Chained (5e Class)
Work In Progress |
Chained One[edit]
Chained ones are creatures who are bound to magical chains due to some transgression, vow or fate, and who can draw powers from such chains.
Unbreakable Bonds[edit]
A Life of Restrictions[edit]
Creating a Chained One[edit]
How did your character become a chained one? Were they unjustly-or rightly convicted of a crime and left to rot? Perhaps they were a slave and their bonds of ownership were what gave them the strength to be free? Could their condition be self inflicted as they learned through trial and error that restriction and training gives way to power? Did they feel the social chains imposed by their society and in an attempt to free themselves-or protect them, did they discover the power of restriction and how it can lead to freedom?
- Quick Build
First your Charisma should be your highest Stat followed by Dexterity, Criminal is suggested for background Choose Survival and Arcana then Whip and Explorers kit for your equipment
Class Features
As a Chained One you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Chained One level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 1d8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Chained One level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: Light armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, whip, flail
Tools: Smith's tools
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
Skills: Arcana, Athletics, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Religion, Survival
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- Leather Armor
- (a) Flail or (b) Whip
- (a) Shortsword or (b) Light Crossbow
- (a) Explorers Kit or (b) Dungeoneers pack
- If you are using starting wealth, you have 3d4 x 10gp in funds.
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Features | Chained Strike | Restrictions (Maximum Rank) |
1st | +2 | Living Chains, Chained One Bondage | 1d4 | – |
2nd | +2 | Restrictions | 1d4 | 1 (Rank 1) |
3rd | +2 | Seal Break | 1d4 | 1 (Rank 1) |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement | 1d6 | 1 (Rank 1) |
5th | +3 | Bondage Feature, Extra Attack | 1d6 | 1 (Rank 1) |
6th | +3 | Far Reach | 1d6 | 2 (Rank 1) |
7th | +3 | Seal Break (2 uses) | 1d6 | 2 (Rank 1) |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement | 1d6 | 2 (Rank 1) |
9th | +4 | Chained Armor | 1d6 | 2 (Rank 1) |
10th | +4 | Additional Seal | 1d8 | 3 (Rank 2) |
11th | +4 | Seal Break (3 uses), Bondage Feature | 1d8 | 3 (Rank 2) |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement | 1d8 | 3 (Rank 2) |
13th | +5 | — | 1d8 | 4 (Rank 3) |
14th | +5 | Bondage Feature | 1d8 | 4 (Rank 3) |
15th | +5 | Seal Break (4 uses) | 1d8 | 4 (Rank 3) |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement | 1d10 | 4 (Rank 3) |
17th | +6 | — | 1d10 | 5 (Rank 4) |
18th | +6 | Bondage Feature | 1d10 | 5 (Rank 4) |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement | 1d10 | 5 (Rank 4) |
20th | +6 | Bondage Feature | 1d10 | 5 (Rank 4) |
Living Chains[edit]
You are bound with magical chains that engulf your body and obey your commands, acting as extensions of your own body. Starting at 1st level, you can command this chains. Your chains have a length of 10 feet + 5 feet per proficiency bonus point you have, Thus starting with a length of 15 feet.
Some features you use with your chain require an attack roll or a saving throw. The bonus for your attacks and difficulty for your abilities is calculated as follows:
- Chain save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier
- Chain attack bonus = your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier.
- Chained Strike
As an action, you can make an attack against a creature within your chain length with these chains. Make a chain attack (using the chain attack) bonus. On a hit, you deal damage equal to 1d4 + your Charisma modifier. Your chained strike damage increases as you gain levels in this class.
You need to manipulate the chains to command its attacks, so you need to have both hands free to use this feature. If you are unable to move for any reason, you can't use the chained strike.
- Magical Links
You can convert magical items into links of your chain. Doing so requires a 8-hour ritual, in which the item (either a magical weapon or armor) should be within the chain reach. After the end of the ritual, the magic of the item now infuses the chain, and the item becomes mundane. You can only have one weapon and one armor infusing the chains at the same time.
Chained One Bondage[edit]
Starting at 1st level, you may select your bondage, the source of your chains and reasons of your restrictions. Your choice grants you features at 1st level, and again at 5th level, 11th level, 14th, 18th and 20th level. You can change your bondage after each long rest
Starting at 2nd level, you begin to learn how to command special powers of your chains, called restrictions.
