Half-Illithid (Pathfinder Template)
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"Half-Illithid" is an inherited template that can be added to any corporeal other than a construct (referred to hereafter as the base creature). The creature's type changes to aberration. It uses all the base creature's statistics and special abilities except is noted here.
Credit to realmshelps.net for 90 % of this
Size and Type[edit]
Hit Dice[edit]
Same as Base creature.
It Loses its bite attack (if the base creature has one), but gains four tentacle attacks, in addition to the base creature's attacks (except for a bite).
Size | Damage |
Fine | 0 |
Diminutive | 1 |
Tiny | 1d2 |
Small | 1d3 |
Medium | 1d4 |
Large | 1d6 |
Huge | 1d8 |
Gargantuan | 2d6 |
Colossal | 2d8 |
Special Attacks[edit]
hd | Spell | Casts per day |
3+ | Psionic Blast | 1 |
3-4 | Detect Thoughts | 3 |
5-6 | Suggestion | 3 |
7-8 | Levitate | 2 |
9-11 | Charm Monster | 1 |
12+ | Command, Greater | 1 |
Special Qualities[edit]
All the special qualities of the base creature and also gains.
- Darkvision. 60 feet(or as the base creature, whichever is better)
- Telepathy. communicate with any creature within 100 feet that has a language
Strength -2, Constitution -4,Intelligence +4, Wisdom +4, Charisma +4.
Skills are not changed.
- Improved Grab. if it hits an opponent that is its own size or smaller with a tentacle attack, it deals normal damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it gets a hold, it attaches the tentacle to the opponent's head. After a successful grab, it can try to attach its remaining tentacles with a single grapple check. The opponent can escape with a single successful grapple check or Escape Artist check, but it gets a +2 circumstance bonus for every tentacle that was attached at the beginning of the opponent's turn.
Same as the base creature and any underground.
Same as the base creature or a cult (6-10 plus 3-5 mind flayers).
Challenge Rating[edit]
base creature +3
Lawful Evil
Level Adjustment[edit]
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