Magnorites (5e Race)

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Magnorites are a stubborn species, they are as stiff and unyielding as the stone they are made of,but they will never leave an act of kindness unpaid.
—A scholar of the Fifth Ender Dynasty

Physical Description[edit]

MagnoriteFrom songs of war wiki

Magnorites are an elemental species that almost always have a humanoid form that live in the mid south of Ardonia. A magnorite's true form is a sapient hot liquid that is similar to lava called a Heart-Stream. A magnorite will create a body to contain his true form, as the magnorite's true form is unstable. After the magnorite makes a body or finds one made for him, he will flow into it by instinct in his true form. The Heart-stream will create the necessary pathways inside the body to control it and allow for the formation of a brain equivalent as well as enchant the body together so it can be controlled and resistant to the Heart-streams heat. When a Magnorites heart-stream comes into contact with inanimate solid matter ,it will begin to animate that matter as a part of a larger body. This process will bind different materials together to form an outer shell around a Magnorite.

The process puts great stresss on the materials used to create the shell leading to most materials melting or shattering in the attempt.Magnorites need to contain their heart stream to have sentience as when Magnorites create a physical form pathways are created throughout the internals of the material that allows for more effective transfer of information and the transformation of normal magma into heart-stream ,effectively making a heart and brain which gives them sentience. Without a bodily form Magnorites liquid heart-streams quickly lose sentience and revert to a non- sentient liquid mass that will have an instinctual necesity to reform a body to preserve its existence. A Magnorites liquid form will die within 10 minutes outside a body unless it is put in a container called a Soul Vault. These containers are very rare in modern times due to the knowledge of how to make anything beyond the most basic versions has been lost.

As Magnorites grow older their heart streams slowly cool down.As their heart-streams cool down Magnorites suffer no noticeable drop in capabilities until the final year of their life in which they slow down greatly and visibly lose most of their glowing exterior until they become immobile in their solid form. Magnorites die when their heart stream cools to a solid black substance (this takes about 30 to 40 years) , which was named by the ancient magnorian anatomist Greg, "ouchy hot pain rock" (on a side note this is not because Greg was stupid ,he just simply didn't care about being official and his description went right to the principles of what its properties were.)

Magnorites must feed their heart-stream by "drinking" molten rock. The materials that their solid bodys are made from must be able to resist melting into molten rock at a fast enough rate to survive their heart stream. Though due to their heart streams inherently magical nature, any material they make their bodies out of automatically becomes more resistant to heat.

If a magnorite goes over 4 days without absorbing molten rock then their heart stream will begin melting through their own bodie to feed itself. If a magnorite is submerged in lava between 5 to 10 minutes, their heart-stream will become diluted in the magma and lose its life giving properties killing the magnorite.

Magnorites can replace body parts with relative ease compared to other races but still must seal up openings in their physical form or their heart-stream will leak out and lose control over its form. Because Magnorites are not organic their wounds do not heal naturally and must be manually sealed. Most Magnorites choose a humanoid form because it is most natural in their world and it is very difficult to create a form a Magnorites liquid form is unfamiliar with. A Magnorites sturdieness is determined by what materials said Magnorite is made of. Magnorites do not reproduce sexually because they are all male, instead new magnorites are created by a group of atleast 12 other Magnorites donating a small amount of each of their heart-streams into a small pool of molten rock and giving the new pre-sapient Magnorite a small amount of minerals to create a body from. Magnorites physical forms are animated by their heart-stream which allows them to grow with a Magnorite. But throughout a Magnorites life more materials will need to be added to replace lost or damaged parts of the body. If these materials properties are to different from one another they weaken the stability of the entire body. Depending on the material the body is made of Magnorites can gain extra strength, health, intellect, memory capability, or even magical resistance.

As a race Magnorites are vulnerable to enchantments as enchantments mess with the animating properties of the heart-stream ,which could cause a Magnorites body to fall apart, make body parts hard to control, or even cause the heart-stream to stop giving the body heat resistance and then start to melt the Magnorites own body from the inside. This is the same as what happens when Magnorites don't get enough magma and it leads to a very painful death.

Magnorites heart-streams can also get frozen from outside forces which instantly kills Magnorites. Unless a Magnorite is made from a water sealing material water can get into their "veins" and begin to cool the heart stream. Most Magnorites can only survive water for 3 minutes before dying.

As a result of the vast majority of Magnorites being made of dense or heavy materials, they can't swim or ride most animals or small boats.

Magnorites form words by heating or cooling air in small tubes inside their body. This means that younger Magnorites have shrill and loud voices because they have not yet learned the optimal way to create internal speaking parts. This sound has been compared to that of a boiling tea kettle. Magnorites bodys are very hot and can burn surrounding material unless they actively choose to control it. Magnorites can't wear clothes because they will burn of their bodies and most armor will warp when on them for to long and be unable to change with their bodies shape.



