Bread Chef (5e Class)
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Reap what you Sow[edit]
The Bread Chef has an aptitude for their title, bread. From seed to wheat, wheat to flour, flour to dough, dough to bread, bread to toast, and toast to your plate, the Bread Chef does it all in a minuscule frame of time. Commonly seen in bakeries honing their arts as novices, they climb up the ladder and become true chefs of the art, rising to power like dough and yeast.
Creating a Chef[edit]
An aspiring Bread Chef masters the way of the grain, either by baking with peers and building their aptitude from the bottom up, acquiring a nomadic way of farming the grain, learning from experience from their own methodologies, or the horrible sacrifice to the Grand Mold. How did you start? Did you have any accomplices or masters? What type of grain or dough did you use? Do you specialize in a certain type of bake? These are questions a Bread Chef must ask themself before their pioneer towards true chefhood.
Class Features
As a Bread Chef you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d6 per Bread Chef level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + Constitution modifier per Bread Chef level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: Light
Weapons: Simple weapons
Tools: Brewer's supplies and Cook's utensils
Saving Throws: Dexterity and Intelligence
Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, History, Persuasion, Insight, Medicine, Perception, Nature, Sleight of Hand, and Survival
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- (a) A simple melee weapon that isn’t heavy or two-handed and Gauntlet Gloves or (b) Two items besides Chef's Uniform on Tool Master
- (a) Explorer's Pack or (b) Entertainer's Pack
- (a) Cook's Utensils, a Chef's Satchel, and a professional cookbook or (b) Brewer's Supplies, a Chef's Satchel, and your own cookbook
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Baker's Boon (BB) | Features |
1st | +2 | 30 | Nobody’s Perfect, Tool Master |
2nd | +2 | 40 | Insight of Delight |
3rd | +2 | 40 | Taste Archetype |
4th | +2 | 50 | Ability Score Improvement, Ability Score Improvement |
5th | +3 | 50 | Thick Skinned, Extra Attack |
6th | +3 | 60 | Archetype Feature |
7th | +3 | 60 | Language Barrier |
8th | +3 | 70 | Ability Score Improvement, Ability Score Improvement |
9th | +4 | 70 | Crafty |
10th | +4 | 80 | Insight of Delight Improvement |
11th | +4 | 80 | Archetype Feature |
12th | +4 | 90 | Ability Score Improvement, Ability Score Improvement |
13th | +5 | 90 | Natural Intuition |
14th | +5 | 100 | Enhanced Senses |
15th | +5 | 100 | Archetype Feature, Insight of Delight Improvement |
16th | +5 | 110 | Ability Score Improvement, Ability Score Improvement |
17th | +6 | 110 | Steamed, Extra Attack Improvement |
18th | +6 | 120 | Fear the Chef |
19th | +6 | 120 | Ability Score Improvement |
20th | +6 | 130 | Master Chef, Ability Score Improvement |
Nobody’s Perfect[edit]
In the beginning of their arts, the chef is first a newbie, and they must have extreme precision and accuracy to not face the wrath of their comrades. Outside of combat, they may gain advantage on any Wisdom or Intelligence check an amount of times equal to their proficiency bonus, regenerating every short rest or long rest.