Restrictions have ranks, that determine how powerful they are. You can use any restriction but you can only use them 3 times per day. You Regain the uses after a long rest
Each restriction grants you a detriment, a benefit, a focus and a power, described bellow:
- Detriment
A restriction cause you to penalize yourself in some way, this is called detriment. While you are benefiting for that restriction, you suffer the penalties and negative effects of the detriment.
- Benefit
A counterpoint to the detriment. Your benefits are always active while you are under the chosen restriction.
- Focus
While focused on your restriction, you gain one ability. You can only focus on one of your restrictions at time, and doing so requires concentration (as if you were concentrating on a spell). You can change your focus as a bonus action on your turn.
- Power
A power is an active effect of your restriction, that must be activated as a bonus action, and usually involves some form of enhancement of your chain strike.
Seal Break[edit]
Starting at 3rd level, you begin to unleash powers sealed within you with your binding chains. You can break a seal to access this power within you. You know two seals at 3rd level, and gain a new one at 10th level.
Once you break your seal, you must wait a short or a long rest before breaking it again. You gain additional seal break at 7th, 11th and 15th level (for a total of 2, 3 and 4 uses, respectively).
Ability Score Improvement[edit]
When you reach 4th Level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two Ability Scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Extra Attack[edit]
Starting at 5th Level you can attack twice on you're Turn.
Far Reach[edit]
Starting at 6th level, you can use your action to extend your chains to a range up to the double of the regular range. Make chain attack roll and on a hit, the creature is grappled, and pull to a empty space 5 feet within your chain reach. Alternatively, you can pull yourself for the same distance into the direction of a immovable surface.
Chained Armor[edit]
At 9th level, you can use your chains to protect yourself and others. Whenever you finish a long rest, you gain a poll of d10's equal to your level in this class + your Charisma modifier (minimum of 10).
When you take damage from any type other than psychic, you can spend any amount of dice from that pool, and reduce the damage taken by the number rolled. You add your Charisma modifier for each dice you roll.
Alternatively, if any creature take damage other than psychic within your chain reach, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage taken by that creature.
Chained One Bondage[edit]
Bondage of Imprisonment[edit]
You have been sealed by this magical chains for some powerful entity, either justly or unjustly, and pursue freedom from the shackles that bound you. Also called chain-breakers, these chained ones can't tolerate seeing freedom being taken away, and fight against any force that tries to remove one's liberties.
- Freedom Seeker
Starting at 1st level, you and any creature within your chain reach gains additional movement speed of 5 feet.
In addition, you gain proficiency with the Thieve's tools, if you don't already have it.
- Release
Starting at 1st level, whenever you make a check to open a lock or contested grapple checks, you have advantage on the check.
- Unchained
Starting at 5th level, your free spirit manifest itself on your ability to move without any hindrance. As a bonus action, you can free yourself from bondage. When you do so, you can choose one of your Restrictions, and negate its detriment until the start of your next turn.
Also, whenever you use this bonus action, you also gain two of the following benefits:
- You gain the benefits of the Dash action.
- You gain the benefits of the Disengage action.
- You take half damage from falling.
- You gain a climbing speed equal to your current speed.
- Permanent Escapee
Starting at 11th Level, You're Craving for Freedom has made you learn how to escape Any Imprisonment. You cannot be restrained by any normal means and have Advantage against Spells meant to Imprison or Restrain you.
- Freedom From The tiniest Bonds
At Level 14th Twice Per day you can cast Etherealness On yourself as if it was the spell. You do not need to Concentrate.
- Freedom Enchained
At Level 18, Once Per day you can force a Hostile opponent to experience what you have as chains Wrap around them from the ground, Have the enemy make a DC Charisma save. On Fail the Chosen enemy is restrained for 2 minutes and can make a Strength saving throw or Dexterity saving throw.
- Forever Free
At Level 20 you can escape any restraint or Imprisonment, any Spell meant to imprison or restrain you fails and you can escape from even Demi-planes and Time Stops.
Bondage of Penance[edit]
Seeking redemption for some vile act committed on the past, those under the bondage of penance seek redemption. Usually, those under the bondage of penance did not choose to wear the chains, but some creatures, ashamed due to some mistake, put these chains upon themselves until they reach some form of cleansing for their sins.
- Touch of Sorrow
Starting at 5th level, whenever you hit a creature that have caused damage to another creature within the last minute, you cause additional 1d8 psychic damage to that creature on a hit. In addition, the first time you hit a creature with the touch of sorrow, it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw, or be stunned until the end of your next turn.
