Spirit Bond (5e Class)
Spirit Bond[edit]
A Spirit Bond is a class centred around maintaining a second summoned presence in the world.
In addition to your own character, you will have a second semi-permanent summon in play under your control to use as you see fit. the connection between you and this summon, or Spirit Bond, is more than ordinary friendship and can manifest in many ways. If you're looking for a summoner build focus with light spell casting, this class should fit you very well.
What is your Bond?[edit]
Sometimes a soul is to great to be housed in an typical vessel. When this happens a soul is often split so that at least one part can live its life; The remaining part often drifts among the planes and never returns. Some, however do return and find who they were broken from. If reunited they will often take on characteristics from its brief travel through the planes. perhaps the other part of your soul drifted in and out of the elemental planes. Maybe it drifted up to the celestial realms or visited one of the hells before returning. Once united with it's original self, it does everything it can to help its previous part of itself.
Creating a Spirit Bond[edit]
- Character Prompts
- How did you and your bond find each other?
- What is the relationship between you and your Spirit Bond?
- Why did it find its way back to you?
- How long have you known about your bond?
- Is your Spirit Bond a secret?
- Quick Build
You can make a Spirit Bond quickly by following these suggestions. First, either Strength or Dexterity should be your highest ability score, followed by Wisdom. Second, choose the City Watch background.
Class Features
As a Spirit Bond you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d6 per Spirit Bond level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + Constitution modifier per Spirit Bond level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: light, medium, shields
Weapons: Simple & Martial Weapons.
Tools: none
Saving Throws: Charisma, Wisdom
Skills: Choose three Skills from Arcana, Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, History, Persuasion, Insight, Intimidation
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- (a) a shield and a Long Sword or (b) a Hand Crossbow and 20 bolts
- (a) a shield and Hand Crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) a halberd or (c) a Longbow and 20 arrows
- (a) Scale Mail or (b) studded leather armor
- (a) dungeoneer's pack or (b) burglar's pack
- If you are using starting wealth, you have 5d4x10 gp in funds.
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Features | Bond's CR | Known Bond forms | Cantrips | Bond Surges |
1st | +2 | Spirit Bond | 1/4 | 2 | - | - |
2nd | +2 | Bond's Magic, Bolstered Spirit | 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
3rd | +2 | Revealed Origin | 2 | 3 | 2 | 3 |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement | 3 | 3 | 2 | 4 |
5th | +3 | Martial Surge | 4 | 4 | 3 | 5 |
6th | +3 | Revealed Origin | 5 | 4 | 3 | 6 |
7th | +3 | Revealed Origin | 6 | 5 | 3 | 6 |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement | 7 | 5 | 3 | 7 |
9th | +4 | Simple Forms, Shared Senses | 8 | 6 | 4 | 7 |
10th | +4 | Empowered Bond | 9 | 6 | 4 | 8 |
11th | +4 | Revealed Origin | 10 | 7 | 4 | 8 |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement | 11 | 7 | 4 | 9 |
13th | +5 | Shared Essence | 12 | 8 | 5 | 9 |
14th | +5 | Martial Surge Mastery | 13 | 8 | 5 | 10 |
15th | +5 | Revealed Origin | 14 | 9 | 5 | 11 |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement | 15 | 9 | 5 | 12 |
17th | +6 | Harrowed/Hallowed Sacrifice | 16 | 10 | 5 | 13 |
18th | +6 | Revealed Origin | 17 | 12 | 5 | 14 |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement | 18 | 13 | 5 | 15 |
20th | +6 | One Soul | 19 | 14 | 5 | 16 |
Spirit Bond Class Features[edit]
Spirit Bond[edit]
A shape changing being of some unknown origin has invited you to call upon it when needed. At 1st level, choose one CR 1/4 beast. You gain the ability to summon the chosen creature as your Spirit Bond. The total number of different forms your bond can take is shown in your Spirit Bond Class Table. Your bond can take the form of a creature no higher than what is displayed on your Spirit Bond Class Table. When you gain a level in this class you may replace one known bond form with another. In combat your Spirit Bond rolls it's own initiative. Your bond always understands and obeys your instruction, though can be enchanted or charmed unless stated otherwise. You can summon your bond into one of it's known forms by performing a ritual that takes 10 minutes which can be done once per Long Rest. Your spirit can maintain itself in the mortal plane for up to 8 hours without needing another ritual to summon it. You can change your bonds forms with an Action a number of times equal to you Proficiency Bonus + Wisdom Modifier per Short Rest. When a spirit changes forms, any damage it has taken will be accounted with its new form. So, the difference between their current hp and max will be taken away from the new hp max. (note: clean up later)
- You can't use this feature to turn your bond into a unique or named creature with special stat-blocks.
