Eldritch Blade (5e Class)
Creating a Eldritch Blade[edit]
Character creation questions for an Eldritch Blade PC: What led you to choose this dark path? Maybe your desire for power is stronger than others? Do you want to protect your loved ones?
- Quick Build
You can make an Eldritch Blade quickly by following these suggestions. First, Charisma should be your highest ability score, followed by Constitution. Second, choose the Outlander background. Third, choose a Long Sword
Class Features
As a Eldritch blade you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Eldritch blade level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Eldritch blade level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: none
Weapons: simple and martial weapons
Tools: none
Saving Throws: Constitution and Charisma
Skills: Choose two from: Acrobatics, Insight, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Stealth, and Survival
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- (a) one martial melee weapon of your choice or (b) one ranged simple weapon of your choice or (c) 20 ammo of your ranged weapon
- (a) Longsword or (b) Warhammer or (c) Spear
- (a) Greatsword or (b) Dungeoneer’s pack or (c) Explorer’s pack
- If you are using starting wealth, you have If you are using starting wealth you have 1d10x10 in funds in funds.
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Features | Eldritch Strike | Soul Points | —Spell Slots per Spell Level— | ||||
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | |||||
1st | +2 | Eldritch Blade Link, Soul Armor | 1d8 | - | — | — | — | — | — |
2nd | +2 | Spellcasting, Soul Techniques | 1d8 | 3 + Charisma mod | 2 | — | — | — | — |
3rd | +2 | Mastery of the Blade feature, Tamashi Abilities | 1d8 | 4 + Charisma mod | 3 | — | — | — | — |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement | 1d10 | 5 + Charisma mod | 3 | — | — | — | — |
5th | +3 | Extra Attack | 1d10 | 6 + Charisma mod | 4 | 2 | — | — | — |
6th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement, Blade Masteries feature | 1d10 | 7 + Charisma mod | 4 | 2 | — | — | — |
7th | +3 | Sight beyond 3 worlds | 1d12 | 8 + Charisma mod | 4 | 3 | — | — | — |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement | 1d12 | 9 + Charisma mod | 4 | 3 | — | — | — |
9th | +4 | Extra Attack | 1d12 | 10 + Charisma mod | 4 | 3 | 2 | — | — |
10th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement | 2d8 | 11 + Charisma mod | 4 | 3 | 2 | — | — |
11th | +4 | Extra Attack, Blade Masteries feature | 2d8 | 12 + Charisma mod | 4 | 3 | 3 | — | — |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement | 2d8 | 13 + Charisma mod | 4 | 3 | 3 | — | — |
13th | +5 | Soul Domination | 2d10 | 14 + Charisma mod | 4 | 3 | 3 | 1 | — |
14th | +5 | Greater Soul Protection | 2d10 | 15 + Charisma mod | 4 | 3 | 3 | 1 | — |
15th | +5 | Blade Masteries feature | 2d10 | 16 + Charisma mod | 4 | 3 | 3 | 2 | — |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement | 2d12 | 17 + Charisma mod | 4 | 3 | 3 | 2 | — |
17th | +6 | Blade Masteries feature | 2d12 | 18 + Charisma mod | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 |
18th | +6 | Soul Perfection | 2d12 | 19 + Charisma mod | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement | 3d12 | 20 + Charisma mod | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 |
20th | +6 | Blade Masteries feature | 3d12 | 21 + Charisma mod | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 |
Eldritch Blade Link[edit]
Starting at 1st level of this class, you gain the ability to bond with a weapon, making it part of your soul, the Eldritch Blade.
On a long rest, you can link yourself with a weapon and this weapon can be summoned or stowed as a bonus action. The Eldritch Blade will deal additional damage of the same normal damage as your weapon. The additional damage is shown on the table for the Eldritch blade class. You can use your Charisma modifier for attack and damage rolls instead of Dexterity or Strength.
Soul Armor[edit]
At 1st level, you can manifest a supernatural defense that emulates armor. Your AC when you don't have armor is equal to 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier up to a maximum of 20.
The magic of an eldritch blade is somewhat peculiar, as it focuses on drawing magical power from its own soul and the spiritual plane to carry out its spells.
- Spell Slots
The Manipulator table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.
For example, if you know the 1st-level spell Bane and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot available, you can cast Bane using either slot.
- Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher
You know two 1st-level spells of your choice from the Warlock spell list.
The Spells Known column of the Eldritch Blade table shows when you learn more Eldritch Blade spells of your choice. Each of these spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots. For instance, when you reach 3rd level in this class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or 2nd level.
Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the Eldritch Blade spells you know and replace it with another spell from the Warlock spell list, which also must be of a level for which you have spell slots.
- Spellcasting Ability
Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your spells, since the power of your magic relies on your ability to project your will into the world. In addition, you use your Charisma modifier when setting the saving throw DC for an Eldritch Blade spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier
Soul Techniques[edit]
Starting at 2nd level, your training allows you to harness the mystic energy of your soul. Your access to this energy is represented by a number of soul points. Your Eldritch Blade level determines the number of points you have, as shown in the soul Points column of the Eldritch Blade table.
You can spend these points to fuel various soul features. You start knowing four such features of your choice in the list of soul techniques.
When you spend a soul point, it is unavailable until you finish a short or long rest, at the end of which you draw all of your expended soul back into yourself.
- Burst of Cuts: Immediately after you take the Attack action on your turn, you can spend 1 soul point to make two unarmed strikes as a bonus action.
- Eldritch Defense: You can spend 1 soul point to use your reaction to add your proficiency bonus to your AC for that attack, potentially causing the attack to miss you.
