Medium Starship Medical Bay (5e Equipment)

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Cost: 10,000 gp and 200 gp in monthly expenses

A state-of-the-art medical bay designed for medium-sized starships. This facility is equipped with advanced medical equipment, diagnostic tools, and automated systems to ensure the health and safety of the crew during extended space travel. The medical bay provides the following benefits:

  • Allows a trained medic or crew member to make Medicine checks with advantage.
  • Can restore up to 20 hit points per day, divided among up to 5 creatures.
  • Grants a +2 bonus to rolls for stabilizing a dying creature.
  • Allows treatment of common diseases and minor poisons without additional resources.


The medical bay can be enhanced with the following upgrades, increasing its functionality and monthly maintenance costs:

Advanced Diagnostic Center: Costs 4,000 gp and increases monthly expenses by 100 gp. Enables the identification and analysis of complex diseases, poisons, and genetic abnormalities, granting a +4 bonus to related Medicine checks.

Regenerative Therapy Unit: Costs 6,000 gp and increases monthly expenses by 150 gp. Enhances healing capabilities, allowing the restoration of up to 30 additional hit points per day, divided among up to 5 creatures.

Cryostasis Pods: Costs 7,000 gp and increases monthly expenses by 200 gp. Includes multiple cryostasis chambers capable of stabilizing up to 2 dying creatures simultaneously, suspending their condition until treatment can be provided.

Biomedical Fabricator: Costs 10,000 gp and increases monthly expenses by 300 gp. Produces advanced medical supplies such as antidotes, healing potions, and surgical tools. Reduces the cost of creating medical items by 75%.

Medical AI System: Costs 15,000 gp and increases monthly expenses by 400 gp. An advanced AI system manages patient care, automatically stabilizing injured crew members and curing one condition (poisoned, paralyzed, blinded, etc.) per creature once per day. Grants a +5 bonus to all Medicine checks.

Genetic Modification Lab

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