Omni Domain (5e Class)

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Omni Domain[edit]

Hand of Reality[edit]

A archer squad loosed a volley of arrows, their tips gleaming in the sunlight as they streaked toward a lone figure standing calmly in the center of the battlefield.

The Omni Domain user raised a hand, and the air shimmered. The arrows never made it halfway—each one crumbled to dust mid-flight, scattering to the wind.

The commander shouted for a second volley, but it was too late. With a flick of their fingers, the Omni Domain user warped the space beneath their opponent. The ground surged upward, forming an earthen spear that impaled the commander in a single, decisive strike.

"Futile," the Omni Domain user murmured, lowering their hand as silence fell over the battlefield.


The Omni Domain is a master of reality itself, wielding unparalleled power to manipulate the environment, gravity, and space within their domain. With a wave of their hand, they can reshape non-living matter, bend gravitational forces, and distort the fabric of space. Their abilities are limited only by their imagination, making them an unstoppable force on the battlefield and beyond.

Creating an Omni Domain User[edit]

How did you become an Omni Domain user? Were you chosen by a god to wield this immense power, or did you stumble upon an ancient artifact that unlocked your abilities? Perhaps you were born with these powers, a mystery even to yourself, or maybe they were granted to you through a forbidden ritual or an unexpected cosmic accident. What drives you to use this power? Are you a force for good, seeking to reshape the world for the better, or do you use it for your own gain, caring little for the consequences? How do others see you—are you a savior, a tyrant, or an enigma they cannot comprehend? The possibilities are endless, and the choice is entirely yours.

Quick Build

You can make a Seal Warrior quickly by following these suggestions. First, Charisma should be your highest ability score, followed by Dexterity. Second, choose the Soldier background.

Class Features

As a Omni Domain you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d12 per Omni Domain level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + Constitution modifier per Omni Domain level after 1st


Armor: All armor, shields
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Shortsword
Tools: Choose one artisan tool or musical instrument of your choice.
Saving Throws: Dexterity and Charisma
Skills: Choose three from Acrobatics, Athletics, History, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Nature, Perception, Religion, and Stealth.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) One martial weapon of your choice or (b) Two simple weapons of your choice
  • (a) an explorer's pack or (b) a dungeoneer's pack
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 2d4 x 10 gp in funds.

Table: The Omni Domain

Level Proficiency
Features Domain Points Domain Radius
1st +2 Omni Domain, Domain Points, Unarmored Defense, Reversal, Transformation 10 +15 ft.
2nd +2 20 +30 ft.
3rd +2 Alteration 30 +45 ft.
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement, Domain's Aid 40 +60 ft.
5th +3 Extra Attack, Transportation, Domain's Resilience 50 +75 ft.
6th +3 Domain's Protection 60 +90 ft.
7th +3 Duplication 70 +105 ft.
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement, Domain's Guarantee 80 +120 ft.
9th +4 Annihilation 90 +135 ft.
10th +4 Domain Renewal 100 +150 ft.
11th +4 Conjuration 110 +165 ft.
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement, Domain's Wrath 120 +180 ft.
13th +5 Merge 130 +195 ft.
14th +5 140 +210 ft.
15th +5 Enhance 150 +225 ft.
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 160 +240 ft.
17th +6 Time 170 +255 ft.
18th +6 180 +270 ft.
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement, Biology 190 +285 ft.
20th +6 200 +300 ft.

Omni Domain[edit]

At level 1, you gain access to your Omni Domain, the core of your immense power over reality. Activating your Omni Domain is a free action and can be done at any time. Once activated, the domain lasts for one hour or until you choose to dismiss it. You can activate your domain a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus before needing a long rest to regain its uses. While the domain is active, you gain an AC bonus equal to your Charisma modifier against all ranged attacks, including magical ranged attacks, as your control over reality makes such assaults almost futile. No area within your domain can be physically altered in anyway and you may add a 1d12 to any saving throw while it is active.

If a ranged attack fails to meet your AC while the Omni Domain is active, you can dictate what happens to the projectile. Whether it crumbles to dust mid-flight, disintegrates into harmless energy, or harmlessly veers away, the choice is yours, reflecting your dominion over the battlefield. The domain begins with a radius of 15 feet around you and will grow in size as you level up. You are always the center point of your domain, allowing you to move freely while maintaining your control.

