Larger Weapons Range (3.5e Variant Rule)

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Weapons of bigger size would, logically, have bigger Reach. These rules try to reflect this.

Actually Official[edit]

"However, weapons that normally have a reach of greater than 5 feet have different reaches when you design them at different sizes. If you’re designing a larger version of such a weapon, increase its reach by 5 feet for each size category it increases".

Therefore, it actually looks like this:

  • Medium - 5 feet;
  • Large - 10 feet;
  • Huge - 15 feet;
  • Gargantuan - 20 feet;
  • Colossal - 25 feet;
  • Colossal+ - 30 feet;

Sum of Natural Reach and "extra reach" of weapon of correct size will be:

  • Small/Medium - 10 feet;
  • Large - 20 feet Tall, 15 feet Long;
  • Huge - 30 feet Tall, 25 feet Long;
  • Gargantuan - 40 feet Tall, 35 feet Long;
  • Colossal - 55 feet Tall, 45 feet Long;
  • Colossal+ - 60 feet Tall, 50 feet Long;

Misred Official[edit]

Arms and Equipment Guide (see more open game content) says: "Each time you increase a weapon’s size, lengthen its range increment by 25%". Presumably, this applies to Reach weapons. Therefore, amount of "extra reach" what weapon gives to you, and what is added to your Natural Reach, is:

  • Medium - 5 feet;
  • Large - 6.25 feet;
  • Huge - 7.8125 feet;
  • Gargantuan - 9.765625 feet;
  • Colossal - 12.20703125 feet;
  • Colossal+ - 15.25878906 feet;

Increments smaller than 5 feet still matter, due to clever positioning and Attacks of Opportunity. If your Reach is even one Planck lenght bigger than enemy's reach - you can hit enemy before he hits you. Also, it's possible to position yourself on sub-squares, to stay out of enemy's reach while you can still hit him - e.g. "go 1 feet backwars".

Sum of Natural Reach and "extra reach" of weapon of correct size will be:

  • Medium - 10 feet;
  • Large - 16,25 feet Tall, 11,25 feet Long;
  • Huge - 22,8125 feet Tall, 17,8125 feet Long;
  • Gargantuan - 29,765625 feet Tall, 24,765625 feet Long;
  • Colossal - 42,20703125 feet Tall, 32,20703125 feet Long;
  • Colossal+ - 45,25878906 feet Tall, 35,25878906 feet Long;

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