Labours (5e Variant Rule)
“ | By Juno's hate urged on, Alcmena's Son,
At sixteen years his noble toils begun. Nemæa's dreadful Lion first he sought, The savage slew & to Eurystheus brought, From his huge sides his shaggy spoils he tore, Around him threw, & e'er in triumph wore. |
” |
Labors, trials, great feats, challenges... No matter what you call them, inspired partially from the 12 Labours of Hercules, labors are a unique set of rules for alternative or supplemental character progression in D&D 5e. Labors are optional, monumental challenges presented to a character to test their abilities or resourcefulness. Successful completion of a labor does not reward a character with treasure, rather, it rewards them with direct growth in their abilities.
Implementing Labors in Your Campaign[edit]
While a campaign where character progression is based entirely around labors is possible, labors are designed to be best implemented as supplemental to normal character progression. Throughout the course of an adventure, characters will naturally encounter and triumph over various monsters. Characters who have knowledge of a labor may capitalize on the opportunity presented by these encounters, challenging themselves and these creatures with self-imposed limitations in order to grow from the experience. Alternatively, some labors require collecting special substances and materials under specific circumstances, and then combining them alchemically or consuming them in a special ritual.
Depending on how much you lean into it, a character may only complete 4 or 5 labors over the course of a campaign, most likely of a difficulty close to a level they can actually attempt. Completing a labor that raises an ability score above 20 might happen perhaps once or twice a campaign, and if it does, it is certainly a monumental moment that that character has earned.
How a character gains knowledge of a labor is up to the DM. Perhaps they are hinted at by previous champions of the world, or by dusty tomes in ancient libraries. Perhaps a manual of gainful exercise, in addition to its usual properties, hints that the heart of a tarrasque holds great power.
Designing Labors[edit]
Labors have a reward proportional to their difficulty of accomplishment, but all labors are intended to be challenging to those who would benefit from them. Usually, labors follow a theme. For example, a labor that increases your Strength score might involve vanquishing a particularly strong creature in a specific way and consuming one of its body parts. Labors should never provide a relative bonus (+1 or +2 to a stat), we have the tomes and manuals for that. Rather, a labor should set an attribute of a character to a new value, preferably one that matches the attribute of a creature used in the labor.
The bonuses offered by ability score increasing labors should range from 12 to 30, in increments of 2. The justification being that the cap of all ability scores in 5e is 30, and that any labors for ability scores below 10 would not exactly be notable or heroic.
So far labors appear to be able to be divided into two categories:
- Immediate challenges- "kill this thing and eat its heart"
- Long-term tasks- "collect these specific thing(s) and do something with them"
When designing a labor, keep in mind that they should be like mini-quests. And they should be difficult. Like the labors of Hercules of myth, which were intended to be impossible, they should toy with the prospect of impossibility. No single dice roll should determine if a character accomplishes a labor or not. Undergoing a labor must be a concentrated effort upheld both by the player, character, and even the DM. Since they offer strong benefits, take care to design them to be difficult/obtuse/specific enough that a character/player has to intentionally go out of their way to perform them, and not simply perform them by accident. This can be done easily enough by breaking the labor into two "steps". For example, in The Heart of a Tarrasque, you must first a. Stop the heart, then b. consume a piece of the heart in order to complete the labor.
Additionally, the wording of labors are intended to be vague enough to be open-ended mechanically, but specific enough that a player has a decent idea of what to do. However, it is important to include in the labor something definite that signifies that it has indeed been successfully performed- usually a physical item that the character acquires and uses to complete the labor.
List of Labors[edit]
Labors of Strength[edit]
Labors of strength are rather straightforward and often involve accomplishing exceptional feats of physical prowess.
The Heart of a Tarrasque[edit]
Boon: Your Strength score becomes 30.
You must end the life of a tarrasque by stopping its heart using your bare hands alone. Once you do so, you may then consume a piece of the heart, granting you the strength of the tarrasque.
