This page is incomplete and/or lacking flavor. Reason: This weapon's mechanics don't seem evoke what the Trinity Force does in League.
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This page is of questionable balance. Reason: This weapon is absurdly powerful compared to the scimitar of speed. This weapon has a +3 bonus to attacks/dmg, allows you to attack two additional times, and deals extra damage based on alignment(creature's no longer have alignment in recent printings and no mechanic should be based off of it). In addition, the for the trinity property only compounds these issues and more(reactions need triggers, unclear wording, round counting/non-standard durations, ect.).
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Weapon (shortsword), Legendary (requires attunement.)
The Trinity Force is a weapon used to defend the land of Navori. With a immense power, your user can be "invincible" at this point.
Trinity Force
Trinity Force is an ultimate fragmented weapon used to kill or banish any kind of "creature". Your magic still unknown to the mages and what created this project. Your user already died, making a lot of mercenaries search for this incredible weapon that can be used to whatever the user wants.
Your visual is initially three magical blades back to the choosen user, this weapons can disappear when the user demands or when it fall unconscious.
You gain +3 to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon and no one can disarm you instead you die. You can attack with bonus action and reaction. After you make a melee attack, you can deal a extra dice of your weapon according to the alignment of the target.
Target's alignment |
Trinity's Damage
Lawful Good |
Lawful Neutral |
Lawful Evil |
Neutral Good |
True Neutral |
Neutral Evil |
Chaotic Good |
Chaotic Neutral |
Chaotic Evil |
After the attack, you can choose the type of damage of the Trinity Force. The types are: bludgeoning, slashing and piercing as physical damages. Elemental damages are: Fire, Cold, Force and Radiant.
For the Trinity. The Trinity Force has 12 charges, and the weapon recharge 1d4+2 after a long-rest. Each point can be spend to protect allies or increase the damage of them.
Charge Points |
Trinity's Effects
Spend 1 Point [Bonus Action] |
Increase a dice in the next melee attack of an ally within 30ft.
Spend 2 Points [Reaction] |
Add +5 AC to you or an ally within 30ft for 5 minutes.
Spend 2 Points [Action] |
Give to the ally 1d8+1 of temporary hitpoints and +3 AC. You cannot attack unless you cease this ability and the AC dissapear after the temporary hitpoints are gone.
Spend 4 Points [Reaction] |
Give one more action to you or an ally within 30ft.
Spend 7 Points [Reaction] |
When you reach 0 hitpoints, you can use your reaction to come back with your (health dice + 7) of hitpoints.
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