Stone Golems (5e Race)

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Stone Golem[edit]


Bodyguards constructed to protect their creator.

Physical Description[edit]

There is not much finesse to the creation of a Golem, and as such they tend to look more like a pile of rocks and boulders that came to life in a shape similar to that of a humanoid's.

Attitudes and Beliefs[edit]

As creations of spellcasters, Golems believe in nothing but their master's authority. They have very little free will of their own as they are not designed to have any.


Golems came about much the same way as Gargoyles: Spellcasters experimenting with the ability to create life. As most creatures hate and fear them, Golems are created to protect them. But some spellcasters use them to create armies for their own sinister purpose.


Medium Construct
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution increases by 2 and your Strength increases by 1
Age. Golems can live as long as your stone is not destroyed
Alignment. A Golem's alignment is determined by the creator, but are almost always Chaotic
Size. Golems vary widely in height and build depending on how you were constructed, but your size is Medium
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet
Tremorsense. You can detect vibrations up to 60 ft through stone
Living Statue. As an action you can remain motionless, becoming indistinguishable from an inanimate statue. While in this state, you have advantage on Stealth checks. While you are locked in this state, your speed is 0 and the only action you can take is to leave this state as a bonus action. Instead of sleeping, you enter into this inactive state for 8 hours each day.
Stone Skin. When you aren't wearing armor, your AC is 12 + your Constitution modifier. A shield's benefits apply as normal while you use your natural armor. You also have resistance against being poisoned as you do not need to eat.
Construct. You are immune to being charmed, but spells like cure wounds don't affect you. The only way to gain health is through rest and mending. You also have immunity against being poisoned as you do not need to eat.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and the language of your creator

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