Imp Cat (5e Race)

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Imp Cat[edit]


Imp cats are a 3 feet tall, feline hybrid of the imp and the domestic house cat. They look like cats that have stood on their hind legs and developed longer, more humanoid limbs. Their fur is short or long. Its color can be white, grey or black with brown or cream patterns. On their backs, they sprout two leathery wings, usually black or red. It is said that their eyes bear mystical powers depending on their colors. Because of their size, imp cats are quite fragile and not very strong. However, their natural magic abilities make up for the missing muscle power.


The Imp cats escaped from a demonic realm, but how they came to be is unknown. There are many theories surrounding their creation. But no demonologist can agree upon these assumptions. The imp cats themselves don't really care how they came to be. They just know that in their ancestors had to endure great suffering.

Attitudes and Beliefs[edit]

Many Imp cats believe that their ancestors were the servants of a great evil and suffered under its oppression. Imp cats on their own, however are very affectionate and kind. They are known to share, work hard and love company. Not many seek the thrill of adventure or battle. One can usually find them peacefully living on farms or in towns. Imp cats who have a superior talent with magic can be found searching for knowledge and embark long journeys to do so. These Imp cats are favored by adventuring parties as spell casters and cute, little companions. The only exception of the kind-hearted farmers are rare cases of Imp cats with kleptomania. Hiding between the other imp cats and hoarding shiny things.


Their names come from ancient demonic words, but are often binding.

Male: Vrax, Sablek, Nyxar

Female: Zephyra, Lilithis, Korrath


Ability Score Increase. Your int score increases by 2 and your dex score increases by 1.
Age. Their life expectancy ranges from 50 to 60 years. They normally mature with 10 years of age.
Alignment. Most imp cats who live in settlements are lawful good, while most imp cat spellcasters are neutral good or chaotic good. Imp cat rogues tend to be a bit more thieving. Adapting to a shady lifestyle, hiding between the other Imp cats. Their alignment is chaotic neutral or chaotic good.
Size. Imp cats can grow from 3 to 4 feet tall. Your size is small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
Darkvision. Imp cats have darkvision for 60 ft.
Eye ability. Depending on your eye color, you can cast following cantrips. If your eyes are

-Blue You can cast Thaumaturgy.

-Green You can cast Mage hand.

-Brown You can cast Mending.

-Red You can cast Control flames.

-Yellow or Gold You can cast Guidance.

-Grey or White You can cast Prestidigitation.
Wings. You can fly 40 ft in any direction from where you are standing and stay in the air for 5 turns. If you wear armor or other gear that weighs more than 40 pounds, you can't use your wings as effectively. Your air time is reduced by 1 turn and your fly range by 10 ft for every 5 pounds over the 40 pound limit.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.

Creating an Imp cat character[edit]

If you create an Imp cat character, choose to be a mage or rogue of some type. It is recommended to have any good alignment to fit the Imp cat lore. Due to their friendly nature, they rarely take paths they deem as evil and are best as some sort of Abjurer or Diviner. If you choose to be a rogue, take proficiency in ranged combat and skills like deception or sleight of hand. Imp cats don't do well as fighters, due to their small frame. You can make a ranged fighter, using light armor or something like spears.

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