Tempestborn (5e Race)

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"The Tempestborn are descendants of storms, with the power of the skies coursing through their veins. Their hearts beat in rhythm with the thunder, and their eyes glow with the energy of the lightning."

Physical Description[edit]

The Tempestborn are a striking race, standing slightly taller than most humans, with skin that can range from pale to stormy gray, sometimes tinged with blue. Their hair, often wild and unkempt, crackles with static and may even appear to shimmer as though charged with electricity. Their eyes glow with a faint blue or silver light, reflecting the power of the storms that run through them.


The Tempestborn are believed to have originated from the union of powerful storm elementals and mortal beings. Over generations, they have evolved into a unique race with a deep connection to the skies and the storm’s fury. They are often found in coastal regions or high mountain peaks where storms are frequent. Legends say that their ancestors were blessed or cursed with the power of the storm gods themselves.


Tempestborn society is built around the worship and reverence of the elements. They often live in secluded communities atop high peaks or near dangerous coasts, where the tempests rage. Their leaders are typically shamans or druids who commune with the forces of nature. The Tempestborn are a fiercely independent people, often avoiding large cities and preferring to live in harmony with nature, although they are not hostile toward outsiders.

Tempestborn Names[edit]

Tempestborn names often reflect their stormy heritage, with many taking names inspired by natural phenomena like Thunder, Lightning, or Gale. Their names are often short and to the point, designed to be spoken loudly over the roar of a storm.

Male: Raith, Vynar, Kaelen, Zephos

Female: Nyssa, Solara, Lira, Tyra

Tempestborn Traits[edit]

Tempestborn are a race of stormy, tempestuous beings, gifted with control over wind and lightning, but cursed with an unpredictable nature.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2 and your Charisma score increases by 1.
Age. Tempestborn mature at the same rate as humans, but can live up to 500 years.
Alignment. Tempestborn tend toward chaotic alignments, as their nature is unpredictable and wild.
Size. Tempestborn are Medium, typically standing between 5 and 6 feet tall.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Stormborn. You have resistance to lightning and thunder damage.
Electric Surge. Once per long rest, you can release a burst of electrical energy. As an action, you can deal 2d6 lightning damage to a creature within 10 feet of you (Dexterity saving throw, DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier).
Wind’s Grace. You can cast *Levitate* once per long rest, without expending a spell slot. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
Tempestuous Movement. You can use your bonus action to dash or disengage, causing a brief gust of wind to push you as you move.
Thunderous Voice. You can cast *Thunderwave* once per short rest, using Constitution as your spellcasting modifier.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one language of your choice (often Sylvan or Auran).

Random Height and Weight[edit]

5′ 8'' +2d10 120 lb. × (2d10) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

When creating a Tempestborn character, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds, and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.

d8 Personality Trait
1 "I love the thrill of a storm, the power of the wind and lightning excite me."
2 "I am quick to anger, but even quicker to forgive."
3 "I always feel at home in the midst of a thunderstorm."
4 "I have a short temper, but I never hold grudges."
5 "I feel a deep connection to the wind and skies, and I am constantly seeking new experiences."
6 "I am driven by an insatiable curiosity about the natural world."
7 "I often act impulsively, driven by the storm within me."
8 "I am calm and collected on the outside, but a tempest brews within me."
d6 Ideal
1 "Freedom – I refuse to be bound by the rules of others."
2 "Power – I seek to master the storms and become a force of nature."
3 "Curiosity – The world is a vast place, and I must explore it."
4 "Self-reliance – I trust only in myself and the storm that rages inside me."
5 "Balance – I believe that nature must remain in harmony, even in chaos."
6 "Adventure – I am always looking for the next challenge."
d6 Bond
1 "I have a deep respect for the natural world, and I will defend it from those who seek to harm it."
2 "The storm runs in my veins, and I will use it to protect those I care about."
3 "I am bound by my ancestors' legacy, and I must live up to their name."
4 "I owe a great debt to someone who saved me from a powerful storm."
5 "I have a strong connection to a particular storm, and I am determined to find it again."
6 "I am dedicated to restoring balance to the forces of nature."
d6 Flaw
1 "I am reckless and often act without thinking."
2 "I can be impatient and quick to anger."
3 "I have a tendency to isolate myself during storms, making it difficult for others to approach me."
4 "I am afraid of losing control of my powers."
5 "I sometimes forget the consequences of my actions in the heat of the moment."
6 "I am haunted by a storm I could not stop, and it weighs heavily on my mind."
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