Aantrinus (Pathfinder Campaign Setting)

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Rating: Not-Rated / 5
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(Note: This is still in the works, pardon our mess!)


"There is no gods, they died long ago... If you think I lie, simply look for the nearest vestige." -Katar Trinko, Elven Ex-Cleric

Welcome to Aantrinus, an expansive Pathfinder 1st Edition setting for those who are looking for a new land to explore besides the one of Galarion (The main setting of the Pathfinder series). Aantrinus brings its take on the Sword and Sorcery and Dark Fantasy genres.

Players' Guide

A look at how classes fit into Aantrinus.
An overview Aantrinus's technology.
How magic affects the world.
The menagerie of races that exist in Aantrinus.
An examination of Aantinus's pantheon.
Factions & Organizations
Who doesn't want to be part of the "Cool Kids Club"?

World Info

The gods and planes of Aantrinus.
Description of the world's geography, along with a small gazetteer.
How time is kept.
A deep dive into Aantrinus's people and their daily life.
The history of life, the universe, and everything.
From the tiniest mouse to the largest dragons.

Game Master's Guide

The general description of Aantrinus and its themes. A small guide to the worldbuilding mindset.
Rings, swords, and funny looking bags.
General Maps for the GM's use.
Variant Rules
Optional rules to help emulate the world of Aantrinus.
Adventure & Tables
Optional rules to help emulate the world of Aantrinus.
Adding to Aantrinus.
An idea board for recommendations.

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