- Any equipment the Spirit Bond is summoned with, disappears along with the Spirit Bond if it's HP drops to 0, nor can be used by creatures other than the Spirit Bond or summoner.
- Neither you nor your bond may never benefit from lair actions, legendary actions, or legendary resistances.
- Your bond will always side with you if you are charmed.
Bond’s Magic[edit]
Your Spirit Bond blurs the line between where your spirit ends, and its spirit begins. Allowing for the free flow of magic from your Bond to you.
Cantrips At 2nd level, you know 2 cantrips of your choice from the Spirit Bond Spell list. You learn additional Spirit Bond cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Spirit Bond table.
Bond Surges At 2nd level, you have 2 bond surges to spend on your class features. You have a number of surges as shown in the class table. You recover all bond surges at the end of a long rest.
Bond's Casting If the form your Bond takes ever has access to spells, it is free to cast them. However, it must consume one of your bond surges to cast any non at-will spell. Regardless of your bond’s form, It is still otherwise limited to the casting limitations of its form(x times per day)
- Note: if your bond takes on multiple forms in a day that each can cast the same spell X times per day. they share the count of times the spell was cast.
Spellcasting Ability Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your Spirit Bond spells. You use your Wisdom whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Wisdom modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a Spirit Bond spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one if either is not provided.
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier
Spellcasting Focus
You can use an arcane focus as a spellcasting focus for your Spirit Bond spells.
Bolstered Spirit[edit]
At 2nd level, While your Bond is above 0 HP, you gain the ability to spend one of your bond surges as a bonus action and heal your bond's HP = 2d4 + your Wisdom Modifier. this increases to 2d6 at 5th level in this class and 2d8 at 11th and 2d12 17th level. If you use this feature while your Bond's HP is at 0 you may revive it as long as a minute has not passed.
Revealed Origin[edit]
Choose a revealed origin archetype and gain the benefits associated with that archetype at 3rd level, and again at 6th,11th, and 15th level. Revealed Origins
Ability Score Improvement[edit]
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Martial Surge[edit]
At 5th level, As an action you can spend one of your bond surges to magically enhance your combat speed for a turn and you make 2 weapon attacks which count as magical weapon attacks. A creature hit by an attack must make a Constitution Saving throw vs your spell save DC. If they fail they will take an additional 1d8 Necrotic Damage and have their hit point maximum reduced for 1 minute.
Additionally, at 14th level, Martial Surge is mastered. You can make 3 attacks instead and if these attacks slay a creature then you will restore a Bond Surge. You can only restore a number of Bond Surges equal to you Wisdom modifier per Long Rest.
Simple Forms[edit]
Beginning at 9th level, your Bond is becoming more adept at changing into simpler forms. Over the length of one minute, you can perform a ritual and change your bonds form into any CR 1/8 or lower creature whose size is Medium or smaller, you must be within 30 feet of your bond for the duration of the ritual and you can revert it's form as an action. While in this form, the spirit cannot attack if it is beyond 10ft of the Spirit Bond. If its simple form drops to 0 HP it reverts to the form it had when summoned with your Spirt Bond feature. Any extra damage carries over to its previous form.
At 9th level, You gain telepathy with your bond. This is not limited by distance, though you must still be on the same plane of existence. Additionally, so long as you and your bond are with 1 mile of each other, you can use a bonus action to see through your bond’s senses until the end of your next turn.
Empowered Bond[edit]
Beginning at 10th level once per long rest, you may use your action to transform your bond into any beast or creature associated with its Revealed Origin whose CR is no greater than it’s current allowed max +3. For each CR above your bond's max you must spend an additional bond surge. your bond can exist in this form for up to 1 minute. Any HP your Bond has taken is applied to your new form, and when your bond reverts to it's previous form its HP remains the same. If it had 10HP remaining in the empowered bond form, the original form now as 10 HP. Any HP past the original's form max is lost. If the empowered form drops to 0 HP it reverts. You must maintain concentration on this form. If broken, the spirit reverts.
Beginning at 13th level, Provided you and your bond are on the same plane of existence, when a spell or magical effect targets only you, your bond can use its reaction to also gain the effect of the spell. Additionally, if a spell or magical effect targets only your bond, you can use a reaction to also gain the effect.
Harrowed/Hallowed Sacrifice[edit]
Beginning at 17th level, you may choose either to harrow or hallow your spirits by using a spirit bond. Harrow: You drain the life force out of your spirit. You may a number of d12s equal to your Wisdom Modifier and apply this as unavoidable damage to your Spirit Bond. The damage taken to your bond can be then applied as healing to any creatures you so wish in a 60ft radius.
