Damage (Overwatch Supplement)

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Damage heroes seek out, engage, and obliterate the enemy with wide-ranging tools, abilities, and play styles. Fearsome but fragile, these heroes require backup to survive. Damage heroes play a mix of flanking, diving, and ultimately gunning down foes with unrelenting attacks.

Creating a Damage[edit]

Quick Build

You can make a Damage quickly by following these suggestions. First, prioritize having a high Dexterity score. Second, put your second highest score into Constitution. Finally, pick a race that provides benefits to the listed ability scores with a size of Medium or smaller.

Class Features

As a Damage you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d6 per Damage level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + Constitution modifier per Damage level after 1st


Armor: Light armor, medium armor
Weapons: Martial weapons, simple weapons
Tools: Choose one type of artisan’s tools
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Strength
Skills: Choose three skills between Athletics, Stealth, Acrobatics, Survival, Perception, Investigation, Insight, Sleight of Hand, and Deception.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) One martial weapon of your choice or (b) two simple weapons of your choice
  • Leather armor
  • (a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack

Table: The Damage

Level Proficiency
Features Talent Points Health Improvment
1st +2 Health Improvement, Hero Specialty, Heroic Talent 1 +50%
2nd +2 Crippling Damage, Composition 1 +50%
3rd +2 Heroic Talent, Combat Training 2 +50%
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 2 +50%
5th +3 Extra Attack, Heroic Talent 3 +50%
6th +3 Health Improvement 3 +75%
7th +3 Refined Style, Heroic Talent 4 +75%
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement, Elusive 4 +75%
9th +4 Heroic Talent 5 +75%
10th +4 Perfect Synergy, Ultimate Improvement 5 +75%
11th +4 Heroic Talent 6 +75%
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 6 +75%
13th +5 Heroic Talent 7 +100%
14th +5 Mastered Method, Health Improvement 7 +100%
15th +5 Resilient, Heroic Talent 8 +100%
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement, Extra Attack 8 +100%
17th +6 Heroic Talent 9 +100%
18th +6 Ability Score Improvement 9 +100%
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 10 +100%
20th +6 Ultimate Improvement 10 +100%

Health Improvement[edit]

Starting at 1st level, you choose one of 3 different types of health improvements: Health, Armor, Shields. If you choose Armor or Shields, you cannot pick the one you didn’t choose for further health improvements. You may choose Health regardless of if you have Armor or Shields. Whatever health improvement you choose at 1st level will provide you with the following benefits:

  • Health: You will add ½ your hit point maximum to your hit point maximum (rounded up).
  • Armor: Your hit point maximum will be divided in two, half of it being health and the other half being Armor (round the Armor to the bigger number). Armor is a recoverable type of HP that will reduce damage dealt to it. Whenever you take damage greater than or equal to double your Constitution modifier to your Armor, you will reduce it by your Constitution modifier. If damage to your Armor is less than double your Constitution modifier, you halve the damage instead (rounding down). Damage-over-time effects can not not be reduced, and beam attacks will only do half damage to your Armor instead of being reduced by your Armor’s damage reduction. If your Armor is destroyed by an attack, the rest of the damage will go directly to your health. If you choose Armor as your Health Improvement at further levels, your damage reduction will go up to 2 x your Constitution modifier the second time, to 3 x your Constitution modifier the third time.
  • Shields: Your hit point maximum will be divided in two, half of it being health and the other half being Shields (round the Shields to the bigger number). Shields are a type of recoverable HP that regenerate after not taking damage. If you haven’t taken damage halfway into a round of combat, you will regenerate shields equal to your Constitution modifier, if you haven’t taken damage from the middle to the end of a round of combat, you will regenerate shields again. This is counted as a form of healing for the purposes of healing boosting/nullifying effects. If you choose Shields again as your Health Improvement at further levels, your health regeneration will go up to 2 x your Constitution modifier the second time, to 4 x your Constitution modifier the third time.

You will gain another Health Improvement bonus at 6th level and 14th level. You will choose one of the 3 types once again, and you will add ¼ to your Shields/Armor, or ½ to your Health (+¼ -> +½ -> ¾ -> 1). To do this, get rid of your previous Health Improvement and recalculate it with the new bonus to your Health Improvement type. For example, if you’re adding Shields/Armor to your pre-existing Shield/Armor, say you have 100 health, 50 of it is Shield/Armor, and you’re adding ¼ to it, you add ¼ of 100, and then you add your bonus health back after the calculation, landing you at 100 health with 75 Shields/Armor. Now if you’re adding Health, you add ½ of 100 to your 50 bonus health, landing you at 200 health. You can choose either Health or Shield/Armor for these health improvements, it does not to be the same each time. For example, you have 150 health, 50 of it is bonus health, and you’re adding ¼ in Shields/Armor, you add ¼ of 100, and then you add your bonus health back after the calculation, landing you at 150 health with 25 Shields/Armor. Again, you cannot choose both Armor and Shields.