- Eldritch Step: You can spend 1 soul point to take the Disengage or Dash or Dodge action as a bonus action on your turn, and your jump distance is doubled for the turn.
Blade Masteries[edit]
reaching 3rd level, you define the path of your mastery with your blade. You can choose between the lich sword subclass, the beast blade, or the timeless blade. you get additional benefits from each class at 6th, 9th, 11th, 15th, 17th and 20th level.
Tamashi Abilities[edit]
When you reach the 3rd level of this class, you gain access to tamashi techniques. Tamashi techniques are unique special abilities that are fueled by the power of your soul. Each subclass unlocks special Tamashi techniques, making each path unique, but you can also access some that are obtainable by all types of Eldritch Blade. You can have several tamashi techniques equal to your Charisma modifier. During a long rest you can change your number of usable Tamashi techniques
- Deflect Missiles: For 1 soul point, you can use your reaction to deflect or catch the missile when a ranged weapon attack hits you. When you do so, the damage you take from the attack is reduced by 1d10 + your Dexterity modifier + your speedborn level. If you reduce the damage to 0, you return the projectile to the creature that launched it, as part of the same reaction. You make this attack with proficiency, regardless of your weapon proficiencies, and the missile counts as an Eldritch Blade weapon for the attack.
- Parry: As a reaction, you can spend 1 soul point when a melee attack hits you. When you do this, make a damage roll with your weapon + your eldritch strike damage + your eldritch blade level and subtract the result from the damage the attack inflicted on you. If you reduce the attack to 0, they take damage equal to the residual number of your parry (if any).
- Soul Bolts: Whenever you spend at least 1 soul point, any unarmed strike you make until the end of your next turn can be made at a range of 60 feet. Attacks made beyond the 5 feet range cause either necrotic, force, cold or lightning rather than the damage of your weapon.
- Soul Healing (lvl5): As an action, you can spend Soul Points up to your Charisma modifier to regain several hit points equal to the Soul Points spent x your Charisma modifier.
- Flash Attack (lvl7): You prepare your weapon to make an attack as fast as light. As an action, you can spend 3 soul points to make five attacks on a single target. Make a melee weapon attack for each strike. On each hit, a target takes your weapon damage + your Charisma modifier + 6d10 force damage.
- eldritch magic (lvl7): When you use a spell that is attack, you can spend 2 soul points to add your eldritch strike die to the damage roll.
- quick spell (lvl9):By spending 2 soul points, you can cast a spell as part of an attack action with your eldritch blade.
- soulkinesis (lvl9):as a action and spending 3 soul points, you can get the benefits of the telekinesis spell, but with various changes. the duration is now one hour, it does not require components to cast it, creatures that can see the spirit plane will be able to see a giant spectral hand, which is your soulkinesis, and has a carrying capacity of kilograms equal to your level + your SA Bonus x60.
- soul hounds (lvl9): as an action and spending 5 soul points, you fragment your soul and mold it into two spectral hounds that take on any appearance you wish, as long as they are lupine features. each of these hounds has a number of hit points equal to 10 times your SA bonus + your level, its ca is the same as yours, and its stat characteristics are the same as yours but with a -4 (this penalty does not apply). applies if he has that stat at 10, and only leaves him a -1). the hounds are completely controlled by you and attack at the same time as you. they deal the same amount of damage as your eldritch blade would normally do, but you can't cast spells and any damage they deal will be 2 times less than what you normally deal. when any of these hounds is reduced to 0 hit points and residual damage remains, you take the residual damage. these hounds will last for 1 hour after the ability is used and when it expires, either because the ability's time is up, you fall unconscious, are incapacitated, or die, you will receive an exhaustion point.
- spiritual extension (lvl12): your attacks have shock waves, and your area skills increase their range of impact. as you stop your attack action, you can spend 1 soul point to make the impact area of your Eldritch weapon increase by 10 feet, dealing equal damage to all nearby creatures. the attack roll will remain the same, and if the result exceeds the AC of creatures near the area of impact, they will take normal damage + you SA Bonus. In the event that you use this on an ability or spell that is in area, the impact area increases by 10 feet, and you can spend more soul points to further increase the attack in area and increasing an additional 10 feet for each soul point spent.
- spiritual foot trick (lvl12):as an action and by spending 3 soul points you can gain 30 feet of movement for 1 minute. Plus, you can walk across any surface and liquid, whether it's vertically, horizontally, or completely upside down. You can also walk through the air, but the moment you stop moving you will start to fall.
You also gain three charges which you can spend to successfully make any rolls involving Dexterity (attack rolls don't count).
- eldritch adaptation (lvl12):as a reaction and spending 4 soul points, you can become resistant that you find received in that turn. alternatively, and by spending 9 soul points, you can become immune instead of resistant. This effect lasts for one minute and ends when you dispel it, when the timer runs out, or when you die.
- Danger sense (lvl15): for every break, you can spend 3 soul points, you can get senses as sharp as your eldritch blade. until your next rest, you can't be surprised, and at the DM's discretion, you can irrationally know when a creature, zone, or general ability is fatal to you, plus you gain advantage on all saving throws.
- Supreme Soul Hound (lvl15): This version of the hounds replaces the previous one in case you have it equipped among your techniques. spending 10 soul point, you create the improved version of the hounds, which merge into one, obtaining a superior appearance to the previous one, this can be presented as a more robust body and two heads instead of one or as your you wish. the hound becomes large, its life becomes the sum of both hounds. His AC will remain the same, as will all stats, but he no longer suffers the -4 stat penalty and deals full damage, instead of just half.
- Soul accelerattion (lvl15): twice per long rest, you can spend 15 soul point to take an extra round. After you use this ability, you gain disadvantage to all your rolls on your next turn. you regain all uses of this ability on a long rest.