Hallow: Your use spirit as an extra limb as you grasp on something otherworldly... You spirit's maximum health is reduced by 4d12 + your Wisdom Modifier until it is resummoned. The Spirit can then cast the spells listed once until this ability is used again. Aid, Bless, Mass Healing Word, Mass Cure Wounds
One Soul[edit]
At 20th level, you may use an action to take on the form of any of your known bond forms for one minute a number of times equal to your Wisdom Modifier. You revert if your health reaches 0 and any damage left over carries over to your original form.
Revealed Origins[edit]
Dragon Heart[edit]
Sometimes a new dragon’s soul fails to find the right vessel and is forced to land in a humanoid body instead. Unfortunately, a humanoid body is not able to fully house a true dragon soul. When this happens, it is forced to split, leaving the second half wander the material plane, searching for a way to be whole again.
- Note: this is intended to use the spell casting variant dragon stat blocks.
- Dragon Heart
At 3rd level, your Spirit Bond’s origin is revealed itself to be of Draconic origin. Your Bond may take the form of a draconic creature, in addition to that of beasts. It must still otherwise abide by your CR limitations. In addition you learn draconic
- Note: At your DM's discretion, your DM can open this up to Dragon like creatures that do not necessarily have the dragon type. (example Hydra)
As magic flows through your body, it causes physical traits of your dragon ancestors to emerge. Your hit point maximum increases by 1 and increases by 1 again whenever you gain a level in this class.
- Dragon Surge
Beginning at 6th level, you begin to take on some of the hearty resilience of your Bond. Every time you level up, you may add half your Wisdom Modifier in addition to your Constitution Modifier to your HP for each level you have in this class. In addition when one of your bond surges is expended, you gain spectral wings for a number of rounds equal to half your wisdom modifier that grant 60ft of flight.
- Dragon's Fury
At 7th level, if your bond's hp has dropped to 0, your bond bestows a draconic boon before it departs. While you have this boon, your crit-range with any attack becomes 19-20 and you may use a bonus action to make a single weapon attack. You lose this boon the next time you use your Spirit Bond feature or revive your bond with your Bolstered Spirit feature.
Additionally, parts of your skin are covered by a thin sheen of dragon-like scales. When you aren't wearing Armour, your AC equals 13 + your Dexterity modifier.
- One Breath
At 11th level, when your Bond uses a breath weapon and is within 300 feet of you, you may spend a bond surge to use your reaction to become the source of the breath attack, using your spell Save DC. In Addition, your Wisdom Score increases by 2, as does your Wisdom's Maximum.
- Synchronized Hearts
At 15th level, You and your bond have learned to fight in perfect synchronicity as your hearts now beat as one. If you are using your bond as your mount, you can use your reaction to make a weapon attack immediately after it hits a target on it's turn. Similarly when you hit a target on your turn with weapon attack while mounted on your bond, it can use its reaction to make a single weapon attack.
- Synchronized Scales
At 18th level, you may use a bond surge to grant yourself and allies within 60ft immunity to your spirit bond's next breath attack. Additionally, anyone under this effect becomes immune to the next damage type they are hit with for 1 round, so long as the source is a spirit bond's breath attack.
Monstrous Manifestation[edit]
- Monstrous Manifestation
At 3rd level, your Spirit Bond’s origin has been revealed to be of a Monstrosity origin. Your Bond may take the form of a Monstrosity creature, in addition to that of beasts. It must still otherwise abide by your CR limitations. In addition, you feel the urge to act more primal and let your more bestial instincts take over. You may increase your movement speed by 30ft by running on all fours and your unarmed strikes now deal 1d4 at 3rd level, 1d6 at 5th level, 1d8 at 11th level and 1d10 at 17th level.
- Monsterous Quality
Beginning at 6th level, You Spontaneously take on a major characteristic of your bond when you use a Bond Surge. When one of your Bond Surges is expended, you may use one trait, action, or movement speed of your choice from your bonds current form as though you possessed the trait. You gain the benefits until the end of your next turn, starting at the end of the current creatures turn. If this requires the use of a body part you do not have, you briefly manifest the part or partially shape change as appropriate.
- You can not use this to acquire an ability with a recharge or a multi-attack feature.
- If your bond has dropped to 0 hp, you may still choose a trait that it possessed when it was not at 0 HP.
- This Feature only extends traits possessed by the primary form your bond took when you used your Spirit Bond feature.