Hero Specialty[edit]

Also at 1st level, you will choose a subclass listed at the bottom of this page to be your Hero Specialty. This will determine your playstyle and your abilities, and you will be able to choose further improvements called "Heroic Talents” for certain abilities with “Talent Points”, which you gain every two levels. Each Hero Specialty provides you with Heroic Abilities that have a cooldown listed above the ability’s description. Cooldowns are measured in turns, for every turn an ability requires before activation is how many full turns you have to go before being able to activate the ability again.

Heroic Ability Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity OR Strength modifier

Heroic Ability Attack Bonus = your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier

Heroic Talent[edit]

Finally, at 1st level, you gain a Talent Point that you can expend to improve a Heroic Ability provided by your Hero Specialty. The Heroic Talent choices for your subclass will be detailed underneath the Hero Specialty you chose, and you gain more Talent Points at every two levels as shown on the class table.

Crippling Damage[edit]

At 2nd level, you know how to keep your foes from recovering from your attacks. When you deal damage to a creature, the amount of healing they gain from all sources are reduced by ¼ of the total healing. This healing reduction does not stack with other applications of Crippling Damage, but it does stack with other modifiers that affect healing received. Self-damage does not apply this effect.


Also at 2nd level, you choose between 3 different combat styles which will determine how you synergize with your team. Choose between Dive, Poke, or Flank


Your combat style consists of running into your enemies face-to-face and taking down your opponents. Your movement speed increases by 15 feet, and you can take the Dash action as a bonus action when an enemy creature is in sight. You can only Dash as a bonus action when moving towards an enemy creature.


Your combat style is focused on sitting back and firing at your enemies from a distance, keeping pressure from a safe space. You gain a +2 to ranged attack rolls, and you don’t have disadvantage when attacking creatures that have high-ground.


Your combat style revolves around getting behind the enemy and tearing them apart one by one, without anyone noticing before it’s too late. You gain proficiency in Stealth(Dexterity) checks, if you already have proficiency with Stealth, you gain expertise. Attacks made against creatures that are unaware of your location increase their crit range by 1.

Combat Training[edit]

At 3rd level, your combative training has gained you one of the following feats you meet the requirements for:

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, 18th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

You may also ignore this increase to instead gain a Heroic Feat.

Extra Attack[edit]

Starting at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, when you use the Attack action during your turn. The number of attacks increases to three when you reach 16th level.

Refined Style[edit]

At 7th level, the combat style you chose from the Composition feature is further improved due to your experience with the technique.


Your movement speed is increased by another 15 feet, and the Dash action no longer provokes opportunity attacks. Additionally, when you attack an enemy after taking the Dash action, you have advantage on all attacks made against them until the end of your turn.


Your ranged attacks have their critical range increased by 1. Additionally, your ranged attacks ignore half-cover, and when you miss a ranged attack roll against a creature you can choose to make the attack roll again at another creature within 5 feet of your initial target.


When you make an attack against a creature that is unaware of your location, the crit range is increased by 1 again and crits will deal an additional die of damage.


At 8th level, your agility makes you incredibly hard to catch when it comes to combat. You choose between either Dexterity or Strength saving throws. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a saving throw of the chosen type to only take half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail. At 15th level, you can choose the saving throw you didn’t pick at 8th level.

Perfect Synergy[edit]

At 10th level, you’re so good at working with your team that you’re almost unstoppable together. When an ally is within 5 feet of an enemy creature, you have advantage on attack rolls against them. Additionally, when an ally lands an attack against a creature within your range, you can use your reaction to make an attack against that creature. You gain an additional reaction that you can only use for this feature.

Ultimate Improvement[edit]

Also at 10th level, you can choose one of the Ultimate Talents detailed underneath your Hero Specialty to apply to your Ultimate. You gain another Ultimate Improvement at 20th level.

Mastered Method[edit]

At 14th level, your combat style is further enhanced as you’ve gained mastery over your technique.


