Aluminus (5e Background)

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Skill Proficiencies: Pick two skills from the list: Arcana, History, Nature, Medicine

Tool Proficiencies: Choose one of the following: Calligrapher's supplies, Cartographer's tools, Cook's utensils, Herbalist kit.

Languages: One language of your choosing

Equipment: Aluminus Diploma or Medal, graduation gift (refer to Martial Traning), scholar's robes, a coin-purse containing 5 gold.

Feature: Martial Training[edit]

The curriculum of your institution included martial training, and one the weapons you were trained to be proficient with was gifted to you at graduation.

Choose one of the following:

Fencing. You are proficient with martial and simple finesse weapons. You get a Rapier or a Scimmitar as a gift.

Battle formation You are proficient with martial weapons and shields. You get a shield and either a Longsword or a Warhammer.

Archery. You are profecient with martial and simple ranged weapons. You get a Shortbow or a Light Crossbow and a fitting Quiver full of ammunition (20).

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

The years of constant academic challenges formed your personality, but did they prepare you for the challenges of the real world? only time will tell

d8 Personality Trait
1 I always remain courteous, even while conversing with twerps.
2 I am still elbow-deep in my personal research project, despite having no more support from my institution.
3 I seek and spell the truth, ignoring decency and ranks.
4 I am always glad to tell the scientific explanation of given topic.
5 I prefer to settle abstract debate on a sparring field.
6 I read the room as clearly as a book in my hands. And i know what i should and shouldn't say.
7 I use my sharp academic wits only when it is absolutely necessary, otherwise i am dull as a bludgeon.
8 I religiously praise wisemen and scientists and always respect their opinions.
d6 Ideal
1 <-Ideal->. (<-Alignment->)
2 <-Ideal->. (<-Alignment->)
3 <-Ideal->. (<-Alignment->)
4 <-Ideal->. (<-Alignment->)
5 <-Ideal->. (<-Alignment->)
6 <-Ideal->. (<-Alignment->)
d6 Bond
d6 Flaw
(0 votes)

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