- New Perspective
At 7th level, if your bond's hp has dropped to 0, your bond bestows a monstrous boon before it departs. While you have this boon, You gain access to any senses your bond had in it's previous form. You lose this boon the next time you use your Spirit Bond feature or revive your bond with your Bolstered Spirit feature.
- Magical Origin
At 11th level, you have advantage saving throws from spells and magical effects.
- Conditioned Creature
At 15th level, as a bonus action you can spend a bond surge and gain one condition immunity of your bond's current form(or your bonds most recent form if it has dropped to 0 HP) this immunity lasts for 1 minute or until you use this ability again.
Fiendish Contract[edit]
You're Bond managed to descend into on of the hells. upon it's return it desired to be reunited with it's other half, but it treats the reunion like a contract.
- Fiendish Contract
At 3rd level, your Spirit Bond’s origin is revealed itself to be of Fiendish origin. Your Bond may take the form of a Fiendish creature, in addition to that of beasts. It must still otherwise abide by your CR limitations. You learn either Abyssal or Infernal as a language. In addition, whenever you expend a bond surge, you may choose to gain resistance to Necrotic Damage but become vulnerable to Radiant Damage until the end of your next turn. Limitation: No fiend can use an at will teleport. This limitation is removed when you use your Empowered Bond feature.
- Soul Eater
At 6th level, you and your Bond seem to be revitalized by killing in combat. Whenever you or your bond hit an enemy with an attack, you both recover 1 hp, provided you are not at 0 HP.
- Fiend's Parting Boon
At 7th level, if your bond has been reduced to 0 hp, It can grant you a boon before it departs depending on the type of fiend it was. If the last bond you summoned with your Spirit Bond was a demon, you gain Rampage. If it was a devil you gain Devil Sight. If your bond's shape was neither a demon nor a devil you gain Fiendish Resistance.
- Devil Sight: you can see as normal out to 120 feet; Even through magical darkness.
- Fiendish Resistance When a spell or magical effect causes you to make a saving throw, you can use a reaction to give yourself advantage on the save.
- Rampage: When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, you can use your reaction to move up to half your speed and make a weapon attack, before the end of your next turn. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks, and it ignores difficult terrain, but you must be able make an attack roll by the end of the movement.
You lose this boon the next time you use your Spirit Bond feature or revive your bond with your Bolstered Spirit feature.
- Part of the Deal
At 11th level, while within 120 feet of your Bond, when you or Bond or gets hit with an attack (or is subject to any area of effect damage roll) you or your Bond may expend a bond surge and use a reaction to teleport into each other’s places before the damage is rolled. The creature who was targeted is the one that spends the reaction.
- Resiliancy of a Fiend
At 15th level, for any save in which you are proficient, you and your bond may add your Wisdom modifier to the roll.
Restless Soul[edit]
Sometimes a split soul will try to find a vessel of its own and will try to inhabit a vessel that is no longer used. It picks up a preference for this type of existence, and will gravitate to these types of forms once it is reunited with itself.
- Restless Soul
At 3rd level, your Spirit Bond’s origin is revealed itself to be of Undead origin. Your bond may take the form of an Undead creature, in addition to that of beasts. Additionally, whenever you take Necrotic Damage, you may use your reaction to instead absorb this forbidden energy becoming healed by half the damage dealt. This can be done a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. It must still otherwise abide by your CR limitations..
- Horde of Undeath
Beginning at 6th level, you gain the ability to split your bond into multiple undead vessels when you use your Spirit Bond Feature; When your bond is split in this way, it has a total CR = to the sum of the CRs of the chosen creatures, however each undead is considered to add an additional 1/4 to it's CR. for example at 6th level you Spirit Bond's Max CR = 5. Thus your Spirit Bond can be split into up to 10 1/4th CR zombies. The creatures do not need to be the same type of creature, but they all must be undead.
- If you're bond is forced to revert to this Horde of Undeath form, they are all instantly summoned to points of your choice within 30 feet of you, or the place your bond's simple form died (assuming it died on the ground), and you may split any extra carry-over damage amongst the Horde of Undeath how you wish.
- If a member of your bond's horde is ever on a different plane of existence than you for more than 6 seconds. it instantly drops to 0 hp and dies. Your Shared Senses class feature can be used on any vessel in the horde.
- When you use your Bolstered Spirit feature, you may divide up any regain HP as you wish.
- when one of your hoard of undeath is hit by an attack, you may use your reaction to increase the AC of the creature by your Wisdom Modifier. To do so expends a bond surge.
