Born Bladesman (5e Race)

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Stub Logo.png This page is incomplete and/or lacking flavor. Reason: Lacking Fluff. Incomplete H&W table. What does 'tier' mean? Born to Fight is missing a damage type. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.

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Scales.png This page is of questionable balance. Reason: This race is narrowly focused on weapons. Half-Orc would be a good comparison. Does Power Lounge's bonus action clause mean you make an attack with a weapon? If yes, it needs to reworked to happen only once before resting, and should probably not have any bonuses whatsoever, and even a drawback. If the damage is supposed to be done by you landing on a creature, then that needs to be clarified. Born to fight has too much going on and should be 2 traits. The section about opportunity attacks is totally bizarre and seems like it belongs a on cursed magic item instead of a racial trait. Endless Whistle's stipulation of CR 1/8 is borderline irrelevant and accounts for basically everything in the game; Ponies and mastiffs have a CR 1/8. Communication with language essentially requires attunement?

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Born Bladesman[edit]

A tall man with a blade in his hand and whistling a merry tune during a snowy storm, will cut you down.

Physical Description[edit]

The Bladesman have a slender body and long limbs for cutting and slicing along with glowing blue patches of skin covering parts of there body


These monster like people were created during a Great War by a mad scientist, day and night he would study and engineer these powerful creatures whistling a jolly tune the hole time. even after the war had ended he kept working to create these creatures whistling his jolly tune the whole time, unknown to the scientists the bladesman could hear and see everything, so this simple tune ended up becoming a sort of sacred song they might sing it before a meal, before a kill, or just on a walk home. after five years of work the Bleadsmen finally came alive and as soon as they did the scientist handed each one of them a blade and sent them away.


The bladesmen tend to stay away from each other like lions or animals of the type they claim land about 5 square miles for themself, they tend to like the cold strange enough

Bladesman Names[edit]

This race does not need names for they only speak through the sound of their tune.

Bladesman Traits[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases my 2 and your Charisma or Constitution score increases by 1.
Age. These creatures live till they die you have no age till death.
Alignment. Some have a need to protect given from there cause to fight and others only wish for chaos, you are either evil or lawful.
Size. The Bladesmen are near equal in height to a human's, you are 6-7ft tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Powerful Lounge. You have exceptionally springy legs. Your long jump is equal to half you speed plus half your Dexterity rounded up, in addition you can attack as a bonus action to making a long jump, if you do this you deal extra damage equal to your proficiency bonus.
Born to Fight. Being made to wield a blade you have proficiency in rapiers and you greatswords from birth in addition if you are wielding one of these weapons you don't provoke opportunity attacks by jumping, lunging, or long jumping as long as you stay within 20ft of the target, leaving that range willingly causes you to take 2d6 damage every turn until you go back to that range the target dies or you become unconscious.
Alternative Power. You don't need strength to wield a two handed heavy weapon or any weapon with the heavy property and it counts as a finesse weapon for you.
Endless Whistle. You can add your Charisma modifier to your weapons bonus damage while doing so you must continue to whistle causing you to tier quicker, while using this ability you can't dash and must concentrate as if concentrating on a spell. You can use this trait twice a day, you recharge the trait by killing a creature with a CR equal to or above 1/8 and then taking a short or long rest.
Languages. You can't speak but only whistle, although you can commune by whistling in a way to effect the brain and cause it to understand your thoughts, you can spend two hours teaching somebody to understand this form of speaking.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

′ '' + lb. × () lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

(one vote)

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