You can freely manipulate small and medium non-living objects within your domain, moving them anywhere inside its radius. Additionally, you can launch these objects as projectiles up to double your domain’s range. Launched objects use your Charisma modifier for attack rolls and damage calculations and deal 1d12 damage of the appropriate damage type for the object.

Domain Points[edit]

Your Omni Domain operates using a unique point system. Starting at level 1 you start with Domain Points equal to 10 times your Omni Domain level, providing you with the resource needed to manipulate reality. You regain all spent Domain Points after a short or long rest.

Spell save DC = 12 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier

Unarmored Defense[edit]

As an Omni Domain user, your connection to reality itself provides you with unparalleled protection, even without physical armor. At level 1, you gain Unarmored Defense. While you are not wearing armor, your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. You can still benefit from a shield if you choose to use one.


At level 1, you gain the ability to use Reversal. When you are attacked by a melee, ranged, or magical attack and would take damage, you can use this ability as a reaction by expending 3 Domain Points. The attack passes harmlessly through you, leaving you temporarily intangible in the area of impact. Instead of taking damage, the attacker takes the same amount of damage their attack would have dealt, applied in the same area of your body they targeted.

Additionally, you can hold this reaction for multiple attacks, expending an additional 3 Domain Points for each attack you wish to affect in the same turn.


At level 1, you gain the first stage of control over your domain, Transformation. This ability allows you to transform physical, non-living objects within your Omni Domain into other materials or forces. This allows you to turn mundane objects into dangerous projectiles or environmental hazards, dealing damage based on the material or energy they are turned into. You can make ranged attacks with any objects in your domain at your DM’s discretion. Alternatively, you can roll a 1d12 to determine how many objects are in your vicinity.

Objects must be non-living and within your domain. Transformations cost 1 Domain Point per object transformed. The damage type and effect depend on the material or force the object is turned into. Transformed objects cannot revert to their original state.

Name Domain Points Description
Fire 1 The object becomes a flaming projectile. Damage type is fire and deals 2d8 damage. It sets flammable objects on fire upon impact.
Ice 1 The object freezes into a sharp, cold projectile. Damage type is cold and deals 2d6 damage. It reduces the target’s speed by 10 feet until the end of their next turn.
Lightning 1 The object crackles into electrical energy as it is launched. Damage type is lightning and deals 2d10 damage. Targets wearing metal armor have disadvantage on their next saving throw.
Acid 1 The object transforms into a corrosive, dripping projectile. Damage type is acid and deals 3d6 damage. It deals an additional 1d6 acid damage at the start of the target’s next turn.
Force 1 The object is compressed into pure kinetic energy, striking with immense force. Damage type is force and deals 2d10 damage. It pushes the target 10 feet away from the point of impact.
Sound 1 The object vibrates with intense sound waves, exploding on contact. Damage type is thunder and deals 2d8 damage. All creatures within 5 feet of the target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be deafened until the end of their next turn.
Radiant 1 The object transforms into a glowing ball of energy, radiating with light. Damage type is radiant and deals 3d8 damage. It imposes disadvantage on the target’s next attack roll if they fail a Constitution saving throw.

Your Omni Domain extends beyond mere combat abilities, when an object is within your domain, you can freely alter its composition and form with no cost, provided it is a physical, non-living object. A wall can crumble to sand, water can solidify into crystal, or a statue can melt into molten metal. These transformations are only limited by your imagination and your DM’s discretion. Once an object is changed, it remains in its transformed state even after leaving your domain unless you actively choose to revert it back. Your DM may work with you to determine the extent and narrative impact of these transformations, but within the boundaries of your Omni Domain, your control is virtually limitless.


At level 3, you gain the ability to manipulate the environmental and gravitational properties of your Omni Domain, turning it into a dynamic battlefield. This stage of your power, known as Alteration, allows you to create powerful area-of-effect zones with various harmful or controlling effects. These abilities cost Domain Points to use and can last for several turns, making you a master of shaping the flow of combat. These effects create hazardous zones where creatures automatically take damage at the start of their turn if they remain within the affected area. Additional points can be spent to extend the duration by one turn per point.