Ability Score Improvement[edit]
When you reach 4th level, and again at 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Beginning at 5th level you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action. The number of attacks increases to three at 11th level.
Sight beyond 3 worlds[edit]
starting at 7th, You can see the essence of others through sight alone. You have darkvision within 60 feet. In addition, you have soulsight, which allows you to see the souls of all creatures within 60 feet of you. This allows you to see invisible creatures and discern the creature type of any living creature within range. This sight penetrates walls and objects and those without souls such as undead and constructs can't be detected using soulsight. in addition, you are constantly under the effect of detect magic centered on your sight with a range of 60ft
Soul Domination[edit]
When you reach 13th level, choose a tamashi technique and a level 1 spell that you can use. you can use both at will.
greater soul protection[edit]
starting el 14th level, The rakshasa can't be affected or detected by spells of 4th level or lower unless it wishes to be. It has advantage on saving throws against all other spells and magical effects.
soul perfection[edit]
starting the 18th level, your soul cannot be divided, fragmented, destroyed or manipulated by any means, also nothing can imprison or expel your soul against your will. In addition your SA Bonus and BA Bonus stats are increased by +6, up to a maximum of 26.
Blade of the Crimson Moon[edit]
<!-For subclasses introduce this class option here->
- Beast augmentation
Starting at 3rd level, your hit die now a d10, you double your current hit points, and at later levels your hit points also increase by 6 at later levels. In addition, your creature type also counts as a monster.
- The chains of the beast
Starting at 3rd level, you have access to overwhelming power, but sealed by 6 chains, but you gain the ability to break the chains that contain you,, increasing your aptitudes but at a risk. Break a chain takes a bonus action, costs 1 Soul point per chain and lasts for 10 minutes, after which you get an exhaustion level. Each time you break a chain the 10 minutes resets and the bonus it gives adds to previous door's bonuses. Each chain open adds up to the exhaustion level and more then one door can be opened at a time. (1 chain = 1 exhaustion level)
1st chain - Speed (lvl3): Veins become apparent on your body, you gain 20 ft of extra movemen and when you attack, you can move without receiving opportunity attacks.
2nd chain - Power (lvl5): Your Your muscles swell, you can use your BA Bonus instead strengthin your Hability checks, and extra bonus action and your artial dice increase in 1.
3rd chain - Pain (lvl7): Your skin becomes significantly red and you feel a transparent soul aura begin to form around you. You gain an extra attack and you get +1 to AC.
4th chain - live (lvl10): Your eyes become white. you regain 5d8 HP, 15 ft of extra movement, and +5 to damage and attack. Also, you can cure all negative effects (you throw a d20 at the beginning of your turn and if gets 11 or higher, you get cure). lastly, extra reaction.
5th chain - Limit (lvl13): Your hair begins floating and you feel the soul aura has completely formed, you get +2 to AC, you Resist 5 points of damage per attack, extra action you have advantage in all physical and wisdom rolls.
6th chain - Unlimit (lvl15): Your hair turns white if it wasn't already. The soul aura intensifies, turns purple and you feel pain all over your body. Your Strength and Dexterity Scores are temporarily changed to 24. You get all of your Hp Back, +20 ft of movement, +10 damage, +5 to attack rolls, +5 to AC, another extra attack, enemies have disadvantage on attack rolls against you do to the concentration of soul around you. Also, instead of moving, you use Misty Step, without spending soul points (its range is equal to your movement speed). You still being able to use Misty Step as your bonus action without spending soul Points
- Beast form
At 3rd level, you can transform into a lycanthropic beast by fusing with your eldritch blade and becoming one with it. in this state, your melee attacks now do the same damage as your eldritch blade did. You score critical hits with rolls of 19-20 with melee attack and You can also make an unarmed melee attack as a bonus action in this state. You gain resistance to slashing, stabbing, and piercing damage from non-magical weapons, but vulnerability to damage dealt by silver weapons. You gain temporal Hit points equal to five times your constitution modifier, and your movement speed increases by five times your BA Bonus (min 5ft).
The beast that lives inside you asks that you shed as much blood as possible, regardless of whether it is an ally or an enemy. When you are below half your maximum life points, you must make a Wisdom saving throw of a dc equal to half your SA Bonus + 10 (minimum 11). on a successful saving throw, nothing happens. on a failed roll, your bloodlust takes control of you and turns you into an even more abominable monster. in this state, you regain all your missing hit points, deal double damage, and become immune to the charmed and frightened state. You will not have control of yourself and your character will attack the enemy that is considered weaker, but always giving priority to undead type creatures. this state you cannot cast spells and will only end when you kill a creature, if you succeed the saving throw, that you repeat at the begin of your turn, cast the calm emotions spell on you, or die (unless the DM has other additional means).
- Beast senses
By reaching 6th level, your inner beast has strengthened your senses. You gain 60 feet of blindsight thanks to your acute hearing and sense of smell. Also, after you have made three consecutive attack actions against the same creature, and that in each of your attack actions, you have hit at least 2 attacks each turn, you can make an investigation check against a DC equal to the CR of the creature. On a success, you know the creature's current health amount and its AC.
Lastly, your instinctive agility lets you dodge out of the way of certain area effects, such as a blue dragon's lightning breath or a fireball spell. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.
- ungraspable
Upon reaching 9th level, while in bestial form, you have advantage on saving throws against effects that frighten or charm you.
Also, When you use one of the following Eldritch blade features that require soul point, you can double the cost for that use to gain the following effects.
Burst of Cuts. You make three, instead of two, unarmed strikes as a bonus action.
