5e Magical Weapons

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Weapons, Featured and Quality

These articles have been vetted through the Featured Articles or Quality Articles process and are suitable for any normal campaign.

Magic Weapon Rarity Type
Athame uncommon dagger
Charged Weapon common any
Infinity Blade legendary longsword


Magic Weapon Rarity Type
20% Delirium Legendary Light Machine Gun
Aaridytun Flail very rare heavy flail
Abbodon's Channeling Weapon uncommon (+1), rare (+2), or very rare (+3) any melee weapon
Absolving Hammer very rare warhammer
Accruba Dagger very rare dagger
Ace of Spades Legendary .454 Casull
Acid Arrow uncommon arrow
Acrobat's Staff, Variant common quarterstaff
Adamantine Meteor legendary warhammer
Adamas Weapon Common Any
Adder of Strife uncommon dagger or spear
Advancing Edge rare greatsword
Aegis Sword legendary longsword
Aetheon's Epilogue Rare Assault Rifle
Agreious Legendary rapier
Alash'Serrar legendary Chain Blade
Alastor very rare longsword
Alchemist's Blade rare
Alchemist's Hilt very rare sword hilt
Alley Cat Fangs legendary dual daggers
Alpha Legendary any
Alpharius Twinlance Very rare Halberd
Ambush Arbalest rare crossbow, heavy
Amitola's Blade rare rapier
Ancestral Weapon rarity varies any
Ancient Arrow very rare arrow
Ancient Weapon uncommon (+1), rare (+2), or very rare (+3)
Angel's Cry Legendary Spear
Angelic Bow very rare any bow
Angelic Bow, Variant uncommon longbow
Angelic Lance very rare halberd
Angelic Light Glaive rare glaive
Angelic Sword very rare any sword
Angelus Ex Solis rare Shortsword
Angelus Lunae rare Shortsword
Animated Sand rare Unique
Annihilator very rare heavy flail
Anthem rare shortsword
Anti Magic Edge rare any
Apollo's Wrath legendary any bow
Aqua Cleaver uncommon handaxe
Aquamarine Dagger rare dagger
Aquila Favonia legendary longsword
Arachnidism rare scimitar
Arc Weapon rare Any melee weapon
Arcane Bow very rare any bow
Arcane Dagger Very rare Dagger
Archangel Sword legendary any sword
Areis's Second legendary any sword
Arm of Balor Legendary Slabsword
Arm of Darkness Legendary Pistol
Arm of Darkness, Variant Legendary Pistol
Armor Breaking Chainsaw Rare Longsword
Armor Decimator very rare lucerne hammer
Arrow of Blazing uncommon Arrow
Arrow of Frost common arrow
Arrow of Hideous Laughter Common Ammunition
Arrow of Razorwind uncommon arrow
Arrow of Seeking rare arrow
Arrow of Sorrows uncommon ammunition,bows
Arrow of Souls rare arrow
Arrow of the Assassin uncommon arrow
Arrow of Yondu legendary arrow
Arrows of Unrelenting Flame Very Rare Arrows
Art of War legendary longsword, shortsword, or greatsword
Artifice Sword rare longsword
Ascalon the Dragon Slayer legendary longsword
Ashen Blade Rare(+2)/Very rare(+3)/Legendary(+4) Any sword
Ashen Wake Uncommon Quarterstaff
Ashenizer very rare Flamethrower
Assassin Dagger uncommon dagger
Assassin's Dagger very rare dagger
Assassin's Mark legendary dagger
Astorian Arms very rare any weapon
Astorian Sword rare any sword
Astur's Might legendary longsword
Athena's Sword legendary longsword
Atomizer of Decimation legendary long sword
Avalanche Hammer legendary any hammer
Axe of Bloodletting rare any axe
Axe of Changing State very rare battleaxe
Axe of Hurling uncommon handaxe
Axe of Magesplitting uncommon, rare, or very rare any axe
Axe of Pain rare greataxe
Axe of Rage legendary greataxe
Axe of the Furyborn legendary battleaxe
Axe of the Hoardsmen rare battleaxe
Axe of the Hunter rare any axe
Axe of the Mighty Olaf rare battleaxe
Axe of Unrelenting Will Rare greataxe
Axel legendary longsword
Axes of the Bifrost Very Rare Hand axe
Azek's Will legendary drill
Azkre's Arcane Sniper Rifle Legendary Adamantine Sniper Rifle
Azrael's Rapier legendary rapier
Balmung legendary greatsword
Bane of Justice Legendary greataxe
Bane Weapon rare any axe or sword
Barbarian Club very rare greatclub
Bare legendary longsword
Barely Vorpal Sword rare Generic variant
Battle Fishing Rod uncommon rapier, saber, broadsword, longsword, warhammer, greatsword, or war pick
Battlecry legendary rapier
Beacon Bow uncommon any bow or crossbow
Beast Claw very rare Claw
Beaten Frostrim very rare broken sword
Benihime rare, very rare, legendary Evolving Longsword
Berserk Hammer uncommon warhammer
Berserker Runesword of Winter legendary any sword
Biggoron's Sword very rare greatsword
Black Axe of the Monster legendary greataxe
Black Death legendary revolver
Black Hammer Uncommon Sniper Rifle
Black Heart Rare dagger
Black Prince very rare longsword
Black River Scimitar very rare scimitar
Black Rose legendary longsword
Black Spindle Very Rare Sniper Rifle System 99C-Series 2 Anti-Matériel
Blade of a Thousand Cuts very rare any sword
Blade of Agathos Rare (+1), very rare (+2), legendary (+3) Special
Blade of Ambition rare special
Blade of Bludgeoning Common any sword
Blade of Chaos rare scimitar
Blade of Coldfire legendary any sword
Blade of Earth's Rage legendary longsword
Blade of Eldritch Power legendary any sword
Blade of Endless Strength One of a kind dagger
Blade of Everbleed Legendary Any Sword
Blade of Evil Smiting rare (+1), very rare (+2) any sword
Blade of Evolution legendary longsword
Blade of Fortune's Bane legendary any sword
Blade of Grass rare longsword
Blade of Growing Regrets Very rare longsword
Blade of Jumanji very rare any weapon that deals slashing damage
Blade of Levistus legendary any sword
Blade of Midday rare scimitar
Blade of Misty Step Rare Any sword
Blade of Mourning legendary longsword
Blade of Olympus Unique greatsword
Blade of Power Absorption legendary rapier
Blade of Ruin legendary greatsword
Blade of Sheol rare any sword
Blade of Stygia very rare longsword
Blade of the Arcanist, +1, +2, or +3 rare (+1), very rare (+2), or legendary (+3) any sword
Blade of the Burnt Hand legendary longsword
Blade of the Chronomaster legendary longsword
Blade of the Holy legendary longsword
Blade of the Mind Legendary Longsword
Blade of the Moonwalker legendary longsword
Blade of the Nephalem Very Rare Any one-handed blade
Blade of the Patient Master rare any sword
Blade of the Warforged Very Rare Any slashing weapon
Blade of Warding Rare +1, Very Rare +2, Legendary +3 All
Bladed Bracer rare shortsword
Blades of Fire and Ice very rare Dual Daggers
Blasting Blade rare Any melee weapon
Blazeheart Gift Rare Greatsword
Blazer rare Flamethrower
Blazing Rapier rare rapier
Blesk Blade rare any sword
Blessed Lance rare lance
Blessed Sword Uncommon Any sword
Blessed Weapon rare any melee weapon
Blessing In Disguise very rare any weapons
Blink Dog Blade rare dagger
Blitz rare dagger
Blitzkrieg very rare greataxe
Blizzard Sword very rare greatsword or longsword
Blood Fire Phoenix legendary rapier
