Third Wife (5e Creature)

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Third Wife[edit]

Medium humanoid (human), neutral

Armor Class 18 (Demon Slayer Corps Uniform)
Hit Points 136 (16d8 + 64)
Speed 40

14 (+2) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1)

Saving Throws Dex +7, Con +8
Skills Acrobatics +7, Athletics +6, History +4, Insight +6, Intimidation +5, Investigation +4, Medicine +6, Nature +4, Perception +6, Survival +6
Proficiency Bonus +4
Damage Resistances Poison, Slashing, Bludgeoning, Piercing.
Senses passive Perception 15
Challenge 13 (10,000 XP)

The Final Piece. Coming in last never feels good, although for you it's more like you were the missing piece of a 500 piece puzzle, completing the trinity you come with your own effects out of all three wives you are the strongest, you stand as the pillar for the other two protecting them while your shinobi companion deals with the real threats. As a reaction at any given time as long as one of the other wives are within your movement speeds when they are about to be knocked down below 1 hp you may move into an adjacent square and take the full brunt of the attack, reducing the incoming damage by your con mod multiplied by your proficiency bonus and changing the actual target to you. If this was an AOE attack you will take the damage that all others in the area would take as a form to stop the attack entirely, although it may cost your life...(Once per long rest)

Sword Empress. Unlike the other wives you aren't as inclined to just sit back and let the man handle everything, you have devoted your life to the blade and live by it's path. You gain a +2 to attack rolls and damage rolls while wielding a weapon you have proficiency in, along with this you add another die of damage to your weapon attacks. You gain proficiency in all martial weapons and are capable of unleashing deadly strikes across the battlefield.


Vertical Slash. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 20 (3d12 + 4) Slashing Damage.

5 Step Sword Movement. As a full turn action you can forgo any defenses you may have, reducing your AC by your dex mod and gaining a bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls for 1 minute. Immediately after making this reduction unleash a flurry of strikes on your targetted creature, dishing out 5 Vertical slashes each of these may target a different creature within your movement speed. This can be used twice per long rest.

Watchful Guard. As a bonus action you may grant yourself advanatage on all oppurtunity attacks for 1 minute, along with this you will gain advantage on perception checks made during this time limit.


Protective Movement As a reaction to one of your allies being targetted within 10 ft of you, you may position yourself in a way that you support them in defending against an attack, granting them 10 temporary hit points and a +1 to their ac, this lasts until the end of the current turn.

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