- Dance of the Dead
At 7th level, if your bond has been reduced to 0 hp, It can grant you a boon of etherealness before it departs. When one of your bond surges is expended you take on a ghostly quality until the end of your next turn. You gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage from non magical sources as well as non-silvered weapons, and your movement is incorporeal; You can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. you takes 5 (1d10) force damage if you end your turn inside an object. You lose this boon the next time you use your Empowered Bond feature or your Bolstered Spirit feature.
- Undead Fortitude
At 11th level, When you are reduced to 0 hp before the end of your next turn by a hit that does not use radiant damage. You may use your reaction to make a Wisdom Saving throw = 5 + half the damage taken past 0. if you succeed on the check you drop to 1 hit point instead. Doing this expends a Bond Surge.
- Cloak of Death
At 15th level, as a bonus action, you can spend one of your Bond Surges. until the start of your next turn, your bond(or all members of your hoard of undeath) gain a bonus to attack rolls = to your Wisdom modifier until the start of your next turn.
Restless Soul (Variant)[edit]
Sometimes a split soul will try to find a vessel of its own and will try to inhabit a vessel that is no longer used. It picks up a preference for this type of existence, and will gravitate to these types of forms once it is reunited with itself.
- Restless Soul
At 3rd level, your Spirit Bond’s origin is revealed itself to be of Undead origin. Your bond may take the form of an Undead creature, in addition to that of beasts. It must still otherwise abide by your CR limitations.. Additionally, whenever you take Necrotic Damage, you may use your reaction to instead absorb this forbidden energy becoming healed by half the damage dealt. This can be done a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus.
- Herald of Undeath
Beginning at 6th level, you gain the ability to split your bonded spirit temporarily whilst binding them more permanently to the mortal plane. When your spirit reduces a creature to 0hp, you may use a bond surge to imbue the corpse with a shard of your spirit. This corpse will rise as an uncontrolled undead creature after 24 hours have passed. If this creature can be one of your bond's known forms then it will be one of these. Using this feature reduces your bond's max hp by a number of d6 equal to the CR of the imbued creature. This new undead is considered a vessel of your bonded spirit and thus will be compelled to be friendly to you. You have advantage on any charisma checks with the vessel so long as it does not consider you an enemy.
- If a vessel is ever on a different plane of existence than you or your spirit for more than 6 seconds. it instantly drops to 0 hp and dies. Your Shared Senses class feature can be used on any allied vessel.
- When you use your Bolstered Spirit feature, you may divide hp among the vessel as well as your spirit.
- If these vessels have an intelligence lower than 6, they will simply follow the command of you or your spirit, wandering aimlessly otherwise.
Vessels created using this feature have a growing need to feed. Each vessel must consume a number of hp equal to their CR in d6s each day or will seek the nearest living creature and attempt to kill and consume it.
- Dance of the Dead
At 7th level, if your bond has been reduced to 0 hp, It can grant you a boon of etherealness before it departs. When one of your bond surges is expended you take on a ghostly quality until the end of your next turn. You gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage from non magical sources as well as non-silvered weapons, and your movement is incorporeal; You can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. you takes 5 (1d10) force damage if you end your turn inside an object. Your weapons also do an extra dice of necrotic damage and are considered magical. You unarmed attacks do 1d6 necrotic damage while ethereal. You lose this boon the next time you use your Empowered Bond feature or your Bolstered Spirit feature.
- Undead Fortitude
At 11th level, When you are reduced to 0 hp before the end of your next turn by a hit that does not use radiant damage. You may use your reaction to make a Wisdom Saving throw = 5 + half the damage taken past 0. if you succeed on the check you drop to 1 hit point instead. Doing this expends a Bond Surge. Additionally, you have started to loosen your grasp on the mortal plane. You now longer age and do not need to consume food or air.
- Cloak of Death
At 15th level, as a bonus action, you can spend one of your Bond Surges. until the start of your next turn, all allies within 30ft gain a bonus to attack rolls = to your Wisdom modifier until the start of your next turn. Additionally, you have made a fool of death. You have disadvantage on death saves so long as you have a vessel active. In spite of this, harnessing death has given you power over life in turn. Every minute you regain 1 hit dice worth of health.
- Avatar of Undeath
At 18th level you have found a way to spread undeath in more efficient ways. You or your bond may spend a bond surge to either cast a necromancy spell of 7th level, 6th or 5th each once per long rest. Alternatively, you may spend a bond surge to imbue a weapon with necromantic power for 1 minute. This weapon now does an extra 3d8 necrotic damage, healing you for half. Any creature slain by this weapon rises as a zombie on the start of your next turn. While this weapon exists your spirit bond may drain the spirit out of a creature after landing a hit that does at least 1 necrotic damage. The target must make a DC: 19 Charisma save or become frightened and have their maximum hp drain by the damage dealt.