Tool Master[edit]
Due to your training, you may use your Dough's Creations as weapons. You have proficiency when attacking with these tools. You may craft these tools for their specified Baker's Boons. Due to the nature of these weapons, if the weapons are poisoned, applied with liquid, or not maintained for one week by spending 5 BB, this leads to major detriments to your weapons.Mold gives a -2 to damage and attack rolls
- Chef's Uniform
This novice baker fit has yet to experience the journey. While it doesn't grant AC on its own, you may embed an armor within the Chef's Uniform whilst crafting it, with Light Armor being usable in the beginning, Medium Armor being usable at 6th level, and Heavy Armor being usable at 11th level. This makes the Chef's Uniform have the same stats, except that they Dexterity modifier bonus is replaced with an Intelligence modifier bonus, and applies to all armors that have said bonus. If an armor with Stealth disadvantage is embedded, you may disregard said disadvantage. (15 BB at base, +5 BB for each AC point above 10)
- Dwarven Whisk
This long shaft of wood has rounded metal bands attached on the top, reinforced with a more ergonomic metal that has a mithral sheen. It counts as a simple weapon, deals 1d8 bludgeoning damage, has the unwieldy property and has a damage resistance of 5. (10 BB)
- Soft-Hard Tortilla
Using your fine expertise, you create a tortilla that is both flexible and brittle, utilizing the two for their purposes. This acts as a martial weapon for the purpose of feats, a shield that gives +1 AC, and an improvised razor, dealing 2d8 slashing damage with the light and throwable (10/40) properties. This, however, breaks the tortilla, which isn't neccesarily built for aerodynamic use. (20 BB)
- Thin Noodles & Grainbow
These noodles are sharp, rivaling a grain of sand in their thin posture. They deal minuscule, but instead act likes a fencing foil, a non-lethal weapon not used for killing foes. Alongside this is the grainbow, a long yet firm bow designed to launch these specialized noodles. They do 1 piercing damage, the two-handed, have a +2 to Called Shots, and may be shot at a mechanism that requires basic human control, such as a button, to activate said mechanism. (5 BB per 10 noodles, 15 BB per bow) <!-This was designed for the Called Shots variant rule. If your DM doesn't agree with said rule, you may instead gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls.->
- Urn of Churning
This urn is made out of compressed biscuts, reinforced with a long shaft of rye tied around it. If you put any liquid, such as milk, it solidifies into a creamy block, applying to things such as potions and other rare drinks of benefit. If you do this, you may apply said block to your creations, applying the potion's effects on a hit. The block only creates one use of the potion, and half a block would give half the benefit, a quarter of the block a quarter the benefit, and so on. As an alternative, you may throw the urn while liquid is inside, spreading the effects evenly in a 5 foot radius in the form of black particles of flour. (10 BB for a basic urn, +10 BB every rarity increase, mundane -> common, legendary -> unique, unique -> artifact. The urn may not churn any liquid with a rarity that is rarer than its limit.)
- Thousand-Fold Degree Knife
This knife is made out of already heated steel, and then folded and compressed many times to fuse the layers together. This creates a very hot and long blade that retains heat inside, and many bread chefs use this knife for its heating properties. It deals 2d8 fire damage and 1d6 slashing damage, but does 1d10 fire damage to yourself while attacking, as shreds of hot metal fly out and singe your skin as you tear the enemy's own. The knife is a martial weapon, and has the two-handed and finesse properties.
Insight of Delight[edit]
When you reach 2nd level, you gain a concept of what the bread is, not to you, but to everyone. Choose any type of bread, whether that be a simple toast, a bloating friend dough, or a lavish meal of gourmet quality. This is your Signature Dish, and anyone who eats it may gain effects that you have already planned into the dish. One of the options down below, or the option your Dough Archetype grants, will be the effect your signature dish has for the day, and you may change these during a short rest. You may cook your signature dish with a heat source, a reasonable supply of dough, grain and yeast, or flour, and a heat source, such as a Thousand-Fold Degree Knife.
- Soothing Remedy
The consumer gains hit points equal to your level in d4s. This increases to a d6 at 10th level, and a d8 at 15th level.
- Mineral Infusion
The consumer gains a +1 in their lowest ability score for five minutes. This increases to a +2 at 10th level, and a +3 at 15th level.
- Pungent Taste
The consumer takes 1d4 poison damage, immediately stope eating, and must step back at least 10 feet from the food's location. This increases to half the consumers speed at 10th level, and their whole speed at 15th level.
