Malakura Heaven and Hell (5e Campaign Setting)

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Malakura Heaven and Hell[edit]

A lot can change in 100 years. The reliance on magic items that permeated the continent of Malakura so long ago has faded into mechanical gears and generated electricity. An interplanar war left the world of Plaik scorched years ago, annihilating many races and erasing many aspects of history. This is a modern world, mechs and cars walk alongside each other. This is a world of devils and angels. The greyed lines in between have a curious fate ahead of them. This is a world of chaos about to erupt, do you quell it or spark the fire yourself?

Campaign Setting Information[edit]

Players Guide

Arts get lost to the years and new techniques emerge. Here is what remains from Malakura's history.
All those years of war thoroughly slimmed down the populations and drove many underground. Your options are designed around Heaven, Plaik, and Hell.
Adventuring Gear
Mounts and Animals
Cybernetic enhancements have seriously progressed over the years, and new techniques have emerged.

World of <!-Setting->

Dungeon Master's Guide

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