- Moment of Repentance
Starting at 11th level, when a creature fail the saving throw of your touch of sorrow feature, you can use your reaction to make that creature repent its wrongdoings. The creature becomes charmed by you. The creature remains charmed by you for 1 minute or until you or your companions do anything harmful to it. When the charmed condition ends, the charmed creature chooses whether to remain friendly to you, based on how you treated it while it was charmed.
Bondage of Discipline[edit]
Restrictions can make you stronger, focused overall more capable. This is a truth that those who seek the Bondage of Discipline understand. They usually bind themselves with the chains, in order to learn trough the self-imposed limitations, bettering themselves in the process, using the chains as weapons in a unique martial style.
- Armored Chainmaster
Starting at 1st-level, you can wrap yourself on the chains, using them as an armor. While not wearing armor, your AC equals 10 + your Charisma modifier, + your Constitution modifier.
- Defensive Whipping
Starting at 1st level, whenever you or a creature within your range takes an attack or fail a Dexterity saving throw, you can use your reaction to add your chain dice to the creature's AC, potentially causing the attack to miss, or to the saving throw result, causing the creature to succeed.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and regain your uses after finishing a long rest.
- Chained Whipping
At 5th level, you can attack Three Times, instead of Twice, whenever you use your Chain strike feature. In addition, you can whip your chain in a circular fashion as an action, forcing any creature within 5 feet of you to make a Dexterity saving throw, or take your chain strike damage.
- Controlled Strike
At 11th level, once in each of your turns when you miss an attack with your chain, you can choose to succeed instead.
- Enlightenment
Starting at 14th level, your meditation and discipline have finally brought you clarity. You gain true-sight up to a range equal to your Chain reach.
Bondage of Mercy[edit]
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[1] by Paul Canavan |
Chained ones bound to mercy devote themselves to a life or protecting and helping those in need. They impose restrictions on their own lives to allow them to protect others, caring and warding them. Being merciful, however, doesn't always imply mending wounds or defending the weak, but putting end to one's misery. For this reason, those bound to mercy will often hunt cursed creatures and undead, to free them from the burden of this affliction.
- Holy Chains
Starting at 1st level, you can use your chains to alleviate pain and suffering. You gain the following benefits:
- You learn the cantrip spare the dying, and you can cast it on a creature within your chain reach. When you use spare the dying to stabilize a creature, you can sacrifice your own vitality to restore someone 's else. You lose a number of hit points equal to a roll of your chain die, and that creature regain the same amount.
- You can cause radiant damage, instead of bludgeoning damage, with your chains. When doing so, you don't add your Charisma modifier to the damage, and the target is marked by radiant light. The next attack made against the marked creature is made at advantage.
- You can cause your chains to shed bright light in a 10 feet and dim light for another 10 feet.
- Protection from Death
At 1st level, you can avoid certain death. Whenever a creature other than you within your chain range takes damage enough to reduce it to 0 hit points, you can use your reaction to reduce that damage by an amount equal to your Charisma modifier. You take damage equal to the amount reduced.
- Servant of Mercy
Starting at 5th level, your chains are filled with sacred power. You add one chain strike dice roll to your radiant damage and to the amount of hit points you restore with your chains.
In addition, a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum once), you can use your action and spend 1 hit die to end disease or one of the following conditions with a touch of your chain: blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened or poisoned. The touched creature also regains an amount of hit points equal to your Charisma modifier plus the number rolled.
- Chains of Restoration
Starting at 11th level, you can touch a creature with your chains and bring life back to it. You can cast revivify once, without spending spell slots or component materials. When casting this spell in this manner, you can do it to any creature within your chain's reach.
You can't cast it again until you finish a long rest, unless you spend one use of your Seals to cast it again.
Bondage of Justice[edit]
The same chains that wrap your body serve to shackle those who commit injustices and evil. Chained ones with the bondage of justice devote themselves to the pursuit of criminals and evildoers, using their chains to imprison the guilty.
- Irresistible Shackles
Starting at 5th level, you can use your chains to stop any fugitive of running from you. Make an attack with your chains. On a hit, instead of causing damage, that creature is Paralyzed until the end of your next turn. You can only have one creature paralyzed by this feature at the same time
After using this feature successfully three times, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.
- Imprisoner
At 11th level, you can use your Irresistible Shackles without limitations.
In addition, when you hit a creature with your irresistible shackles, you can focus on that creature (as you would do with a Restriction) and keep it paralyzed for up to 1 minute. One you do this, you can't do it again until you finish a long rest.