- Valiant Voracity
The consumer instead is fed in 3 days and nights of both food and drink, but if the consumer does not eat another Signature Dish after the 3 days, they gain one level of exhaustion, the effect dissipating after a week. This increases to last for a week of ration at 10th level, and you may last two days without the Signature Dish at 15th level. <!-This one is essentially useless and only good in survival-based scenarios, use at your own discretion->
Still Stale Bread[edit]
When you reach 3rd level, the bread chef achieves a sense of their purpose, and that mentality stays as still as their prowess. They are now unaffected by any one mental status, such as charmed, and their alignment cannot be changed by any nonmagical source. They may, as a downtime, create a weapon of dough, in which they have proficiency in. The Baker's Boon cost is equivalent to the gp cost of the item, and if it is a magical item, it costs an extra +200 BB per level of rarity. You may work on this over the span of multiple days. Magical weapons, however, are only related to bread and are rather ineffective in their use. For example, a wand that summons two zombies may have a weakened variant in which it makes only one weakened bread zombie.
Development Specialization[edit]
At the 3rd Level, you have finally mastered basic cooking and are ready to pursue the path of bread construction and to understand the Dough. Your Signature Dish loses its initial healing effect (unless otherwise stated), but gains new ones. Choose a Development Specialization from the list shown at the bottom of the page.
Ability Score Increase[edit]
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 10th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of you choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
The Higher Palate[edit]
At the 5th Level, you have grown so accustomed to dough and yeast food that you become resistant to their negative effects. Anything involving hearing that would negatively affect you, such as harsh criticism recieved by Nobody's Perfect, is nullified. In addition, you cannot be satiated by any other food except a pristine quality, only achievable by Chef/Cook-like classes of your level or higher, such as Cuisiner and Gourmet Hunter. You may cook bread and eat it yourself, of course.
Extra Attack[edit]
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice with any Tool Master tool instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on Your Turn. This upgrades to two attacks with any weapon at 17th level.
Cultural Divergency[edit]
At the 7th Level, due to hours of staring at text and getting reviews from people of all cultures, you access more styles of bread that you can use for your Signature Dish. These can go with your flavors for a maxmimum effect.
- Flatbread
This round and thin circle of bread gives your Signature Dish the 30/60 (thrown) properties, and instead of dealing damage, the target must roll a Constitution saving throw or suffer the effects of your flavor. You have a -2 penalty on attack rolls with this weapons, for it is rather flimsy. (5 BB per 10 Flatbreads)
- Soft Bun
This lump of quickly baked dough gives your Signature Dish the 15/30 (thrown) properties, and instead of dealing damage, the target must roll a Constitution saving throw or suffer the effects of your flavor. (5 BB per 10 Soft Buns)
- Baguette
This long shaft of crunchy bread is ideal for a bread chef's melee weapon, giving your Signature Dish the two-handed property, but you may apply one flavor to each end of the baguette, choosing which flavor to inflict on an attack. (5 BB per 1 Baguette)
- Sponge-Cake
This cloud of whisked dough was slowly made with care, gives your Signature Dish the light property. It gives your Signature Dish a taxing amount of time to make, but the reward is worth it, being able to apply double of your flavor's ability on contact with a foe. (5 BB per 5 Sponge Cakes)
- Designer Toast
This toast is not meant for consumption, but more for decoration, shaped in a fancy shape that dazzles others. It gives your Signature Dish the Undersized properties, due to its carved shape being smaller than normal, and only applies half of your flavor's effect, rounded up, but gives your opponent disadvantage on their next saving throw, as they are intrigued (or disgusted) by the look of the toast. (5 BB per 5 Designer Toasts)
Starting at 9th level, your Signature Dish and Tool Master attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20. When a critical strike has landed the entity is stunned for the duration of two turns. During these two turns a bonus action can be made to start bread-ling transfiguration on the person, progressing at double the speed.
Gatling Bun[edit]
At 14th Level, your senses are now at their heightened peak, spontaneously generating a makeshift overdrive for a varying BB. This gives you the ability to rapidly throw blasts of dough, dealing 2d6 damage per BB spent, but unfortunately treating yourself to a level of exhaustion.