Modern Magnorites normally act like a herd where individual Magnorites in a group will choose a leader and follow him consistently. Magnorites act as a group inside their own factions and can have issues combining with even other Magnorite groups. When a Magnorite leader arises and takes control over multiple groups most Magnorites will unquestionably follow that leader until he dies and then a new one will be chosen. Magnorites have always had tight nit groups as each Magnorite requires the combined effort of twenty-two other Magnorites to be formed. They have historicaly been very close and compassionate to those within their own groups, but in recent times due to the Great war and loss of important minerals necessary to make stronger and longer lived Magnorites, as well as great competition between different groups and growing hostility to outsiders, much of their compassion has been lost and they have grown more aggressive to those around them and eachother.

It is common for Magnorites to get into brawls and life threatening battles over minor perceived disrespect from others. This is an issue as to survive Magnorites need to combine their heart-stream to form a new Magnorite. Magnorites specialize in the creation of alloys due to their heart-streams ability to combine different substances together. They are great metal workers and smiths but struggle with creating sharp or precision weapons because of their lack of dexterity.

In combat Magnorites are a force to behold, they are resistant to piercing and entirely immune to fire. In combat they are extraordinarily durable and strong (though of course this depends on the material the Magnorite is made of). They have a weakness though to weapons meant to cause blunt force trama as their body, while strong, is quite easy to crack and cause them to "bleed out". Magnorites have used tactics of setting a battlefield on fire when fighting other races, as this doesn't bother them and gives them a good place to retreat to or defend. Magnorites mostly use bludgeoning weapons when fighting eachother as they can more easily kill their opponents that way. Another result of Magnorites great strength is their abilitie to hold what for most races would be considered a two handed weapon in one hand. A Magnorite will normally search for the best material possible to make his body out of. Some have tred to make bodies out of minerals like iron or gold but these fail because the body cannot melt fast enough to combine into joints or animated body parts to be used by the heart stream. Instead hard minerals were combined with special enchantments and complicated alloys (knowledge of how to make those has now been lost thanks to the Great War and years of raids and discrimination by other races.) in order to create soul vaults. Because soul vaults are now impossible to create the magnorute clans that do have them guard them jealously.

When a Magnorite nears the end of his life those around him will normally melt his body in a lava pool to help create a new Magnorite. This process is normally celebrated among the Magnorites as a last service ro one another. Normally the dying Magnorite volunteersfor this process but if he does not it is normally not forced. A part of the body is normally kept of the dead Magnorite and is often combined with another Magnorites body.

Magnorites in different regions of the world look different because they have taken surrounding materials to make their body from. Those in deserts normally use sandstone while those in forests will use cobblestone. The longer a material has been exposed to heat and pressure ,the better it is for a Magnorite to use, unless of course it becomes to resistant and makes the magnorite extra slow and doesn't help the Magnorites heart-stream.Magnorites have attempted to create metallic bodies for themselves but each attempt has failed. Magnorite bodies are normally not purely one type of substance due to the natural mixing that the heart-streams animation process causes. Some smaller amounts of hard minerals have been incorporated into a body but they only stay distinct for a short amount of time before being melted into the rest of the body. Different materials have different advantages and drawbacks to a Magnorite but sadly Magnorites lost the ability to make more complex combinations after the 3rd raid on the Great Yoopo.

Magnorites have three main beliefs on how their species began. Some believe that they were the result of experiments by another race or ancient order. While others believe that they were divinely constructed to fulfill a greater purpose. And most others believe that they originated

===Magnorites Names===Most Magnorite names are based on minerals or elements but some are also based on natural underground structures.

Male: Cobalt, Tunnel, Silver Oxidus


Magnorites Traits[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2 and your Constitution score increases by 2. Your Wisdom score decreases by 1 and your Intelligence decreases by 1.
Age. 30 to 40 years
Alignment. Magnorites tend towards nuetral good, true neutral, and neutral evil as a species but there is also a slight inclination towards chaotic good aswel.
Size. Because Magnorites can make their external body any way they can understand they vary widely in height and shape, but most Magnorites have humanoid bodies that range between 6 to 7 feet tall due to that form being easiest for them to learn.
Speed. Your base walking speed is <20> feet.
Tremorsense. Template:5e Tremorsense
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Central Magnorian and one other language of your choice.

<Subrace Name>[edit]

Random Height and Weight[edit]

′ '' + lb. × () lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

When creating a <race name> character, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.

d8 Personality Trait
d6 Ideal
d6 Bond
d6 Flaw
(0 votes)

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