Dalamar (5e Deity)

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Alignment. True Neutral
Domains. Balance, Protection
Divine Rank. Vestige


Dalamar, first a high elf arcanist, he discovered dark magics that were deemed to powerful to be released Dalamar argued saying that knowledge is knowledge. Dalamar was exiled, rolled down a rocky hill, tide to a tree, beaten and left for dead. He used him arcane knowledge to escape. Dalamar went on with his studies and a half-orc and some others tagged along, and through various trails Dalamar became the god of balance.

  • Nobody knows except for Monty and he keeps it that way.
  • When the world (Orth) is in true balance his form is in appearance half angle (on the right side), and half demon (on the left sided) on the angelic side flowers bloom, on the demonic side plants and all life wither away. When the world is imbalanced in favor of good he is in full demonic form, everything withering away, when the world is imbalanced in favor of evil he is in full angelic form everything blooming in his path.
Relationship With Other Gods
  • Rastalin the god of magic discipled him and helped him become a god, God, Jesus help Dalamar create a world with true free will(which he cannot interfere directly) Monty is Dalamar's shadow and will trap anybody's soul in his dagger if they threaten Dalamar, Every other god hates him and will hunt, and kill him if they can.
Clerics And Fowlers
  • The closest thing to a cleric that Dalamar has (other than Monty but he doesn't count because he is a god himself) is the Hand of Death a group of warriors devoted to do Dalamar's biding since he is not allowed to interfere himself.There is a group of followers known as "Dalamars Chosen" (Prestige class coming soon).
Plot Hooks
  • The great hand, a crater made when Dalamar when he fought three godslayers at the same time. This could lead to the PCs investigating the crater and finding out about Dalamar, while being hunted by The Hand of Death.

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