Fire Soul (5e Race)
Fire Soul[edit]
A blazing warrior strikes down their foe with a flash of flame. A sorcerer launches a fireball rivaled only by the dragons. A fire Soul uses flame in its most powerful form, the raw power of life and creation to bring enemies destruction.
Physical Description[edit]
Fire souls typically stands a 6 or 7 feet tall. They have bright red or blue hair and skin tones range from ash white to charcoal to even flame orange. They are slender and dextrous. Often when angry their hair will stand and flow like fire, or will actually become it.
Fire souls live on the edge of peaceful societies, typically feeling the call for adventure, or warfare, and they possibly start the conflicts if it has been too peaceful. Fire souls pass for human enough that it might never be questioned until they display some innate power. City life doesn't suit them but traveling caravans, migrate tribes, and nomads can always find a Fire Soul useful for dealing with bandits or monsters
Fire Soul Names[edit]
Fire Souls typically following the naming convention of their society, human names for the most part, though some more fire themed names might be taken later on life
Male: Char, Flamin, Enders, Ash
Female: Charlett, Cinder, Ember, kindle
Fire Soul Traits[edit]
Ability Score Increase. increase your Dexterity by 2 and your Wisdom by 1.
Age. Fire souls reach maturity at age 18 and typically live 80-90 years
Alignment. Fire souls are chaotic little scamps, but they aren't inherently good or evil
Size. Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.
Darkvision. Darkvision you have 60 feet of darkvision
Heated Soul. You gain fire resistance. At level 7 you become immune to fire damage
Searing flow. Anytime you deal fire damage add extra fire damage equal to your Wisdom modifier
Burning magic. You gain access to the cantrips "Fire Bolt" and "Produce Flame", at third level you gain the spells "Burning hands" which you can cast once per Long rest at 2nd level. At 5 level you gain the spell "fireball" and can cast at 3rd once per long rest. You're casting modifier
is wis for these spells
Flaring hate. On your turn, has an bonus action, you can target on creature that has dealt damage to you. For 1 min all attacks you make against that creature with an attack while within range with one weapon of your choice, the Target then takes 1d6 extra fire damage. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiently bonus, regaining all uses on a long rest.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.
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