Honor's Call, Variant (5e Equipment)

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Weapon (Greataxe/Battleaxe), Legendary (requires attunement)

the Masterpiece of a Half Fire Giant Blacksmith

Honor's Call is a adamantine greataxe with runes carved into the hilt and the blade.
The runes on the hilt read an honorary pledge to never take up this weapon against inocent people.
The runes on the blade read an honorary pledge to punish those who have done evil.
You gain +4 to attack and damage rolls with with this weapon and it passes right through magical barriers such as those created by the shield spell and wall of force but also through a forcecage as well as not being affected by a prismatic wall (it doesn't help you taget through a prismatic wall though and if you have no means of knowing the position of creatures on the other side you can't traget them).

Honor's Call is sentient neutral good weapon with an Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma Score of 16.
It can speak telepathically with the user, and knows Common and Giant.

In the weapon lives a heroic soul seeking to protec those who can't protect themselves.
It will try to persuade the wielder to perform heroic deeds and will only consider those worthy to wield it that have performed at least one heroic deed in the past (the weapon considers a heroic deed something you wouldn't have needed to do to secure your own well being but that you did for the sake of others).

Attuning to Honor's Call: The attunement process can't happen the normal way, instead you need to recite the pledges engraved it the hilt and the blade and if Honor's Call consider's you worthy you are attuned to it.
Honor's Call can only consider you worthy after you have completed a quest it will give you on you first try to attune to it and it will only had out one quest at a time or until double the time expected to pass such a quest to have passed.
As soon as you are attuned to Honor's Call you are bound by the pledges you took while attuning to it as if by the geas spell.
This geas can not be removed as long as you are attuned to the weapon and even after breaking the attunement the geas counts as if cast at 9th level.

Shapechanging Property: Honor's Call changes it's shape depending on how you wield it. If you wield it with one hand it is considered a battleaxe but as soon as you wield it with two hand the hilt extends and blades grow in size until it can be considered a greataxe.
This weapon can also be thrown in which case it transforms into an handaxe but the range is doubled.
After throwing the axte this way it reapears in your hand at the end of your turn or as a bonus action.
The damage die changes accordingly.

Fire Giants Legacy: Honor's Call is the masterpiece of half fire-giant blacksmith and inherits part of the fire-giant legacy.
As a weapon of this great legacy it deals an additional 2d6 fire damage this fire damage is not halved by resistance and is only havled by immunity instead of being nullified.
The wielder also gains immunity to nonmagical fire damage and resitance to any other fire damage.

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