Barrier Specialist (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)

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Design Note: If you are using the Sorcerer Path + Innate Technique and you have a Domain Expansion you cannot alter the properties of the barrier in your domain expansion without the necessary refinement points.

Barrier Specialist[edit]

Jujutsu Sorcerer (Cursed Technique - Alternate Feature: Sorcerer Path) Subclass

Specialist in Barriers

Starting at 1st level, you have learned a lot about barriers, specializing in them. You gain the Basic Barrier feat. Also, the amount of cursed energy you can spend into a barrier increases by your proficiency bonus. Additionally, being a Barrier Master, you can alter certain properties, such as choosing which side will be more resistant to your barrier, for example. Additionally whenever you take a Barrier technique feat you may ignore one prerequisite that doesn't require you to have another feat. This feature cannot be used to get domain expansion if you do not have an Innate Technique.

Complex Barriers

At 3rd level, with your time out in the field you have learned a few tricks you can do with barriers. Whenever you use a basic barrier, you may instead use a full round action to open it and gain one of the following effects. At level 6 you may apply two effects to a barrier by extending its casting time by the casting time of the second property. E.G. If you were to cast a barrier with the tracking and looping properties the barrier would take at least two full round actions depending on how many rooms are part of the looping properties. At level 12 you can apply three. Additionally you may apply two of these properties to Pure and Empty barriers as well with the number of full round actions relating to additional days and an additional amount of cursed energy equal to ten times the level prerequisite of the barrier property. Design note. You cand your DM can create custom properties to assign to barriers, the ones listed below are set examples that can be used to

Trapping Barrier
Prerequisites, 3rd level.
You cast the barrier on the center of a creature within 15ft. of you. The creature must make a Dexterity saving throw, on a failure they are trapped in said barrier, on a success they may move a number of feet enough to get out of the barrier's range so long as it is within their movement speed. If a creature does not have enough movement speed to escape the barrier it is trapped automatically. The use of the trapping barrier is reduced to an action at 5th level, and a bonus action at 13th level. Additionally this property cannot be paired with others listed in this feature.

Disrupting Barrier
Prerequisites, 3rd level.
Whenever you cast a veil or barrier for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier all creatures within the area become unable to use the Sixth Sense feature. The use of a disruption barrier causes all creatures to have advantage on Stealth checks from the Cursed Energy Concealer feat at 5th level, and imposes disadvantage on Perception checks from the Cursed Energy Tracker feat at 13th level.

Selective Barrier
Prerequisites, 3rd level.
You can choose to make the barrier or veil impassable to all but one creature, or impassable to just one creature of your choice upon casting the barrier. At 5th level you can apply the effect to a number of creatures up to half your Charisma modifier, this becomes full Charisma modifier at 13th level.

Resistant Barrier
Prerequisites, 3rd level.
The barrier has resistance to all damage. At 5th level the barrier gains a damage reduction equal to your Cursed DC, at 13h the barrier’s AC is increased by your proficiency bonus.

Tracking Barrier
Prerequisites, 6th level.
While the barrier or veil is active you can choose a number of creatures equal to half your Charisma modifier. While the creatures are within the barrier you are aware of their precise locations. At 13th level the number of creatures you know the locations of is increased to double your Charisma modifier, and at 17th it becomes all creatures within the barrier.

Looping Barrier
Prerequisites, 9th level.
When you are within a building you can choose a number of rooms up to your proficiency bonus to loop between each other in random order. These rooms must be connected in some way. E.G. You loop a hallway infinitely and loop two rooms into this as well. Whenever a creature enters a door it can either be the hallway again or the other room. The number of linked rooms increases to double your proficiency bonus at 14th level. Additionally while you are within your barrier you may choose which room to go to when you travel instead of it being random.

Chrono Distortion Barrier
Prerequisites, 12th level.
Whenever you cast the barrier in this way it begins to alter the time at which you and all creatures within the barrier move through time. While the barrier is up creatures on the inside of the barrier will take their turns in initiative at an accelerated pace starting at a 2:1 ratio. E.G. 1 round of initiative on the outside will be run as standard and then a second one will be run on the inside in which only creatures within the barrier may take their turns. At 14th level this becomes a 5:1 ratio. At 17th level this increases to an extent where any amount of rounds can pass and no time at all will be spent on the outside.

Barrier Master

At 6th level, your barriers are only getting stronger the more time it passes. You'll gain additional slots for Binding Vows related to barriers equal to your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier. Additionally whenever you gain refinement towards barrier techniques such as Domain expansion or Simple Domain, you gain an additional amount of refinement equal to half your proficiency bonus. You gain the Barrier master feat.

Superior Barriers

At 10th level, with training and practice, you have learned how to create barriers of a supremely improved quality compared to normal. You learn how to create the following forms of barriers at the specified levels; Pure Barrier. 10th Level. The most basic improved barrier. When you would cast a Basic Barrier you may choose to extend its casting time to 30 days, on each of which you must expend the maximum amount of cursed energy you could on your basic barrier while standing in a specific spot chosen at the beginning of the casting time to be the center if the Pure Barrier. If you at any point during the casting time you fail to do this the casting is failed and all cursed energy spent on it is wasted. When you successfully complete the casting time the Basic Barrier is cast as though you spent as much cursed energy as you spent over the course of the casting time (for example if you had a Charisma of 5, and thus spent 5 cursed energy per day, the barrier would be cast as though you spent 150 energy), except its duration becomes Until Dispelled, and it is called a Pure Barrier. When you cast the Pure Barrier you may set an amount of Rules as part of the Pure Barrier up to 1/3 your proficiency bonus (rounded down to a minimum of 1). A Rule is an effect the barrier applies either inside of it, in an area outside of it up to its radius away from it, or both. A Rule can be any effect which the DM agrees to, such as doubling the hit points of any barrier cast by any person in a group of your choice or collecting the ambient cursed energy that would form cursed spirits to change where they appear. You may only have a number of Pure Barriers simultaneously existing up to (double your proficiency bonus)-2.