Eldritch defense. You cannot be targeted by ranged attacks until the start of your next turn.
eldritch step. You now take both the Disengage and Dash actions.
Deflect Missiles. You add your SA Bonus to the damage reduction.
- Beast Feast
At 11th level, When you score a critical hit against a hostile creature, you regain 1 soul points
- Son of the Moon and the Night
at 15th level, your bestial qualities reach an almost supreme level.
Now each time you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, you regain a number of hit points equal to the number of attacks that killed the creature + your Constitution modifier + your BA Bonus.
for every 10 missing maximum hit points, your damage from melee attacks increases by +1
On each of your turns when you have less than half your maximum hit points, you regenerate your Constitution modifier + your BA Bonus hit point at the start of each of its turns. In addition, severed body members (fingers, legs, tails, and so on), if any, are restored after 10 minutes. If you have the severed part and hold it to the stump, the spell instantly causes the limb to knit to the stump. You lost this benefit disappear if you aro on 0 hit point for 10 minutes if you are damaged by silver weapons or holy attacks.
Lastly, when you are in direct sunlight you will have disadvantage on any rolls you make when you are in direct sunlight.
- Resistance of the beast
Upon reaching 17th level, whenever you are transformed, you are under the effects of haste and gain advantage on Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution checks and saving throws.
Also, if you take damage that reduces you to 0 hit points, you can use your reaction to delay falling unconscious, and you can immediately take an extra turn. While you have 0 hit points during that extra turn, taking damage causes death saving throw failures as normal, and three death saving throw failures can still kill you. You can use this ability a number of times equal to half your constitution bonus (rounded down), and you regain all expended uses on a long rest.
- One with the beast
when you reach 20th level, you become one with your inner beast. You can no longer lose control when you are transformed, also while you are transformed. You also get a critical hit of 18-20 and on a critical hit, triplicate the damage, instead duplicate. In addition, any type of healing you do, you can decide whether to transform it into fake health or not, and also remove all missing health you have and transform it into necrotic damage on your next attack. This can be done as a free action. Finally, You can now break the chains 1, 2 and 3 without getting exhausted, you can break as many chains as you want at the same time, and you can use all the exclusive techniques of this subclass.
Chains Abilities[edit]
The Chain Abilities of a previous gate can be used in higher gates.
1st chain
- Soul Coma: your chi protects your body from dying of exhaustion. You can spend 2 soul points to not die from 6th level exhaustion. When you use this ability you immediatly close all gates and faint (0HP). For every purpose you still with 6 levels of exhaustion. You're in coma until you loose one level of exhaustion.
- Extended burst of cuts: when you hit both attacks of Burst of Cuts you can make a third attack. If you use the ungraspable ability with this technique, you make 3 more attacks.
- Hurricane Kick: you can spend 1 soul point to hit all enemiges in 5ft radius with your mele attacks for one turn.
- Soul Jump (Chainless): you focus your Soul on your legs to jump even higher. You can spend 1 soul point to use ‘‘Jump’’ on your self as a bonus action.
2nd chain
- Blood Sequence: you can spend 1 soul point to hit an enemy with four brutal attacks as an action. If the enemy is Large or smaller, the creatures lifts 5 feet in the air per hit.
- hunter's descent (Bonus): you can spend 1 soul point to take down an enemy that’s on the air with a punch. He must make a Dexterity (Acrobatics) test. On a failed save, the creature is knocked prone and takes 4d8 bludgeoning plus unarmed attack damage and fall damage. On a successful save, the creature takes only the unarmed attack. You can spend up to 2 extra Chi points to add 1d6 for each.
- soul Wave: you imbue your claws with Soul and release it as you strike. You can spend 1 point to use Thunderous Smiteas a bonus action.
- bloodlust: by spending 2 soul points and as an additional action, you can semi-release your inner beast to become stronger, at the cost of letting yourself be carried away by its endless thirst for blood. In this state, your statistics, hit points, and AC cannot be reduced by any means. You lose the ability to speak regularly, being only able to communicate in short phrases or single words, and you cannot make any non-lethal attacks. You gain a bonus to all your attacks, damage, and dexterity, strength, or constitution saving throws equal to your SA bonus, and you gain a bonus to damage equal to the total number of all attacks or techniques hit on a creature (this is doubled if the targets are undead). You also double your movement speed and make two additional attacks on your attack actions. These benefits last one minute, and you are forced to attack a creature while the ability is active, and you also cannot end the ability before the minute ends.
- Prey Mark: you use your soul to mark a target. You can spend 1 soul point to use Hunter's Mark on someone that you've touched or hitted before. The creature marked by this ability will have a penalty to all rolls equal to your BA that it does not attack you or do some kind of damaging effect against you.
3rd chain
- Always Ready: you can spend 1 soul point to counter-attack an enemy as a reaction to an enemy's attack, taking the enemy damage.
- Voracity: This technique is one of the reasons why Eldritch Blades are seen as bloodthirsty monsters rather than a warrior subtype. As part of your attack you can spend 3 soul points and force the creature you attacked to make a constitution saving throw. On a successful roll, nothing happens. On a failed roll, you brutally tear off one of the creature's limbs other than the head (you choose which limb) and devour it in a grotesque manner, even devouring part of the target's soul. This causes you to heal the damage dealt in that attack, double the damage, and steal 1/4 of the target's maximum hit points, its AC, its stats, and its DC, but the stolen stats cannot exceed 30. If this attack reduces the target to 0 hit points or the target has obtained a natural 1 on the saving throw, you instantly kill the target, because you tear out a vital organ from the creature (heart, brain, etc.) and the stolen profits are doubled. The target of this attack is Frightened and paralyzed for 3 turns. If the creature is immune to being frightened, then it will have to make a roll so that it is not affected by the most ancient fear of living beings, the fear of dying. This technique does not work with undead that do not have a soul (this technique could affect vampires for example) or constructs that are not made of flesh (like the flesh golem for example)
the creature permanently loses everything mentioned above, and only with a greater restoration spell and in that case the caster has to make a roll using his spellcstiong modifier against a roll from you using your BA. If you win the duel of this roll, you will realize that the creature victim of this technique was regenerated and you will stop its regeneration. If you fail the duel, you will lose all of this creature's stolen buffs and the creature will regain the same.