You have risen above death. You no longer age and your spirit may choose to exist as a Ghost within 500ft of you whenever you do not have it summoned in a known form.
Elemental Essence[edit]
Your bond seems to have spent some time drifting in and out of the elemental planes before returning to find you.
- Elemental Essence
At 3rd level, your Spirit Bond’s origin is revealed itself to be of Elemental origin. Your Bond may take the form of an Elemental creature, in addition to that of beasts. It must still otherwise abide by your CR limitations. In addition, you learn primordial as a language. Your skins seems to tighten and become hard like stone while the rest of your body becomes light as a feather when stressed. While in combat your AC become 13 + your Constitution modifier and out of combat your speed increases by 10ft.
- Shared Element
At 6th level, when you use your Spirit Bond feature to summon your Bond, if your bond's summoned form has any elemental resistances or immunities (fire, cold, lightning, thunder, acid, poison) you may gain any one of your choice an resistance. This resistance ends when you use your Spirit Bond Feature again unless the new form has no resistances or immunities. Additionally, every time one of your bond surges is expended your damage rolls deal 1d4 extra damage until the end of your next turn. This extra damage is of any type for which you have resistance and the damage increases to 1d6 at level 11 and to 1d8 at level 15.
- Primordial's Parting Boon
At 7th level, when your bond's hp drops to 0 it grants you a boon of protection before it departs. while you have this boon, you can choose a second damage type (fire, cold, lightning, thunder, acid, poison) as a resistance. In addition, you can expend a bond surge to use a reaction when you take damage to gain immunity, until the end of your next turn. to any elemental damage rolled for your 'Shared Element' or 'Primordial Boon' resistances. (choose one) You lose this boon the next time you use your Spirit Bond feature or revive your bond with your Bolstered Spirit feature.
- Elemental Surge
At 11th level, whenever you or your bond take damage of a type that you have resistance to or it has immunity to, your bond gains temp HP equal to the damage averted (max tmp hp = Wisdom modifier + your level in this class.)
- Mantle of the Elements
At 15th level, when you take damage of the same type as your Essence of Elements immunity or Shared Element resistance, you gain a bonus to damage rolls = to half the damage you would half taken on your next spell or weapon damage roll before the end of your next turn. (if you were hit twice or more before your last attack, you may choose the larger damage).
Aberrant Resonance[edit]
Before rejoining you in the material plane, your Spirit Bond must have ventured far into the Far Realm. Who knows exactly what it saw there. Perhaps time will tell.
- Aberrant Resonance
At 3rd level, your Spirit Bond’s origin is revealed itself to be of Aberrant origin. Your bond may take the form of an Aberrant creature, in addition to that of beasts. It must still otherwise abide by your CR limitations. In addition you also learn Deep Speech. You have been dipped a finger into the forbidden and unknowable and have been changed in ways you cannot yet understand. You become immune to psychic damage and any attempt at modifying or reading your memories must pass a Wisdom check with the DC equal to your spell DC.
- Aberrant Traits
At 6th level, Choose two Traits from the following list of Aberrant Talents and you gain the benefits of the feature:
- Far Realm Cunning: you gain a bonus of half your proficiency bonus(rounded down) to any skill in which you are not proficient
- Adaptive Essence: you gain a bonus of half your proficiency bonus(rounded down) to any save in which you are not proficient
- Aberrant Color: You can spend one minute to focus your mind to become invisible for 10 minutes which ends early if you make an attack or cast a spell.
- Aberrant Stealth: You gain immunity from having your mind read and all insight checks against you.
- Aberrant Mind: You add your Wisdom modifier to all intelligence based skill checks and you make these checks with advantage.
When one of your bond surges is expended you may swap an active benefit for an inactive one.
- Persistant Bond
At '7th Level, When your bond drops to 0 hp it bestows an Aberrant Boon. Choose one benefit you can activate with your Aberrant Talents feature:
- Psychic Defenses: you gain a psychic barrier, providing a +2 bonus to AC.
- Aberrant Mobility: gain a teleport speed of 15 feet (movement) and the ability to hover
You lose this boon the next time you use your Spirit Bond feature or revive your bond with your Bolstered Spirit feature.
- Expanded Mental Discipline
At 11th level, your bond never stops feeding you extra sensory information, providing you an edge when danger is close at hand. You add your Wisdom Modifier to any Dexterity save you make as well as all your Initiative checks. Additionally you can have up to 3 Aberrant Traits active at a time.