Name Domain Points Description
Extreme Heat 2 The air within the affected area becomes blisteringly hot. Creatures take 2d6 fire damage at the start of their turn.
Extreme Cold 2 The air drops to frigid temperatures. Creatures take 2d6 cold damage at the start of their turn and have their movement speed reduced by 10 feet.
Toxic Air 2 The air fills with harmful, toxic fumes. Creatures take 2d6 poison damage at the start of their turn and must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until they leave the area.
Static Field 2 The area becomes charged with electrical energy. Creatures take 2d8 lightning damage at the start of their turn.
Weighted Air 2 The density of the air increases, making it harder to breathe. Creatures must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or become exhausted (1 level) for as long as they remain in the area.
Crushing Force 2 Non-living objects within the area are instantly crushed to powder, while creatures take 2d8 force damage at the start of their turn.
Spiked Cataclysm 4 You transform the surface beneath your domain into jagged spikes that erupt outward, piercing all creatures within the affected area. Creatures must succeed a Dexterity saving throw or take 4d10 force damage.
Name Domain Points Description
Reverse Gravity 2 All creatures and objects are pulled upward into the air until they leave the domain or the effect ends. Falling damage applies if they reenter normal gravity.
Directional Gravity 2 Gravity shifts in a direction of your choice. As an action or reaction, all creatures within your domain must make a Strength saving throw or be forcibly pushed in the chosen direction until they leave the domain or the effect ends. Creatures that succeed on the saving throw suffer disadvantage on attack rolls and saving throws, and attacks against them have advantage as they struggle against the altered gravity.
Increased Gravity 4 Gravity intensifies, pulling creatures to the ground. Creatures must make a Strength saving throw. Those who fail their saving throw are paralyzed under the weight of your domain's gravity. Successful saves are knocked prone and have disadvantage on their attack rolls, and attacks against them have advantage.
Zero Gravity 2 Gravity lessens, making movement incredibly slow. Movement speed for all creatures in the affected area is reduced to 1 foot, with no saving throw needed.

Additionally, you can change how gravity affects you, allowing you to walk on walls or ceilings as if they were flat surfaces. You can reduce your personal gravity, increasing your jump height tenfold and negating falling damage with no cost of points.

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Domain's Aid

Starting at level 4, your connection with your Omni Domain strengthens, and it will do anything to protect its host. Your domain grants you advantage on any saving throw. This ability can be used a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier, and you regain all uses after a long rest. Additionally, whenever you use this ability and succeed on the saving throw, you regain hit points equal to the roll made for the saving throw multiplied by 2.

Extra Attack[edit]

Starting at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. The number of attacks increases to three at 11th level.

Domain's Resilience[edit]

Starting at level 5, your Omni Domain grows more attuned to your survival, granting you extraordinary resilience when in peril. When your hit points drop below half your maximum, the domain automatically activates this ability:

  • You gain resistance to all damage types until your hit points are restored above half of your maximum.
  • You add your Charisma modifier to all rolls, including attack rolls, damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and your AC.
  • At the start of each of your turns, if you were not attacked or targeted by any hostile creature since the end of your last turn, you gain 10 temporary hit points and 1 Domain Point. These points stack with each turn this condition is met.

This effect persists until your hit points are above half of your maximum or you are incapacitated.


At level 5, your mastery over space within your Omni Domain allows you to effortlessly transport objects, yourself, or others within its radius. This stage, known as Transportation, is a powerful tool for repositioning, controlling the battlefield, and manipulating the flow of combat. These abilities cost Domain Points to use and allow for both creative and tactical applications.

Name Domain Points Description
Blink 2 As a bonus action or reaction, you can instantly teleport yourself to any unoccupied space within your domain.
Forced Exchange 4 As an action or reaction, you can force a creature within your domain to make a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, you and the target switch places instantly. This ability can also be used on two separate creatures not including yourself. If the target(s) succeeds, they are unaffected.
Object Shift 2 You can transport any non-living object within your domain to another location in your domain. If a creature is holding or carrying the object you wish to transport, they must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, the object is transported as normal.
Intercept Strike 8 As a reaction, you teleport to a targeted creature within your domain and strike them with a unarmed melee attack, interrupting the action they were about to take. If the action required points, the points are still consumed.

Domain's Protection[edit]

At 6th level, your Omni Domain grants you even more protection. While active you gain all of the following benefits.

  • Brawn - Strength
  • Evasion - Dexterity
  • Endurance - Constitution
  • Discernment - Wisdom and Intelligence
  • Repulsion - Charisma

When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a saving throw of these abilities where you take half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.