The Might of a Giant[edit]
Boon: Your Strength score becomes 28 if it is not already higher.
You must challenge and defeat a storm giant in a contest of feats of strength. Both you and the storm giant must agree to the rules, and once the storm giant admits your victory, you have proven that your muscles surpass even the might of the giants.
The Shark of the Land[edit]
Boon: Your Strength score becomes 26 if it is not already higher.
You must defeat either an ancient or adult dragon in combat by climbing onto its back and disabling its wings mid-flight via a feat of strength. If it perishes from impacting the ground and you live, you are considered worthy of the strength it possessed.
To Break The Unbreakable[edit]
Boon: Your Strength score becomes 24 if it is not already higher.
Without using magic to assist you, you must challenge and kill an iron golem in single combat. Once you destroy the golem, your body's natural prowess undergoes a transformation, and your very body seems to grow in power as if embodying the golem's strength itself.
King of Beasts[edit]
Boon: Your Strength score becomes 22 if it is not already higher.
Without using magic to assist you, you must best and kill a variety of creatures in single combat. You must strangle a giant constrictor snake to death, kill a giant ape using your bare hands, and tear the teeth out of a giant shark before killing it. Once you have defeated these beasts, a surge of power begins to flow through you making it feel as of you are standing atop the animal kingdom.
Bear Wrestler[edit]
Boon: Your Strength score becomes 20 if it is not already higher
Without using magic to assist you, you must grapple a brown bear, polar bear or owlbear with your bare hands and restrain it from moving for 1 minute. Once this has been accomplished, you will have proven that you are truly mightier than nature's great hunters.
The Bite of the Bulette[edit]
Boon: Your Strength score becomes 18 if it is not already higher.
You must use your strength to prevent a bulette from making a successful bite attack against any creatures for 1 minute. Once this has been accomplished, you must then reduce the bullete to 0 hit points using your bare hands. By doing so, you are made certain you now possess the strength that the bulette once had.
A Tale of Tails[edit]
Boon: Your Strength score becomes 16 if it is not already higher.
Without using magic to assist you, you must find and tie together the tails of either five living tigers, lions, dire wolves, or reef sharks. Once they are tied together, you must set the mass loose on an unsuspecting humanoid. Once you perform this deed, you are granted the strength of those natural predators of the wild.
The Milk of an Auroch[edit]
Boon: Your Strength score becomes 14 if it is not already higher.
Without using magic to assist you and only using your bare hands, you must extract a pint of fresh milk from a live auroch[1] and drink it all within one gulp. Once you do so, you feel the strength of that creature augmenting your own.
Local Arm Wrestling Champion[edit]
Boon: Your Strength score becomes 12 if it is not already higher.
Without using magic to assist you, you must defeat at least 5 humanoids individually in contests of strength within 1 hour. Once you do so, you realize you've acquired a strength you didn't have previously.
Labors of Dexterity[edit]
Labors of dexterity often involve feats of precision, speed, and agility.
The Wrath of a Tempest[edit]
Boon: Your Dexterity score becomes 28 if it is not already higher.
You alone must survive for 1 minute the onslaught of an enraged elder tempest[2], seeking neither help in your task nor shelter from the storm. Doing so awards you the certainty that your reflexes are now fast enough to dodge even lightning.
To Steal from the Hoard[edit]
Boon: Your Dexterity score becomes 26 if it is not already higher.
Without using magic to assist you, you must steal a very rare or legendary magical item from an adult or ancient dragon's hoard while they are in their lair without getting caught. After you have exited their lair and have gotten more than 10 miles from the dragon's dwelling, you begin to realize that your movements have become incredibly accurate and far quicker than what any mortal could normally follow.
Under a Giant's Nose[edit]
Boon: Your Dexterity score becomes 24 if it is not already higher.