Baker's Tech[edit]
At 17th level, you gain specialized abilities you can use with your Tool Master items to achieve your pinnacle. You may only use these techniques once per long rest, and they all cost 25 BB unless specified.
- Day of Days | Chef's Uniform
If you're a mad baker, and NOT wearing a proper uniform, you cannot use this technique. You pull out a plethora of tools, holding them between your fingers; knives, spoons, sickles, and even the occasional unbaked wad of dough, whatever's on your person right now, and throw them rapidly at a foe, enhancing them with raw blood, sweat and milk; bread chefs don't cry, not at this level. everyone within a 45 ft. cone takes 1 point of damage per pound of whatever you just threw at the opponent. This damage can be any type of the bread chef's choice except psychic, and as long as it makes sense. Poison could be some raw vinegar and garlic, Radiant could be a transfixing quality of white bread, necrotic could be an unwanted (or wanted, depends on your subclass!) hunk of mold, as long as the item is on your person. Do note that this requires actual items that will be thrown, and up to the DM's discretion, you obviously cannot throw greataxes and laser swords at the goblin that called you a dingus.
- Neural Breadwork | Dwarven Whisk
You grab out your trusty whisk, and start to rotate it faster than the speed of sound, coalescing a giant wad of dough in front of it. This was of dough is inserted into the mach-speed whisk, and comes out as a blast of doughy goop that nobody would have known of. This makes one target in a 30 ft. radius take 6d8 bludgeoning damage and restrained, while everyone in a 10ft radius around the target takes 3d8 bludgeoning damage and is knocked prone.
Fear the Chef[edit]
At 18th Level, you can let out a scorching insult to all enemies within 60 ft of you. They must roll a Wisdom DC equal to 10 + your Intelligence modifier + your Wisdom modifier or be frightened for three minutes. You may only use this once per short rest. Anything with a Wisdom Score below 14 automatically fails.
Master Chef[edit]
At 20th Level, you have fully mastered the Culinary Arts. Choose another Taste Archetype and gain its 3rd and 6th Level abilities. These are now included in your Signature Dish.
Dough Archetypes[edit]
When deciding on a Taste Archetype, think about what kind of food your Chef prepares. Do they prefer the fiery heat of spicy food or the sweetness of desserts? Were they forged by the bitterness of war or savor the best life has to offer? These are all important things to consider when choosing a Taste Archetype.
Art of the Pastries[edit]
The ability to make desserts and master sugar is hard. However, the Art of Pastries is a master of creating spirit and vigor within the resolve of anyone whose tongue happens to grace the divine texture.
- Sweet Relief
At the 3rd Level, when you or a friendly ally consumes your Signature Dish, they heal for 1d10 + your Intelligence modifier. A bread-ling may also be destroyed to heal a separate bread-ling for 1d10 + your Intelligence. This ability increases by + 1d10 at the d6th, 11th, and 15th level.
- Invigorating Taste
At the 6th Level, when you or a friendly ally consumes your Signature Dish, they are cured of any status effect. In addition, you now make a guaranteed additional Signature Dish along with your others.
- Sugar Rush
At the 11th Level, when an ally consumes your Signature Dish, they gain an additional action. They must wait for a long or short rest for this ability to recover.
- Sweet Escape
At the 15th Level, your Signature Dish now gives your allies resistance to all forms of damage. The Chef may only make this special batch once per week.
Art of the Garlic[edit]
Only the fiercest of chefs pursue the path of Garlic, and from the scars on their fingers and tongues, it is clear that Garlic also pursue them too.
- Amish Rocambole
At the 3rd Level, your food now beams with Spiciness. You may use your action to fling your Signature Dish at an opponent (10/30) dealing 3d6 damage. Your proficiency modifier when making attacks with your Signature Dish is equal to your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier. The opponent must do a dexterity saving throw to avoid your attack. The DC is equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier. The range of your Signature Dish can be increased by anything that can launch it. If the attack is successful, the opponent is blinded.