Blood Moon Scythe very rare Crescent Scythe (variant)
Blood Quiver very rare Quiver and Arrows
Blood Sword very rare any sword
Blood-Soaked Weapon Uncommon (+1), rare (+2), very rare (+3) Any
Blood-Sword Legendary Greatsword
Bloodbath Rare flintlock pepperbox
Bloodbringer legendary halberd
Bloodletter legendary greatsword
Bloodletting Blade rare dagger
Bloodlust very rare dagger
Bloods Wrath legendary bow
Bloodskal Blade legendary greatsword
Bloodsteel Weapon very rare any
Bloodthirster legendary longsword
Bloodthirsty Battleaxe rare battleaxe
Bloodthirsty Weapon uncommon any
Bloodthorn rare shortsword
Bloodvenom Whip very rare whip
Bloody Edge very rare any melee weapon that deals slashing damage
Blue Coral Snake Bomb uncommon miniature explosive
Blue Rose Sword uncommon longsword
Boltlance rare spear
Bomb Arrow rare arrow
Bone Ballista Spear uncommon spear
Bone Dagger of Intoxication uncommon dagger
Bone Staff Very Rare quarterstaff
Bone Sword very rare shortsword
Bone-Shredding Axe rare any axe
Boolean Gemini Very Rare Battle Rifle
Boomerang Machete rare shortsword
Boomerang of Retrieval uncommon boomerang
Booming Hammer rare warhammer
Bound Weapon uncommon any
Bow of Bass very rare longsword
Bow of Chance Rare Any bow
Bow of Epirus wonderous any bow
Bow of Light uncommon longbow
Bow of Liutia legendary longbow
Bow of Many Arrows Very Rare Bows and Crossbows
Bow of Radiance uncommon longbow
Bow of Resistance Legendary bow
Bow of Splitting Very Rare Any bow or crossbow
Bow of Sun Rays uncommon any bow
Bow of the Black Archer Artifact Longbow
Bow of the Elementals very rare crossbow
Bow of The Elements very rare longbow
Bow of the Fey Queen legendary longbow
Bow of the Inaccurate very rare any bow
Bow of the Soul Stealer very rare longbow
Bow of the Storm uncommon longbow
Bow of Versatility very rare longbow
Bow of Ysgard legendary longbow
Bowstaff Uncommon any simple weapon
Boxing Glove of Extending Rare (unless you’re a Looney Tune) Glove/Gauntlet
Bracers of the Blade rare daggers
Brave Weapon rare any
Breaker legendary warhammer
Breakneck Legendary Assault rifle
Bringer of the Black Sky uncommon Longbow
Broken Hero Blade very rare longsword
Broken Sword uncommon shortsword
Bubotic Axe Very Rare Great Axe
Buckler Sword Uncommon Shortsword
Buckler Sword +1 Rare Shortsword
Bug Bite uncommon blowgun
Burial Blade uncommon
Burl Shillelagh uncommon club
Burning Bow very rare longbow
Buster Sword of Spirit Very Rare Slabsword
Caelium Arrows common arrows
Calibur legendary longsword
Caretaker's Spade legendary swordspear
Carnage Artifact Longsword
Castram very rare shortsword
Cat's Curiosity legendary
Celestial Fury legendary longsword
Celestial Glaive rare glaive
Celestial Orichalcum Lance legendary lance
Centurion Spear very rare spear
Ceremonial Dagger legendary dagger
Chained Blades Uncommon Dual-Blades
Chains of Chronias very rare spiked chain
Chainsaw of Dismemberment very rare chainsaw
Chakram of Returning uncommon chakram
Chakram of Undead Revival Rare Chakram
Chakrams of the Phoenix rare chakram
Champion's Axe of Might legendary greataxe
Champion's Sword rare Any sword with the finesse property
Chaos Blade legendary any sword
Chaos Blade, Variant Very Rare Katana
Charge Blade uncommon shortsword or longsword
Charge Blade and Shield Rare (3 Vials), very rare (4 Vials), legendary (5 Vials)
Charge Blade, Variant legendary Long sword, Shield, Great Axe
Charged Quarterstaff Rare quarterstaff
Chastiefol Spirit Spear legendary spear
Chillrend very rare any sword
Chivalrous Weapon legendary sword or lance
Chromatic Blade rare any sword or axe
Chromatic Dual Lashers Legendary whip
Chromatic Spear rare spear
City Cleaver Rare Cleaver
Clacker Balls of Ki Channeling Rare Light Hammer
Claws of War legendary lizal gauntlet
Cleaving Weapon uncommon any weapon with the heavy or two-handed property
Cleveland's Giant Sword Unique greatsword
Clockwork Blade Bow uncommon shortsword, longbow
Clown's Cutter rare dagger
Club of Giant Power uncommon club
Club of Projectile Redirection rare club
Coin Cannon uncommon hand crossbow
Cold Iron Staff legendary quarterstaff
Comet Bow very rare longbow
Conditional Finality Legendary Shotgun, Super
Confused Greatsword rare greatsword
Consecrating Greataxe legendary greataxe
Consummate Pair legendary scimitar
Copper Dragon Rapier legendary rapier
Corrective Measures rare Light Machine Gun
Corruption Arrow HZD uncommon arrows
Cosmic Steel Weapon Common any melee weapon
Coward's Knife common dagger
Craag's Hellion Hunter rare javelin
Cradlewood Crossblade legendary greatsword
Creator of Thralls rare dagger
Crescent Blade Knives Uncommon Dagger
Crescent Rose very rare greatscythe
Cresweld Straight Sword legendary longsword
Crissaegrim legendary longsword
Cross Knife legendary longsword
Crosspick rare crossbow/pickaxe
Crow Quills very rare rapier and daggers
Crow-bar rare Crowbar
Crusader Cannon Legendary Cannon
Crush very rare basic rifle
Crystal Bow rare Any Bow
Crystal Railgun Rare Railgun
Crystal Spear uncommon spear
Crystal Sword very rare longsword
Crystal Wrath rare swords
Culling Weapon very rare any
Curling Flame very rare whip
Curling Water very rare whip
Cursed Scourger legendary any sword
Cutlass of Ocean Storms rare cutlass
Cybertronian Blade Very Rare sword
Cygnus Alpha Legendary Firearm
Cypher Legendary Shortsword
Dagger of Adrenaline rare, very rare or legendary dagger or shortsword
Dagger of Bloodletting Very Rare Dagger
Dagger of Death's Hand legendary dagger
Dagger of Five Elements very rare dagger
Dagger of Healing very rare dagger
Dagger of Piercing very rare dagger
Dagger of Running rare dagger
Dagger of Shadows rare dagger
Dagger of Silence rare dagger
Dagger of Suicide common (+0), uncommon (+1), rare (+2), or very rare (+3) dagger
Dagger of the Abyss legendary dagger
Dagger of the Moon Rare Dagger
Dagger of the Offhand Warrior very rare dagger
Dagger of the Unseen Hand Common Dagger
Dagger of Whispers Rare Dagger
Dagger of Yysmoira rare dagger
Daggermaster's Blade very rare dagger
Daggers of Euphoria and Enticement very rare dagger
Daikatana Legendary Odachi
Damageshift Weapon Rare Any Melee Weapon
Dancer's Enchanted Swords very rare scimitar
Dancing Blade Rare Rapier
Dancing Devils rare scimitar, hook and chain
Dark Light Greatsword legendary greatsword
Dark Pit Staff legendary quarterstaff
Darkhunter's Spear very rare spear
Dart of Shadows very rare dart
Dawn Uncommon Longsword
Dawn's Edge legendary longsword
Dawnbreaker legendary longsword
Dawnbringer legendary longsword
Dawnbringer, Variant legendary glaive
Dead King's Blade legendary greatsword
Dead Man's Tale Very Rare Lever Action Rifle
Deadlight Greatsword Artifact greatsword
Death Collecting Scythe rare finesse, two handed, reach.