Without using magic to assist you, you must pluck the hair from the nose of a sleeping giant without waking it. Braiding the hairs together into a rope, you must return to the giant to bind it with the rope it in its sleep. Only once the giant wakes and realizes it is restrained will you realize your precision is unmatched even in the most nerve-wracking of situations.
Catcher of Quicklings[edit]
Boon: Your Dexterity score becomes 22 if it is not already higher.
Without using magic to assist you, you must catch five quicklings[3], placing them all inside a single glass jar. Once you have done so, you are awarded with the certainty that your reflexes are now fast enough to catch even the most nimble of fey.
Lighting in a Bottle[edit]
Boon: Your Dexterity score becomes 20 if it is not already higher.
Without using magic to assist you, you must catch lighting in a bottle in the middle of a thunderstorm.
Blink Snatcher[edit]
Boon: Your Dexterity score becomes 18 if it is not already higher.
Without using magic to assist you, you must catch and cage a blink dog, such that it does not teleport for 10 minutes. Once you have asserted mastery over this beast, you will have proven that you are nimbler than the most sly of canines.
A Daring Escape[edit]
Boon: Your Dexterity score becomes 14 if it is not already higher.
Without using magic to assist you, you must escape being caught when chased[4] by six or more pursuers. Once you have escaped your pursuers, you begin to feel a certain confidence in your speed and agility.
Catcher of Rats[edit]
Boon: Your Dexterity score becomes 12 if it is not already higher.
Without using magic to assist you, you must catch and tie together the tails of ten living rats. Once you do so, the mass of rats becomes a sentient rat king that curses you in name and immediately tries to escape. Irregardless of whatever else it does, tying together the rats was good training, and you feel a certain new nimbleness to you that you didn't have before otherwise.
Labors of Constitution[edit]
Labors of constitution often require one to test the limits of their body's endurance.
The Spleen of an Empyrean[edit]
Boon: Your Constitution score becomes 30.
You must challenge an empyrean[5] to a deadly contest of fortitude, whether this be to a death by exhaustion or by intoxication. If the empyrean perishes, cut out its divine spleen and consume it. Doing so grants you the constitution of a titan.
Skin of Adamantine[edit]
Boon: Your Constitution score becomes 28 if it is not already higher.
You alone must survive for 1 minute without any protection fully immersed in a toxic environment such as the acrid waters of a black dragon's swamp, the warping energy of an irradiated badlands, or the ash that chokes the air inside of an active volcano. Once you do so, your skin begins to glisten with a metal like sheen showing off the pure resilience behind it.
Eldritch Immunity[edit]
Boon: Your Constitution score becomes 26 if it is not already higher.
Without using magic to assist or cure you, you must become afflicted by and endure a potentially fatal disease, parasite, or other ailment inflicted by a creature capable of doing so simply by touch. Once you survive 5 different ailments in this way, you can be certain that your immune system can defend against even the most persistent of body invaders.
Guts of Steel[edit]
Boon: Your Constitution score becomes 20 if it is not already higher.
Without using magic to assist you, you must ingest all of the following within one hour: a serving of extremely spicy food, a rotten serving of fish, and eight servings of alcohol. If the hour passes and you have not regurgitated anything, you know that your body's heartiness and ability to process and deal with hazardous items has grown to the pinnacle of mortality.
The Gaze of a Medusa[edit]
Boon: Your Constitution score becomes 18 if it is not already higher.
You must challenge a medusa to a staring contest. If you hold out 1 minute against the creature's petrifying gaze, you must collect its tears and mix them into a fortifying drink. Once you consume this drink, you are awarded the certainty that your fortitude is robust enough to resist even being turned to stone.
The Iron Run[edit]
Boon: Your Constitution score becomes 16 if it is not already higher.
Without using magical assistance, you must travel 60 miles by foot in 20 hours or less only retreading the same path a maximum of once. Once you do so, you must continue to run until you collapse from exhaustion. Once you recover from your exhausted state, you will realize your stamina has reached new heights.
