Sentient Slime Armor (5e Equipment)

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April Fools!
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Armor, very rare (requires attunement)

The armor bonds to an individual. Once bonded, it will encase the individual with its slime-like body. The form it takes can be any the bonded individual wishes as long as it resembles clothes of some sort. The player may manipulate this form using a bonus action. The slime has a personality determined by the bonded player as long as the DM approves. The player may use a bonus action to make the slime invisible/visible, however, this will only make the clothes it appears as invisible, rendering the player visible and naked to those around.

The bonded individual and slime may communicate telepathically as they please. This communication cannot be prevented or spied upon by any means. The slime can also assist in any mental check, including but not limited to recollection, insight, and persuasion. In order to use this feature, the player must explain how the slime will assist, and the DM will determine the effectiveness. This includes saving throws against effects such as frightened or charmed.

Each long rest, the bonded individual must make a CHA saving throw with a DC = their CHA stat value. This cannot be assisted by any means. The bonded player gets a bonus to their role equal to their CHA modifier. If the player is under the effect of exhaustion, their roll suffers a -1 for each level of exhaustion.

The players AC cannot be increased using equipment such as a shield. Spells will still have their normal effect. The players size cannot be changed by magical means. Sentient Slime cannot be removed or separated from the individual once bonded unless the player chooses to become unattuned. If the individual were to die while wearing the armor, Sentient Slime will dissipate into nothing 7 days after the death unless the player is resurrected.

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