- Aspects of the Far Realm
At 15th level, You gain resistance to psychic or force damage(your choice when you gain this trait), and when one of your bond surges is expended, you gain a bonus 1d8 psychic or force damage(same as what matches your resistance) to weapon attacks and spells until you land your next attack or take a short rest. (this bonus is cumulative, if two bond surges are spent add 2d8 instead)
Cordiality Construct[edit]
- Cordiality Construct
At 3rd level, your Spirit Bond’s origin is revealed itself to be of a construct origin. Your bond may take the form of a construct, in addition to that of beasts. It must still otherwise abide by your CR limitations. Limitation: your bond is limited to forms that cannot hover until level 6. Your form becomes immutable and cannot be changed by others without your consent.
- Spell Analyzing Construct.
At 6th level, when you or your bond is damaged or targeted by a spell of 1st level or higher, you can use your reaction to capture the spell at the level it was cast. Once you have a spell captured. you can use an action/bonus-action (as appropriate for the spell) to cast the spell yourself, expending a bond surge in the process. You can only store one spell at a time, and you loose access to the captured spell for the following reasons:
- if you try to capture another spell and don't have room to store it.
- if you use your action/bonus-action to cast the captured spell,
- if you store a spell that has already been cast by you since your last long rest(even if it is at a different level)
- if you complete a long rest.
Limitation Removed: your bond is no longer limited to forms that cannot hover.
- Parting Boon of the Machine
At 7th Level, If your bond has dropped to 0 hp, It grants you a boon to give you the focus of an Axiomatic Mind before it departs. you cannot have your form shaped against your will and you have advantage against charm effects and if you fail a charm save, you can use your reaction to spend a bond surge and roll again. You lose this boon the next time you use your Spirit Bond feature or revive your bond with your Bolstered Spirt feature.
- Bolstered Construct.
At 11th level, every time one of your bond surges gets expended, your bond gains temporary hit points = to your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier.
- Perfect Spell Recall.
At 15th level, when you use your Spell Analyzing Construct Feature, you no longer loose access to a stored spell at the end of a long rest. In addition, you can store up to 2 spells at a time, but they must be different spells.
Big Sibling[edit]
- Big Sibling
At 3rd level, your Spirit Bond’s origin is revealed itself to be of Giant origin. Your bond may take the form of a giant creature, in addition to that of beasts. It must still otherwise abide by your CR limitations. In addition, you learn to speak giant. When summoning your bonded spirit as a giant, you may choose to mimic its nature and increase by one size class. If your spirit becomes empowered, you may choose to become one size class smaller than it for the duration of Empowered Spirit.
- Runt
At 6th level, If your bond is at least one size larger than you, you can share a space with your bond without squeezing. If you are sharing a space with your bond, and are hit with an attack, you may use your reaction and roll a d6; On a 1, 2, 3, or 4 it hits you, on a 5, 6 it hits your bond.
- Giant's Parting Boon
At 7th Level, When your bond drops to 0 hp it bestows a Giant's Boon, while you have this boon you can use a bonus action to assume a giant's mantle. while you have this mantle you have the following benefits:
- Your size Becomes large
- your weapon attacks deal an additional 1d4 damage[this damage increases to 1d8 at 11th level and to 1d12 at 15th level]
- you have advantage on all Strength skill checks and Strength saving throws.
- you can use an action to remove your giant mantle.
and are below half your HP, you have regeneration = to your proficiency bonus. If you take acid or fire damage this trait will not function until the end of your next turn. You loose this boon the next time you use your Spirit Bond feature.
- Like a Troll, but cleaner
At 11th level, when one of your Bond surges are expended, you gain regeneration = to your bond's max CR until the end of your next turn.
- Protect the little ones
At 15th level, An ally can benefit from Your Runt feature as well, If your Bond is Huge or larger, two friendly medium or smaller creatures, in addition to yourself, can share in your bond's space. Both friendly creatures can also use a reaction to roll a d4 when they get hit; On a 1, 2, or 3 the targeted creature is hit as normal, on a 4 it hits your bond instead. Additionally, no feature or ability your bond gains from a form it takes will ever harm a friendly creature that shares its space.
Spirit Bond Spell List[edit]
- Cantrips
Name | Cast Time | Range | Duration | Concentration | V,S,M | Description |
Toll the Dead | Action | 60ft | Instantaneous | N | V,S | You point at one creature you can see within range, and the sound of a dolorous bell fills the air around it for a moment. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or take 1d8 necrotic damage. If the target is missing any of its hit points, it instead takes 1d12 necrotic damage.