Death Scythe Uncommon/Rare Scythe
Death Sword Legendary Greatsword
Deathcleaver legendary greataxe
Deathsnare Whip rare whip
Debt Collector very rare club
Dec's Mercy Legendary Double Weapon Great Axe
Dec's Wrath Very Rare Double Weapon Scythe
Deceivingly Small Axe Legendary Battleaxe
Defiled Vindicator legendary any sword
Dekkard's Blade legendary dagger
Deku Stick common greatclub
Demon Scythe Abygale legendary crescent scythe
Demon Slayer very rare falx
DemonFire Dagger Rare Dagger
Demonic Dagger rare dagger
Deus Ex Calibre very rare Revolver
Devil Shard rare greatsword
Devil's Chamber very rare revolver
Devilsknife Very rare Sickle
Devotion's Duality Artifact Flail
Diminisher very rare any bladed melee weapon
Diode very rare dagger
Dirgen's Daughter Rare chain-dagger
Dirk of Synchrelicy very rare dagger
Dispelling Greataxe very rare greataxe
Divine Axe Rhitta legendary Heavy Hand Axe
Divine Powered Stick rare quarterstaff
Divine Rapier very rare rapier
Divine Riptide Legendary Longsword
Djerg Nurn legendary longsword
Docent Weapon very rare any melee weapon
DoomBlade Legendary Greatsword
Double-edged Sword of the Einherjar Legendary Longsword
Drach'nyen Legendary Greatsword
Draconic Essence Blade very rare any sword
Draconic Greatblade very rare greatsword
Dragon Bone Daikatana Very Rare Greataxe
Dragon Crystal Blade very rare longsword
Dragon Master's Sword very rare katana
Dragon Render legendary any sword
Dragon Soul Weapons legendary any
Dragon Spine and Claw legendary longsword and dagger
Dragon Tooth Dagger legendary dagger
Dragon's Kiss Rare hand crossbow
Dragon's Wrath legendary maul
Dragonbone Club of Reinvigoration legendary Club
DragonFang Rare maul, axe, pick
Dragonfang Longbow Legendary shortbow, longbow
Dragonhorn Bow rare shortbow or longbow
Dragonslayer Greataxe legendary greataxe
Dragonslayer Swordspear very rare swordspear
Dragonslayer Swordspear, Variant very rare swordspear
Dragonspine Axe legendary battleaxe
Drang Uncommon Machine Pistol
Drang (Baroque) Rare Machine Pistol (5e Equipment)
Draupnir Spear legendary Spear
Dread Bow rare any bow
Dreaded Greataxe rare greataxe
Dreadforge Unique
Dreg's Promise Common Pistol, Light Automatic
Drigonlay rare shortsword
Drop Bear Darkbow rare any bow
Druid Claw rare clawed bracer
Druid Serpent Spear rare spear
Dusk very rare Quarterstaff or nunchaku
Dusksong & Dawnsvoice very rare scimitar
Dwarven Axe of Change very rare battleaxe
Dwarven Bane very rare any axe
Dwarven Blade rare any sword
Dwarven Spear rare spear
Ea, Sword of Rupture legendary longsword
Eagle Bow rare any bow or crossbow
Eagle's Might rare maul
Earth Mother's Thorn very rare dagger
Ebon Blade rare any sword
Ebony rare rapier
Ebony Blade legendary any sword
Echoed Weapon rarity varies any weapon
Edge of Subtlety rare any melee weapon with finesse
Eevlet Sacred Blade Legendary
Efreeti Mayhem Very Rare cutlass
Eidolon Ally Legendary Assault Rifle
Eira legendary spear
Eldritch Bow rare any bow
Electric Arrow common arrow
Electric Ixalik rare lance
Electro Lasher Rare whip
Elemental Axe very rare greataxe or handaxe
Elemental Blade rare longsword
Elemental Enchantment rare any
Elemental Katana rare, (+1), very rare (+2), or legendary (+3) katana
Elemental Repeater rare hand crossbow
Elemental Weapon varies any
Elemental's Bane Legendary Maul
Elementalist's Bow legendary any bow
Elf's Step very rare elven shortsword
Elis'vor, The Incandescent legendary glaive
Elven Court Bow very rare longbow or shortbow
Elven Longbow rare longbow
Elven Recurve Longbow legendary longbow
Elven Short Spear very rare shortsword, glaive
Elven Spear uncommon glaive, halberd, javelin, pike, spear or trident
Embercleave legendary greatsword
Enchanted Hilt Uncommon Sword
Enchanted Net uncommon net
Enchanted Stick common club
Endrian Blade legendary all martial weapons
Ensilvering Ammunition uncommon (+0), rare (+1), or very rare (+2) any ammunition
Entropic Bone Quarterstaff uncommon quarterstaff
Equalizer rare quarterstaff
Blasphemous Blade legendary greatsword
Dark Moon Greatsword legendary greatsword
Ruins Greatsword legendary greatsword
Sword of Night and Flame legendary shortsword or longsword
Aquamarine Dagger, Variant very rare dagger
Mindblade very rare dagger, rapier, shortsword, or scimitar
Erubus' Chaos Legendary Light Crossbow
Eruption Legendary Flamethrower
Erwin's Rapier of Trickery legendary rapier
Eternal Ice Blade rare longsword
Ethereal Bow rare any bow
Ethereal Crossbow Rare light crossbow
Ethereal Staff Legendary Quarterstaff
Ethereal Weapon rare (+0), very rare (+1), or legendary (+2) any melee weapon
Etheria's Dagger legendary dagger
Evolver Rare blade whip
Ex-Noble's Dagger rare dagger
Exalted Blade very rare longsword
Excalibur, the Sword in the Lake legendary longsword
Excelsior's Rapier rare Rapier
Excelsius Sword very rare longsword
Executioner's Blade uncommon any sword
Explosive Arrows uncommon arrows
Exponential Weapon legendary any
Fabian Strategy Legendary Assault Rifle
Faen Shortbow very rare shortbow
Falcon Bow rare swallow bow
Fallen Angel legendary longbow
Fallen Godsblade very rare any weapon that deals piercing or slashing damage
Fallen Star Very rare Hammer, Maul
Fan blades varies Any sword
Fan of the Four Winds very rare steel fan
Fancy Bow very rare any bow
Far Shores very rare longbow
Farasta and Lintie, Long Bow and Quiver legendary longbow and quiver
Farron Greatsword rare greatsword, parrying dagger
Fate and Fortune rare dagger
Fate and Karma Legendary dagger
Fatebringer Uncommon Magnum Revolver
Fatebringer (Timelost) Very Rare S&W 500
Fatecaster Greatbow Rare Greatbow
Feather Staff rare Quarterstaff
Feathered Weapon common any
Feindish Presence very rare shortsword
Feurio rare sword
Feyslay rare any
Fiend's Pike rare pike
Fiendseeker rare dagger
Fiery Bars rare flindbar
Fiore legendary greatsword
Fire Arrow common arrow
Fire Spider Very Rare Any sword
Fire Sword (Shinobi World Supplement) Very Rare greatsword
Firebane legendary longsword
Firedart Javelin common javelin
Firerazor legendary
Firestarter Legendary Maul
Firework Cannon rare hand cannon
Fish of Slapping uncommon (+1), rare (+2), or very rare (+3) Club
Flail of Madness Very rare (+1), Legendary (+2) any flail
Flame Arrows (20) common arrows
Flame of Wrath rare swords
Flamemaker very rare halberd
Flamesmash uncommon maul
Flamesnare Whip very rare whip
Flamethrower Chainsaw Guitar Legendary glaive/instrument
Flaming Berserker rare greataxe or greatsword
Flaming Eyes of K'Varn rare flail
Flangil rare shortsword
Flash of Keranos legendary javelin
Flaying Dagger rare dagger
Flesh Render very rare whip
Flurry Bow rare Shortbow
Flying Blade rare double sword or throwing glaive
Flying Spear Very Rare spear
