Arcane Bonds (Pathfinder Alternate Class Feature)

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Alternate Arcane Bonds[edit]

Class: Wizard

Athame At 1st level, when a wizard selects his arcane bond, he may choose to select athame instead of a bonded item or familiar.

Similar to a bonded item, an athame is a dagger which can be used to focus magical energies. An athame must be an item of personal significance to the wizard who wields it and must bear an inscription with his name somewhere upon it. At 1st level, the athame counts as a focus for any spell requiring a focus of 200 gp or less. At 2nd level, and every subsequent level thereafter, this amount increases by an additional 200 gp, to a total of 4,000 gp at 20th level.

Additionally, once per day the wizard may choose to temporarily expend the magical power of his athame in order to cast a spell with costly material components costing less than the athame’s value as a focus without expending any material components. If he does, the athame becomes an ordinary dagger for 24 hours.

Spellbook While on the surface this arcane bond might appear to be just one incarnation of a bonded item, in truth it functions quite differently. The bond must be created with a grimoire or similar spell-filled tome, and affects only the wizard's relation with this spellbook: if the book falls into the hands of another wizard, he gains no special bonus from it. The wizard bound to the spellbook gains a number of benefits as a result of this bond, which are outlined below.

Firstly, the wizard may copy any spell from a scroll or another spellbook into his spellbook as a standard action, without expending any additional resources. Spells copied from scrolls still destroy the scroll as part of the process.

Secondly, the wizard's spellbook can magically hold any number of spells despite ordinary limits on page count. Finally, once per day by spending 10 minutes concentrating, the wizard may exchange a single spell he currently has prepared and which he has not yet cast today for another spell of the same level contained within his spellbook. This chosen spell is stored in his mind as though prepared in the normal fashion.

Original Sources Necromancers of the Northwest: A Necromancer's Almanac 2012 and Advanced Arcana V

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