(This damage is increased to 2d8/2d12 at 5th level, 3d8/3d12 at 11th level, 4d8/4d12 at 17th level) |
Green-Flame Blade | Action | Self (5ft-Radius) | 1 Round | N | S, M (a melee weapon worth at least 1 sp) | You brandish the weapon used in the spell’s casting and make a melee attack with it against one creature within 5 feet of you. On a hit, the target suffers the weapon attack’s normal effects, and you can cause green fire to leap from the target to a different creature of your choice that you can see within 5 feet of it. The second creature takes fire damage equal to your spellcasting ability modifier.
At Higher Levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8 fire damage to the target on a hit, and the fire damage to the second creature increases to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier. Both damage rolls increase by 1d8 at 11th level (2d8 and 2d8) and 17th level (3d8 and 3d8). (This damage is increased to 2d8/2d12 at 5th level, 3d8/3d12 at 11th level, 4d8/4d12 at 17th level) |
Booming Blade | Action | Self (5ft-Radius) | 1 Round | N | S, M (a melee weapon worth at least 1 sp) | You brandish the weapon used in the spell’s casting and make a melee attack with it against one creature within 5 feet of you. On a hit, the target suffers the weapon attack’s normal effects and then becomes sheathed in booming energy until the start of your next turn. If the target willingly moves 5 feet or more before then, the target takes 1d8 thunder damage, and the spell ends.
At Higher Levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8 thunder damage to the target on a hit, and the damage the target takes for moving increases to 2d8. Both damage rolls increase by 1d8 at 11th level (2d8 and 3d8) and again at 17th level (3d8 and 4d8). |
True Strike | Action | 30ft Radius | Up to 1 minute | Y | S | You extend your hand and point a finger at a target in range. Your magic grants you a brief insight into the target’s defences. On your next turn, you gain advantage on your first attack roll against the target, provided that this spell hasn’t ended. |
Encode Thoughts | Action | Self, Touch | 8 Hours | Y | S | Putting a finger to your head, you pull a memory, an idea, or a message from your mind and transform it into a tangible string of glowing energy called a thought strand, which persists for the duration or until you cast this spell again. The thought strand appears in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of you as a Tiny, weightless, semisolid object that can be held and carried like a ribbon. It is otherwise stationary.
If you cast this spell while concentrating on a spell or an ability that allows you to read or manipulate the thoughts of others (such as detect thoughts or modify memory), you can transform the thoughts or memories you read, rather than your own, into a thought strand. Casting this spell while holding a thought strand allows you to instantly receive whatever memory, idea, or message the thought strand contains. (Casting detect thoughts on the strand has the same effect.) Casting this spell while touching a willing target allows you both to relive the memory stored in the thought strand. |
Guidance | Action | Touch | Up to 1 minute | Y | V,S | You touch one willing creature. Once before the spell ends, the target can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to one ability check of its choice. It can roll the die before or after making the ability check. The spell then ends. |
Ghostly Weapon | Action | Self | Up to 1 minute | Y | V,S | You allow formless spirits to temporarily bond with you, forming themselves in the shape of a weapon or tool you are proficient with. This item is magical in regards to resistance against mundane attacks. This spell consumes 1 Bond Surge.
Beginning at 5th level, you may expend another bond surge to cause the weapon to deal an extra 1d8 force damage. You may alternatively create 1 extra tool or weapon. This increases at 11th level, allowing you to expend yet another bond surge to deal another 1d8 extra force damage. You may also create another tool or weapon. This increases at 17th level again, allowing you to expend a final extra bond surge to deal another 1d8 force damage or create another tool or weapon. |
Sacrifice of Spirit | 1 Minute | 30ft | Instantaneous | Y | V,S | You can allow any creatures within range to immediately use a number of hit dice equal to double the amount of bond surges used when casting this spell. This health can be divided anyway you wish among the targets. This spell consumes 1 Bond Surge per every 2 hit dice healed.
Additionally, any healing not given to your spirit is given to your spirit as damage halved. If a creature uses over half their hit dice through this spell they will gain a level of exhaustion for ever hit dice expended after using half. |
Blade Ward | Action | Self | 1 Round | N | V,S | You extend your hand and point a finger at a target in range. Your magic grants you a brief insight into the target’s defences. On your next turn, you gain advantage on your first attack roll against the target, provided that this spell hasn’t ended. |
Sapping Sting | Action | 30ft | Instantaneous | N | V,S | You sap the vitality of one creature you can see in range. The target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 1d4 necrotic damage and fall prone.
This spell's damage increases by 1d4 when you reach 5th level (2d4), 11th level (3d4), and 17th level (4d4). |
Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Spirit Bond class, you must meet these prerequisites: 13 Wisdom
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Spirit Bond class, you gain the following proficiencies: shields, light, and medium armor
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