Glitched (5e Race)

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Physical Description[edit]

Glitched at first glance look like an average whatever they were before, but upon closer look, every once and a while, glitch, meaning part of them (no, not a body part, just some random part of them) turns light blue, redish-pink, and grayish-white, it also moves out of place, literally, it just moved, like, if it was part of the head, chest, arm, doesn't matter, just, moves to the side, both of these effects happen for only half a second, and creatures that saw often question if they actually saw it, this starts to happen longer and more frequently the stronger of just 1 emotion they have, some examples: full any emotion: glitching constantly and longer glitches. half of one emotion, half another: glitches last slightly longer, and you glitch a little more frequently. perfectly balanced:normal glitched race. and every time they sleep, their body just, is very wierd, it turns into a static black and white line effect, if someone touches them, they get a small shock, dealing 1 lightning damage, not much, but its not meant to be. You can imagine this... doesn't exactly work well with conductive materials.


Glitched are created when anyone that likes to break the laws decide to break a few extras, the laws of physics.


Glitched are considered to be, and are, magic rogues, they are people who break the laws, learn how to use magic, and then, this happens.

Glitched Names[edit]

They usually use the names from when they weren't glitched.

Glitched Traits[edit]

when people decide breaking normal laws isn't enough, and break the laws of physics.
Ability Score Increase. Your dexterity score increases by 2 and you choose what score increases by 1. You can break physics enough to do this.
Age. Glitched have glitched out of reality, and stop aging when they become glitched.
Alignment. They are usually the alignment of their previous race.
Size. Glitched are the same size as their previous race.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet, unless your previous race had more than 30 speed, then, add 5 to your previous race's speed.
Glitched Eyes (just darkvision). your eyes are glitched out. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Glitching. As you are rapidly glitching, sometimes your position glitches, making you move out of place for a second, this happens as a reaction to keep you alive, your AC increases by 3.
More Glitching. At level 5, you learn how to glitch your position on purpose, giving you the ability to, once every long rest, teleport up to 10 feet away.
Static. You have the ability to control your static, allowing you to deal 10 lightning damage to everything touching you. While this is happening, you cannot move.
Previous Race. As mentioned before, you weren't this originally, as this, you choose a previous race, and from that race get the basic features, these are: speed, size, alignment, and age. you also most of the time keep name, personality etc. most, you can decide if, when you glitched, something changed, your name, your personality, anything.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write any languages from your previous race.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

′ '' + lb. × () lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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