Flying Thunder God Kunai rare Kunai
Force Dragon Blade very rare longsword
Force Edge legendary longsword
Force Saber Legendary Sword, any
Force Weapon rare any melee
Force Weapon, Variant uncommon Any melee weapon
Forefathers Rare Sniper Rifle
Forerunner Legendary Pistol, Heavy Automatic
Forge Breaker rare any hammer
Forge Ringer rare any hammer
Found Verdict Uncommon Trench Gun
Freeze and Flame Very Rare handaxes
Freeze Arrow HZD uncommon arrows
Friede's Great Scythe very rare scythe
Friendly Dagger Very Rare dagger
Frigus Aquis very rare any martial weapon
Frost Arrows (20) common arrows
Frost Hammer very rare any hammer
Frost Lance rare quarterstaff
Frost's Bite legendary any sword
Frostbite Rare Martial Weapon, Melee Weapon

10 lbs 2d8 cold damage

Frostbite Axe rare greataxe
Frostbreath Uncommon Any Sword
Frostfire Axe legendary battleaxe
Frostmourne legendary greatsword
Frosty's Snowball Cannon uncommon unique
Frozen Star very rare morningstar
Full Kit Gauntlets very rare weighted gauntlets
Fume Greatsword legendary greatsword
Fume Ultra Greatsword very rare ultra greatsword
Fume Ultra Greatsword, Variant very rare greatsword
Furious Storm very rare any sword
Furtim Rifle uncommon carbine musket
Gaia's Fujin Yumi very rare longbow
Galatine Sword of The Platinum Dragon very rare any Sword
Gale rare sling
Gambler's Longbow very rare longbow
Gamehunter's Longbow rare longbow
Gamma Velorum Legendary Firearm
Gauntlets of Niflheim Legendary Glove/Gauntlet
Gauntlets of Spiders Very Rare
Genesis Chain Very Rare Assault Rifle
Ghostflame Blade legendary any sword
Ghostly Blade rare any sword
Giant Blade rare (+1), very rare (+2), or legendary (+3) greatsword
Giantfall legendary greataxe
Gideon very rare great maul
Gift of the Deity legendary battleaxe
Githyanki Silver Sword legendary greatsword
Glaive Prime legendary Glaive (Warframe)
Glasya's Crossbow rare hand crossbow
Gleaming Knife rare dagger
Gleaming Repentance Very Rare
Gleipnir Rare Whip
Glove of the Corvus Very Rare Gauntlet
Glow Glaive Crossbow Very rare light crossbow
Glowing Sword of the Ljosalfar Legendary Longsword
Gnome Tremble very rare katana
Gnome Weapon Uncommon any
Goat Staff rare quarterstaff
Goblin Cleaver very rare longsword
Golden Sword legendary greatsword
Golden Warhammer of Ermut the Rich Varies Unique
Goliath Sling very rare sling
Goltal Legendary Maul
Gradivus very rare trident
Grappling Whip rare whip
Gravehook very rare sickle
Great Dagger of Momentum very rare dagger
Great Dragon Slayer Very rare Greatsword
Great Eagle Bow very rare shortbow
Great Scimitar uncommon longsword
Greataxe of Anti-Faith legendary greataxe
Greataxe of Baphomet legendary greataxe
Greataxe Of Smight very rare greataxe
Greataxe of Wildheart Rare Greataxe
Greatsword of Artorias legendary greatsword
Greatsword of Cleaving very rare greatsword
Greatsword of Judgement legendary greatsword
Greatsword of Phasing Legendary Greatsword
Greatsword of Time legendary greatsword
Greatsword of Unreliable Slaying Very Rare greatsword
Greek fire Common vial
Grendel legendary ultra greatsword
Greyblade legendary longsword
Greystaff legendary spear
Grim legendary any sword
Grim Dagger very rare dagger
Grim Sword very rare any sword
Gripsoul legendary longsword
Grudgebringer Sword very rare longsword
Guardian Sword++ Very Rare Unique
Guiding Blade very rare longsword
Guiding Bow very rare any bow or crossbow
Guido Affondo's spear Unique Spear
Gungnir legendary Spear
Gunlance Legendary Lance, Greatsword, Firearms
Hammer of Daedalus legendary light hammer
Hammer of Damnation legendary warhammer
Hammer of the Holy Forge legendary warhammer
Hammer of the Meteorite legendary light hammer or warhammer
Hammer of Worthiness common light hammer, warhammer, or maul
Hand of Malenia legendary Katana
Handaxe of Bleed uncommon handaxe
Handaxe of Fate very rare handaxe
Handaxe of the Financier rare handaxe
Hardlight Legenday Rifle, Automatic
Harlok's Blockhead rare crossbow bolt
Harlok's Eyeshredder very rare crossbow bolt
Havoc's Breath very rare Flamethrower
Hawk Blade legendary greatsword
Hawkblood Tomahawk uncommon handaxe
Hawkmoon Legendary Magnum Revolver
Hayaku Natta Longsword very rare longsword
Healing Bolt uncommon arrow or bolt
Heart Shadow Very Rare Any Sword
Heartcleaver legendary glaive
Hearthlance legendary lance
Heavenly Array legendary special
Heavy Arrows Common Ammunition
Hedron Hammer legendary mace
Hedron Hook uncommon kor hook
Heide Knight Sword Uncommon longsword
Hell's Reach very rare spear
Hellblade legendary glaive
Hellfire Bow rare any bow
Hellfire Chain rare whip
Hellforged Sword very rare any sword
Hereafter Very Rare Sniper Rifle
Hermes Blade very rare longsword
Hexbreaker Weapon very rare any
Highwire Ammunition common arrow or bolt
Hisen very rare quarterstaff
Hofund Legendary Greatsword
Hollow Purge Very Rare whip
Hollowflight Arrows uncommon arrow
Holt's Crossbow rare any crossbow
Holy Hammer Very rare Hammer, war hammer
Holy Moonlight Greatsword legendary longsword
Holy Prince Very Rare Rapier
Holy Sword very rare longsword
Holy Sword, Greater rare longsword
Holy Sword, Minor common longsword
Holy Sword, Perfect very rare longsword
Holy Sword, Variant uncommon longsword
Hope's Edge Very Rare spear
Hope's End legendary longsword
Hordebreaker's Bow rare longbow
Horn of Toughness Uncommon Musical instrument
Hornet Glaive uncommon glaive, elven glaive
Hornet's Nest Club uncommon club
Horror's Demise very rare any martial melee weapon
Hound Spear rare spear
Howl rare handaxe
Howling Fan rare steel fan
Hoyden Hexbow very rare Longbow
Huckleberry Legendary Submachine Gun
Huginn & Muninn Rare dagger
Hunger of Gnolls Very Rare any Meele Weapon
Hunter's Axe very rare battleaxe
Hunter's Blade rare longsword
Hunter's Bow varies shortbow/longbow
Hunting legendary scythe
Hurling Handaxe of Blood very rare handaxe
Hurricane Blade legendary any sword
Hush Rare Unique
Husk of The Pit Common Assault Rifle
Hyperion Lance Uncommon Spear
Ice Arrow uncommon arrow
Ice Lightning Weapon very rare any melee weapon
Illogical Weapon rare any
Imaginary Blade legendary any sword
Immortal's Scimitar uncommon scimitar
Inferno legendary gunblade
Infinity Gauntlet, Variant 3 rare Finesse, glove
Ingrained Javelin uncommon Symbiote
Innocent Scoundrel Uncommon Shortsword
Inseparable Sword very rare greatsword
Instant Death Dagger legendary dagger
Invective Very Rare KS-23
Invisible Weapon rare all weapons
Iranstraad's Call legendary warhammer
Ironic Pacifist legendary any sword
It Which Shatters legendary mace
Ivory Dagger of Privilege common dagger
J's Forge rare any hammer
Jagged Dagger uncommon dagger
Jeryal's Focus Legendary Longsword
Joker Cards rare playing card
Judge & Jury legendary pistols
