with a level slot of 8 or higher will cure them of the Hate Plague.

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