RhinoRoller (5e Equipment)

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Stub Logo.png This page is incomplete and/or lacking flavor. Reason: Why are the top and bottom blades differentiated when they are identical? Unlimited free charms with a high save DC to avoid. Chargers should be charges. 00:12, 8 September 2024 (MDT)

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Staff, legendary (requires attunement)

The RhinoRoller is a three piece staff that functions as an instrument and as a weapon. The top and bottom parts of the staff are connected to the center piece by a two feet of golden wires. The top and bottom pieces resemble shortswords but have beautiful runes resembling musical notes and various holes placed within the blades. The center piece is made of dragon bones and is inlaid with precious gems.

Magic Weapon. RhinoRoller is a magical weapon that grants a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. It can also be used as a spellcasting focus.

Blade Damage

  • Top Blade- 2d8 Slashing, 1d8 Fire damage.
  • Bottom Blade- 2d8 Slashing, 1d8 Fire damage.

Rhinos Roll. Once per turn you can spend your action to use RhinoRoller to attack with both the top and bottom blades. Roll separate attacks for both blades.

Mesmerizing Strikes. Upon being hit the targeted creature must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by you for 1 hour. While the creature is charmed in this way, you can issue the command spell on the creature at will as an action.


  • +1 to spell save DC
  • +1 to spell save Attack
  • RhinoRoller has 8 chargers. While attuned to RhinoRoller, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC and spell attack bonus: burning hands (1 Charge), chromatic orb (2 charges), fire storm (4 charges), or scorching ray (3 charges).
  • You can also use an action to cast the dragon's breath spell without using any charges or expending any spell slots.
  • You can also use an bonus action to cast the fire bolt cantrip without using any charges.
  • Any spells cast from RhinoRoller are always cast at the highest level of your known spell slots but do not take a spell slot to cast.
  • The staff regains 1d4 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn.
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