Who is The Better Swimmer[edit]
Boon: Your Constitution score becomes 14 if it is not already higher.
You must beat another creature who has a swimming speed in a swimming competition that lasts longer than 4 hours. By winning this competition, you have shown that having good endurance wins out over having a natural advantage in certain tasks.
99 Bottles[edit]
Boon: Your Constitution score becomes 12 if it is not already higher.
You must challenge and defeat 5 humanoids in a drinking contest each within a single minute of each other, and then continue drinking until you fall unconscious. Once you do so, the next time you wake up, you will have found that you have gotten a little bit more resilient than you were previously.
Labors of Intelligence[edit]
Labors of intelligence often challenge a creature's memory, reasoning, or deductive faculties.
The Humility of a Greatwyrm[edit]
Boon: Your Intelligence score becomes 30.
You must challenge and defeat an amethyst, crystal, emerald, sapphire, or topaz greatwyrm[6] in a battle of wits, whether it be riddles, dragon chess, logic puzzles, or trivia games. Once you receive genuine acknowledgement of your mental superiority from such a creature, you are awarded with the certainty that your mind is on par with even the oldest and most knowledgeable of dragons.
Recorder of Ancient Legends[edit]
Boon: Your Intelligence score becomes 28 if it is not already higher.
You must create a 500 page or longer biography detailing the entire life of a legendary creature who died more than 1000 years ago whose existence is unknown to all but gods and the eldest of creatures. By accomplishing such a task, you have shown your otherworldly investigative skills that far surpass mortal limits.
Researcher of Artifacts[edit]
Boon: Your Intelligence score becomes 24 if it is not already higher.
Without attuning to it or using the identify spell, you must correctly ascertain all properties of a magical artifact including curses that are affecting it, previous bearers of the item, and the formula used in its creation. Once you use a piece of the formula to create your own lesser magical item, you have demonstrated your capacity to deduce highly obscured information usually off-limits to mortals and synthesize it into new forms.
The Devil's Contract[edit]
Boon: Your Intelligence score becomes 22 if it is not already higher.
You must write a contract that is then signed by you and a pit fiend or another CR 20 or higher devil that allows you to keep your soul while requiring them to sell their soul to you. After the contract is signed, besides gaining the soul of the pit fiend, your mind begins to buzz with activity and now seems to surpass the mortal realms of intelligence.
Test of the Sphinx[edit]
Boon: Your Intelligence score becomes 18 if it is not already higher.
You must challenge a gynosphinx to a battle of six riddles. First, you must correctly answer three riddles of the sphinx without assistance. Then, you must create three riddles that the sphinx is unable to answer. If after you reveal the answer to the riddles the sphinx agrees that you have won fairly, you can be sure that your cleverness is now sufficient to challenge such mighty beings.
Investigator of Mysteries[edit]
Boon: Your Intelligence score becomes 16 if it is not already higher.
You must deduce the truth behind a mysterious event that occurred no less than 10 years ago. Once you find hard evidence that your deduced proof is indeed correct and have it be accepted by the local populace, you can be certain in your ability to gather and put together overlooked information in order to reach a solid conclusion.
Honor Student[edit]
Boon: Your Intelligence score becomes 12 if it is not already higher.
You must learn two languages or tool proficiencies [7] within 6 months. Once accomplished, you have proven that you have the ability to rapidly learn new things.
Labors of Wisdom[edit]
Labors of wisdom often involve navigating through dangerous situations or compounding upon worldly experience.
A Flower Most Delicate[edit]
Boon: Your Wisdom score becomes 30.
You must pluck the most beautiful scarlet rose from the garden of the Raven Queen and bring it to the Feywild. Once you are there, you must have the rose be blessed by both the Summer Queen and the Queen of Air and Darkness. You must then take this rose and present it to the Lady of Pain in Sigil before it has wilted. Once you have done so, you are awarded the certainty that your perceptions and insights can navigate through even the most otherworldly and treacherous of situations.