- Soul Step: you can spend 2 soul point to use Misty Step as a bonus action (Becomes chainless at 17th level).
4th chain
- Crimson Sequence: you can spend 2 soul point to hit an enemy with a heavy kick (+3 damage) and two punches as an action. If the enemy is Large or smaller, the creatures lifts up 10 feet in the air per hit.
- Overlimit Burst of cuts: when you hit both of your Burst of Cuts you can make an additional four attacks, but enemies gain advantage on attack rolls against you until next turn. if you use the hability of ungraspable, you can do two additional attacks
- Soul Shield: your soul protects you. You can spend 1 soul point to cast Shield as a reaction.
- Soul Aura: you channel your Soul through your aura. You can spend 2 soul poins to use Crusader's Mantleas an action.
5th chain
- Quick Dodge: you can spend 1 soul point to aplly Dodge to one nearby creature as a bonus action.
- Predator: you become the apex predator of the battlefield. spending 3 soul points and as an additional action your attacks pass through resistances and immunities, and if they don't have any of these, they count as vulnerable to your attacks, you also have resistance to all types of damage, except radiant and psychic. this state lasts for one minute and when it ends you are stunned for one turn.
- soul Quake: you use your chi to shake the ground. You can spend 2 soul points to use "Earth Tremor" (as an action), as a Third Slot Magic and the creatures have disadvantage in the dexterity saving throw.
- End of the hunt: you make a devastating attack on your prey, thus ending the hunt. spending 2 soul points, if the creature you target with this attack has hp equal to or less than the equivalent of ten times your BA Bonus and SA Bonus, you brutally halve it, dying instantly.
6th chain
- Last Hunt: As an Action, your body swells with soul, You can spend 6 soul, You transform your whole soul into the head of the beast that lives within you, preparing to make the last and most glorious hunt that a predator can make. This head flies forward in a 30-foot wide line up to 100 feet away. Each creature in that line must make a Dexterity Saving Throw, on a failed save, a creature is pushed to within 10 feet of the target point, on a successful save, the creature isn't pushed. After this forcible movement, the dragon explodes into an enormous shockwave. Each creature in a 30-foot radius must make a Dexterity Saving Throw again, on a failed save, a creature takes 20d12 thunder damage and 20d10 fire damage, 20d8 force damage and the equivalent in damage of all the attacks that you could have made in that turn and is pushed 30 feet away from the center from the blast and is knocked prone. On a successful save, they take half damage and aren't pushed or prone. In addition, unsecured objects that are completely within the area of effect are automatically scattered away by the blast and it emits a thunderous beast roar audible out to one mile. Any creature that is reduced to 0 hit points by this ability turns to ash and can only be revived by the "wish" spell after 10 years after the creature died. Once you use the "Last Hunt" technique, the chains effect immediately ends and your body gets Burned. All creatures that have been able to hear the last roar of this ability and consider themselves hunters (whether by instinct or that is their job) will roar, as they noticed how a great hunter carried out his last hunt.
- Apex Predator Fury: overcharging your punch with soul you cause great damage in a short area. You can spend 3 soul points to use Destructive Wave. This Ability can only be used three times per long rest.
blade of the Undying[edit]
<!-Introduce this subclass here->
- Death Knowledge
Starting at 3rd level of this subclass, you gain access to all spells from the necromancy school, regardless of class. as usual you must have access to the level of the spell and have it equipped to be able to use these spells
- Elder knowledge
At 3rd level, you gain advantage on any rolls involving seeking or recalling information related to the school of necromancy, death, and undeath in general.
- Necro-arcane fighting
Starting at lvl6, you can add a touch range spell to your attack action with your eldritch blade as a free action, but you must spend soul points equal to the spell's level in order to use this feature.
Also, you no longer need to breathe, or sleep, but you still need to rest and you need to eat and you gain vulnerability to radiant damage.
- Necro-empowerment
By the time you reach 9th level, your powers and mastery of necromancy have increased significantly. your creature type is now undead. You gain resistance to necrotic damage and become immune to poison damage and the poisoned state. you no longer need to eat and a long break lasts only 4 hours of light activity. this can be reading, talking to other creatures or walking a little. Also, your undead presence has increased so much that it is impossible to hide, making you the target of those of pure heart. while your alignment isn't necessarily evil, all creatures within 60 feet of you will immediately notice your presence. creatures with a good alignment will try to kill you if they have the power, but if they don't they will just try to hinder your plans or actions as best they can. For this you will have the ability to hide your true being, becoming a humanoid with common features. This transformation also suppresses your death aura, but this transformation will disappear if within combat you are reduced to less than half your maximum hit points, if you are under a lot of stress, when you are damaged by radiant damage or if you want it to be disappear.
In addition, when you deal necrotic damage by any means, you add your SA Bonus to the damage.
- Beginning of the Necro-lord
reaching 11th level, you get the following benefits:
soul eater: When you kill a creature that has a soul, you devour it and store it. You can consume consume as many souls as you want, recovering a number of soul points equal to the CR of the creature you consumed (minimum 1).