Bon Barrier. 15th Level. A higher level improved barrier. As an action you may turn an amount of Pure Barriers into Bon Barriers, spending 30 cursed energy per barrier transformed. A Bon Barrier is the same as a Pure Barrier except there is no limit to the amount of Rules it may have. Bon Barriers still count towards the number of Pure Barriers you can have in existence.

Barrier Network. 20th Level. The highest level of improved barrier, a barrier formed by the connection of other barriers. Over the course of a long rest you may establish or alter a Barrier Network. A Barrier Network consists of a collection of straight line connections between the centers of any amount of Pure Barriers and Bon Barriers, with each barrier connected to no more than two other barriers, which forms a closed polygon. Pure Barriers and Bon Barriers which are part of a Barrier Network may have Rules which effect or pertain to other barriers in the network, and any Rule shared by all barriers in the network may be chosen to use the inside/outside of the polygon formed by the Barrier Network instead of the inside/outside of any one barrier. For the purposes of reaching outside the polygon the radius is treated as the furthest distance between the center of the polygon and the center of one of straight line connections forming its sides, and the range which it can reach out is multiplied by 10 for each barrier in the network. When you create a Barrier Network you must choose at least 4 of the barriers in the network, or all of the barriers in the network if it includes less than 4 barriers, to be considered “vital” barriers. If any of these vital barriers are dispelled or destroyed all barriers in the network will collapse.

Additionally your skill with barriers has reached uncharted peaks. All your barriers will always count as if you had spent double the amount of cursed energy you actually spent for their creation. This cannot be used to go over the maximum amount of cursed energy you can spend on a barrier. Additionally you gain the Barrier Invader feat.

Tokyo School Feature: The True Barrier Master

At 14th level, while Kyoto only valued your barriers for normal uses, you have used your barriers for new purposes in Tokyo, making them grow in strength. Your barriers' hit points will double, and so will their range. Empty Barrier

Finally at 20th level, you have learned the ultimate form of barrier, being one of the only sorcerers capable of executing it. As the name implies, these types of barriers are almost vacant inside their boundary. Their boundary is made of hexagon-shaped panels and they can be freely altered by a skilled barrier technique user. As an action for 20 cursed energy, you can make a giant empty space that covers a 4000 ft. area radius. Inside this barrier, it will be filled with hexagon-shaped panels that you may alter. You will gain the following lair actions:

Switch Places. You may drop the hexagons below a creature, making it fall into the hole and reappear somewhere else in the barrier. Creatures will make a Wisdom saving throw against your Cursed Save DC. On a failure, the first attack against this creature will have advantage due to being unexpected. Finally, this movement does not generate opportunity attacks.

Barrier Negation. You may drop your hexagons, making any kind of barrier that was being lifted within your own be negated, making the barriers not activate. This includes domain expansions, even the ones that do not possess barriers.

You may deactivate the Empty Barrier at will.

Custom Properties. Due to the complexity of the Empty Barrier it is able to be used to do what used to be thought impossible. Discuss with your DM about creating a custom property for your Empty Barrier. E.G. Slowing the evolution of an Immortality user.

Empty Barrier

Finally at 20th level, you have learned the ultimate form of barrier, being one of the only sorcerers capable of executing it. As the name implies, these types of barriers are almost vacant inside their boundary. Their boundary is made of hexagon-shaped panels and they can be freely altered by a skilled barrier technique user. As an action for 20 cursed energy, you can make a giant empty space that covers a 4000ft. area radius. Inside this barrier, it will be filled with hexagon-shaped panels that you may alter. You will gain the following lair actions:

Switch Places. You may drop the hexagons below a creature, making it fall into the hole and reappear somewhere else in the barrier. This movement does not generate opportunity attacks, and due to the switch being unexpected, the first attack of the creature who got moved will be counted as a surprise attack.

Barrier Negation. You may drop your hexagons, making any kind of barrier that was being lifted within your own be negated, making the barriers not activate. This includes domain expansions, even the ones that do not possess barriers.

You may deactivate the Empty Barrier at will.

(Level 20 Alternate feature) Domain Improvisation

At 20th level, your skill with barrier techniques has allowed you to create a creative usage of barrier techniques, using your own body as a Domain.

If you possess the Domain Expansion feat, you may instead as a reaction, pay your Domain Expansion cost, and spend 5 cursed energy, instead using your barrier techniques in conjunction with your domain to instead use your body as the domain, increasing output greatly, and activating it at a much faster rate.

Your DM has great latitude in what happens when your Domain is used in this way, with this technique having almost no merit when used offensively.

For example, an offensive technique such as Shrine would have almost no useful additional effects, but a technique with a broad target concept such as ‘Antigravity System’ would have an extremely useful defensive effect against things such as a Black Hole, or things that utilize gravity.

When used in this way, your domain will last one minute, and will only be confined to your body. All other rules of Domain Expansion apply.

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