The Disease Savior[edit]
Boon: Your Wisdom score becomes 26 if it is not already higher.
You must completely eradicate a disease so that no creature is infected with it on the Material Plane. By accomplishing such a herculean task, you have shown an ability to take into account how countless different variables factor into achieving your goals.
Disaster Witness[edit]
Boon: Your Wisdom score becomes 22 if it is not already higher.
You must witness all the different ways nature brings about disasters by seeing the following in person: a hurricane, an earthquake, a volcano eruption, a tsunami, a blizzard, a wildfire, a landslide, a thunderstorm, and a tornado. By personally experiencing these natural disasters, you feel a sense of attunement and connection to the world that begins to exist beyond the limits of mortals.
Hide and Seek[edit]
Boon: Your Wisdom score becomes 20 if it is not already higher.
Without using magic to assist you, you must play and win a game of hide and seek with a chwinga[8] while being the seeker. The chwinga has 1 minute to hide, and if you can find it within 1 hour, you receive certainty that your awareness, perceptions, and quite possibly your patience ride the limits of what is mortally possible.
Savior From Disaster[edit]
Boon: Your Wisdom score becomes 16 if it is not already higher.
You must take actions that save the lives of at least 100 humanoids from a natural disaster. Once the disaster is over and the people are safe, you gain a greater appreciation to both the boons and ravages of nature.
Friend to Animals[edit]
Boon: Your Wisdom score becomes 14 if it is not already higher.
You must locate a group of at least 5 wild beasts of CR 1/4 or higher and remain within 60 feet of each of them for 1 minute without provoking any attacks or causing them to flee. They must be aware of your presence, and you may not use magic to assist with this task. After the minute spent, you must approach within 5 feet of one of the beasts and pet it. Once you have successfully done so, you realize you now feel more connected to the world and nature.
Hands of Mercy[edit]
Boon: Your Wisdom score becomes 12 if it is not already higher.
Without magical assistance, you must stabilize five separate creatures who are dying within 1 minute of each other. Once you do so, you realize you have acquired a sense of awareness of life that you didn't have previously.
Labors of Charisma[edit]
Labors of charisma often involve swaying or manipulating other creatures through your words or actions.
The Sin of an Angel[edit]
Boon: Your Charisma score becomes 30.
You must convince a solar to knowingly commit an evil act and then obtain a shard of its essence. Once you do so, you are awarded the certainty that your presence and words are enough to move even a celestial against its nature.
The Bear[edit]
Boon: Your Charisma score becomes 28.
You must be willingly shapeshifted into a Bear, in this form, you must go unnoticed by your peers by somehow convincing them of your humanity for one year, then you must be knighted by the Monarch of a Kingdom. Once you do so, you are granted the certainty that even in the form of a beast, your presence is enough to convince even the throne of your humanity
A Soul's Release[edit]
Boon: Your Charisma score becomes 24 if it is not already higher.
You must convince a pit fiend or another CR 20 or higher devil to release a soul at no cost. Once the soul is free, you feel that the very force of your personality and your ability to sway other creatures has reached the same level as the apex of devils.
The Desire of a Dragon[edit]
Boon: Your Charisma score becomes 22 if it is not already higher.
Using only the force of your personality, you must ingratiate yourself toward an adult or ancient dragon. You must convince the dragon to either perform a large favor for you or part with a prized possession. Once you do so, you can be sure in the knowledge that your charisma is strong enough to beguile even the majesty of a dragon.
The Love of a Succubus[edit]
Boon: Your Charisma score becomes 20 if it is not already higher.
Where a succubus steals the hearts and souls of men, you must do the same to it. Obtain the undying loyalty and soul of a succubus that was originally after that which was your own, and you will be awarded the certainty that your tongue can sway even a fiend away from its nature.