- Garlic Knots
At the 6th Level, you now have the ability to throw 3 pieces of dough doused with Garlic Powder. This ability had a range of 5/200ft and a radius of 15ft, in which when it hits will deal 5d6 damage forcing everyone in the area to make a Dexterity saving throw. The DC is equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier. If the attack is successful then the targets in the area are rooted for 2 turns.
- Garlic Bread of the Gods
At the 11th Level, you now found a unique type of garlic that can be reproduced once a day. This Garlic can be mixed with bread and eaten by the Chef healing 2d10 and adding 5d6 fire damage when you fling your Signature Dish at an opponent. This increases to 6d6 at the 16th Level and 7d6 at the 20th Level.
- Creole Garlic
At the 11th Level, you have now discovered that the type of unique Garlic is the rarest in the world. A piece of this Garlic can be used to improve every aspect of your arsenal. The Creole can be split into a total of 6 pieces, expiring after 2 hours if not used when split. A piece can be used to charm someone using a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw, double to distance someone can run, double the range of any ranged weapon, and add 50 temporary hit points.
- Garlic Bread-ling
At the 15th Level, you are a true master of Garlic. From this point on the Garlic bread can be mixed with the Bread-ling to increase it's AC by 10 and add a 3d12 to it's damage die. The Bread-ling will also gain the ability to throw a special attack once per encounter similar to the Chefs special dish.
Art of the Old[edit]
The ways of war are harsh, not only on the body and soul. Your food may have taken an unfavorable turn for the worse, but it doesn't mean you're not still going to show the world your talents. You just have a... more unique way of getting around things.
- Master of Combat
At the 3rd Level, you gain proficiencies with medium Armors and Martial weapons. In addition, whenever you or your allies Damage roll is a 1 or 2, they may choose to consume your Signature Dish to reroll that roll with a +5 to hit. You may only use this once per roll.
- Determined Resolve
At the 6th Level, you gain advantage on rolls against being frightened and stunned. In addition, you make a new set of dough armour that is considered medium, providing an AC of 16. This new armour gives resistance against bludgeoning damage.
- Chef at Arms
At the 11th Level, the stats to your Baguette, Noodle, and Dinner Roll get a buff as indicated. You are now proficient with Dual Wielding.
Baguette: It now takes a 19 or 20 to stun the opponent.
Dinner Roll: Your lid is now a +4 Shield.
Noodle: You now do 4d6 Slashing Damage to any target that bleeds.
Flat Bread: You may now fling your Signature Dish as a bonus action.
Pasta: Your knife now add +5 to the Attack Roll and deals an extra 3d6 on a critical strike.
- Courageous Taste
At the 15th Level, you can now create enhanced dough. The enhanced dough will add a plus 10 to hit and plus 3d12 to damage.
Art of the Snack[edit]
It is not the quantity but the quality. It's the journey that counts, and that includes your food too. Practicing the Art of Snack allows you and your party the ability to behold a true creature of strength, the peak of strength.
- Special Dough
Starting at the 3rd Level, you gain the ability to morph and combine your bread-lings. Your bread-lings can be morphed into three different types:
Speed: Your Bread-ling gains 20 movement speed and is able to choose when it wants to go at the start of a turn order (Cannot be used to prevent sneak attacks).
Defense: Your Bread-ling gains + 20 AC and can use a reaction to block incoming attacks going to anyone within 15ft, but is unable to attack and have a movement speed of 0 (Cannot be used to block a sneak attack).
Attack: Your Bread-ling gains an extra +5 to hit and 4d6 damage, but has no AC.
Combine: This requires 3 Bread-ling to create a combine a large Michelin Man within two turns. The large Michelin had an extra 10 movement, 10 AC, and 4d6 damage.
