Sheikah (5e Race)

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Scales.png This page is of questionable balance. Reason: Only has two traits and is heavily weighted towards Trinkets. See gnome for something similar but more spread out. Lack of saving throws throughout. Ignite has no Con save. Lure has no CR limits.

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Stub Logo.png This page is incomplete and/or lacking flavor. Reason: Largely Incomplete. Trinkets are not mechanically detailed well. No fluff. What is blast damage? What is incorporeal, and freeze? What's Song of Storms? What mechanical function does lure have?

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Physical Description[edit]



Sheikah Names[edit]



Sheikah Traits[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your An ability score was not entered for this template! score increases by 2 and your An ability score was not entered for this template! score increases by 1.
Size. Speed. Your base walking speed is <speed> feet.
Art Of Silence. You have proficiency in stealth.
Sheikah Trinkets. You have access to special trinkets storing ancient Sheikah shadow magic. You can use Sheikah Trinkets up to your proficiency bonus before needing a long rest. There are some rules. You cannot use a trinket while another is active and you must cancel the other. Runes cannot be charged by fairy fountains but can be charged by Sheikah stones. You cannot be given runes by other players to use. Runes can be used twice but in exchange you cannot use that one again the next day. As a bonus action you can invoke one of the following trinkets:

Ignite. Invoking this trinket sets an enemy on fire for 1 minute. They constantly take 1d4 fire damage.

Grapple. Invoking this lets you grapple 20ft as a bonus action. You can continuously use this for hours up to your level.

Cannon. You summon one incorporeal 4-foot-tall cannon that does 1d4 blast damage. The cannon automatically moves to where you are. Only you can see the cannon. The cannon automatically goes last in combat. It stays for hours up to your level.

Inertia. By invoking this trinket you can freeze an enemy in place for turns up to your level. Any damage done to the enemy doesn't have any effect until the final turn. When the final turn happens the enemy takes the damage equal in dice. Example: two dagger hits. Enemy takes 4d4.

Platform. Invoking this trinket allows you to summon a platform that grows and shrinks based on what's on it. The platform will disappear after 5 minutes and you can move it. However the platform can only hold up to 10 Small creatures, 5 Medium creatures, or 3 Large creatures.

Shatter. Invoking this trinket encapsulates your hand. The next object you touch shatters into pieces no matter the durability. You can only use this once.

Cutter. Invoking this trinket manifests an energy blade around their hand. It lasts hours up to your level. The blade does 1d8 slashing damage and automatically deactivates and reactivates out of combat.

Drizzle. Invoking this trinket allows you to play the song of storms without an instrument.

Lure. Invoking this trinket allows you to attempt to lure a beast out of hiding. Roll a D20. On a 1-10 it fails on an 11-20 you successfully lure out the beast.

Reflect. Invoking this trinket gives you a reaction. As a reaction you can reflect an attack back at the user. They take half of the initial damage.

Vanish. Invoking this trinket allows you to vanish from sight. You automatically cast the invisibility spell. It wears off after you are perceived.

Mirror. You can copy a move that successfully hits you. You can use this move up to your proficiency bonus. You cannot use this trinket again until you use all the charges.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

′ '' + lb. × () lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

(0 votes)

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