Evicrate Souls: When your attacks deal necrotic damage, they also permanently damage your creatures' souls, causing the necrotic damage dealt to reduce the target's maximum health if they have a soul. if the creature does not have a soul this effect does not apply to it.
Soul Defense: Necrotic-type damage dealt is also converted to temporary hit points on you.
- Retinue of the Lifeless
Upon reaching 15th level, you become the embodiment of death, and those who do not belong to the living will serve you. all undead with a CR equal to or less than the sum of your SA and BA Bonus will obey your orders without question. If the undead creature has an amount of intelligence equal to or greater than your SA Bonus, it will not be completely under your control, however it will see you as a friend and treat you the best it can unless you tell it to. attacks, since this effect will be deactivated on the attacked undead.
- Death Zone
Upon reaching 17th, within 100 feet of you, you begin to summon shadowfell itself into battle. You can use this ability only once per long rest, and the ability goes in phases. the ability phases up for each round you have it active, until it reaches its maximum point. During the use of the Dead Zone, you must maintain the concentration of the skill, but when it is completed in the last phase, it will last 10 minutes and no longer require concentration. the effect of each phase will be detailed now.
First phase: the area begins to be surrounded by a gloomy cold, which nullifies the positive energy. no creatures can heal within the zone, and any healing effects you or another creature you allow will be converted to temporary hit points.
Second phase: the souls of those within the kill zone are afflicted with a huge discharge of negative energy. all creatures you choose become vulnerable to necrotic damage while inside the zone. if the creature was already vulnerable, then it takes x4 damage and if it had immunity it is nullified.
third phase: the vitality of the creatures within the zone begin to be drained. all creatures of your choice within the Death Zone are forced to make a Constitution saving throw at the start of each of their turns. they have disadvantage if the creature is alive. On a failed saving throw, creatures lose 1d6 of their Constitution modifier and take three times your SA bonus in necrotic damage. on a successful save, they lose no constitution and take half damage (rounded up).
fourth phase: the shadow of death will loom over the area, leaving weak minds in panic. The entire area will be surrounded by magical darkness, where no light source can illuminate anything within the area, but you and the creatures you want will not suffer this effect. In addition, all creatures with equal or less SA than you must make a Wisdom saving throw. on a failed roll, the creature is frightened and paralyzed for 3 turns. on a successful roll, nothing happens.
fifth phase: those who have died by your sword will rise as warriors at your service. You can spend the soul of a creature you have consumed to summon it into the zone as an action. This creature will be exactly the same as it was in life and will follow your orders to the best of its ability.
sixth phase: shadowfell has fully manifested. all the creatures that are inside the Death Zone and that you choose, once for each of their turns will receive necrotic damage equivalent to 20% of their maximum life.
- Death Lord
At 20th level, you reach the pinnacle of undeath. You become immune to necrotic damage. all your damage rolls that deal necrotic damage deal an additional 5d10 damage. choose a lvl6 and 7 necromancy spells. you can use these spells without spending spell slot once per-short rest. Finally, if you are killed, you can spend a number of souls that is equal to your level to prepare a resurrection. When you do this, all your items along with your body will turn to dust and you will appear in shadowfell, where your regeneration will begin. In 1d4 days, your regeneration will complete, and you will teleport to the material plane to the place where you died, or another place the DM allows.
- Undying Abilities
* Undead Reinforcement: By spending 1 soul point, as part of your attack action, you deal an additional 1d8 necrotic damage and recover in temporary hit points equal to the damage dealt.
* Grim Servant: As an action, spending 1 soul point, you turn a dead creature that you can touch into your servant. this creature will rise as undead and have abilities similar to the one it had in life, but at the DM's discretion, this creature will have a reduced version of the power it had in life. The creature, also at the DM's discretion, will have a limited memory of the memories it had in life and will speak the same languages it spoke in life. you can have a number of ghoulish servants equal to your SA Bonus
* Resistance Transfer: as an action and by spending 1 soul point, you give resistance to necrotic damage and gain false life points equal to five times your SA Bonus for 1 hour
* Ghost Step: Spending 1 soul point, at the start of your turn, you can magically step into the veil between the planes as long as you aren't incapacitated. You can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain, as well as see and affect creatures and objects on the Ethereal Plane. You take 1d10 force damage if you end your turn inside an object. this state lasts for one minute, and also while this effect is active, you gain resistance to all non-magical damage
* Necromancy Empowerment (lvl7): If you use a spell that deals necrotic damage, you can spend 2 soul points to deal the maximum damage the spell can do.
* Call of Knowledge (lvl7): By spending 1 soul point, you can search for a specific knowledge that a dead creature could have had and you can be in contact with its body or soul. At the DM's discretion, you'll learn what this creature knew about the specific thing you're looking for. the information can come as thoughts, emotions, visions or sounds. if the creature doesn't have any knowledge you seek, the ability is cancelled.
* Shadow Lair (Level 7): By spending 1 soul point each day, you create a shadow demiplane where only your ghoulish servants can be. The entrance to this demiplane is right in your shadow and whenever you want they will leave the demiplane.
* Improvement of the Undying (lvl9): you can improve the Grim servant that you have by spending soul points, this can only be done between rest or lasting 10 minutes to do it individually. This improvement could be, for example, improving a common and ordinary Wolf to a Dire Wolf, or a bodyguard to a sentinel. the cost of these upgrades is at the DM's discretion, and you also can't upgrade a creature to be as strong as you are.
* Life Obliteration (lvl9): As an action and spending 2 soul points, you imbue your eldritch blade with negative life-withering energy. Your weapon will deal an additional 1d10 necrotic damage for every 50 maximum hit points it has (example: a creature with 200 maximum hit points takes an additional 4d10 damage), and you gain a +1 bonus to attack for every 5 AC it deals. have (example: if a creature you attack has 25 AC, you will gain a +5 to the attack roll). This ability lasts 1 minute.
