Merslug (5e Race)

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Scales.png This page is of questionable balance. Reason: The speed is balanced poorly for a typical campaign that would feature any land travel. It also has a strangely written Fey Fish trait that would benefit from standardizing with loacathah or grung. Fast Swimmer is kind of weird, since it might make more sense to be based on tabaxi's trait. Poisonous trait gives a scaling natural weapon that can be used as a BA, which is stronger than any natural weapon in official. The Large size interaction with half and half is also really weird and confusion since you apparently count as medium size. Overall, the traits would benefit from better structure and wording to cohere with official content.

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Physical Description[edit]

The Merslug's are an elegant and fluid aquatic people, their bodies blending seamlessly from humanoid torsos into vibrant, undulating tails. Unlike traditional merfolk, their entire body—skin and tail alike—shares the same striking coloration, often in vivid, bioluminescent hues. Their tails are adorned with five flowing fins, with two medium sized fins on the tail and a very large fin at the tip of the tail, aiding in both propulsion and graceful underwater movement.

A defining feature of the Merslug's is their hand fins—two large, wing-like fins extending from their wrists. Though incapable of flight, these fins allow them to maneuver effortlessly in the water, granting them an almost gliding motion when desired. Beneath these fins lie their true hands, tucked away yet fully functional for grasping and manipulating objects. Their hair and eyes mirror their body’s color palette, often appearing as slightly darker shades of the hues present on their tails. This natural camouflage allows them to blend into the vibrant reefs and deep-sea landscapes they call home.


Once a flourishing merfolk variant, the Merslugs were known for their vibrant, bioluminescent fins and deep connection to the ocean. Their living coral sanctuaries shimmered beneath the waves, and their people thrived in harmony with the sea.

However, their beauty became their downfall. Their delicate, glowing fins became a sought-after commodity in coastal kingdoms, used for fashion, jewelry, and arcane accessories. At first, only naturally shed fins were collected, but greed soon led to mass hunting. Poachers raided Merslug sanctuaries, capturing and mutilating them alive to harvest their fins. Over time, entire colonies were wiped out, and the once-thriving Merslug population neared extinction. This period, known as The Great Cull, saw the destruction of their largest sanctuaries. Abandoned by potential allies, the remaining Merslugs were forced into hiding, taking refuge in deep-sea trenches, hidden reefs, and enchanted waters. They could no longer fight openly—but they could strike from the shadows.

From the survivors came the Deepgliders, elite Merslug warriors skilled in stealth, sabotage, and illusion magic. They began hunting poachers, sinking trade ships, and cursing merchants dealing in Merslug fins. Over time, the hunting trade dwindled, but the damage was done—the Merslugs would never regain their former numbers.

Now, Merslugs remain a hidden and endangered people, struggling to reclaim their place in the ocean. Some dream of rebuilding their lost sanctuaries, while others seek vengeance against those who wronged them. Though their history is one of tragedy, the Merslugs endure—waiting for the day the tide turns in their favor.


Merslug settlements, known as Enclaves, are hidden in deep-sea trenches, enchanted reefs, and coastal caves. These locations are often warded with illusions, magical currents, and camouflaging coral, making them nearly impossible for outsiders to find. Some enclaves float along the ocean floor, slowly drifting with the tides, while others are built inside massive living shells or bioluminescent kelp forests.

Each enclave is self-governing, but they all follow ancient traditions that bind them as a people.

Merslug Names[edit]

Most people don't know why but they usually make their names based on some Fey words from the Fea Glossary and edit them to make their names. some suspect its because the first ever Merslug was found and hunted in the Fey realm

Male: Aethen, Iouba,Sicach

Female: Animai, Seai, Foula

Merslug Traits[edit]

Design Note: It is highly recommended that you use the Large Player Characters (5e Variant Rule) for balance purposes.

A seaslug mermaid, quite interesting don't you think?
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Age. Merslugs mature around the age of 20 and live for about 140 years before kicking the bucket.
Alignment. They tend to be on the Good side of things but can lean to more Neutral terms.
Size. Merslugs upper body are the same size of any other human around 5ft-6ft. while their tail is about 3ft long. Your Size is Large.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 20 feet. while your swimming speed is 45 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Hydration. You need water to survive, if your not engulfed in water for 5 minutes for more then 2 hours you start drying up (losing your' Slippery trait) and taking 8 fire damage when entering combat (if its an all Rp campaign then you take 3 fire damage every 5 minutes.)
Slippery. You can slip and slide out of physical grabs from opponents when your not dried out. Opponents have disadvantage when attempting to grapple or hold you down.
Bioluminescence. When in the dark, you glow (a color that matches your look) a 5ft. cube centered on you.
Fast Swimmer. You can dash twice in a row but get rid of your bonus action and action at the same time. (only in water.) (you can't use this again till you move 0ft your next turn.)
Poisonous Bite. you can bite someone as a bonus action and cause 1d4 poison damage. Increases damage when you level up. (level 3 is 2d4, level 8 its 2d6, level 13 its 3d4, level 18 its 2d8, and level 20 its 3d8) (you can use this as many times as your proficiency bonus is, you regain all your uses after a long rest.)
Weapon of Fey. Due to how your fins are places on my wrists and hands, you are proficient in all Dexterity based weapons.
Sea-Slug Half. Even though your size is Large, your upper, humanoid torso is still of similar scale to that of other humanoid races. You count as Medium for the purposes of wielding weapons. Due to your lower body you cannot make use of mounts.
Fey Nature. Your creature type is considered to be both humanoid and fey
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Aquan.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

′ '' + lb. × () lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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