Mutation Sickness (5e Disease)

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Mutation sickness[edit]

Contracting Mutation Sickness[edit]

Can be contracted by many means including faulty potions, poison mushrooms, or a powerful curse.


How long your effects last or when you gain them depends on where you got the sickness. Use the table below for mutations, or make your own.

Table: Mutation table
1d100 Effect
1 become 1d10 years younger.
2 become 1d10 years older.
3 ears shape in resemblance to a cat's.
4 you grow a bird's beak.
5 all of your hair falls out.
6 all of your hair triples in length.
7 your gender swaps.
8 you grow large antlers on your head. you're no longer able to wear helmets.
9 your legs fuse together into one, large fin.
10 your hands and feet gain webbing.
11 you grow 1 new eye on your forehead.
12 your vocal cords stop working. you can no longer speak.
13 your eyes lose the ability to blink or close.
14 your body inflates. your new weight is now 1 lb.
15 you grow 1 size.
16 you shrink 1 size.
17 your fingernails grow into non-retractable claws.
18 your arms fuse with a random weapon of the DM's choosing.
19 you become amorphous. you can't wear armor, but you can fit through spaces as small as 1 inch.
20 your skin turns a random color. like hot pink, or neon green.
21 your body turns into a random metal. like gold, or silver.+1 to AC. you can still move.
22 your legs fuse together to form a large snake tail.
23 armor you are wearing fuses to your skin, making it unable to be removed.
24 you gain gills and lose lungs. gain a swim speed equal to your walk speed.
25 your spine shifts, forcing you to stand on all fours.
26 you grow a coat of fur.
27 you grow a coat of feathers.
28 you grow a coat of scales.
29 your lips harden and extend, turning into large mandibles.
30 1d4 of your fingers recede into your hand.
31 1d4 of your toes recede into your foot.
32 one of your limbs turns invisible.
33 you grow 1d8 tenticles from your back.
34 you grow 1d4 extra arms.
35 you grow 1d4 extra legs.
36 your ears recede into your head.
37 you grow dragon-like wings from your shoulders.
38 you grow bird-like wings from your shoulders.
39 you grow bat-like wings from your shoulders.
40 you grow dragonfly-like wings from your shoulders.
41 you grow a large spider abdomen. you can cast the web once per day without material components.
42 your mouth seals shut. you can't speak. you no longer need to eat or drink, as you are now unable to eat or drink.
43 you grow a large, fluffy tail.
44 you grow a large dragon-like tail.
45 you grow a coat of thorns.
46 your blood turns to acid but does not harm you.
47 your blood turns to lava but does not harm you.
48 your gender swaps.
49 roll twice, or DM picks.
50 your blood turns to poison but does not harm you.
51 your eyes turn pure black, rendering you blind.
52 your teeth become hollow, giving you a strong venom.
53 you grow a second pair of arms underneath your first arms.
54 you grow a coat of feathers.
55 you grow a coat of fur.
56 you grow a coat of scales.
57 you grow a large tail with a stinger at the end, doing 1d8 poison damage on an attack.
58 your spine shifts, forcing you to stand on all fours.
59 you grow 1 size.
60 you grow a large beard.
61 you grow large horns on your head.
62 your hand becomes a large crab claw.
63 your feet harden and turn into hooves.
64 your leg bones melt, reducing your movement speed to 0.
65 your hands turn into large knives. you can't hold anything, but you do 1d8 + you Strength modifier on unarmed strikes.
66 your intestines change, making you a carnivore.
67 your intestines change, making you a herbivore.
68 you are now colorblind.
69 your hands recede into your arms.
70 your eyes can no longer see in light, and see normally in darkness.
71 you become 1d10 years older.
72 you become 1d10 years younger.
73 your ears recede into your head. you become completely deafened.
74 your skin becomes a random color, like hot pink or lime green.
75 you grow 4 spider legs under your arms. you gain the spider climb trait.
76 roll twice, or DM picks.
77 your eyes merge into one large eye.
78 your blood changes to fine wine.
79 your blood turns to ice, changing your movement speed to 0.
80 the skin vanishes from one of your arms, leaving bones that move.
81 you start growing small mushrooms from your skin.
82 you start growing small crystals from your skin.
83 your skin turns to wood. -4 Dexterity.
84 your bones melt and you lose feeling in your body.
85 your blood turns into slime. this does not harm you.
86 your spine shifts, forcing you to stand on all fours.
87 you grow one new eye on your forehead.
88 you grow a large shell on your back. +1 AC.
89 your legs fuse together into one large fin.
90 your hands grow large, curved claws. you gain a climbing speed equal to five times your Strength modifier.
91 you grow a large beak on your face.
92 you grow 1 size.
93 you shrink 1 size.
94 your hands and feet gain webbing.
95 your eyes lose the ability to blink or close.
96 you grow 1d8 tenticles from your back.
97 any armor you're wearing fuses to your skin, making it unable to be removed.
98 you grow a large spider abdomen. you can cast the web spell once per day without material components.
99 your mind becomes insane. Your alignment changes to chaotic evil.
100 roll three times, or DM picks.


Mutation sickness can be cured with the lesser restoration spell when cast with a spell slot of 9th level or higher.

(one vote)

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