At level 7, you gain the ability to duplicate non-living objects within your domain, creating exact replicas of anything you can perceive. This power allows you to amplify your control over the environment by multiplying resources, weapons, or hazards. While incredibly versatile, this ability does not allow you to duplicate yourself or other creatures.

Name Domain Points Description
Perfect Copy 2 As an action, you can duplicate any non-living object within your domain. The duplicate is identical to the original in every way.
Mirror Barrage 4 As a bonus action, you duplicate a single object dozens of times and launch the copies in a barrage at a target. The target must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 4d8 of whatever damage type given the duplicated object.
Infinite Resource 5 If you duplicate a consumable item, such as a potion or spell scroll, the duplicate functions as the original until used. However, duplicated consumables vanish immediately after being used.

Domain's Guarantee[edit]

At level 8, you gain the ability to ensure your attacks land with unparalleled precision. As a bonus action, you can activate Domain's Guarantee, granting you the following benefits for one minute:

  • All melee attacks you make automatically hit.
  • Your ranged attack rolls gain a bonus equal to your Charisma modifier.

You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all uses after a long rest.


At level 9, you unlock the power of Annihilation, allowing you to completely destroy non-living objects within your domain. This destructive ability is absolute objects chosen for annihilation are reduced to nothingness, leaving no trace behind. The cost of this ability scales with the size and complexity of the object, giving you complete control over what is erased.

Name Domain Points Description
Erasure 2-6 As an action, you can choose any non-living object within your domain to annihilate. Small objects (up to 5 cubic feet) cost 2 Domain Points, medium objects (up to 15 cubic feet) cost 4 Domain Points, and large objects (up to 50 cubic feet) cost 6 Domain Points. The object is destroyed instantly, regardless of material or durability.
Mass Disintegration 8 As an action, you can target all objects within a specific area of your domain, up to a 15-foot radius. All small objects in this area are instantly destroyed. Medium and large objects in the area cost 2 additional Domain Points per object to annihilate. This ability costs a base 8 Domain Points to activate.
Absolute Nullification 3 As a reaction, you can annihilate an object being used in an attack against you (such as a weapon, arrow, or magical focus). The attack automatically misses. This ability cannot destroy magical artifacts or items of legendary status, at the DM’s discretion.

Domain Renewal[edit]

At level 10, your connection to your Omni Domain strengthens, granting you the ability to recover Domain Points during prolonged combat. After one minute of combat, you begin to regain 2 Domain Points at the start of each of your turns for the next minute. After this duration, the cycle resets, requiring another uninterrupted minute of combat before this effect activates again. This passive regeneration cannot increase your Domain Points beyond your maximum.


At level 11, you gain the ability to conjure raw materials, energies, and elements directly within your Omni Domain as a bonus action. These conjurations serve as powerful tools for offense and defense, taking simple forms like spheres, orbs, or waves. The strength, size, and intensity of the conjuration scale with the Domain Points you invest adding an additional damage die for each extra point you put into it.

Name Domain Points Description
Fire Sphere 2-10 Conjure a blazing orb of fire within your domain that deals 2d8 fire damage or up to 10 points for a massive sphere dealing 10d8 fire damage. The sphere can be launched at a target or left in place to burn creatures that come near it.
Frost Orb 2-10 Create a freezing sphere of cold energy dealing 2d6 cold damage and reduces movement by 10 feet or up to 10 points for a large one dealing 10d6 cold damage and reduces movement by 20 feet. When launched, it explodes in a 10-foot radius, freezing the area.
Electric Pulse 2-10 Form a crackling orb of electricity dealing 2d10 lightning damage or up to 10 points for a larger one dealing 10d10 lightning damage. On impact, the orb chains to nearby creatures within 10 feet, dealing half damage to secondary targets.
Radiant Halo 2-10 Conjure a glowing sphere of radiant energy dealing 2d8 radiant damage and imposes disadvantage on attacks for one round or up to 10 points for a larger halo dealing 10d8 radiant damage and blinds targets for one round on a failed Constitution saving throw.
Sonic Wave 2-10 Generate an orb of vibrating sound waves dealing 2d8 thunder damage and deafens targets or up to 10 points for a larger one dealing 10d8 thunder damage and knocks creatures prone on a failed Constitution save.
Acid Pool 2-10 Conjure a dense orb of acidic liquid dealing 2d6 acid damage plus 1d6 at the start of the target’s next turn or up to 10 points for a larger one dealing 10d6 acid damage plus 3d6 ongoing. The orb can also coat a 10-foot area, creating hazardous terrain.
Force Implosion 2-10 Summon a dense sphere of kinetic energy dealing 2d10 force damage or up to 10 points for a massive one dealing 10d10 force damage. On impact, it creates a shockwave, pushing creatures 10 feet away from the point of impact.
Shadow Sphere 2-10 Form a dark orb of necrotic energy dealing 2d10 necrotic damage or up to 10 points for a larger one dealing 10d10 necrotic damage. Any creature damaged by the orb cannot regain hit points until the start of your next turn.