You can mark a creature you can see as your Target for 1 minute. If you die, your Target dies, or you’re incapacitated, this effect goes away. You gain the following benefits when attacking your Target:

  • You gain a bonus to hit with on attacks made against your Target equal to half your Heroic Ability modifier.
  • Your Target makes all your saving throws with a penalty equal to half your Heroic Ability modifier.
  • Your crit range is increased by 1 when making attacks against your Target.
  • When you land a critical hit against your Target, you can make another attack against them as part of the same action. (This effect can only trigger once per turn)
  • If your Target moves out of your range you can make an opportunity attack against them that reduces their movement to 0.

You can only activate this ability twice per long rest.


Your ranged attacks ignore three-quarters cover, your ranged attacks are increased by half the total range, and you can target an additional creature with a ranged attack once per turn. Additionally, when you land a critical hit with a ranged attack, you roll an additional damage die for the total damage.


Your attacks are considered critical if you attack an enemy that is surprised. Additionally, you can use your reaction to make an attack against a creature that discovers your position if they are within 10 feet of you.

Hero Specialty[edit]

Chronal Manipulator (WIP)[edit]

North Dragon Warrior[edit]


You can climb up to 20 feet before detaching from the surface you’re climbing on, and you can jump while airborne once before needing to touch the ground to activate it again. Additionally, you don’t take fall damage from distances less than or equal to triple your climb distance. You can generate magazines of 30 Cyber-Shurikens, firing 3 per attack action in either a line or in an arc. When attacking in a line, you roll 3 attack rolls at one creature. When attacking in an arc, you roll 3 attack rolls in a cone, throwing a shuriken down the middle and both sides of the cone until they hit something or reach their maximum range.


Heroic Ability

Cooldown: 1 Turn

As a reaction to a projectile attack or melee attack being made against you, you can make a Heroic Ability attack roll against the enemy’s attack roll or DC. On success, a projectile will be sent in a direction of your choice with the same range and damage as the base ability, and melee attacks will be halved. You will roll a Heroic Ability attack roll or force a saving throw after successfully deflecting a projectile depending on what you reflected.

Swift Strike

Heroic Ability

Cooldown: 1 Turn

As a bonus action, you can rapidly dash forward in a straight line up to 20 feet in front of you, dealing 1d10 slashing damage to every creature you pass. If you kill or knock a creature unconscious with or without this ability, the cooldown is immediately reset.

The damage increases to 2d10 at 3rd level, 3d10 at 7th level, 4d10 at 12th level, and 5d10 at 16th level.


Ultimate Ability

(105 x level) Ultimate Points

As a bonus action, you can summon the spirit of the north dragon into a melee weapon. Until the end of your turn, this weapon deals xd6 + your Heroic Ability modifier in slashing damage per hit. Additionally, your movement speed increases by half your total movement speed, and the cooldown for Swift Strike is reset. (x = your level)

South Dragon Warrior (WIP)[edit]

Duplicator (WIP)[edit]

Marksman (WIP)[edit]

Gunslinger (WIP)[edit]


When you pick this Heroic Speciality, you are granted the Peacekeeper. You can’t be disarmed of this weapon against your will. As an action, you can fan the hammer of the Peacekeeper, emptying all of the remaining bullets in the chamber. Make an attack roll for each bullet, each dealing half the damage of a normal bullet and gaining a -2 penalty to the attack roll for each bullet fired before it.

Combat Roll

Heroic Ability

Cooldown: 1 Turn

As a bonus action, you can swiftly roll 10 feet in any direction of your choice. When you use Combat Roll, you instantly reload your Peacekeeper, and you are resistant to the next thing that deals damage to you until the end of the current round.


Heroic Ability

Cooldown: 2 Turns

As a bonus action, you can toss a flash grenade anywhere within 15 feet of you. Every creature within 5 feet of where you threw the grenade must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 1d6 thunder damage, losing half their movement speed (rounded up), and being unable to use movement abilities until the end of their turn. On a successful save, a creature suffers none of the listed penalties, and takes no damage.

This damage increases to 3d6 at 3rd level, 6d6 at 7th level, 9d6 at 12th level, and 12d6 at 16th level.