Judge and Jury rare executioner's greataxe
Judge and Jury Pistols legendary pistols
Junkyard Dog Mk III Artifact longsword
Kamish's Wrath Legendary dagger
Katana Of The Void Verry Rare Longsword
Kenmyouren Legendary Katana
Keyblade very rare any sword or club
Keyblades very rare any sword or club
Khopesh of Summoning rare longsword
Khvostov 7G-02 Uncommon Assault Rifle
Khvostov 7G-0X Artifact Assault Rifle
Kiba Kaze very rare katana
Killer Intention Uncommon any weapon that deals slashing damage
Kinetic Cudgel very rare mace
Kinky Whip uncommon whip
Knave's Dart very rare dart
Knowledge Leech rare longsword
Knuckles of Antioch rare greatclub
Knuckles of Shattering legendary brass knuckles
Kori Blade very rare any axe or sword
Krakatoa very rare broadsword
Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi very rare Katana
Kusarigama of the Moon Legendary Chain weapon
Kylerion legendary longsword
Kōsoku very rare longsword
L'évasion rare rapier
Lady Luck's Gambit, Ella'Nor Legendary Pistol
Lament Legendary Chainsword
Lament, Variant Legendary Revolver
Lance of Judgement very rare lance
Lance of Longinus legendary spear
Lance of Michael legendary lance
Lance of Telescopicity uncommon lance
Lance of the Seal legendary lance
Lasso of Hestia legendary whip
Last Resort rare Hunting Rifle
Laughing Stock Rare Any weapon
Lava Axe rare any axe
Law and Order Rare Firearm
Law/Order legendary small pistol
Lawbreaker legendary maul
Leech Spear rare spear
Leomund's Gem Staff uncommon quarterstaff
Lesser Twisted Bident very rare
Leviathan Axe rare battleaxe
Leviathan Daggers Legendary dagger
Leviathan's Bane Legendary trident
Leviathan's Breath Legendary Compound Long Bow (5e Equipment)
Levin Sword rare shortsword
Liar's Cane legendary rapier and whip
Liar's Sabre very rare sword
Lick of Flames Uncommon whip
Life-Drinking Axe uncommon any axe
Life-Siphoning Greataxe legendary greataxe
Life-Steal Dagger uncommon dagger
Light Arrow legendary arrow
Light Stream legendary any bow
Lightning Axe very rare any axe
Lightning Blade legendary rapier or shortsword
Lightning's Wrath legendary spear
Living Rags legendary Living Armor
Living Sand rare Unique
Lizal Boomerang common scimitar
Lizal Forked Boomerang uncommon scimitar
Lizal Tri-Boomerang rare scimitar
Lizard Fanged Dagger Uncommon Dagger
Loaded Question Legendary Fusion Rifle
Longbow of Smiting legendary longbow
Longbow of the Forest very rare longbow
Longbow of the Frigid Wind legendary longbow
Longbow of Wing Cutters Rare Longbow
Longsword of Bladesinging legendary longsword
Longsword of Elements Legendary Longsword
Longsword of the Betrayed Paladin very rare longsword
Lor Axe rare double axe or greataxe
Lord of Wolves Rare Shotgun, Auto
Lord Quantum Arrow common arrow
Louisville Slugger legendary Baseball Bat
Luck & Pluck very rare longsword
Lucky Clobbins uncommon club or greatclub
Ludwig's Holy Blade common greatsword or longsword
Lumina Legendary Magnum Revolver
Luna's Howl Legendary .454 Casull
Luring Edge very rare greataxe
Lyre Bow Uncommon Longbow
M.I.M.O.'s Misfortune Very Rare Longsword
Mace of Molag Bal legendary mace
Mace of Obligation rare mace
Mace of the Vampire King legendary mace
Mage Blade very rare any sword
Mage Slayer rare (+1), very rare (+2), or legendary (+3) any sword
Magic Deck rare Deck of Cards
Magician's Hat Legendary Hat
Magma Mace common mace
Magnolia very rare longsword
Magus Blades very rare broadsword
Malachite Blade very rare executioner's sword
Mana Sword very rare any sword
Mani Katti Legendary Rapier or Elven Longblade
Manreaper legendary Power Scythe
Manslayer rare dagger or any sword
Maul of Devastation legendary maul
Maul of Glory very rare maul
Maul of the Sky Cleavers Legendary maul
Mechanical Quarterstaff of Power legendary quarterstaff
Megaton Hammer legendary maul
Mehrune's Razor legendary dagger
Meowthrower Legendary Flamethrower
Meteor Sword legendary longsword
Meteoric Hammer legendary maul
Microcosm Legendary Trace Rifle
MIDA Mini-Tool Uncommon M7 SMG
MIDA Multi-Tool Legendary Battle Rifle (5e Equipment)
Mikon's Retribution rare chain axe
Milekki's Garden Very rare Long Bow
Mimicry +2 Artifact greatsword
Minato's Kunai Rare Kunai
Miracle Sword uncommon longsword
Mistsplitter Reforged Artifact Katana
Mithral Net uncommon net
Mithral Sword rare shortsword
Mithral Weapon rare any
Molten Berserker rare broad claw
Molten Poleaxe legendary Halberd
Monk's Bow rare longbow
Monster Hunter's Greatsword legendary greatsword
Monster-Catching Net rare net
Monte Carlo Legendary Automatic Rifle
Moonlight Arrow uncommon arrow
Moonlight Greatsword legendary greatsword
Moonslice Blade very rare longsword or rapier
Morgott's Cursed Sword legendary greatsword
Morne's Great Hammer legendary greatclub
Morning Hail rare maul
Mortal Blade legendary longsword
Mr. Shifty's Trident legendary trident
Murasame Legendary Katana
Murasame, One Cut Killer Legendary Katana
Murasame, The Demon Blade Legendary Katana
Murmur Very Rare Longbow
Musical Blowgun Common blowgun
Mystic Odachi rare scimitar
Mythril Trailer rare iron claw
Nail Blades of Evil Repellent Uncommon Nail Blade
Nameless King Swordspear legendary swordspear
Necrotic Naginata rare naginata
Needle Ammunition common arrow or bolt
Nemesis Star Rare Light Machine Gun
Net Arrow uncommon arrow
Netherbane very rare glaive
Netherite Pickaxe Legendary Pickaxe
Netherite Sword legendary longsword
Nichirin Weapon Rare any
Nifelhiem & Loxus rare dual longsword
Night's Edge rare greatsword
Nightfall Legendary longsword
Nightmare rare halberd
Ninniel Seldarine legendary longsword
Nith Longsword legendary longsword
Nitrospewer rare Flamethrower
No Land Beyond Very Rare Rifle, Hunting
Nox's Bow legendary Shortbow and Longbow
Ntofos legendary Tonfa
Nuclear Warhead Very Rare Mace
Nukathkav rare
Nunchucks of Lightning legendary nunchucks
Néngyuán very rare quarterstaff
Oblito Falchion rare falchion
Obsidian Dagger unique dagger
Odin's Greataxe legendary greataxe
Old One's Bone legendary quarterstaff
Omni-Directional Mobility Gear Uncommon rapier
Only Friend rare greataxe
Onyx Blade legendary greatsword
Onyx Bowblade rare bowblade
Oozing Lash uncommon whip
Orc Truncheon uncommon greatclub
Orcsbane uncommon crescent cleaver
Ordovis's Greatsword very rare greatsword
Outsider's Bane legendary greatsword
OVERLORD's Sword Legendary Longsword
Oxygen SR3 Legendary Battle Rifle
Painful Truth legendary sickle
Paladin's Hammer rare warhammer
Palutena Bow very rare shortbow
Paradox Ends rare double sword
Parrying Blade rare any sword
Patience and Time Rare Sniper Rifle
Peacekeeper uncommon revolver
Penetrator uncommon (+0), rare (+1), very rare (+2), or legendary (+3) greatsword
Phantom Blade rare any sword