Domain's Wrath[edit]

At level 12, your Omni Domain manifests its will to keep you alive, empowering you as your health dwindles. The lower your hit points drop, the more devastating your attacks become. This ability adds your Charisma modifier to all of your damage rolls, including those that already use your Charisma modifier. Additionally, your attacks gain extra damage based on your current hit points:

  • At 75% of your maximum hit points, you gain an additional +1 Charisma modifier to all damage rolls and deal an extra 1d12 damage.
  • At 50% of your maximum hit points, the bonus increases to +2 Charisma modifier and an additional 2d12 damage.
  • At 25% of your maximum hit points, the bonus increases to +3 Charisma modifier and an additional 3d12 damage.
  • At 1 hit point, you gain an additional +4 Charisma modifier and an additional 4d12 damage.

These bonuses persist as long as your hit points remain below the respective thresholds and reflect the domain’s determination to preserve its user through overwhelming power.


At level 13, the boundaries of your power expand as you gain the ability to merge elements, materials, and energies within your Omni Domain to create devastating new forms of matter. The results of these combinations are limited only by your imagination and the forces you bring together. Each fusion carries catastrophic potential, unleashing destruction and chaos on a massive scale. These abilities are immensely powerful, consuming significant Domain Points, but their effects are unrivaled on the battlefield.

Name Domain Points Description
Nuclear Fusion 15 By merging raw fire and lightning energy, you create a volatile atomic reaction. Unleash a nuclear explosion within your domain. Creatures within a 30-foot radius must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 15d12 fire damage and are blinded for 1 minute. On a success, they take half damage and are not blinded. The explosion leaves a 60-foot area irradiated for 1 minute, dealing 4d6 radiant damage to any creature that ends its turn in the area.
Cryovolcanic Eruption 12 Fuse extreme cold with molten heat to create a localized volcanic eruption that freezes and burns simultaneously. A 40-foot radius in your domain becomes engulfed in icy magma. Creatures in the area take 7d10 fire damage and 7d10 cold damage and are restrained in the freezing magma. The area remains hazardous terrain, dealing 4d6 fire and cold damage to creatures that enter or start their turn there.
Void Collapse 15 Merge shadow and force energy to create a gravitational singularity. Choose a point within your domain to become a black hole for 2 turns. Creatures within 30 feet of the point must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are pulled 20 feet toward the black hole and take 12d12 force damage. On a success, they avoid the pull but take half damage. Non-magical objects in the area are destroyed instantly, and magical objects are rendered inert for the duration.
Acidic Tempest 10 Combine acid and lightning to create a toxic storm. A swirling tempest forms within a 40-foot radius, dealing 6d8 acid damage and 6d8 lightning damage to all creatures within. The storm corrodes armor, reducing AC by 2 for the storm’s duration (1 minute).
Ethereal Storm 12 Merge radiant and necrotic energies to create a storm that affects both body and soul. A 40-foot radius within your domain becomes a swirling storm of light and shadow. Creatures in the area take 7d10 radiant damage and 7d10 necrotic damage at the start of their turn. Undead creatures are obliterated outright unless they succeed on a Wisdom saving throw, and creatures reduced to 0 HP cannot be revived for 24 hours.
Stellar Forge: Supernova 30 Merge fire, radiant energy, and force to create a miniature star that explodes into a supernova. As an action, you create the star at a point within your domain. At the start of your next turn, the star collapses into a supernova, dealing 25d12 fire damage and 25d12 radiant damage multiplied by your proficiency to all creatures within 100 feet. On hit creatures must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they are blinded and knocked prone. This ability can only be used once per long rest.
Toxic Froststorm 12 Merge cold and acid to create a corrosive blizzard. A 30-foot radius becomes engulfed in a storm of acidic snow, dealing 9d6 cold damage and 9d6 acid damage per turn to all creatures inside. The ground becomes slippery, causing creatures to make Dexterity saving throws or fall prone at the start of their turns.
Sonic Implosion 12 Combine thunder and force to create a devastating soundwave. Choose a point within your domain. All creatures within 60 feet must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 14d10 thunder damage and are stunned until the end of their next turn. On a success, they take half damage but are still deafened for 1 minute.