- Wrapping Chains
Starting at 14th level, whenever you hit a creature with your chains, you can use your bonus action to attempt to grapple that creature. The target makes the contested check against your Chain save DC, instead of your Strength (Athletics).
Bondage of Serfdom[edit]
Chained ones with the bondage of serfdom are slaves, serfs and subordinates of entities or organizations, acting on their behalf. These serfdom can have its roots on a pact, exchanging freedom for power; in birth, being bound to a patron since its origin; or even voluntarily, since some patrons and organizations use these chains to guarantee the loyalty of their associates.
- Master's Devotion
Starting at 1st level, you must choose a master to be bound to. You can choose between the following options: the Majesty or the Enslaver. Your choice determines some features you gain ahead.
In addition, due to your blind devotion, you have advantage on any saving throws against being charmed or frightened.
- Taskmaster
Bondage of Damnation[edit]
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[2] by Yan Kyohara |
After a life of sin and villainy, some creatures are thrown into hell. Although a grim destiny, some of those can turn their damnation into power, controlling the chains that bind themselves to the eternal suffering. Chained ones with the bondage of damnation enjoy the pain themselves endure, and live to inflict such pain into others, rejoicing in torture and gore. Some of them become real devils, becoming Kytons (or Chained Devils) after they die.
- Torturer
Starting at 1st level, you gain advantage on any Charisma (Intimidation) checks made against a creature within your chain reach.
- Unnerving Mask
Starting at 1st level, when a creature you can see start its turn within 30 feet, you can use your reaction create a illusion that looks one of the creature's departed loved ones or bitter enemies. If the creature is able to see you, must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your Chain save DC or be frightened until the end of its turn. A creature who succeeds on the saving throw is immune to this effect for the next 24 hours.
You can use this reaction a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and regain your uses after finishing a long rest.
- Barbed Chains
Starting at 5th level, once in each of your turns when you hit a creature with your chains, it must succeed on a Strength saving throw against your chain save DC or is grappled (if it wasn't already). Until the grapple ends, the target is Restrained, and takes piercing damage equal to your chain strike die at the start of each turn.
You can have only one creature restrained by your chains in that manner at the same time.
In addition, you learn the cantrip Thorn Whip. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell. When you cast it, you create a long chain covered in spikes, instead of the regular appearance of this spell.
- Needle Chains
Also at 5th level, you can use barbed chains to pierce trough hordes of enemies. Whenever you attack with your chains, you can choose to deal piercing damage, instead of bludgeoning. Doing so cause your chain to pierce trough your targets. Whenever you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with this attack, you can make another attack against another creature within 10 feet of it and within your chain's reach.
- Animated Chains
Starting at 11th level, you can raise your chains and command them to fight for you, becoming animated, as if they had been animated by the animate objects spell. You can animate up to four chains. They count as tiny animated objects, despite the length of the animated chain, and they can fly up to 30 feet. They can never be further than your chains reach, or they fall on the ground, motionless.
Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest, unless you spend an use of your Seal Break feature to do it again.
- Flesh Carver
At 18th level, you master the art of rip and tear the skin and flesh of creatures with your barbed chains, and even start to like the piercing pain. You become immune to piercing damage , and any piercing damage you cause ignores resistance and immunity to piercing.
- Movement (Rank 1)
You wrap your limbs, restricting your movements. You gain the following traits:
Detriment. Your movement speed is reduced in 10 feet.
Benefit. You gain proficiency in the Athletics skill, and you can use your Charisma modifier, instead of your Strength, in checks with this skill.
Focus. While focusing on this restriction, you can cause your chains to slither trough the ground, hindering the movement of your foes. Any area within your chain's reach is considered difficult terrain for hostile creatures while you are focusing on this restriction.
Power. You can choose to not add your Charisma modifier to the damage of your chain attack. If you do so, the creature movement is reduced to half. If the creature's movement was already halved, it is unable to move until the end of its turn.
- Communication (Rank 1)
You cover your mouth with tiny shackles, preventing you from speaking. You gain the following traits:
Detriment. You become unable to speak, and automatically fail any Charisma check that rely on talking.
Benefit. You gain advantage on all Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing, and gain proficiency in Perception.
Focus. While focusing on this restriction, you gain the ability to comprehend any written or spoken language.
Power. When you hit a creature with your chain, you can choose to instead of dealing damage, wrap the mouth of the creature. The creature is unable to speak until the start of your next turn, or until it leaves your chain's reach.
- Sight (Rank 1)
You cover your eyes with chains, preventing your sight. You gain the following traits:
Detriment. You are blinded. In addition, you have vulnerability to Thunder damage and disadvantage on saving throws against effects that deal thunder damage.
