Sleepless (5e Race)

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A man runs down an alley in a panic, he was chased by something that wasn't human, as he ran he heard a soft crunch below his feet followed by the sensation of a hundreds of small legs running up his body.

Physical Description[edit]

Sleepless are formed by a horde of insects coming together, certain insects are bred and grown for specific purposes, for the most part a Sleepless can appear as any humanoid race it wishes, although the insects making up its body are not perfect and their face and body are covered in seams where the creatures conjoin.


The Sleepless' origin is unknown even to themselves, if you are DMing you may wish to implement an origin however it is not needed as the main point around the Sleepless is their mystery. Their numbers are few when compared to other races, but they have always been spread across the world taking on the proper forms to submerge themselves in the regions culture.


The Sleepless wish to remain unknown, revealing their nature only to those who they trust deeply or those who will not live to spread the word, due to their low population and how far the Sleepless have spread a single hive can go years without ever seeing another of its kind, however when they do it is an almost immediate recognition. For the most part Sleepless treat each other well, having no reason to argue or fight amongst their kind and being so solitary the company is usually well appreciated. Sleepless hold no city or kingdom of their own however they often pilot and string pull regions where their population has condensed.

Sleepless Names[edit]

Most Sleepless will have a front name, their main go to name that reflects the culture or ethnicity their disguise reflects, however Sleepless also have their true name, While Sleepless front they will have a gender, but in the end most Sleepless are genderless and so their names do not follow Gender structures.

Names: Arclomedarian, Yelamaiszin, Zyardil.

Sleepless Traits[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Wisdom score increases by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Age. A Sleepless is functionally immortal, It ages itself from the birth of its first Swarm Queen, however both the Swarm Queen and Hordelings will die as if living a normal insect life span.
Alignment. Most Sleepless tend towards the True Neutral alignment, they see themselves as silent watchers, however some Sleepless might align themselves as Neutral Good or Neutral Evil.
Size. While in your disguised form you can range from Small to Medium in size.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Additionally when in your Horde form you have Climbing speed of 30ft
Darkvision. Your insectoid eyes see many things, you have Darkvision in 60ft.
Sleepless. You cannot be magically put to sleep
Divided Body. You can squeeze through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide, provided you are wearing and carrying nothing.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.

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