* Assured Death (lvl9): When a creature that had been reduced to 0 hit points uses any technique to avoid dying, you can as a reaction and spending 2 soul points make an attack against the creature. if the attack hits, you cancel the ability and the creature dies.
* Deadly Presence (Level 9): As an action and by spending 1 soul point, you release the energies of death in a 60 foot area. each creature within the area of the ability must make a saving throw or be frightened and paralyzed for 2 turns on a failed save. on a successful saving throw, the creature is neither frightened nor paralyzed. For creatures that are frightened or paralyzed by this ability, your attacks are automatically critical.
* The Flesh is Weak (lvl9): As an action and spending 2 soul points, you make an attack action. for each attack hit, the enemy must make a force saving throw. On a failed saving throw, the enemy loses 1d8 strength stats and you gain the same amount of strength stats. With this feature, you cannot go above 30 in your Strength stat. If the enemy succeeded the saving throw, nothing happens.
- Denial (lvl13): You use your familiarity with death to escape its grasp. When you are reduced to 0 hit points, you can spend 1 soul point (no action required) to have 1 hit point instead.
* Raise Again (lvl13): You make your grim servant rise again. As an action, you can revive all Grim Servants that have been dead for no more than 1 day to fight again. these grim servants will have half their maximum health and you will not be able to use this ability anymore with the same grim servant. for each grim servant, this skill will consume 1 soul point (example: 5 revived grim servant = 5 soul points)
* Cursed Bind (lvl13): As an action and spending 3 soul points, you bind yourself to a creature you can see within 60 feet of you. that creature will take half the damage you take as necrotic damage, and this damage can't be reduced by any means. If the creature does not want to be attached to you voluntarily, this creature must succeed on an Intelligence roll or be forcibly attached to you. on a successful saving throw, the ability is cancelled. This ability ends after one minute, if the attached creature receives a remove curse, or if you or the attached creature is reduced to 0 hit points.
* Ghost Attack (lvl13): your attack pierces the veil of the physical, becoming an attack that goes through the physical and spiritual plane at the same time. As an additional action and spending 2 soul points, your attack will ignore any type of AC other than natural, and any protection magic effects will have no effect either. On a hit, this attack deals x2 damage if the creature has a soul, but deals normal damage against targets that don't have a soul, such as constructs and undead.
* Ghastly Reincarnation (lvl17): When you die, by spending 4 soul points you can turn your body and items to dust, and reincarnate into one of your grim servants on your next turn. The Grim Servant you reincarnated as changes shape to exactly what you had in your normal body, and your items appear along with you.
* Rain of Death (Level 17): As an action and by spending 5 soul points, you create a black bolt in your hand which you shoot into the air and 12 black bolts 100 feet long and 20 feet wide at a 150 foot range. A creature within lightning range must succeed on a Dexterity roll or take 8d10 necrotic damage, 8d10 lightning damage, and 5 times your SA Bonus on a failed saving throw. On a successful saving throw, it takes half damage. a creature that has been reduced to 0 hit points will become a grim servant. Grim Servants gained by this ability do not count towards the maximum number of Grim Servants you can have, but they do disappear after 1 day.
* Assured Death (lvl17): When you depend on your meat, you only have weak points, such as vital organs. When you get a natural crit on an attack, you can spend 4 soul points and pierce through the spirit plane through the target's body and materialize it again on the material plane, then rip out the target's heart. if the target cannot survive without their heart, they die instantly. in case the target has no heart, or has a way to survive without its heart (example: if it has more than one heart) it takes 10 times more damage from this attack.
Timeless Blade[edit]
- Time Anomaly
When you reach the 3rd level, your existence is already ephemeral, something that should not exist, but you refuse impermanence. In order to continue to exist, you created an anchor of reality, which prevents your existence from getting lost in impermanence. This anchor is your eldritch blade, and as long as it exists, so will you. Should your eldritch blade be destroyed, you will be sucked into the void of existence, but you will not die, though you will be lost in non-existence. You can only get out of there if you find another temporary anchor.
Also, thanks to your anomalous existence, your creature type counts as an aberration.
- Destined Events
at 3rd level, You learn to see through the veil of time, having the slightest ability to know what could happen with particular actions. When you take a long rest, roll a number of d20 dice equal to your SA Bonus and keep the result of each one. You can exchange the result of any roll, either yours or another creature, with the result of one of the rolls you made and saved. You can use this function before or after making the roll, but you must exchange it before you know if the roll succeeded or failed.
- Circle of the Impermanents
Upon reaching 6th level, you gain the ability to access the circle of impermanents. This circle is not literally accessed, it is rather a mental connection that you can have with other beings from other timelines which, like you, are time anomalies. They are usually just alternate versions of yourself, but at the DM's discretion this can vary. You can only access this place if you spend 1 hour of concentration, which you can do in a break. In the circle, information can pass that the other members may know, but this information can come from any time, because the circle of the impermanent is timeless, all the members can be from the past, present or future.
- Timeless Reduction
At 9th level, You can slow down the damage received, gaining you more life time. As a reaction, you can make the damage received on your turn not affect you instantly, but it will accumulate. Throughout each of your turns, the equivalent of 20% will instantly affect you as force damage, and this damage cannot be reduced in any way. Over the course of 5 turns, you will take all accumulated damage. You can use this feature a number of times equal to the SA bonus and you regain all uses within 1d6 days.
- Timeless Improvement
At 11th level, your contact with time permanently changed your being, making it more resilient. You gain resistance to force damage and psychic damage. Also, you can't age and any effects that affect time have no effect on you. Also, you supernaturally know exactly what date of time you're in, and it's up to the DM's discretion.