Phantom Katana very rare katana
Phantom Scythe very rare scythe
Photoviscerator Artifact Flamethrower
Pick of Digging rare war pick
Piercing Twilight rare spear
Pike of Charging very rare pike
Pixel Buster Artifact Shortsword
Plague Sword legendary any sword
Plan C Rare Fusion Rifle
Plasma Blade rare any sword
Poignant Saber rare any sword
Poison Fang Rare Dagger or Shortsword
Poisoned Dagger uncommon dagger
Poisoner's Dart Uncommon Dart
Polaris Lance Very Rare Battle Rifle
Polearm of Halting very rare any polearm
Poofing Sword uncommon
Portal Scepter legendary Any Scepter or Staff
Power Staff very rare Quarterstaff, staff
Praedyth's Revenge Rare Sniper Rifle System 99C-Series 2 Anti-Matériel
Primordial Weapon Very Rare Any
Profaned Greatsword legendary greatsword
Punisher's Cross Legendary Unique
Purifier's Blade Rare Claymore
Pyromancer's Parting Flame Legendary Special
Quake rare warhammer
Quakestone Hammer very rare warhammer
Quarterstaff of Mercy uncommon quarterstaff
Queenbreakers' Bow Very Rare Fusion Rifle
Quentin's Incredible Blunderbuss legendary firearm
Quickdraw Revolver rare revolver
Quicksilver Bullet common Ammunition
Quincygun Legendary Martial Ranged Weapon
Radiance legendary longsword
Radiant Ko-naginata rare ko-naginata
Raijo & Yara rare longsword
Railgun, Pistol Rare special
Rain legendary warhammer
Ranger's Rifle Rare Any rifle or musket
Rapid Thunderblade rare longsword
Rapier of Armor Piercing very rare rapier
Rapier of Inner Aura Rare Rapier
Rapier of Puncturing rare rapier
Rapier of Ravaging Rapidity Legendary rapier
Rapier of the Holy Assassin Very Rare Rapier
Rat King Rare Pistol, Heavy Automatic
Ravager legendary any axe
Razor of Blood Rights very rare dagger
Reaper's Judgement Legendary Scythe
Rebellion legendary longsword
Rebound very rare dagger and rope
Reckless Abandon legendary any melee weapon with the two-handed or versatile property
Red Death Very Rare Assault Rifle
Red-Tailed Arrow rare arrow
Redeemer (Lament, Heirloom of the Damned) Artifact Warhammer
Redrix's Claymore Legendary Assault Rifle
Refulgent Bane Rare Any ammunition
Reginald the Strongsword Legendary Longsword
REKT (Rapidly Escalating Kill Tactic) Weapon legendary any
Rending Axe very rare any axe
Renown Weapon Common (+1), Uncommon (+2), or Rare (+3)
Revealing Weapon rare any weapon
Revitalizing Kitchen Knife Rare dagger
Revoker Legendary Sniper Rifle
Revolver of Light Legendary revolver
Rhitta Divine Axe, Variant legendary Heavy Hand Axe
Rhok'delar, Longbow of the Ancient Keepers legendary longbow
Rhumnam legendary rapier
Rider's Sword rare, very rare, or legendary any sword
Rider's Sword of the Dragon's Bond Legendary Any Sword
Rienfleche legendary longbow
Rift Glaive very rare glaive
Righteous Fury rare shortsword
Righteous Heart very rare longsword
Rime Blade very rare dagger, shortsword, scimitar, rapier, or longsword
Ritual Dagger Uncommon dagger
River Needle rare rapier
Roaring Kanabo rare greatclub
Robot Companion
Rodin's Baseball Bat Legendary quarterstaff club
Rope Blade Rare Any sword
Rose Uncommon Magnum Revolver
Rose of Ariandel legendary whip
Rough Tutor very rare battleaxe
Royal Weapon rare any weapon
Rudolph´s Meatcleaver rare greataxe, battleaxe
Ruinous Doom legendary longbow
Ruinous Runehammer uncommon, rare or very rare warhammer, maul, club, greatclub, light hammer, mace
Rune Breaker Rare Longsword
Rune Master's Pole uncommon with no runes, rare with one, very rare with two, legendary with three glaive
Runed Cane Sword rare rapier
Runic Blade legendary any sword
Runic Gunblade Rare Gunblade
Runic Weapon Uncommon, Rare (Greater), Very Rare (Grand).
Ruyi Jingu Bang legendary quarterstaff
Ryderwood Bow Legendary Longbow
Saber of the West Wind legendary saber
Sacrifical Dagger rare dagger
Sacrificial Dagger rare dagger
Saint George's Holy Sword rare greatsword
Salamander Weapon Common any
Samehada legendary greatsword
Samesword legendary longsword
Sanctified Steel common any metal weapon
Sand Whale rare tetsubo
Sandai Kitetsu Very Rare Katana
Saturn Dagger uncommon dagger
Savage Tool Uncommon Any Weapon
Sayafushi rare katana
Scattershot very rare slingshot
Scavenger's Bow common longbow
Schlagen very rare
Scissor Blade Very Rare Longsword
Scorching Hatchet legendary handaxe
Scythe of Azamara very rare scythe
Scythe of Life and Death Legendary great double scythe
Scythe of Quakes Legendary Scythe
Scythe of the Cosmos Legendary greatscythe
Scythe of the Hunter rare scythe
Scythe of Time legendary greatscythe
Sea-Soaked Weapon uncommon any
Searing Needle uncommon dagger
Seeking Axe rare any axe
Sentiment Legendary Gun, Specials
Seraph Blade uncommon shortsword
Serrated Katana rare or very rare (nichirin version) katana
Serrated Sword very rare any sword
Set's Glaive Artifact Glaive
Seward Blade very rare cutlass
Shadow Axe very rare handaxe
Shadow Daggers very rare dual daggers
Shadow Edge Very rare longsword
Shadow Katana rare longsword, heavy
Shadow Reaver very rare crescent scythe
Shadowglass Blade very rare arrow or any weapon that deals piercing or slashing damage
Shadowsnare Whip Rare Whip
Shamisen Sword legendary longsword
Sharpshifter rare varies
Shattered Sword very rare short sword
Shattering Spear very rare glaive, halberd, javelin, pike, spear, or trident
Shattermace rare mace
Shield Averting Weapon Uncommon any
Shieldsabers rare shortsword
Shimmer Bow uncommon longbow
Shining Discus legendary Chakram
Shiv of Opportunistic Preying rare dagger
Shiva Hailstorm legendary katana
Shock Arrow rare arrow
Shooting Star very rare any bow
Shorecrash very rare maul
Shortsword of Living Wood uncommon shortsword
Shoutouren Legendary Katana
Shrouded Greataxe rare greataxe
Shurikens of Ice Legendary Shurikens (50/100
Sickle of Plant Control rare sickle
Sieg'gram legendary longsword
Siege Axe Rare any axe
Siege Breaker very rare any hammer
Siegfried Artifact longsword
Sightseeker rare shortsword
Sigma Arcana very rare Longsword or Katana
Silentium uncommon rapier
Silken Lash rare battle lash
Silver Chariot's Rapier Legendary Rapier
Silver Rapier rare rapier
Silvermountains Runeblade rare any two-handed blade
Sing of Slinging Uncommon Sling
Singing Blade uncommon rapier
Sinister Looking Letter Opener common dagger
Skorpion very rare executioner's sword
Skull Crusher very rare warhammer
Skull Hammer rare maul
Skull of the Wretched Wither rare mace
Sky Cleaver Legendary battleaxe
Sky Guard Legendary Longsword
Sky Piercer Mythic Claw
Slave Master's Whip very rare whip
Slime varies melee martial weapon
Slime Sword common scimitar or longsword
Sling of Meteors very rare sling
Sling of Sacrifice legendary sling
Slither Sling legendary sling
Smart Sword rare any sword
Smokerender rare broadsword
Snake Eyes uncommon shortsword
