5e Mounts and Vehicles

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Mounts and Working Animals

Item Cost Speed Carrying Capacity
Adult Dragon 100 × CR gp/day (minimum) fly 80 ft. 3,200 lb.
Boar 3 gp 40 ft 160 lb
Dwarven War-Boar 400 gp 40 ft 300 lb
Giant Scorpion 1,000 gp 40 ft 800 lb
Great Jaggi 250 gp 60 ft 600 lb
Onion 0gp fly 200ft 250 pounds.
Oxen 15 gp 30 ft 1000 lb
Young Dragon 10 × CR gp/day (minimum) fly 80 ft. 1,200 lb.
Zebra 120 gp 60 ft 450 lb

Drawn Vehicles

Item Cost Weight
Battle Bison Siege Wagon 167,300 gp
Caravan 100gp 800lb
Cleriots 3,500 gp up to ~34,000 gp (including all bonus add ons) 1800 lb
Custom Carts Variable Variable
Dwarven War Chariot 250,000gp 5,000lb.
Halfling Travel Wagon 100 gp 400 lb
Large Animal Drawn Wagon 100 (cargo) or 400 gp (cabin) 1.5 tons (unladen), 3 tons (laden)
Mine Cart 35 gp 300 lb.
Raft 15 gp or made with 10 wooden planks and 50 feet of hemp rope
River Barge 40 gp (small) or 90 gp (large) 1,200 lb. (small) or 3,000 lb. (large)

Other Vehicles

Item Cost Speed Weight
Advanced Dwarven Mechanical Tank Varies unknown
Airship, Gasbag and Sail 41,200 gp Fly 50 feet (5 mph); ascend/descend 50 feet per round.
Fallen Ketch 1,000,000 pounds of scrap 234 light years per hour (in space), 12,000 miles a day (in atmosphere) 200 tons
Glider 200gp 50ft 400lbs
Howdah 300 gp same as the creature carrying the howdah 200 lbs
Keg Cart 10gp 40ft 29lbs
Knarr 700 gp 7 mph
Machina Aedificium 10 gp per 100 square feet or 15,000 gp for a small house 250 feet
Magic Transportation Vehicle 5,000 gp Slow: 36 miles (hover) per day. Normal: 48 Miles (hover) per day. Fast: 60 Miles (hover) per day.
Rippersled 17,500 gp 120 ft (Travel Pace 12 miles per hour (288 miles per day)) 500 lb
Skelecopter Uncommon 0 ft., fly 60 ft. (top speed 60 mph or 530 ft.) (requires at least one mile of continuous straight travel to reach top speed) 350 lbs.
Zalantar Boat 250 gp 120ft, 50 knots

Renaissance Vehicles

Item Cost Weight
Aerial Screw 2,740 gp
Armored Steam Wagon 30,790 gp
Hot Air Balloon 2,800 gp
Ironclad, 1000-tonner 372,500 gp
Metal Gear: Steampunk 4,500 gp 4 tons
Omni-Directional Movement Gear 2,000 gp
River Gunboat Ironclad 73,600 gp
Steam Tractor 30,000 gp

Modern Vehicles

Item Cost Weight
Airship Rare
Armored Personnel Carrier Uncommon 14 tons
Battleship Rare 55,000 tons
Bicycle Common
Compact Car Common 2,300 lbs.
Full-Size Car Common 3,400 lbs.
Helicopter, Crew Uncommon 12,000 lbs.
Helicopter, Single Uncommon 500 lbs.
Helicopter, Transport Uncommon 24,000 lbs.
Infantry Fighting Vehicle Rare 30 tons
Jeep Common 10.5 ¼ tons
Jet, Crew Rare 14,000 lbs.
Jet, Single Rare 28,000 lbs.
Jet, Transport Very Rare 485,000 lbs.
Mid-Size Car Common 3,000 lbs.
Mirror Car Rare
Motorcycle Uncommon 400 lb.
Prop-Plane, Crew Uncommon 8,000 lbs.
Prop-Plane, Single Common 1,000 lbs.
Prop-Plane, Transport Rare 36,000 lbs.
Semi-Truck Uncommon 35,000 lbs.
Sports Car Uncommon 2,200 lbs.
Subcompact Car Common 2,000 lbs.
Supercar Rare 4,000 lbs.
Tank, Heavy Rare 63 tons
Tank, Light Rare 9 tons
Tank, Main Battle Rare 55 tons
Tank, Medium Rare 28 tons
Tank, Super-Heavy Very Rare 207 tons
Walker Gear Rare 600 lbs.
WWI U-Boat

Futuristic Vehicles

Item Cost Weight
Attack Ball
Battle Gear Common 55 tons
D77H-TCI Pelican 138 metric tons
Exploratory Starship
Fallen Skiff 6000lbs of raw scrap and electronics
Gunmen 78 tons
Hover Pod -
M12 LRV 7,700 lbs.
M290-M ATV 7,700 lbs.
M808B Main Battle Tank 66 metric tons
Night's Sky
Prawn Suit 1 ton
Star Fighter 100,000g
Type-26 Wraith 47 metric tons
Type-32 Ghost 1,233 lbs.
Type-48 Revenant 4,800 lbs.
Udajeet -- 5 metric tons
UH-144 Falcon 15 metric tons

Incomplete Mounts and Vehicles

Mounts and vehicles with one or more improving, reviewing, or removing templates present. Please help work on the problem presented on the template.