Ultimate Ability

(90 x your level) Ultimate Points

As a bonus action, you can halve your movement speed, gain resistance to all damage, and progressively accumulate a damage threshold on each creature of your choice within your sight. You cannot use any actions while Deadeye is active, you can only move, change where you’re facing, or deactivate Deadeye as a free action. At the end of your turn after you activate Deadeye, you add xd12 to the threshold of every creature of your choice that you can see. Every time a targeted creature ends their turn on the round you activate Deadeye, you add xd12 to their threshold. A targeted creature’s threshold is not increased if they’re not in your vision at the end of the turn. At the end of the round or as a reaction while Deadeye is active, you can fire a bullet from your Peacekeeper at every targeted creature within your vision, which will automatically land provided they don’t have anything that would block a normal Peacekeeper bullet. (x = your level)

Configurator (WIP)[edit]

Demolitionist (WIP)[edit]

Cryo-Gunner (WIP)[edit]

Airborne Rocketeer (WIP)[edit]

Shadow Stalker (WIP)[edit]

Cybernetic Railgunner (WIP)[edit]

Rifleman (WIP)[edit]

Hacker (WIP)[edit]

Hard-Light Manipulator (WIP)[edit]


Engineer’s Hammer

When you pick this Heroic Speciality, you are granted with the Forge Hammer. You can’t be disarmed of this weapon against your will. You can make an attack with the Forge Hammer on your Turret to repair it for ⅕ of its maximum hit points.

Deploy Turret

Heroic Ability

Cooldown: 1 Turn out of combat, 2 Turns after destruction

As an action, you can deploy a Medium self-building turret that will automatically fire at enemies at the beginning of each of your turns until destroyed. The turret will begin firing the following turn after it’s deployed as it needs time to build itself. The turret has a range of 50 feet and it shoots twice at the beginning of each of your turns, making a heroic ability ranged attack roll for each bullet dealing 1d4 piercing damage on hit. The turret will shoot at the closest enemy in its range unless you land an attack against a different creature in its range, in which case it will attack the creature you hit. Your turret has an amount of hit points equal to your level times 10, and you can destroy the turret as a free action.

The damage of your turret’s bullets increases to 2d4 at 3rd level, 3d4 at 7th level, 5d4 at 12th level, and 6d4 at 16th level.


Heroic Ability

Cooldown: 2 Turns

As a bonus action, you can overload your body, giving you overhealth and improving your damage, movement, and reload speed for a brief period. You gain an amount of overhealth equal to 5 times your level, all your weapon attacks deal additional damage equal to half their total damage, you increase your movement speed by half of your total movement speed, and when you take the Attack action with a one-handed weapon, you can make an additional attack as part of the same action once per turn. This bonus lasts until the beginning of your next turn, which will count as your first turn of cooldown.

Molten Core

Ultimate Ability

(115 x level) Ultimate Points

As an action, you fire pools of molten slag that damages enemies and melts through armor. You can shoot 3 15ft. circles of molten slag anywhere within 100 feet of you. Any enemy creature standing in the slag takes xd4 fire damage, and will take it again for every 5 feet traveled in it, double damage to armor health. (x = level)


Widow’s Eyes

Widow’s Eyes When you pick this Heroic Specialty, you are granted with the Widow’s Kiss. You can’t be disarmed of this weapon against your will. When you’re using its scope, its range is increased to 300/600.

Grappling Hook

Heroic Ability

Cooldown: 2 Turns

As a bonus action, you can fire a grappling hook that goes as far as 50 feet in a straight line. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks, and you land on the closest surface within 5 feet of where you grappled if you hooked onto a ledge.

Venom Mine

Heroic Ability

Cooldown: 3 Turns

As a bonus action, you can launch a Venom Mine anywhere within 30 feet of you which sticks to the surface it lands on. Once a creature enters the space the Venom Mine is on, it explodes, forcing every creature in a 5 foot circle centered around the mine to make a Constitution saving throw or take 1d8 poison damage, or half as much on a successful save. A creature will roll this saving throw at disadvantage if they didn’t detect the Venom Mine. You will briefly see the heat signature of whoever triggered the trap, granting you advantage on your next attack against them. A creature will automatically detect the Venom Mine if they’re informed of its location, and a creature can make a DC 16 Perception check at the beginning of their turns to detect it when it's in their sight. The Venom Mine has 1 health, and is immediately destroyed if you place a new one.

The damage increases to 2d8 at 3rd level, 4d8 at 7th level, 6d8 at 12th level, and 8d8 at 16th level.


Ultimate Ability

(80 x level) Ultimate Points

As a free action, you can grant you and your entire team a view of each creature’s heat signature through walls and other structures for 3 turns (including the activation turn). Infra-Sight grants advantage on all attacks. This enhanced vision will go away at the end of your third turn, if you’re knocked unconscious, or if you die.

Excavator (WIP)[edit]


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the <!-class name-> class, you must meet these prerequisites:

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the <!-class name-> class, you gain the following proficiencies:

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