What is the Truth[edit]
Boon: Your Charisma score becomes 18 if it is not already higher.
You must invent a lie that fundamentally changes the nature of a major geopolitical event that happened in the past week and have over 50% of a city's populace believe your lie before a week passes. Once the news on the event dies down, you gain an increased awareness of the power your words hold.
A Bear Amongst Nobles[edit]
Boon: Your Charisma score becomes 16 if it is not already higher.
You must spend a total of 24 hours split over a period of 7 days or fewer pretending to be an entirely different species or nationality to 5 or more humanoids. During this time, you must either successfully maintain a conversation in a language you are not fluent in or get one of the humanoids to perform a large favor for you. Once you have done so, your confidence in your ability to blend in with others is raised to a new bar.
A Delicate Balance[edit]
Boon: Your Charisma score becomes 14 if it is not already higher.
You must mediate between two hostile humanoids who are fighting one another and make them come to an agreement and become non-hostile. Once you and the two humanoids perform a gesture of agreement, such as the shaking of hands, your confidence in your social skills increases dramatically.
A Busy Night[edit]
Boon: Your Charisma score becomes 12 if it is not already higher.
You must charm or render temporarily friendly[9] five otherwise indifferent humanoids within an 8 hour period, receiving a minor favor or token from each. Doing so awakens a confidence in yourself you previously lacked.
Other Labors[edit]
These labors aren't specifically tied to any one ability score.
Alone in the Dark[edit]
Boon: You gain two of your choice between blindsight out to 30 feet, darkvision out to 60 feet, or tremorsense out to 120 feet.
You must survive 30 days or more while lost underground in absolute darkness with no sources of light or visual input. Once you have done so, you realize your senses have sharpened in different ways to adapt to the enviroment.
Against All Odds[edit]
Boon: Your Charisma becomes 13 if it is not already higher and you gain the inspiring leader[10] feat.
You must lead a group of humanoids to against an opposing force that is more than double the combined level and CR of creatures on your side versus the creatures on the opposing side. If you emerge victorious, you prove that in spite of any odds, you can mobilize even a weak force into a power to be reckoned with.
Ballad of the Underdog[edit]
Boon: Your maximum for your ability scores becomes 24. Whenever you are granted an ability score improvement, you gain three points to spend on ability scores instead of just two. If you decide to take a feat instead, you still gain a +1 to an ability score of your choice.
Your character must begin play with no more than one ability score higher than 11. If you complete at least 5 labors that result in raising three or more of your ability scores to 12 or higher, you realize that an unending determination empowers you to push past your limits no matter what.
Beyond Lucky[edit]
Boon: You may add your proficiency bonus to death saving throws and you gain one of the following feats: alert[11], lucky[12], or resilient[13]. In addition, when you are subject to an effect that would kill you outright such as massive damage or power word kill, roll a d20. On a 10 or higher, you drop to 0 hit points instead.
You must participate in and live through each of the following scenarios:
- Becoming the sole survivor of one or more dangerous situations throughout which a total of 4 or more of your allies (other PCs and NPCs with a comparable or greater power level) have perished.
- Coming down to a single roll of the dice with odds of 50/50 or worse that decides whether you live or die.
- One other scenario in which everyone at the table agrees that it is completely ridiculous that your character survived.
Once you have defied sheer death so many times, the ability to do so has become natural to you.
The Body of a Camel[edit]
Boon: You become immune to extreme heat and can go without water for four days before suffering any adverse effects.
You must travel across a desert or other arid environment without water for four or more days. After completing such a task, you find it much easier to go without water for several days.
Boon: You can choose to ignore the effects of any curse affecting you. As an action, you can touch a creature and choose one of the following: if it is cursed, you can transfer the curse to yourself; if it is not already cursed, you can force it to make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 8 + twice your proficiency bonus) and transfer one of your curses to it.