At level 15, your mastery over your Omni Domain transcends external manipulation as you learn to channel its power directly into yourself. This stage, known as Enhance, focuses on augmenting your physical capabilities, boosting your speed, strength, and durability to superhuman levels. These abilities grant you unparalleled combat prowess, turning you into a force of nature on the battlefield.

Name Domain Points Description
Omni Strike 8 As a bonus action, your strikes deal an additional 4d10 force damage for the next minute.
Unyielding Frame 8 You gain temporary hit points equal to 20 times your Charisma modifier. While these temporary hit points remain, you have advantage on Strength saving throws and are immune to being grappled, restrained, prone, or pushed back.
Haste Beyond Reality 8 You double your movement speed, gain an additional action on each of your turns, and have advantage on Dexterity saving throws. This effect lasts for one minute.
Gravity Dash 4 As a bonus action, alter gravity around yourself, and dash up to 60 feet in any direction. This ignores difficult terrain and attacks made after this dash deal an extra 4d8 force damage.
Omni Improvement 10 One ability score of your choosing increases by 20 for the next minute, allowing you to break through your normal physical limitations.


At level 17, your mastery over the Omni Domain reaches an extraordinary level as you gain the ability to manipulate time itself within your domain. These abilities allow you to bend, freeze, and reverse time in devastating and miraculous ways.

Time Freeze[edit]

For 15 Domain Points, as an action, reaction, or bonus action, you can freeze time within your domain. When activated, no creatures other than you can take actions, reactions, or movement for the duration. All objects, attacks, and effects within your domain are also suspended in place, unable to move or change until time resumes.

While time is frozen, you can act freely within your domain, but the domain itself remains frozen. If you leave your domain while time is frozen, the effect ends immediately, and the normal flow of time resumes. The duration of the time freeze is determined by how many points you spend. For every additional 15 points you spend, you can extend the effect by one turn.

Time Slow[edit]

For 10 Domain Points, you can slow time within your domain for one minute, granting yourself additional speed and precision. While time is slowed, you gain two additional actions on each of your turns, advantage on Dexterity saving throws, and an AC bonus equal to your Charisma modifier. Creatures within your domain have disadvantage on attack rolls against you due to the temporal distortion.

Temporal Restoration[edit]

You can reverse time on your own body to the previous turn as an action. For 10 Domain Points, you undo any damage taken, conditions inflicted, or physical alterations (such as limb loss) that occurred during the last turn. This ability allows you to return to your exact state as it was before the start of your last turn.

Temporal Rebirth[edit]

Your Omni Domain is intrinsically tied to your survival, ensuring that even in the face of death, it intervenes to preserve you. If you are killed and have at least 10 Domain Points remaining, your domain activates this ability automatically, regardless of your condition. As long as anything of you remains within the domain, your body is reverted to the start of the previous turn, negating your death. You return with all damage undone and your body restored to its state from that turn.

This effect consumes 10 Domain Points and cannot occur if you do not have enough points remaining. The domain’s will to protect you transcends physical limitations, ensuring its host endures.


At level 19, your control over your Omni Domain reaches its ultimate form as you gain the ability to manipulate the biology of living creatures within your range. This marks the pinnacle of your power, as you can now affect the very essence of life itself. With this stage, you gain one devastating ability, as well as the ability to enhance allies using your powers.


For 40 Domain Points, choose any number of creatures within your domain to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, each creature takes 30d10 damage multiplied by your Charisma modifier. If this damage reduces a creature to 0 hit points, the sheer force of the overloaded blood in their veins causes them to explode. On a successful save, the target takes half damage.

You can now also use any ability from the Enhance stage on an ally of your choosing within your domain. This allows you to share the benefits of speed, strength, and durability with others, transforming your allies into living weapons on the battlefield.

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