Wand of Unhinged Form Manipulation (3.5e Equipment)

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April Fools!
This content is not designed for use in regular games, and may affect overall balance and gameplay. Take caution when using this material.

In Munchkinland, some crazy spellcaster decided to make THE most stupidly overpowered magic item, to upgrade Pun-Pun (3.5e Optimized Character Build). This is the result.

At will, user of this wand can modify the form of absolutely anyone, without exceptions. With a successful touch attack (unlimited reach, free action), he can cause arbitrarily large amount of alterations of his choice in the target creature's body. Then, if user of this wand wants so, the target falls unconscious for 2d4 rounds. A successful DC 22 Fortitude save negates both the change and the unconsciousness.

User may use Wand of Unhinged Form Manipulation to change a minor aspect of the target creature, such as the shape of its head or the color of its scales. It may also choose to make a much more significant alteration, such as converting limbs into tentacles, changing the overall body shape (snake to humanoid, for example), or adding or removing an appendage. Any ability score may be decreased and increased, without any limits whatsoever (even to absurd values like -∞ and +∞). Wand's user may also grant the target arbitrarily large number of abilities of any kind (including, but not limited to, extraordinary, supernatural, or spell-like), or remove them from it. It can give abilities what didn't previously exist and/or what were made-up by wand's user - such as "I win, and can ignore laws of physics, laws of the universe, rules of the game, opinion of GM and opinion of Players".

The change bestowed takes effect immediately and is permanent. Furthermore, the alterations are automatically passed on to all the creature's offspring when it breeds with another of its unmodified kind.

Super-Puper-Ultra-Munchkins love when something "counts as multiple things, combining all their pluses with none of their minuses". Therefore, the Wand of Unhinged Form Manipulation simultaneously has all pluses without any minuses of each the following: "Armor Enhancement", "Armor", "Cursed", "Flavor Treasure", "Food", "Magic Gauntlet", "Potion", "Oil", "Ring", "Rod", "Scroll", "Shield Enhancement", "Shield", "Staff", "Trap", "Vehicle", "Wand", "Weapon Enhancement", "Weapon", "Wondrous Item", "Epic". Trying to properly imagine all that simultaneously may result in head pain; only true Super-Munchkins know what such classification should even mean. The User or Owner of the wand determines how all those rules work, and can override GM's and Other Player's opinion on said rules - using whatever interpretation is the most beneficial for Wand's User/Owner for the time; he can freely swap his rules interpretation of the rules as needed.

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