- The pillsbury doughboys
At the 6th Level, your bread-lings adapt with you and have the ability to use a reaction to absorb the element used against them. When an element is absorbed they now deal 1d6 damage of that element as bonus damage and become immune to that damage until they die. Only one element can be contained in a Doughboy at once. When a combination is done and the elements from the Bread-lings are different, the Michelin combination will gain the bonuses from each element that was absorbed. If there were three elements in total then the large Bread-ling would deal 1d6 bonus damage of each element and be immune to each of those elements.
- The Protector
At the 11th Level, the Michelin can be made using only two Bread-lings and will now gain bonuses for each additional Bread-ling. A Michelin can now gain a 'Special Dough' trait if a special dough is morphed into the Michelin after it has already been formed. The bonuses can only be stacked once, but applied at the same time (One speed buff, one defense, one attack).
Spice Master[edit]
At the 15th Level, the Michelin can now be turned into a Gargantuan creature with an extra 30 movement, 20 AC, +10 to hit and 5d10. The Michelin can also spend a turn releasing and forming new masses of dough that become Special dough within two more turns.
Living Dough[edit]
Years of jealousy and watching the success of others has made you disgusted with society. Mastering the your dough it is decided to become one with your work by fusing with the dough.
- Dough Symbiote
At the 3rd Level, your dough encompasses your whole body and becomes one with you changing your very biology.
Living Armour: Your AC is now changed to 10 + your Constitution + your Dexterity. You cannot don a shield while the living armour is on you.
Weapons: You can dof and don all weapons apart of your set for free. All weapons are now automatically concealed within you (unless you have one out and are showing it). Weapons shall also increase in damage by the next tier of damage die, if the weapon is already at it's maximum (d12) then another roll shall be added to the damage dealt.
Movement: The Symbiote increases your movement speed by 10
Reaction: Any reactions that can be done will be done by your armour
Resistance: An immunity to any cold damage and resistance to fire damage.
Mind of it's own The armour can disagree with you on an idea and attempt to stop you from doing the act. It must succeed a DC 18 Intelligence saving throw to stop you.
Weakness: The Dough now gives a water weakness. If damage is taken through water or necrotic the triple damage is taken or in the case of a save it is an auto fail.
- Extra Limb
At the 6th Level, you have evolved with your amour and now have the ability to make a tendril limb, allowing for another action to be performed.
- Tendril Mastery
At the 11th Level, your symbiote can now use a bonus action to extend out multiple tendrils for a grapple on a creature that is any size with advantage. The tendrils could also be used as an action to automatically apply a dough infection to 2 people within 30ft. If maximum stress is being used by the Chef then the tendrils from the symbiote can be used for movement instead of 2 bread-lings.
Losing Control[edit]
At the 15th Level, you have created a perfect bond with your dough. The dough can no longer stop you from performing an act as your interests are one in the same. You can however allow the dough to take full control and go into a coma like slumber while it does. When the dough is in control it expels tendrils from all parts of the body absorbing any bread-lings within the area. The Armour then adds a + 10 to AC, gains 20 movement, an extra 4d8 damage on all rolls and attacks turn into a 2d10 with 20ft of range with the ability to make 5. When a target is hit while the armour is in control, the target must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw or become grappled. While a target is grappled the armour will drain 5 hit points from the target per turn. However, when in this state the armour will attack anyone including the party attempting to consume all mass. It will start with whoever is the closest and work around until everything is consumed. The only way for the Chef to regain control is to make a DC 20 Wisdom Saving Throw or be incapacitated.
For one turn after the Living Dough hits 0 hit points it will not fall, instead it shall be sent into a frenzy sending out tendrils up to a radius of 60ft in which a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw must be made or they will take full damage (20+32)
Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Cuisiner class, you must meet these prerequisites: Intelligence 13 and Wisdom 13
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Cuisiner class, you gain the following proficiencies: Club, Dagger, Handaxe, Net, Trident, Brewer's Supplies, Cook's Utensils
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