You must be under the effects of five different curses simultaneously for the duration of one year, at least two of which must be from attuned items. Once this year is up, you must either acquire a sixth curse, or pull one of the following cards from a deck of many things: Talons, The Void, Flames, Skull, Idiot, Donjon, Ruin, Euryale, Rogue, Balance, or Fool. Whatever it is, it fails to have any effect as the conflux of so much bad juju causes a supernatural twist in the Weave surrounding your soul.
A Deadly Concoction[edit]
Boon: You become immune to poison damage and the poisoned condition.
You must be subjected to 10 or more different types of poisons at the same time and have all the poisons naturally dissipate. Surviving these poisons has caused your body to undergo a metamorphosis to survive, where you now find yourself immune to poisons.
Iron Stomach[edit]
Boon: Your Constitution becomes 13 if it is not already higher and you have advantage on saving throws made against ingested toxins, poisons, and diseases.
You must survive for at least 30 days straight on a solely unconventional and dangerous diet, which can include raw or spoiled meat, moldy produce or cheese, and other unsavory ingredients. Once you contract a disease from subsisting on this diet and recover from it naturally, you realize you have gained an iron stomach that can handle even the most dubious of foods.
Skin of Adamantine, Variant[edit]
Boon: Any critical hit made against you becomes a normal hit.
While below 100 hit points, you must be struck 5 times by critical hits with a weapon attack from a hostile creature without regaining any hit points or reducing the damage taken. Once the final blow has landed and you remain standing, your skin begins to glisten with the black reflective sheen characteristic of adamantine.
Slayer of Dragons[edit]
Boon: You gain the boon of the dragon slayer epic boon.
You must hunt and slay the following dragons singlehandedly, splashing yourself with a pint of blood from each:
- 100 wyrmlings of any type
- 7 young adult dragons, no more than three of the same type
- 5 adult dragons, no more than two of the same type
- 3 ancient dragons, each of a different type
Finally, you must deal the finishing blow to either a greatwyrm, an avatar of Tiamat, or an avatar of Bahamut, and collect one final pint. By bathing yourself in the combined blood of these dragons, you place yourself at the apex of these beings, transforming yourself into an icon of terror deeply ingrained into the minds of dragons everywhere.
Traveler of Many Realms[edit]
Boon: You gain the boon of the planeswalker epic boon.
To complete this labor, you must spend 24 hours or more in each of the following locations: The Material plane and it's echoes (Feywild and Shadowfell); The four inner planes (Air, Earth, Fire, Water); the 17 outer planes (Elysium, The Beastlands, Arborea, Ysgard, Limbo, Pandemonium, The Abyss, Carceri, Hades, Gehenna, The Nine Hells, Acheron, Mechanus, Arcadia, Mount Celestia, and Bytopia), Sigil, and one realm entirely elsewhere (The Far Realm, another crystal sphere/world, a large demiplane, etc.) Once you have done so, you unlock the ability to walk between worlds as if nothing separated them at all.
The Watcher of the Night[edit]
Boon: You gain the vigilant feat and darkvision out to 60 feet.
You must go for 120 hours without benefiting from a long rest, during which you must singlehandedly defeat at least 3 encounters of medium difficulty or higher. Once you do so, you gain a heightened sense of danger and vigilance.
- ↑ Volo's Guide to Monsters pp. 207
- ↑ Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes pp. 200
- ↑ Volo's Guide to Monsters pp. 187
- ↑ 5e DMG pp. 252
- ↑ 5e Monster Manual pp. 130
- ↑ Fizban's Treasury of Dragons pp. 201
- ↑ Xanathar's Guide to Everything pp. 134
- ↑ Tomb of Annihilation pp. 216; Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden pp. 282; Candlekeep Mysteries pp. 212
- ↑ Dungeon Master's Guide pp. 244
- ↑ Player's Handbook pp.167
- ↑ Player's Handbook pp.165
- ↑ Player's Handbook pp.167
- ↑ Player's Handbook pp.168
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