All Terrain Tactical Enforcer (5e Equipment)

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All Terrain Tactical Enforcer (AT-TE)

Gargantuan object
Armor Class: 16-20
Weight: {{{weight}}}
Hit Points: 600-2,000
Damage immunities: poison, psychic, fire, force, necrotic, damage from handheld weapons
Cost: 10,000,000gp-1,000,000gp
Speed: 60ft, 25ft climb(per round)

A truly massive machine built by dwarfs for some rather insistent adventures, this machine functions as a mobile base of sorts, the one built in campaigns do not have the formidable weapons depicted in the Star Wars universe, instead those areas are plated over, the AT-TE can be made of a variety of materials, hence the massive cost difference in the less expensive but weaker variants made of steel to the stronger AT-TE's built from Mithral or titanium alloys. A large steam engine, using either magic (a wizard funneling power into the machine with a dc of 16, makes check every hour) or coal/oil/charcoal power the machine. The vehicle has enough storage for 10,000gp of fuel and has a range of 500 miles.

The AT-TE requires a driver, stationed in the glass cockpit at the front of the vehicle, A commander is positioned behind and above the driver. The crew of five gunners, four in the hull to man the six ball turrets and one partial exposed on the large dorsal cannon. The AT-TE can carry up to 38 armored soldiers into battle.

For Armor Class

-for a Steel hull use a ac of 16/600hp. a cost upwards of 1,000,000gp is recommended to commission the vehicle.

-for an Adamantine hull, use a ac of 18/1,000hp. a cost around 5,000,000gp is recommended to commission the vehicle.

-for a Mithral hull, use a ac of 20/2,000hp. a cost upwards of 8,000,000gp is recommended to commission the vehicle.

-if armor from the Star Wars universe is wanted, an ac of 18/1,600hp and a cost upwards of 6,000,000gp is recommended.

The large mass driver cannon on the dorsal side of the vehicle can be replaced with any large weapon of the DM's choosing, the smaller gun pods are recommended to be utilized as arrow slits, but again the choice resides with the DM. However if the normal weapons of the vehicle want to be used I have provided the information below.

Mass driver cannon: Ranged Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, range 1,000/6,000 ft., one target. Hit: 10d20x4 piercing damage, 1d4thunder, 1d10fire.

Anti personnel laser cannon: Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 100/700 ft., one target. Hit: 6d10x4 piercing damage, 1d4fire.


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