Lost in the Elements (5e Quest)
Adventure Background[edit]
Hear are some options
- your characters are investigating the dragon attacks on cities they stumble upon a blue print for the plans of freeing Tiamat with the masks of the dragon queen but an evil wizard who is guarding the plans send the to another plane they find themselves in Tchazzar lair. Then they must find how to stop the freeing of Tiamat.
- your characters are hunting the great wyrm red dragon, Tchazzar. They find it’s lair but the lair is partially in the elemental fire plane and partially in the material plane. If the characters defeat the dragon or if they flee they will exit on the drive plane. Before they leave or they kill the dragon it will curse them to prevent them from leaving the plane with magic
Your characters are lost in the elemental planes searching for dragon masks. Tiamat's followers will try to find them first so they can make The Mask of the Dragon Queen and free Tiamat.
See above; Adventure Background for options.
Stage 1: Tchazzar's lair[edit]
Stage 2: Plane of fire[edit]
Cinder Wastes
The party finds themselves in a desert with embers and ash for sand and rivers of lava.
To the north the desert continues for what seems like forever, to the east and south there are volcanoes with rivers of lava that lead to a sea of fire in the west. At the edge of the sea of fire the party is able to make out what looks like a city glinting in the sunlight. They party is low on supplies and very thirsty from they’re fight with Tchazzar.
<- A stage is a chapter, or an important phase of the story. In a dungeon crawl, a stage would be one floor of the dungeon. In a more episodic, story-like adventure, a stage would be a series of connected scenes. ->
Step or Location[edit]
<- This is one scene in an adventure. In dungeon crawls, each room is a scene. ->
<- List everything which has actual mechanical importance, like traps, lighting, climb DCs for walls, hidden stuff, etc. ->
<- If the step is also a location, list the things that live there ->
<- Describe them. If they're supposed to fight, give them a stat block, link to a creature entry, or give a page reference to the MM. ->
<- List how the scene can change over time due to character actions. ->
<- List any treasure the players might acquire, and how they would acquire it. ->
In the end if you want your party to fight Tiamat here are some options (the party could find the masks again before fighting Tiamat)
- You could have Tiamat's followers find the masks first.
- A thief could steal the masks the adventurers have found.
- The party could intrust the masks to someone (maybe a wizard, dragon or royal they thought they could trust to protect it) but that person betrays them and summons Tiamat. (you can still have some sort of boss fight)
If you don't want them to fight Tiamat here are some alternative choices
- The adventurers could find the masks first and then a powerful creature(Dragon, wizard, lich or army of monsters) could try to take it from them. (they would hopefully win) If they don't win you could fudge the die, have them track down the creature, or fight Tiamat. They would then lock up the masks in fear of another attempt of theft.
- The party could also find X amount of masks and split them amongst themselves and use them as weapons.
- Maybe Tiamat's follower find the masks first but your adventurers ambush them and steal them.
This is a transcript of everything to be awarded the players, and the conditions attached to those rewards, at the end of the adventure. Think of it as a sort of checklist to make sure everything was covered.
- Combat Awards
Name of Foe | XP per foe |
Tchazzar | 460 000 |
<-Name-> | <-XP-> |
<-Name-> | <-XP-> |
<-Name-> | <-XP-> |
<-Name-> | <-XP-> |
<-Name-> | <-XP-> |
- Non-Combat Awards
Task or Accomplishment | XP per Character |
<-Name-> | <-XP-> |
<-Name-> | <-XP-> |
<-Name-> | <-XP-> |
<-Name-> | <-XP-> |
<-Name-> | <-XP-> |
<-Name-> | <-XP-> |
The minimum total award for each character participating in this adventure is X experience points.
The maximum total award for each character participating in this adventure is X experience points.
The characters receive the following treasure, divided up amongst the party. Characters should attempt to divide treasure evenly whenever possible. Gold piece values listed for sellable gear are calculated at their selling price, not their purchase price.
Consumable magic items should be divided up however the group sees fit. If more than one character is interested in a specific consumable magic item, the DM can determine who gets it randomly should the group be unable to decide.
Permanent magic items are divided up according to a system. See the sidebar if the adventure awards permanent magic items.
- Treasure Awards
Item Name | Sale Value |
<-Name-> | <-XP-> |
<-Name-> | <-XP-> |
<-Name-> | <-XP-> |
<-Name-> | <-XP-> |
<-Name-> | <-XP-> |
<-Name-> | <-XP-> |
[[<- Unique Magic Item ->]][edit]
<- If the magic item exists only on this page, remove the header brackets, otherwise make the title a link to the page containing the item. <- Duplicate this section as many times as needed. ->
<- This is an actual effect generated by you doing something that hurt people who still exist in the setting. Think of it is a boon, but absolutely horrible. ->
<- In games which contain factions, this is where you would award renown for completing faction-related activities. ->
Each character receives <-X-> downtime days at the conclusion of this adventure.
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