Benefit. You have blind-sight up to your chain's reach. You can also use your action to gain the benefits of True Seeing for 1 minute. You loose your blindness while this effect is active. You can use this feature once, regaining the ability to do so after a long rest.
Focus. While focusing on this restriction, you gain the ability to sense magical auras around you, within the chain's reach. As an action, you can command your chain to move towards the magical aura, to discover the school of magic that aura is from.
Power. The next time you hit a creature with your chains, you can go for their eyes. Don't add your Charisma modifier to the damage of this attack. The creature have Disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes. It doesn't work on creatures that don't rely on sight.
- Violence (Rank 2)
Your chains prevent you from harm other creatures. You gain the following traits:
Detriment You're Attack Deals 1 Less Dice (look at Chain Strike Damage for reference)
Benefit You gain Double Proficiency In your Weapon Attack Bonus
Focus The Strikes Have Advantage For 1 Minute
Power You can as a Action Make a Single Attack (This will take both attacks) against up to 5 Opponents using the Level 1 Chain Strike
- Mind (Rank 2)
Your head is pressured by chains, prevent you from thinking with clarity. You gain the following traits:
Detriment Any Time your Focus on Another Restriction is interrupted you have Disadvantage on the Saving throw to stay concentrated
Benefit The Focus Is Either Twice as Effective(think as if its a Forced save they have Disadvantage or If you make a check you have Advantage) or Can be Used Twice
Focus For a Minute You can ignore the Detriment of this Restriction (Can only be used once per Combat)
Power As an Action you can Cast Confuse, The target will Share the weight of your Imprisonment.
- Might (Rank 3)
Your chains are barbed and pierce trough your skin, causing constant discomfort and pain. You gain the following traits:
Detriment. You have vulnerability to Slashing, Piercing and Bludgeoning damage.
Benefit. As an action, you can attach yourself to ceilings and walls, moving freely trough these spaces. You are always under the effects of spider climb, and you gain flight speed equal to your moment speed while close to walls, ceilings or any vertical surface capable of sustaining your weight. The surface must be within the chain's reach.
Focus. Your chains gain extra 10 feet of length
- Mobility (Rank 3)
You carry heavy chains that weight you dawn, reducing your movement for anything else other than carry them.
Detriment. You have Disadvantage on all your Dexterity checks.
Benefit. When a creature willingly moves inside your chain reach, you can use your reaction to make a chain strike against it. You can't apply your restriction powers to this attack.
Focus. While focusing on this restriction, you can cause your chains to restrict your opponents attacks and movements. Any creature of your choice within reach must succeed on a Strength saving throw or have Disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws and attack rolls while within your chain reach. On a success, the creature is immune to this effect for the next 24 hours.
Power. As a bonus action, you can swing violently your chains, targeting all hostile creatures within range. Any hostile creature must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take your chain damage, or half as much on a success.
- Seal of Mind
For some moments, you have perfect clarity. You can use a bonus action to break this seal and roll a d20. For 1 minute, you can replace one ability check, attack roll or saving throw of a creature you can see within the chain reach for the number rolled on the dice.
- Seal of Violence
You can break this seal as an action, and violently shake your chain unleashing your fury upon your enemies. Until the start of your next turn, whenever a creature enters or starts there turn in the existence of your chain's reach, you can make an attack against it, causing your chain strike damage on a hit. A creature can only take the damage once in each of its turns.
- Seal of Safety
As an action, you allow yourself to feel some security, and cause your chains to entangle around you, creating a protective cocoon. Until the end of your next turn, any hostile creatures can't move inside your chain area, being pushed to a empty space within 5 feet of the edge of your chain length. Any friendly creature is enveloped by the cocoon, gaining the benefits of 3/4 of cover and 20 temporary hit points until the end of your next turn. And you are immune to the damage until the end of your next turn as long as you don't move or take any actions.
- Seal of Might
prerequisite: 6th level
As an action, choose one creature within your chain reach, to unleash all your might into a single powerful chained strike. Make an attack roll. On a hit, you roll your damage dice three additional times and add the result to the damage roll, and the creature is pushed 10 feet back and knocked prone. On a miss, the creature take half this damage and isn't pushed or knocked.
- Seal of Fear
Prerequisite: 6th Level As an action, make Every hostile with 50 Feet Make a Charisma Saving Throw, On a Failure they become afraid of you and Will try to run away for the next 5 Rounds
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