Fallen Child (5e Background)

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Fallen Child[edit]

As a fallen child you have fallen into The Underground at one point or another and has encountered a race of diverse and unique creatures known as Monsters. In doing so some Monsters you met might have had the urge to take your life upon seeing you, or perhaps let you sit down for some pie giving you some hospitality before sending you on your way. In light all of these events, at the end, you were still yourself.

Skill Proficiencies: Investigation and Survival. Take a Soul Trait based on character personality, roll, or just choose.

Languages: Common and 2 languages of your choice

Equipment: Common Clothing, A Stick, a Simple Weapon, and a small pouch containing 5 gold pieces


d8 Soul Trait
1 Bravery
2 Justice
3 Kindness
4 Patience
5 Integrity
6 Perseverance
7 Determination
8 Roll Again

Feature: Traits of the Soul[edit]

you are a person who survived or possibly is still in the underground. When you first entered into the underground you awakened a power based on the trait of your Soul


As a Soul of Bravery you are always the first to stand, through-out the mist of any danger! an amount of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest when forced to making a saving throw against an effect applying the fear condition you may automatically pass the saving throw. as well as when you show your bravery in front of people they are much more likely to either stand with you or support you for your bravery!


As a Soul of Justice. you want to bring all those who deserve it to justice! you gain proficiency in the insight skill, and when making an insight check against a deception roll once per long rest you may add your proficiency bonus to the roll. as well as being a hero of justice you are a hope to everyone! and thankfully because of you many evildoers are behind bars! when you need a bit of help on finding a clue a citizen or person who has heard of your exploits may help you putting you in the right direction.


As a Soul of Kindness. You seek to help others and possibly to make life easier for them. you gain proficiency in the medicine skill and when you apply healing you may add a d4 to that healing, this can only be done an amount of times equal to your proficiency per long rest. as well as you are used to helping people who have suffered, as such when you have met an individual who has suffered greatly you can empathize with them helping them through it and maybe making a permanent friend along the way?


As a Soul of Patience. you embody the saying "good things come to those who wait". when forced to make a wisdom saving throw you may gain advantage on the roll, this can only be done an amount of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest. as well as because of how much you yourself wait for things people are more inclined when they make you wait to add a little extra on top of what you were waiting for.


As a Soul of Integrity. You are someone who holds to their code no matter what! an amount of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest when forced to making a saving throw against an effect applying the charm condition you may automatically pass the saving throw. Due to the way you hold yourself many people hold a great respect for you and are more willing to listen to you.


As a Soul of Perseverance. You are someone who has endured suffering but has continued and never given any lee Way! When take damage you can endure it as a reaction reducing the amount of damage you take by your proficiency bonus down to a minimum of 1 damage. As well as due to your great perseverance you teach many what it means to take it on the chin! and can help to inspire those who are about to give up.


As a Soul of Determination, You embody determination itself! Never giving up no mater what happens, or the consequences you face! when you are reduced to zero hp you can use your reaction to survive at 1 hp, this can only be done once per long res, As well as you may add your proficiency bonus to your death saving throws.

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