Book Monster (5e Race)

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Stub Logo.png This page is incomplete and/or lacking flavor. Reason: This sounds more like a monster than a player-controlled race for a character. The sections of this page also reflect this, as there is a lack of fluff that would help better integrate this as an actual player race into a world. It's almost written as if it were april fools.

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Broom Icon.svg.png This page needs grammatical help. Reason: Traits need to be better worded and standardized where possible (darkvision, eg.).

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Scales.png This page is of questionable balance. Reason: Because of the wording, some of the traits do not have clear mechanical uses. Transform does not define what a monster form is and nowhere on the page is this information found. The tentacle attack is also higher than the damage for a greatsword, and grants an arbitrary bonus to climb checks. The bite attack range is incorrect and should be structured more like lizardfolk's bite, probably.

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Book Monster[edit]

"Its a book, no, its a mimic, its a... ÆEEEEEEEEE-"


The book monster appears as a normal book, most of the time. When in book form, it just looks like a book, but sometimes it goes in monster form, and becomes a horrifying abomination of flesh and pages, with teeth on the sides and an eye on both sides, the spine transforming into a LITERAL SPINE.

The book monster in monster form, some things are different from appearance.


Not much, it was a book, and then some creepy dude decided its time for some creepy stuff, so he made creepy book thing.


Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... they eat? and... uhhhhhh... exist? IDK???

Book Monster Names[edit]

What, do you expect a book... thing, to have a name

Book Monster Traits[edit]

Its a book... or is it?
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2 and your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Age. Book Monsters reach maturity at the age of 1, and live for about 1,000 years.
Alignment. Book Monsters tend to be evil, and most of them are neutral evil, but some can be true neutral, at the most.
Size. Book Monsters are size small, in normal form, however, in monster form, they grow to be size medium.
Speed. Book Monsters can walk on their tentacles, allowing them to move at 30 feet as a base walking speed, they can also not be seen moving by slowly crawling around at 10 ft, You also have a floating speed of 20 ft up to 10 ft above the ground.
darkvision. You have darkvision, but only in monster form.
Transform. When a book monster needs something, like an opponent defeated, the ability to walk, or simply to pick something up, maybe even eat, they can transform into monster form, they can even just grow tentacles while not fully transforming, they just use this ability to help with things... or maybe something like a battle.
Tentacle. book monsters can use their tentacles to grab things and attack things. Range is up to 5 feet and damage is 2d8 and you can grapple and restrain targets with this.
Bite. You can bite a target within 3 feet and this does 1d6 damage.
Creepyness. You are pretty scary when in monster form, you have proficiency in Intimidation
Armor. You have natural studded leather armor.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Abyssal

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