Snake Sword uncommon any sword
Sniper's Bow very rare greatbow
Sniper's Touch Very Rare Crossbow, Light
Solar Instrument legendary greatsword, longbow
Soul Chain rare flail
Soul Eater rare evolving weapon
Soul Eater, variant Rare (evolving weapon)
Soul Scythe legendary greatscythe
Soul-Infused Weapon uncommon any weapon
Space Stone Very rare
Spark Rod common club
Spear of Akatosh legendary spear
Spear of Combustion rare spear
Spear of Destiny legendary spear
Spear of the Druids very rare spear
Spear of the Ebon Crusader legendary spear
Spear of the Overlord Very Rare Spear
Spear of the Warriors Might legendary spear
Special-Grade Cursed Tool: Playful Cloud Very Rare Quarterstaff, three-section staff
Spectral Boomerang rare boomerang
Spectral Bow very rare longbow
Speed Blade rare longsword
Spell Render uncommon any sword
Spell Spin Spewer very rare revolver
Spellbinder legendary whip
Spellblade rare any sword
Spellsnatcher rare whip
Spheres of Force Rare Spheres
Spider's Whip rare whip
Spike of Many Shafts uncommon Special
Spiked Flail of Darkness very rare flail
Spinewhip of Drowning uncommon (+1), rare (+2), very rare (+3) whip
Spirit Crossbow uncommon any crossbow
Spirit Spear Chastiefol Legendary spear
Splitting Sword Very Rare Longsword
Springheel Blade uncommon shortsword
Sseth Scimitar Legendary Scimitar
Staff of Light, Variant rare quarterstaff
Staff of the Redeemer legendary quarterstaff
Staff of the Thunderous Storm legendary Quarterstaff
Staff of Thu Artifact Quarterstaff
Stand Arrow (JJBA Supplement) Very Rare Arrow
Starbreaker rare morningstar
Starfang legendary greatsword or longsword
Steady Guard Rapier very rare rapier
Steambolt Rifle uncommon special
Steelbrand Legendary Scythe/Rapier
Stiganfal Very Rare longbow
Stinger Sword uncommon longsword
Storm Bringer legendary broadsword
Storm God's Greataxe legendary battleaxe
Storm Hammer rare any hammer
Storm Whip rare whip
Stormsnare Whip rare whip
Strike Bow uncommon any bow
String of Wind missiles Uncommon Longbow, Shortbow, Crossbows
Strummer rare longblade
Sturm Legendary .454 Casull
Sun Blade, Variant uncommon (+0), rare (+1), very rare (+2), or legendary (+3) any sword
Sun's Wrath legendary longsword
Sunbright legendary shortsword
Sunset Bow uncommon any bow
Super Bug-Catching Net rare bug-catching net
Super Good Advice Very Rare Light Machine Gun
Supernal War Hammer Very rare Hammer, war hammer
Surtyr very rare longsword
Swarming Mace Rare mace
Swift Flame legendary shortsword
Swift Rapier legendary rapier
Swift Slicer rare scimitar
Switch Weapon uncommon(+1), rare(+2), and very rare(+3) any
Sword of a Thousand Souls very rare greatsword
Sword of Anti-Magic very rare any sword
Sword of Arcane Perdition Artifact Longsword
Sword of Armageddon legendary any sword
Sword of Champions uncommon (+0), rare (+1), or very rare (+2) any sword
Sword of Diamond very rare Any sword
Sword of Fenris legendary longsword
Sword of Fire Legendary Katana
Sword of Fire and Ice Legendary Longsword
Sword of Fire and Rock Legendary Longsword
Sword of Flying Very Rare Greatsword
Sword of Fragarach unique shortsword
Sword of Glory's Wrath legendary greatsword
Sword of Lifestealing rare
Sword of Mana Burn very rare Any Sword
Sword of Necromancy very rare any sword
Sword of Power - Clarent legendary shortsword
Sword of Power - Durendal legendary shortsword
Sword of Power - Excalibur legendary shortsword
Sword of Power - Joyeuse legendary shortsword
Sword of Shadows rare longsword
Sword of Shapes uncommon longsword
Sword of Solamnus Legendary Longsword
Sword of the Bards legendary any sword
Sword of the Celestials Legendary any Sword
Sword of the Creator legendary longsword
Sword of the Divine uncommon rapier
Sword of the Duat very rare longsword
Sword of the Einherjar Artifact great sword, long sword, great axe or battle axe
Sword of the Flowing Waters Very Rare Tsurugi
Sword of the Kings very rare greatsword
Sword of the Lawful rare Longsword
Sword of the Meteorite rare any sword
Sword of the Phoenix Legendary Any sword
Sword of the Unicorn Slayer rare any sword
Sword of Vanchilia legendary greatsword
Sword of Wonder very rare shortsword
Swords of Light and Darkness Legendary Longsword
Swords of Night and Day Legendary Longsword
Sylph Weapon Uncommon any
T-Bone Stake Rare light crossbow
Talonsbane rare footwear
Tapal common Longsword
Taste of Souls Very Rare whip
Taulmaril's Quiver Legendary Quiver and Arrows
Tearblast Arrow HZD uncommon arrows
Teeth of the Gallows very rare any sword
Ten Tentacle Tan very rare whip
Tenseiga legendary katana
Terra Blade legendary greatsword
Terrarian Excalibur legendary longsword
Tesla Thrower uncommon Wondrous Item
Tessaiga legendary katana
Tessen Fan uncommon
Thaze's Glaive Rare Glaive
The Accursed Rakuyo Legendary Longsword
The AK-FU Very Rare Burst Assault Rifle
The Arm of Sol Unique longsword
The Batter rare greatclub
The Black Feather rare dagger
The Black Rose legendary heavy revolver
The Black-Sun Blade rare longsword, shortsword, or greatsword
The Blade of Lathander Legendary Any weapon the deals slashing damage
The Bloodthirster legendary Greatsword
The Bow of Helios Legendary Longbow
The Catcher rare man catcher
The Chaperone Rare Lever-Action Shotgun
The Chosen One very rare any
The Gauntlet of Shar very rare gauntlet
The God Slayer legendary greataxe
The Godfather's Will Very Rare Any Slashing Weapon
The Golden Rapier legendary rapier
The Golden Shovel Artifact mace
The Gutter very rare greataxe
The Heretic Unique Longsword
The Hummingbird Blade: Domina Mortis Legendary Rapier
The Hush Legendary Longbow
The Hybrid Blade legendary any sword
The Inquisitor Unique Longsword
The inSight Cane rare club or quarterstaff
The Jade Rabbit Rare Battle Rifle
The Key of Dreams Rare hand axe
The Lashing Python Legendary Whips
The Lemons of Life Rare Quarterstaff
The Lost Blade Rare any sword
The Mountaintop Legendary Grenade Launcher
The One Hit Killer rare Sword (any type)
The Reaver Cleaver rare battleaxe
The Recluse Legendary Submachine Gun
The Spell-Splitter Sword very rare Longsword
The Sword and the Emerald uncommon (+1), rare (+2), or very rare (+3) any sword
The Talon of Horus Legendary Lightning Claw
The Thousand Demon Daggers very rare shortsword, longsword
The Trident of The Drowned legendary Trident
The Unforged Artifact Greatsword
The Viridian Blade very rare any sword
The Yato Blade Legendary longsword
Theater Dagger common dagger
Thief's Dagger uncommon dagger
Thieving Blade uncommon any melee weapon with finesse
Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury legendary longbow
Thorn, Crusader of the Falling Sky legendary glaive
Thorned Whip Uncommon whip
Thornzu's Beam very rare heavy crossbow
