Soulbinder (5e Class)

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The Soulbinder is a master of manipulating the ethereal realm and their own emotional state to create soulless beings that resemble humans in every way. These creations, known as **Echoes**, appear human, act human, and even feel emotions, but their existence is entirely shaped by their creator’s inner self. Echoes are completely bound to the Soulbinder’s will and must obey the commands of their creator, reflecting their emotional state and personality in their behavior, while always remaining under the Soulbinder’s control.

      1. Introduction

Soulbinders wield the power of creation, but the cost of this power is the emotional bond they share with their creations. Echoes are deeply tied to their creator's emotions and experiences, and they will act in accordance with the Soulbinder's desires and emotional states. While Echoes can develop complex emotions and traits, they will always listen to their creator's commands without question.

      1. Creating a Soulbinder
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To create a Soulbinder, consider the following questions: - How do your emotions influence the world around you, especially those you create? - How do you view your Echoes? Are they simply tools, or something more? - What drives you to create soulless beings? Is it power, connection, or something more personal?

        1. Quick Build

You can make a Soulbinder quickly by following these suggestions. First, Charisma should be your highest ability score, followed by Constitution. Second, choose the Sage or Hermit background. Third, choose an artisan’s tools or a set of tools related to your craft, and a simple weapon.

Class Features

As a Soulbinder you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Soulbinder level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Soulbinder level after 1st


Armor: Light armor, medium armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, tools
Tools: Crafting tools related to the creation of Echoes
Saving Throws: Charisma, Constitution
Skills: Arcana, Insight, Persuasion, Medicine


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) Crafting Tools (Alchemist’s Supplies, Tinker’s Tools, etc.) or (b) Simple Weapon (Dagger, Quarterstaff)
  • (a) Explorer’s Pack or (b) Rations
  • (a) Healing Kit or (b) {{{item3b}}}
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have Standard starting wealth in funds.

Table: The Soulbinder

Level Proficiency
Emotional Tuning Features —Spell Slots per Spell Level—
1st +2 At 1st level, your emotional state directly influences your ability to create Echoes. You can add your Charisma modifier to any skill check related to emotional influence (e.g., Persuasion, Insight). Emotional Imprint
2nd +2 You gain proficiency in Charisma-based saving throws and have advantage on Charisma checks when interacting with Echoes. Echo Creation
3rd +2 Your Echoes, when created, will directly reflect your emotional state in both appearance and behavior. Emotional Influence
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement, Echo's Growth
5th +3 Empathetic Control
6th +3 Echo's Reflection
7th +3 Sublime Craft
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement, Soul's Link
9th +4 Echo Bond
10th +4 Emotional Surge
11th +4 Creation's Price
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement, Symbiosis
13th +5 True Echo
14th +5 Fateful Creation
15th +5 Final Rebirth
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement, Essence of the Soul
17th +6
18th +6
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6
        1. Emotional Imprint

At 1st level, you gain the ability to create **Echoes**, soulless human-like creatures that reflect your emotional state. When you create an Echo, it appears as a human being, behaving and feeling emotions based on your current emotional state. However, Echoes are bound to your will and must obey any commands you give them without question. They may show emotions and act independently to some extent, but they are still entirely under your control. You may create one Echo at a time. The emotional state of the Echo will change as your emotional state changes.

        1. Echo Creation

At 2nd level, you can create additional Echoes. Your creations reflect your current emotional state, including your moods, desires, and personal flaws. You can control the general behavior and demeanor of the Echo, but it will always act in a way that aligns with your emotions at the time of its creation. Echoes created with this feature remain under your control, always obeying your commands.

At this level, you may have up to two Echoes active at once.

        1. Emotional Influence

At 3rd level, you can influence your Echoes' behavior by amplifying your own emotions. As a bonus action, you can project a wave of emotional influence onto your Echoes, forcing them to take on a specific emotion. This aura lasts for 1 minute, and during this time, your Echoes must act in accordance with the emotion you project. They may become more aggressive, fearful, or calm, but they will always listen to your commands.

For example, you may project an aura of anger, causing your Echoes to become more aggressive and battle-hungry, or a calming aura that makes them more compliant and peaceful.

        1. Echo’s Growth

At 5th level, your Echoes begin to develop more complex emotional responses. They may still reflect your emotional state, but they can now act with a greater degree of independence in how they express their emotions. They will still always obey you, but they might take more initiative in how they express those emotions. For example, if you are sad, an Echo might try to comfort you, while an angry Echo might suggest aggression.

        1. Empathetic Control

At 6th level, you gain more refined control over your Echoes. You can exert influence over their emotional responses, making them more attuned to certain feelings or situations. By using your action, you can force an Echo to suppress its current emotional response and take on a new one, which better fits the situation. You may only use this ability once per short rest.

For example, if an Echo is fearful, you could force it to become brave for a short period, allowing it to take more risks in combat or difficult situations.

        1. Echo's Reflection

At 10th level, your Echoes begin to reflect not only your emotional state but also the environments in which they are created. If you create an Echo in a particularly intense emotional setting, such as a battlefield or a joyous celebration, the Echo will adopt traits based on the environment, reflecting the emotions of those around it. However, even in these cases, the Echo will remain obedient to your commands.

        1. Sublime Craft

At 14th level, your ability to create Echoes improves. They grow in complexity, capable of forming rudimentary attachments, desires, and motivations. These Echoes may develop emotional nuances but are still bound to your will, never able to disobey. Their emotional responses become more nuanced and capable of mimicking complex behaviors.

        1. Soul's Link

At 18th level, you can choose to link an Echo more deeply to your soul. This Echo will gain a fragment of your essence and develop deeper emotional awareness. While it still obeys your commands without question, it will have more control over how it expresses emotions and actions. This Echo can temporarily act on its own will, but it will always strive to please you and fulfill your desires.

        1. True Echo

At 20th level, your Echoes reach their peak potential. They now act with perfect mimicry of your emotional state, desires, and commands. While still bound to you, these Echoes are fully capable of independent thought, and their emotional complexity matches your own. However, despite their growth, they remain subservient to you and will never disobey your will.

At this level, you may have up to three Echoes active at once, each with distinct personalities, behaviors, and emotional responses.

      1. Soulbinder Spell List

The Soulbinder does not use traditional spells, but instead wields the power to create and control Echoes. The actions of these Echoes are governed by their creator’s emotional state, making their behavior both a reflection and extension of the Soulbinder.

      1. Multiclassing

Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Soulbinder class, you must meet the following prerequisites: - Charisma 13 or higher - Wisdom 13 or higher

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Soulbinder class, you gain the following proficiencies: - Light armor - Simple weapons - Crafting tools - Persuasion, Insight

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