- Rewind
At the 15th level, you can turn back time for yourself, making you in the best state you were in before. As an action, you gain the benefits of a long rest. you can use this ability only once per long rest.
- Temporos Sight
At 17th level, you have seen even beyond the abyss to which you belong, being able to see the future snapshots ahead. You are constantly under the effects of Foresight's spell, and whenever you are in the abyss, you will be able to see random destinations from other timelines, but you will not be able to go to any of these.
- Time void
you become one with the void, rising above creation and time. you find peace with the notion you'll never truly be part of this world again. You understand that you are part of the void and return there for years to meditate and absorb its power. You no longer feel trapped there. You return to the same point you left strong, calm and a bit distant, you've missed your comrades who never knew you were gone. Through the void, you can also go to other timelines. and also, you can bring another version of yourself that is willing to help you as an action. What power or different things this alternate version of yourself has is at the DM's discretion. The alternate you lasts one day in your timeline, and after this time your alternate self will return to its timeline. You can only do this once per long rest.
Timeless Blade Abilities[edit]
* Speed Up/Slow: You manipulate the wave of time to speed up or slow yourself or a creature you can see within 30 feet. spend 1 soul point, and as a reaction you can impose advantage or disadvantage on any roll made by the creature you have chosen.
* kronal annulment: annul through time, the reflexes of a creature. as part of a hit attack you make, you can spend 1 soul point to halve the speed of the creature and it will also not be able to use reactions until its next turn.
* timeless spell: you stop the time of a spell that you yourself cast. you spend the same number of soul points as the spell level. if it is an instant spell, it will last frozen in time for 10 minutes, but you can increase this time by 10 more minutes by spending 1 soul point. if it is a duration spell, it stays indefinitely, but you will have to spend 1 soul point for each day you want this spell to last.
* Short Temporary Stop (lvl5): By spending 2, as a reaction soul points to another creature taking an action, bonus action, reaction, opportunity attack, movement, etc., you quickly stop the flow of time for everybody except you. No time passes for other creatures and you are able to move half your running speed, take 1 action, and not take any bonus actions before the flow of time is restored.
This Ability ends if the action you take during this period, or any effects that you create during this period, affects a creature other than you or an object being worn or carried by someone other than you. In addition, the ability ends if you move to a place more than 10 feet from the location where you cast it.
* Acceleration (lvl5): As a bonus action and by spending 2 soul points, you accelerate the flow of time on yourself. you gain an extra additional action or an extra reaction (your choice) for one minute.
* timeless knowledge (lvl5): choose a structure or an object, spend two soul points and after channeling this ability for a minute, you can see through that object what happened no more than a week ago.
* slow time (lvl9): as an action and by spending 3 soul points, you slow down time, giving you more leeway. you have two turns instead of 1, all attacks against you have disadvantage, and you have advantage on attack and saving throws. when this effect wears off, you gain 2 fatigue points and are stunned for 3 turns.
* Timeless End (lvl9): You accelerate a debuff you are suffering to the point of its end. As an action, you remove any status effects or debuffs you are suffering from.
* Timeless Penalty (lvl9): You place the weight of time on a creature of your choice within 60 feet. This creature must make a Constitution saving throw or take a penalty on all its saves equal to your SA bonus. on a successful roll, nothing happens. this effect lasts 1 minute and the target can reroll the rolls using their action to end the effect
* Veil of Time (lvl13): You conjure a square of stopped time directly in front of a creature within sight. The field of stasis covers a square 15 ft. x 15 ft. in area facing in any direction and lasts until its duration is up. Upon being shielded temporarily, the target is made aware of the dimensions and orientation of the stasis shield, along with its being magical, though not its exact nature.
Any creatures, objects, substances, spells, and energies that come into contact with the square of stopped time are themselves stopped in time and functionally petrified, unable to be moved by an internal or external force, unless you decide not to. As well, velocity from before the target was put in stasis is applied while in stasis, and any energy or velocity exerted on a victim in stasis is applied all at once when the shield of stasis dissipates.
* Paradox (lvl13): You lock a creature in a time loop. spend 5 soul points, and as an action you choose a creature within 60 feet of you. That creature must succeed on an Intelligence saving throw or be looped on a failed saving throw. to the creature, it won't appear to constantly repeat time, but any damage it takes will be retained. also while in the loop, it will stay doing the same thing it did in its previous turn to be in the loop. the loop lasts one minute, and the creature can repeat the saving throw on each of its turns.
* Time Skip (lvl13): When you find yourself in danger, you can rewind your time to the point where you were safe. As a reaction and spending 3 soul points, you roll back your own time two turns, recovering anything you lost, but your soul points before rolling back time and your current hit points stay the same.
* Out of Time (lvl17): As a reaction and spending 4 soul points, you become completely intangible, as you step out of time itself, making you appear to be there, but you're not. You can not take or deal any damage until the beginning of your next turn.
* Time skip (lvl17): As an action and by spending 7 soul points, you stop the flow of time for everyone except yourself. This technique works like the time stop spell but has none of its limitations.
* Time Travel (lvl17): You have mastered time control so much that you can now travel through it. You can travel to any point in time you want, but you can only travel to a point in time where you already existed. You can stay at that point in the timeline for as long as you like, and to return to your current point in the timeline, you must use the same technique to return. This technique protects you from temporal paradoxes, but the DM will take care of saying what are the consequences of your actions in your present.
Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Eldritch Blade class, you must meet these prerequisites: Intelligence or Wisdom 13, Strength or Dexterity 15
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Eldritch Blade class, you gain the following proficiencies:
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