Melano (5e Subrace)

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Universal Subrace[edit]

Very rarely, a creature is born to a normal race, and this individual is immediately noticeable as different, having black eyes with black pupils, as well as black hair and extremely dark skin. This ability for the body to produce pigment is extremely rare, and thus can be detrimental to a creature's health and some of their abilities. Though in the beginning many thought the melano of any race to be more magically gifted this fact was put down in cities, as such, more distant and disconnected communities may be prone to try to use melanos in magical rituals or sacrifices to gain their supposed magical gifts. Even with this in mind, however, there are those who choose to be adventurers, refuse to be put down by these facts, and put in extra effort to show that they can fend for themselves or contribute to their community.

This subrace does not quite work the same way as other subraces. It can be applied to any race, including those which don't normally have subraces. If it is applied to a race that does have subraces, you must still pick another subrace in addition to this one.

Melanos are known for being black everywhere, inside and out. their blood is black/red. What would normally be the white of their eyes is black. Their teeth are also black.

Ability Score Increase. To compensate for the detriments presented by melanism, you have honed your abilities in other areas. One ability score of your choice increases by 2, or two of your choice increase by 1 each. Alternatively, you may choose a feat and only get 1 ability score increase. Gain Stealth expertise.
Light Desensitivity. You have advantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when you, the target of your attack, or the object you are trying to perceive is in bright light.
Melanin Proficiency. Due to your natural camouflage you gain Stealth expertise and resistance to radiant damage. if you are already resistant then become immune.
Superior Lightvision. Your eyes are less sensitive to light you have superior vision in very bright conditions. You can see in bright light within 600 feet of you as if it were 60 feet. You discern all colors. If your race already has darkvision or superior darkvision you lose 30 feet of darkvision. If your race already has superior darkvision and Sunlight Sensitivity you lose that and gain 30 feet of blindsight, and you have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when you, the target of your attack, or the object you are trying to perceive is in darkness.
Bad Eyesight. Your eyes may be less sensitive to light, but they often need correction when dealing with darkness. Choose either to be Nearsighted or Farsighted. If you choose Nearsighted objects outside of 5 feet are often very blurry you can tell colors and shape but not definite features giving you disadvantage on Perception (Wisdom) checks that rely on the sight of faraway objects. If you choose to be Farsighted objects within 5 feet are often blurry you can tell colors and shape but not definite features giving you disadvantage on Investigation (Intelligence) checks when using your sight to find clues. Both of these traits can be fixed by wearing special non-magical glasses to correct your sight to your normal vision. You start with these glasses along with any other adventuring gear you gain from classes and backgrounds.

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