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Stub Logo.png This page is incomplete and/or lacking flavor. Reason: This should be a magic item. 14:38, 6 February 2024 (MST)

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Range Increment:
Size Cost1 Damage Weight1 hp
Fine * 0 * 3
Diminutive * 0 * 7
Tiny * 0 * 15
Small 400 0 2lb 30
Medium 400 0 5lb 60
Large 400 0 10lb 120
Huge * 0 * 240
Gargantuan * 0 * 480
Colossal * 0 * 960
  1. The SRD only gives a means to determine costs and weights of weapons for Large and Small versions based on the Medium weapons. Any other supplied values are the author's best determination.

a simple hammer that sends whatever you hit to a random plane of existence 1d4

1: 1d10 for inner planes

1-2 material planes.

3 fey wild.

4 shadow fell.

5 ethereal plane.

6 air .

7 water.

8 earth.

9 fire.

10 elemental chaos.

2: 1d8 planes of chaos

1 the beastlands.

2 arborea.

3 ysgard.

4 limbo.

5 pandemonium.

6 the abyss.

7 carceri.

8 hades.

3: 1d8 planes of law

1-2 Elysium

3 byetopia.

4 mt. celestia.

5 arcadia.

6 mechanus.

7 acheron.

8 gehenna.

4: 1d12 other planes

1 Avernus, the First Hell.

2 Dis, the Second Hell.

3 Minauros, the Third Hell.

4 Phlegethos, the Fourth Hell.

5 Stygia, the Fifth Hell.

6 Malbolge, the Sixth Hell.

7 Maladomini, the Seventh Hell.

8 Cania, the Eighth hell.

9 Nessus, the Ninth hell.

10 negative plane.

11 positive plane.

12 astral plane.

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