Thousand Fold Weapon rare any melee weapon that deals slashing damage
Thousand-Star Arrow uncommon arrow
Throwing Weapon common any melee weapon without the heavy property
Thunder Cannon rare musket
Thunder Guardian Very Rare Revolver
Thunder Storm rare handaxe
Thunder Striker legendary any bow or crossbow
Thunder Sword rare any sword
Thunderbolt Iron Weapon rare any
Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker, Variant Legendary Longsword
Thunderlight, Blade of the Storm very rare katana
Thunderlord Legendary Heavy Machine Gun
Thunderous Bow Uncommon Any bow
Thunderseal Artifact longsword
Thunderstaff very rare any melee weapon that deals bludgeoning damage
Thurrum, Axe of the North very rare greataxe
Tiamat's Daggers unique dagger
Tieren legendary scimitar
Tiger Chopper rare bat
Timber! very rare maul
Time Stopping Katana Artifact
Time Warp Legendary Longsword
Timekeeper's Scythe Legendary Scythe
Titus Bracer uncommon spear, dagger
Tlaloc Uncommon Battle Rifle
Townshend's Cudgel common quarterstaff
Treant Fist rare weighted gauntlet
Trickle very rare morningstar
Trident of Atlantis legendary trident
Trident of Channeling uncommon trident
Trident of Deep Waters Rare Trident
Trident of Sadness rare trident
True Excalibur greatsword
True Shillelagh legendary club or quarterstaff
True Spirit Spear Chastifol Legendary spear
True-Flight Dagger uncommon dagger
Twelfth Blade uncommon any sword
Twilight legendary katana
Twilight Scimitar uncommon scimitar
Twin Dragon Bow rare longbow
Twin Dwarven Hammers Very Rare warhammer
Twin-Bow Herritt Legendary Greatbow
Twinning Weapon rare (+1), very rare (+2), or legendary (+3) Any weapon which does not have the two-handed property
Twisted Dagger Uncommon Dagger
Tzeechian Psychic Bracers Legendary Bracers
Ultima Weapon legendary special
Ultisword Common
Ultra Sword rare any sword
Ultra-Greatsword, Variant rare greatsword
Umbrella Lance uncommon lance
Undead Longbow legendary longbow
Undersized Lifesteal Crossbow Very Rare Crossbow, light
Undine Overflow very rare katana
Unerring Dagger of "Meh" uncommon dagger
Unholy Moonlight legendary greatsword
Universal Remote Very Rare KS-23
Unshackled Freedom Uncommon Any
Unstable Compound Bow rare longbow
Valefor Rampage very rare katana
Valmanway very rare dueling sword
Valorheart legendary broadsword and buckler
Vampire Killer rare whip
Vampiric Blade legendary any sword
Vampiric Claws legendary Claws
Vampiric King's Greatblade legendary greatsword
Vampiric Kings Blade Rare shortsword
Vampiric Weapon rare any
Van Goyle's Hammer Legendary Warhammer
Variable Length Sword rare
Vengeance is Mine Legendary longsword
Venom Teeth common symbiote
Venomous Bow very rare any bow or crossbow
Veteran's Sword very rare longsword
Vexcalibur Legendary Glaive (Destiny)
Vicabre's Quiver/Quiver of the Assassin Very Rare Quiver
Vile Arrow uncommon arrow
Villager Sword legendary shortsword
Vincent's Sword very rare longsword
Vision of Confluence Uncommon Battle Rifle
Void Halo Legendary Halo
Volcleaver rare greataxe
Volendrung legendary maul
Volt's Uprising legendary katana
Vowedge very rare longsword
Wado Ichimonji Very Rare Katana
Wailer Legendary greataxe
Warhammer of Balance rare warhammer
Warp Sword Rare longsword
Wave Fury very rare maul
Wavebreaker very rare Halberd
Weaknessless Soaring Shortswords (Shinobi World Supplement) Very Rare two shortswords
Weapon of Annihilation Legendary any weapon
Weapon of Boosting uncommon any
Weapon of Change rare any
Weapon of Elemental Power uncommon any weapon with the ammunition property
Weapon of Fluctuating Accuracy common any
Weapon of Friendship Rare Any
Weapon of Moderate Weight common any heavy weapon
Weapon of Smiting rarity varies any melee weapon
Weapon of the Barbarian uncommon (+1) rare (+2) or very rare (+3) any melee weapon
Weapon of the Totem Warrior uncommon (+1) rare (+2) or very rare (+3) any melee weapon
Weapon of Unerring Accuracy, +1, +2, or +3 uncommon (+1), rare (+2), or very rare (+3) any
Weapon, Elemental uncommon (+1d4), rare (+1d6), or very rare (+1d8) any
Weapon, Red Iron uncommon, rare (+1), very rare (+2), or legendary (+3) any melee
Wendigo GL3 Legendary Grenade Launcher, Multiple
Whip of Archaeology uncommon whip
Whip of Encouragement rare whip
White Sword rare longsword
Wilsod Munitions™ "Rifle of Many Beams" Rare Firearm
Wind Cutter uncommon any melee weapon that deals slashing damage
Wind in Willows rare quarterstaff
Winged Dagger Uncommon Dagger
Winter Gale rare any sword
Winter's Claws rare handaxe
Winter's Fang very rare shortbow
Wired Weapon uncommon(+0), rare(+1), or very rare(+2) any melee weapon without the reach property
Wish Ender Very Rare Long Bow
Witch Bow very rare longbow
Witherbane legendary longsword
Witherwhip very rare whip
Wolf Knight Greatsword legendary greatsword
Wolf's Fang legendary greatsword
Woodman's Favourite very rare greataxe
Wyrmtail Whip rare whip
X-Buster legendary Unique
Yamato legendary longsword
Yami legendary any bladed weapon
Yellow Jacket very rare rapier
Yeoui legendary quarterstaff
Yggdrasil Bow very rare longbow
Yigdrasil Artifact Longsword
Yin Yang Blade very rare longsword
Yo-Yo of Dooooooom rare yo-yo
Yojimbo Onslaught very rare katana
Yoldorg Legendary Scythe
Your Uncle's Scythe Rare Scythe/Club
Zalantar Gem Staff uncommon Unique
Zalantar Staff uncommon quarterstaff
Zen Meteor Legendary Anti-Materiel Rifle
Zeus’s Lightning Bolt Artifact
Zezzet Deck, Variant legendary Deck of Tarot
Zhalo Supercell Very Rare Assault Rifle
Zodiac Mark rare light crossbow
Zyikurru rare naginata
Æthelberht's Justice rare longsword
“Fate Sealer” Very Rare Heavy Revolver

April Fools Weapons

Magic Weapon Rarity Type
Antimatter Staff Artifact Staff
Armor of the Dimly Litten Common Any armor
Ball of Balloons Common
Ban Hammer Artifact any hammer
Banana Revolver Rare Revolver
Banana Sword Uncommon Any sword
Bone-Pulverizer Legendary Heavy Flail
Broken Bond Very Rare Any weapon
Chocolate Sword «Odd» longsword
Common Melee Weapon common
Flaming Battle Pan very rare battle pan
Fun Gun uncommon flintlock pistol
Hawk TuAXE rare greataxe
Loaded Gun Legendary Firearm
Long Long Sword uncommon longsword
Mithril Pebble of Pig Smiting legendary improvised weapon
Poor People's Bane Legendary Browning Hi-Power
Santa Claws very rare clawed bracers
Spoon of Godly Cuisine rare spoon
Stub Baton very rare club
Sword of Libet's Delay Legendary Any weapon
The 4 Skinner legendary any sword
The Blade legendary katana
The Fried Chickenizer 9 tredecillion Artifact Bazooka
The Garlick Brade rare Longsword
Trout rare club
Weapon +½ common any weapon
Yeeterson very rare warhammer
Yo-Yo of Cursing Uncommon Yo-Yo

Incomplete Weapons

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